BIORES Template Capsule Proposal

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Biology Thesis Proposal Form

Department of Biological Sciences, Institute of Arts and Sciences

Far Eastern University

Nicanor Reyes St. Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines 1008

Cover Sheet

Proposed Research Title

Field of Study

Proposed Duration





Proposed Title

Background and Rationale

Write here some definitions of important concepts about your topic. Also,
justification that your topic is something new and theres really a need to conduct
such study. You may include some data that will justify your study.

The next few paragraphs should contain some background information or related
literatures and recent findings about the topic.

The last paragraph is a statement that will introduce your study, something like
this. The present study determined the effects of different concentrations of the
independent variables to the dependent variables of the test organisms.
Statement of the Problem (or Objectives of the Study)

The study will determine the effects of independent variables to the dependent
variables; this is actually repetition of your title which states the general objective
of the study.

Specifically, the study will answer the following questions (if Objectives is
used, the specific objectives should be stated in declarative form):

1. Problem 1 or Objective 1, if problem, interrogative form; if objective,

declarative form?

2. Problem 2

3. Problem 3

Scope and Limitations

The study will focus on the effects of the following different

concentrations, you may enumerate here the different levels of the independent
variables to the dependent variables. This paragraph is all about the scope or the
inclusions of the study. The scope sets the boundaries of your research. You
may also include here the duration of the experimental procedure.

It is not the intention of the study to identify the other components of the
study. This paragraph is all about the limitations or the exclusions of the study.
Significance of the Study

By developing an accurate and reliable understanding of your topic here, you

may include here some of the expected results of your study.

You may cite some of the groups or beneficiaries from your study and explain
also how your findings would give them some benefits.


Procedure 1

Explain here how you will be doing this particular step in a way that your reader
can replicate your work by just following this particular part. Therefore, each
step should be written in detail. Remember also that the arrangement of steps
should be on how you actually conducted your study.

Procedure 2

Explain here in detail how would go about this particular step of your

Procedure 3
Explain here in detail how would go about this particular step of your

Data Gathering and Statistical Analysis

Enumerate here all dependent variables that you observed or measured.

Explain also how and when (including the frequency) you observed or measured
those variables.

This paragraph should contain the specific statistical tool that you
employed in the analysis and interpretation of results. This includes the post-
statistical tool, if any. You should also include the formula for those tools that are
not common in research. Mention also the probability level used in the analysis,
like this: All statistical analyses were done at 5% probability level.

GANTT chart
Proposed Budget


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