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Our civilizations flag















Our mission was to bring 30,000 people from different cultures to an island where

they will have to coexistence in harmony. With much deliberation we decided to have

our variety of people come from Australia, China, Egypt, India, Iraq, Israel, and Mexico.

In order to please all of our citizens we needed to come up with a government and

different beliefs and values. Which turn out to be hard then you would think.

Our citizens will live under a democracy which is when there is one main person

in charge, put in power by popular vote. The leader is known as a president and there

are many other government positions that help make decisions also put in power by

popular vote. This form of government is a good choice for our civilization since it is

based on what the citizens want and will keep everyone happy. Laws will follow the

same laws we have in the United States. We believe this will be beneficial because of

the fact that the laws are very simple and easy to remember. Every law broken will be

handled the same way as the United States do. Resulting in jail sentences and or fair


We give our citizens the right to believe in whatever they wish to the extent of

the rules and laws chosen for the island. To please all the variety of cultures we came

up with a building located in the center of our civilization that is a combination of

ancient temple and churches that resemble those found in the United States. It has

many different rooms that met all the religious needs of all the various cultures. We

believed this would be very helpful for our civilization so no one is forced into

worshiping something they do not want to or do not believe in. This way citizens will

not feel judgment from what they believe in.

Children on the island will attend school in order to learn about the combination

of their cultures so they will know how to keep the peace and tranquility of our

civilization preventing potential wars or other dangerous altercations. At the school

they will also be taught how to understand and be able to write in fluent English chosen

by island to be the dominant language this will be beneficial so that everyone is able to

understand each other. The children will also learn how to respect one another to live a

life of integrity and morality. This will help keep the peace and harmony of the island.

There will be a total of five different schools. Preschool through 5th grade, 6th grade

through 8th grade and 9th grade through 12th grade, we will have two colleges one from

simpler professions like farming and teaching and the other for more complicating

professions like engineering and law officials. This will help them learn important skills

to achieve in day to day activities to help keep them employed and become self-


People will be able to travel from place to place by walking, riding bicycles, and

buses. No cars will be need for average citizens due to the fact that everything is in

close proximity. There will be streets leading to neighborhoods and to the various

locations around the island. Tractors, other farming equipment, and semi-trucks will

only be used to harvest and deliver food to their given destinations. Citizen who have

jobs outside of our civilization will be given one car to travel in. This will prevent traffic

issues as well as air pollution and conserve gasoline.

Market places will have fresh produce from the farms found just outside our

civilization for organically grown and nutritious ingredients for preparing meals at

home. The Market place will be set up throughout main streets to have plenty of staples

for many households. People will purchase these ingredients using a currency of paper

and coins similar to the United States. This will prevent confusion of payment thought

the civilization and will be compatible since it is the currency chosen by the island. We

believe this will allow the incoming citizens to feel like part of the community by

participating in the trade of money for produce.

Located outside the civilization is a port which will allow trading with other

countries as well as traveling to and from the island. The island also has an airport to

all provide faster transportation for goods as well as people. This will provide many jobs

for the citizens of our civilization.

Our civilization will have a resemblance to the many civilization the citizens are

coming from. We will have a capital known as Interglotapolis Interglot- and apolis().

This will be the center of life of our civilization which will include a variety of common

restaurants found throughout the world to provide healthy food for all the people. It will

be home to our church/temple where all cultures will be able to worship and practice

their beliefs. Many businesses located in Interglotapolis will provide many jobs so that

citizens will feel a part of something and feel that they have worth. Market places will

also me located in our capital. We think this is necessary for the civilization because a

capital provides our island with a common meeting spot and is the most advanced part

of the civilization.

When the lives of people end they will go out with a bang, literally. To honor the

beauty of life in every individual they will be cremated and using a variety of technology

and turn them into fireworks. This will be beneficial by combining many different ways

of honoring these cultures ancestors and hopefully will please all of the citizens. If the

person requested not to be turned into a firework before death, we will have a burial

ceremony similar to those in the United States so that the persons life is still honored.


In Australia their culture is known as Aboriginal it is one of the longest surviving

cultures and is dated back to at least 40,000 years but many believe it dates back as far

as 65,000 years ago. Day to day activities for the ancient Australians included moving

around a lot since they were nomads and they followed food sources.

( Eventually Aboriginal people started settling in rock structures

and caves ( Tourism Australia)

The Aboriginal culture believes in something called Dreamtime and their arts,

crafts, music, skits, etc. reflect this belief. According to aboriginals the totemic spirit

ancestors emerged from the earth and created the sun, moon, and stars, formed

mountains, rivers, trees, waterholes, and changed human and animal forms. Different

tribes had slightly different ideas about their ancestors some thought they were animal-

spirits like kangaroos, snakes, and other common Australian animals.


The Aboriginal art is very unique. Many years paintings have been made most

pictures are made of dots. Another type of art work is something known as Kakadu

which was a form of cave paintings created by ancient Australians. Like earlier stated

art often reflected the Dreamtime myth well it was believed that the first ancestors who

created the world left pictures that were messages on the walls of caves. Naturally they

passed on their knowledge about the sacred paints and began to leave messages

themselves. (Tourism Australia)


An average Aboriginal painting Kakadu art work Ancient Aboriginal ceremony

( Billabong Factor) (Tourism Australia) (


There were three main kingdoms in ancient Egypt. The Old kingdom which was

from 2700 BC to 2200 BC known as the age prosperity and splendor. The achievements

of the old kingdom was building the pyramids this was such an achievement that many

people today believe that aliens created the pyramids instead of the Egyptians. The

Middle kingdom, 2055 BC to 1650 BC instead of pharaoh being seen as a god-king was

now portrayed as Shepard of his people. The middle kingdom end due to the invasion

of Egypt by the Hyksos which was a group of people from western Asia. The New

kingdom took place from 1500 BC to 1070 BC. A new dynasty of pharaohs used new

weapons to drive out the Hyksos and reunited Egypt. (Glencoe)

The Egyptian society was organized kind of like a pyramid, kind of ironic isnt it?

On the top was the god/king. Next was the pharaoh, nobles and priest. On the bottom

were the merchants, artisans, scribes, and tax collectors. The Egyptians married young

girls were usually twelve and boys were around the age of fourteen. Marriage was very

important and parents usually arranged them. The general rule was for the men to only

have one wife unless his first wife was childless. The main concerns of the Egyptians

were family and property. (J.Steele)

Egyptians created a form of writing around 3000 BC that was later named

hieroglyphics. Education was usually only for boys of the upper class when they

reached the age of ten they went to schools that were run by scribes. Some of Egypts

greatest achievements were in architecture they built pyramids, temples, and many

other monuments. They also were the first to create an accurate 365 day calendar. (J.


Sphinx at Giza Cairo, Egypt Ancient Hieroglyphics

With Khafre (Khafra) Pyramid (Dorfeld)
Behind (


The Qin Dynasty was from 221 B.C. to 206 B.C. The ruler was Qin Shihuangdi

meaning the First Qin Emperor. He created a monetary system and built a system of

roads throughout the entire empire. He also constructed the Great Wall of China to

keep the nomads away from the border. The Han Dynasty was from 202 B.C. to 220

A.D. Liu Pang was an important emperor he was a peasant and seized the emperor

position but became known by his title of Han Gaozu which stood for Exalted Emperor

of Han. During this long time span Han rulers continued using the Qin system of

choosing government officials based on merit instead of birth. Confucian principles

became the new state philosophy. (J. Steele)

Some Han Advancements included new technologies in textile manufacturing,

water mills for grain and iron casting. Due to the iron casting technology led to the

invention of steel. With the invention of the rudder and fore-and-aft rigging, ships could

sail into the wind for the first time. (J. Steele). Some other advancements made by the

Chinese includes that they created one of the first writing systems that are still used

today, they used paint brush like tools and ink to write on the paper they invented. Then

they began recording events and wrote books. They developed the compass which

helped majorly with navigation. The Chinese domesticated animals. Many Chinese had

slaves to help with a variety of jobs. (Random History)

Pottery was a huge thing in early China. They created many different types of pots

and were always decorated. Bowls were probably the most used and to this day are still

used for the same thing. Pots were made to hold dry ingredients like sugar and flour

some were made especially for funeral urns. Others had multiple cambers for warming

liquids. If you think about it now we dont really use pots for hold staples.

Classic Chinese The Great Wall of
pottery bowl China (Episode 5- Did
somebody say, Great
(Arhistoryworlds) Wall of China?)


The First Civilization in Indian emerged in river valleys between 3,000 B.C. and

lasted through 1,500 B.C. These civilizations were a huge deal. Harrapa had 35,000

inhabitants and lived in neighborhoods while Mohenjo-Daro had 35,000 to 40,000

inhabitants and they had multi-level homes which was very advanced. Another

civilization in Indian was the Aryans they were Indo-European nomads. They were

excelled at war and used iron. The Aryans also used agriculture in their civilization. (J.


There were also many different empires. The Maurayan Empire was ruled by

Candragupta Maurya he decides to divide the kingdom into provinces and have them be

ruled by governors. He was terrified of being assassinated and had body guards around

him all the time even when he slept. When he died his grandson Asoka gained control

and converted the entire empire to Buddhism. The Kushan Empire is located in present

day Afghanistan it prospered majorly from trade mostly from the Silk Road. Which

stretched for almost 4,000 miles. Eventually it was overrun by the Persians. The Guptas

Empire was run by Prince Candra Gupta who son Samudra takes over when he passes

and created the greatest empire since the Mauryan Empire. The Empire comes to an

end when the invasion from the nomadic Huns destroys the kingdom. (J. Steele)

Religion was a huge deal in the Indian civilization. The main religions were

Hinduism and Buddhism. Hinduism was Aryan based they had hymns and ceremonies

and believed in reincarnation as well as Karma. Buddhism followed four noble truths.

Life is full of suffering, caused by our desire to satisfy ourselves, end suffering by

ending desires, and follow the middle path to end desires. (J. Steele)

The Silk Road



The Iraqi culture evolved from the Mesopotamian culture (Facts On File), which

was located in a valley between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers it was located at the

western end of the Fertile Crescent which was an arc of land from the Mediterranean

Sea to the Persian Gulf. The rich soil was great for growing crops. The Sumerians were

the creators of the first Mesopotamian civilization. They eventually established a

number pf independent cities including Eridu, Ur, and Uruk. The most important

building in a Sumerian city was the temple that was dedicated to the chief god or

goddess of the city. The temple was built on top of a massive stepped tower called a

ziggurat. (J. Steele)

In this culture women had equal rights and could own land (with many strings

attached) they were able to file for divorce and make contracts in trade. Men and

women both worked still male children were preferred. In these times you were allowed

to sell your children into slavery. On average each family had about 2 to 4 children even

though most of them died at birth. (Mark)

The social structure of the civilization was pretty basic at the top was the gods

and goddess, next was the upper class which included the priest, the lower class

followed, and finally the slaves were last. Most children in the upper class attend school

which was believed to begin in 2500 B.C.E (Mark) even though they really only used

writing primarily for record keeping. The believed keeping records was important so

that they could pass along knowledge from generation to generation.

Map of the Fertile Crescent



Israelites were a group of Semitic-speaking people. They did not play a big part in

the politics of the region but their religion did. Much of the Israelites history is written

down in the Hebrew Bible which is known to Christians as the Old Testament. Their

ancestors migrated from Mesopotamia to Canaan. Eventually because of a drought they

ended up in Egypt where they were enslaved. (Glencoe)Then Moses led them out of

Egypt and you can find the rest of the story in Exodus, but long before that happened

the really early Israelites worshiped many gods.

The social structure pf the Israelites had been organized along tribal lines and

over time a monarchy formed. They didnt exactly have a set in stone social class but

they did develop groups some would include officials, the king, military officers, civil

officials and governors. The common people, people of the land. Lived a simple life.

They were free and followed basic civil rights.

There were to main kingdoms the United Kingdom and the Divided Kingdom. The

United Kingdom was ruled by King David. His son King Solomon expanded the

government and army and encouraged trade. Solomon is best known for building a

temple in Jerusalem. King Solomon was also known for being very wise and while under

the power of him ancient Israel reached the height of his power. The Divided Kingdom

picks up after Solomons death. Tension grow among the tribes within Israel which led

to two separate kingdoms. (Glencoe)


The Hebrew Bible was recorded

on scrolls

(Solve Israel's problems)


Began around 1000B.C. with the Olmecs. They believed in the jaguar god as well

as many others. The built many cities and used stone and clay to build structures. The

spread all throughout central and southern Mexico. Around 400 B.C. they disappeared

but then smaller civilizations such as the Aztecs and the Mayans start to show up. They

began to practice human sacrifice to appease the gods. (Glencoe)

They began using mathematics, started studying astronomy, began building more

difficult builds, they started textile weaving and created many types of art work as well

as pottery. The Mayan won the prize for the most accurate calendar of that century. The

built pyramids, used aqueducts, and had public markets. They burnt crops when they

overgrew, this made it easier to replant the food quickly. Corn was very important to

their culture and they always settled near water. (Glencoe)


A Great Stone head

http:// civilization.htm

Billabong Factor. Aboriginal Art . 2004-2014. picture. 8th September 2014.

Tourism Australia. The ancient art of Kakadu. 2013-2015. web article. 8 September 2014.

Arhistoryworlds. Ancient Chinese pottery. 2014. web article. 10 September 2014. Australian history. 2014. Web Artice. 8 September 2014.

Dorfeld, Jennifer. Hieroglyphics and the Egyptians . 1 March 2011. picture. 9 September 2014.

Episode 5- Did somebody say, Great Wall of China? 24 April 2011. picture. 10 September 2014.

Facts On File. education in ancient Mesopotamia. 2014. web article. 11 September 2014. The Pyramids of Giza. 2011. picture. 9 September 2014.

Glencoe. "Western Asia and Egypt." n.d. 24-45. summarization by J. Steele.

Jovana. Unit Reflection. 10 February 2011. picture. 12 September 2014.

Mark, Joshua J. Mesopotamia . 2 September 2009. 12 September 2014. The Great Silk Road map. 2003-2012. picture. 11 September 2014.

Random History. A history of Chinese cultrue art and cuture. 30 January 2008. web article. 10 September

Solve Israel's problems. The Remarkable Revival of the Hebrew Language . 25 December 2011. picture.
15 September 2014.

Steele, Summarized by Jeremy. About The Fertile Crescent . 25 August 2014. powepoint .

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