M B Biophoton Emission of Human Body

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Indian Journal of Expcrimcntal Bi ology

V ol. 4 1, May 2003 , pp . 440-445

Biophoton emission of human body

S Cohen & F A Popp*
International Institutc of Bioph ys ics. Bi ophoton Rcscarc h, Stat ion Hombroich , Kapcllcncr Strafk, D-41472 Ncuss, German y

For thc first timc systcmat ic mcasurcmcnts of thc " ultrawcak" photon cmi ssion of thc human body (bioph otons) havc
bccn pcrformcd by mca ns of a photon detector device set up in darkncss . About 200 pcrsons havc bccn investi gatcd. In a
part icul ar casc onc pcrson has bccn cxam incd dai ly ovcr scvcral months. It turn cd ou t that thi s biophoton em issi on rcflec ts,
(i) th c left-ri ght sy mmctry of th c human body ; (ii) bi ologica l rh ythm s such as 14 days, I month , 3 months and 9 months: (iii )
di scasc in tcrill s of brokcn sy millctry bctwce n Icft and ri ght si dc; and (iv) li ght channc ls in th e body. wh ich regu late enc rgy
and informati on tra nsfc r betwccn diffcrcnt part s. Th e results show that bcsidcs a dccpcr undcrstandin g of hcalth, disease and
body field , thi s method prov ides a ncw powerful too l of non-in vasi vc mcdica l diagnosis in tcrm s of basic regul atory
funct ions of thc body.

Keywords : Biological regul ati on, Bi ologica l rh y thm s, Biophoton , Human body mca~ urclllcnt s, Lcft ri ght sy millctry,
Psori asis. Skin di scase

Tn recent years th e literature on biophotons has monitoring and recording of the data by electronic
increased drastically, since it is accepted now that devices is performed outside of the dark chamber.
biophoton emission is, in contrast to cOlllmon Besides some careful examinations of the biophoton
bioluminescence, a universal phenomenon linked to emission of the whole body of healthy and sick
all living systems and provides a new non-invasive people, a systematic long time-monitoring of th e
and powerfu l tool of investigating ce llular ti ss ues l 4 . biophoton emission of th e hands and the forehead of a
Althoug h some th eo retical problems are still perso n (healthy woman, 27) where always round skin
unsolved , the application of biophoton emi ssion now areas of 7 cm diameter were examined.
stretching quickly to new fields such as biosensoring In order to increase the intensities, in addi ti on to
and food -qu ali ty contro ls. the direct biophoton emission (bpe) the so called
A completely new area of this development is the "delayed luminescence" (d l) of the skin, which is the
analysis of the biophoton emission of the human body . rescattered light emission after illumination with an
externa l lamp was also measured s. The irradi atio n
Materials and Methods time of the tungsten lamp was always 5 sec. After
In order to investigate the charactcristics of human 100 msec of switching off the external lamp the first
biophotons, a dark chamber, large and comfortable measurement va lue of dl was recorded (within preset
enough for 2 perso ns was built and equipped with a time intervals of 100 msec) and taken as a measure of dl.
movable biophoton detector (photomultipl ier: EMl As a measure of bpe the mean va lue of 256
9558 QA , seiected type)6. This device provides a measurement va lues (within preset time interval s of
count rate lower than 0. 1 counts/s .cm 2 and in the 1 sec) was taken.
sufficient darkness of the chamber, the ski n of a The long time measurements on the single person
person can be easi ly exam ined . were performed between 0800-1000 hrs from June 8,
The technique of meas urements has been reported 1995 to March 5, 1996 for the hands and from August
elsewhere 29, 1995 to March 5, 1996 for the forehead. Every
By the use of a step motor the detector can move year some of the measurements were repeated in
under control over the whole body in darkness . The order to look for systematic changes during longer
periods of time.
* Correspondent author:
E-mail: a002 1@rrz.uni _kcrala.de
iib @lii'cscicnti sts. dc
Fax: 02 182-825 132
The biophoton intensity of the human skin can be
Tel : 02182-825131 measured at least in the wavelength range from 400 to

800 nm , where the photomultiplier is sensitive. The A psori as is patient when treated only on the skin of
order of magnitude of th e count rate is a few up to hi s ri ght arm by a 5 min exposure to an UV-A therapy
some 100 photon s/sec/c m2 surface area (th e exa('[ lamp, di splayed a strong increase of spontaneous bio-
va lue depends on the individual, on the time of photon emission and at the same time a co nsiderably
measurement and locati on on th e skin). sharper dec rease of delayed luminesce nce. The un-
The biophoto n emissio n is generally stabl e. The healthy and irradiated region of the arm reacted at the
mean value does not change much during beg inning stron ger than th e healthy part (Fig.2c and
investigation of so me minutes of investi gati on. 2d, respectively) at the beginning but after 30 min th e
However, it may vary with in a few hours between a bpe started decreasing and approac hed th e ori gi nal
few percent of the ori ginal va lue up to ten-times value after abo ut one hou r. The behaviour of dl was
hi gher or lower va lues, again dependin g on the sli ghtly different. The dl of th e unh ea lthy part ap-
indiv idu al situat ion. proached aga in at the initi al \'alues, but the dl of the
Healthy perso ns di splay on an average relati ve ly health y part attained values much higher th an the
low biophoton emi ssion (bpe) and relatively high ori gin al ones. Surprisingiy , also on the left ann th at
intensities of de layed luminescence Cdl ). Generall y, has not been treated, the bpe and th e dl foll owed th e
bpe and dl are antico rrelated and th e values on same change but not so stro ngly than on th e treated
corresponding points of the left and the ri ght side ri ght arm (Fig. 2a and b in compari so n to Fig. 2c and
have the same order of magnitude. However, in d). Thi s demonstrates for the first time th at pso rias is
pathological cases, like multiple scleros is, one find s is not a local di sease but di splays a co mmuni catio n
rather hi gh values of bpe (:lIld/or) dl as we ll as di stinct between left and right side of th e body .
asymmetries between left and ri ght side of th e body. The same principal result can be obtained by many
Two examples are shown in Fi g. l a and b, where I a oth er influences on the body, i.e. in case of simple
refers to a prog ressed state and I b to an ea rly state of trealinent with cream (Fi g. 3). Immedi atel y after
thi s di sease. In the chroni c phase th e ri ght hand rubbing a co nve nti onal oint ment onto th e ski n of the
di splays about 10-20 limes hi gher spontaneo Ll s right arm, the bpe increased drastica ll y, while at the
biophoton em ission than the hands of heal thy peop le, same time the dl dropped down at thi s area. (Fig. 3c
the left hand goes up to e en 30 times hi gher values and d). This effec t is reversible, and after so me hours
(Fi g. la). In young man in an initial state of mUlti ple there is a relaxati on back to the initiai val ues.
sc leros is the biophoton emi ssion and the delayed However, the surpri sing res ult is aga in th at the
luminescence have been measured durin g 3 day s. A untreated arm reacts undoubtedl y onto thi s treatment
therapy with interferon was performed after the without that it has been influenced locall y at all. The
measurements on th e seco nd day. The disease is effects depend on the nature of the cream and the
characteri zed aga in by a co nsiderably st rong individual properties of the test perso n under
asy mmetry between the left and the ri ght hand , in exa mi nati on.
, particu lar of de layed luminescence (Fi g. i b). Only in a few cases of ca ncer patients it is possib le
However, th e therapy shows onl y a small in fluence to determi ne the locati on of the tumor. Usuall y, cance r
onto the course of this bias.
biophoton em is sion delayed luminescence
1 .6 r - - - - , - - - - , 460 r--~---,

1 ~ 1 .2
1 ,:5


400 ........... , .. .

20 . o
C <: 1 .1

,3 C
(5 1.0 .
10 150
dat1< counl rale
0.8 ............... , .... .. 100
0 .7 " - - - - '_ _- l 50 " - _ - - ' -_ _-.J
300 400 500 600 700 iirst day third day filS! day third day
T!me (lOOms) second day second day

Fig. la - Biophoton emission of a progressed state of multip le Fig. Ib - Biophoton emission and delayed luminescence along
sclerosi s. three days of all earl y state or multipI c sclerosis.
442 IND IAN J EXP BIOl, MA Y 2003

biophoton emi ssion, left arm biophoton emission, right arm

4.0 r--~--~-----~-~--.....,
E 2.5
~ 2.0

8 0.5 t..II!II~....IIIII~............
1.0 ,. J
0.0 '--_-'-_ _--'-_.......... _ _'__ _.:......._ ~ __.J O.O ' - - - - ' - -- - ' - - - - '_ _-'-_ _'--_ _ J
o 10 20 30 40 so 60 o 10 20 30 40 so 60
Time (min) Time (min)

delayed lumine scence, left arm delayed luminescence, right arm

280 n '


240 l~~h;
.5~200 1'''''''ealt;~y:~=:. :.~I
ciS ~
..... ,
..i .b...
.. $&_ . :-., en
36 0r---~----~--

280 .
';;; 200
~~y ~C
......................... .......... l~:fit. ..
: ,
il 160
il 160 ..,~ ~~.
120 unhealthy ' '-!!~~~

80 L---~---~----~--~-~----~
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (min) Time (min)

Fig, 2 - V ari ati ons of bioph oton emi ssion alld delayed luminescence of Icft arm (Fi g2a , 2b) and ri ght arm (Fi g,2e, 2d) of a psori as is
pat ient after 5 min ex posure to a UV- A lamp on ri ght arm ,

biophoton emission biophoton emission

left arm, non treated right arm , treated with cosme ti c

... ~ ,-,.~ .. .. ... . .... .... .... :- .... :-.
~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ... -:- .... ... -;:- ..

.. . .
E 0 .12 .... ; ....; .... ; .. .. . .. . .... . .... :;. .. ..;. .. ..:;. ... .:;. ....
; ; ; :;. .. " , .. ...;. .... ;. .... ;. .. .. ;. . .. .;. .. ..;. ..
-.. -Vi
::::J"' OJ)(,
O~ .. .. , . .. . , .... , .... , .. .. , .. .. , ...

0 o
U 0.00 u <>'OO f--.~-'--+- ____----;'--T-____--;.--.r-.......-'--l

lime (min) lime (min)

delayed luminescence delayed luminescence

left arm, non treated right arm , treated with cosmeti c
100 100
W .... .... ... ... . ... . ... ; ... .; .... .; .... .; .. .. ,: .... .; .... .; W
bA> .......... ... ,... ,.. . ...
:....,:, ... ;,... ;.
.....;. ,.:., .. :.... :il .. bA>
40} 40}
E 20 ............ .. . :-.;~ , : .:.... :.. .. :.. .. V\
0 <> :~..,.;, ~ . !O',....;,.. a 0
...... ..21> .... ,,.,.,,, ,,
.. . ... ; a
.....V\ ..20
V\ .oW . . . . : . . .. : .... ! .... : .. .... , .... .... .... .. .. .....
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
::::J oW .... ; .... ; .... ; .... ; .. . ; .... ; .. .. .; .. .. .; .... .;; .... .;.. .. .; .... .; .... E
:J oW
-SO .... ; .. .. ; .... ; .. ..... ; .... .; .... .;;..... .;;.... . .;; .. .. .;; .... .; ... . .;... . . 0 -SO
- Ill<; ... . .; ... ..; ... ..
: .... ; ... ; ... . ; ... ..; .... .; .. .. .; .... .;; .... .; .... .;; .. ,.
. . . .. . . . ., -100
-120 .. .....
. .. ...... .. ...... . .. -.. -IN

lime (min) lime (min)

Fig. 3 - Va ri ati ons of the bioph oton cm ission and thc ct claycc\ lu mi nesccnce of left arm (Fig.3a, 3b) and ri ght arm (Fig,3c, 3d) after
applica ti on of a cos meti c on th e right arm.

5 0 r-----~----------------------~~ 1400
40 III
E 1000
~ 30 8 800
C ~
5 20 C
() 400
10 "

30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 ~ 60 90 120

Time (days) Time (days)

5O r-----------------------------~, 1400
40 III
E 1000
~ 30 8 800
5 20 ~c 600

30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 30 60 90 120

Time (days) Time (days)

50 r-----------------------------~~ 1400
E 1000
~~ 8 800
c ~
S 20 C
10 "
30 60 90 120 150 180 0 30 60 90
Time (days) Time (days)

Fig. 4 - Biopholon emi ss ion and delayed lumi nescence vari ati ons. nlb!c: Biophoton emi ssion vari ati ons of G, ri ght hand , b, left hand,
from June 8, 1995 10 M arch 5, 1996 (27 I days), c, forehead fro m A ugust 29, 1995 to M arch 5, 1996 (190 days). d/e/f: Delayed lumi nes-
cence vari ati ons of d, ri ght hand , e, left hand over 27 1 days,!. forehead over 190 days.

pati ents di splay as low bpe va lues as hea lth y o nes, -- 8pe and dl are no t corre lated , but to a sig ni ficant
with the exceptio n th at (1) o ne find s asy mmetri c ex tent anti-co rrelated (Fi g . Sc).
va lues o n so me parts o f th e body w hi ch may be fa r -- Th e bpe- values of the fo rehead are not conelated
away fro m th e locati o n o f th e tumo r, i. e . o n th e ears in with those of th e hands (Fi g. 6a), but the re is a
case of a li ver tumo r, and (2 ) th e bpe and d l va lues are sig nifi cant co rre lation o f the dl - va lu es of th e
rather ri g id and d o not c ha nge slow ly in time as th ey fo rehead and th e hands (Fi g. 6b ).
do in case o f healthy peopl e. The Fouri er a na lysis of the te mporal bpe-and dl -
A poss ibl e too l o f findin g helpful re medi es for valu es o f Fi g. 1 is shown in Fi g . 7, where the spectral
tumo r ti ssue is th e measure me nt o f bpe and dl o f de nsiti es of the differe nt meas ure me nts o f Fi g. 4 are
operated ti ss ues, a fter appl icati o n o f no n-tox ic di spl ayed a lways on th e correspo ndin g pos itions of
remedi es. In case if bpe and dl decrease unde r th e Fi g . 7 .
influe nce of the re med y th ere is a c ha nce of anti - It is obvio us th at a ll th ese spectral de nsiti es show a
tumo r e ffi cacy o f the treatme nt with thi s age nt. simil ar pattern o f rhythms, including 7 days, 14, 2 1,
In o rder to exa mine th e long time be hav io r of bpe 27, 90 and 270 days .
a nd dl of th e hum an body, th e bi o pho to n e mi ssion o f Discussion
a sin g le person was o bserved fo r many mo nth s. At thi s stage a co mpl ete interpretati o n o f the resu lts
Fig ure 4 s hows bpe (left co lumn ) and dl (ri g ht is no t poss ib le. Neverthe less, the fo ll ow ing
co lumn ) o f th e hands and th e fo rehead . The va lues co nclu s io n ca n be dra wn :
di spl ay some pattern s (Fi g. 4 , T a bl e 1). The re is a c lear pre fe rence of ri g ht-and left hand-
The c ross-corre lati o ns ana lys is o f th ese te mpora l co rre lati o n, indicatin g a reg ulato ry rol e o f thi s bpe-
bpe-and d l- vari ati o ns revea l th e fo ll ow ing and dl-phe no meno n. This beco mes ev id ent a lso wi th
characteri sti cs : th e Fo uri e r patte rn revealin g we ll-kno wn biolog ica l
-- Left hand and right ha nd e mi ss io ns are stro ng ly rh ythms.
co rre lated, as we ll fo r bpe as fo r ell (Fi g. Sa,b The res ult s can be unde rstood in terms of an
res pecti vely). osc ill atin g e lec tro mag ne ti c body-photo n fie lu w hi ch
444 I WIAN J EXP BIOL, MA Y 2003

lag Corr.
-60 .06 r-------r-~-,.----~-_, follows definite rhythms and where Ihe oscillators
30 0.23
become stron ger w ith decreasing oscill ati on
frequency . Howeve r, th e phases of the osci ll ati ons
o 0.91
depend on th e location w ithin the body.
30 0.06
Whil e correspondi ng points li ke ears, hands, feet
60 .17 '--_ _ _ _ _.....___ -'--_ _ _ _ _...J
1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 ha ve th e same phases (unpubli shed data), non-
co rresponding points di splay phase-shi fts to su ch an
extent th at their bpe becomes different.

~;~I tIE 'I

Various measurements have to be performed in
future In order to uncover th ese presumably

~f~~1 If "I
60 ..O?, .O - - -.-
O.- s- - - '--"0....0--'----0-.5- --...J
,. 0

60 O . O~1'-::
. 0-----O-."'S---'---0.0L...'--- - 0 -.- - -- ---l
, .0
L!~ ~~~rr

30 .24

o . 16

30 .14

60 0.15 '--_ _ _ _ _-L..--'_"'--_ _ _ _ _--.l

1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
6 0 . . O~,L
. o:-----.-
o .-::-
. --....::'I.~L
. o-~--0 ...,...-- - . . . J
Fi g. 5 - Cross-corrclations of thc hands mcasurcmcnts frolll
A ugust 29, 1995 to M arch 5. 1996 . a, of thc bi ophoton cm iss ion Fig. 6 - Cross-corrc lati ons of !hc left hand and ,('reilead meas-
variati ons of left h:lIld ( fi rst ) and rig ht hanJ (Iaggcd). b. of thc uremcn ts from Au gust 29, 1995 to M arc h 5, 1996. a. of the bi o-
dclaycd lumincsccncc variati ons of Icft hand (fi rst) and right hand photon cmi ss ion cilli ss ion variat ions of Icft hand ( first ) and fore-
(Iaggcd). c, of thc biophoton cmission (first) and dclaycd lu mi ncs- head (l agged), b, of thc c!el:!yed lumincscen cc variations of le ft
cence (Iaggcd) vari ations of left hand. Th c corrcl at ions (CorL ) arc hanJ ( first) and fo rchcad (lagged). T hc correla tions (Corl'. ) are
cal cul atcd for a lag of 0 though 60 day s. calcul atcd for a lag of 0 th ough 60 day s.

a d
~O days
~ days
ti 27 days
J1-1 day
4 da ys 1'lda y s ").days 7 ays

en 270 days
en 7!f'Y'

- 1 90days C
~ ?Odays
ti o da~~ days
en .K" 14 days
10 days

Fig. 7 - Fourier analysis (spcctral densities). albic!: Spec tral dcnsities of the biophoton emi ssion values of a, right hand, b, left h:lI1c,
from June 8, 1995 to M arch 5, 1996 (271 days), c, forehead from Augu st 29 , 1995 to March 5, 1996 ( 190 days). dlelJ. Spectral densities
of thc delaycd luminescence values of d, ri ght hand, e, le ft hand over 27 1 d:tys, j, forehead over 190 days. Dark cou nt rate (back ground
noise ). right hand and left hand were sllccessive ly nlc:lsured .

Table 1- Biophoton emi ssion and delayed lumi nesccnce over Acknowledgment
the whole measurement period This work has been supported by th e BMBF
[Values are meanSDl Project 01 BM 403/5 (Biophotonic Communicati on).
Position bpe dIe References
(co untsis) (cou nts/! OOms) I Chang J J, Fisch J & Popp F A (cds) Biophotolls (Klu wer Aca-
demic Publishcrs, Dordrecht-Boston-London) 1998.
Ri ght hand 12.98 .7 359 183 2 Popp F A, Ruth B, Bahr W, Bohm J, Grass P, Grolig G, Ral-
Left hand 10.76.6 400230 temeyer M, Schmidt H G & Wulle P, Emission of visible and
Forehead 4.72.6 245 147 ultraviolet rad iation by active biological systems, Coli Phe-
IlOmena, 3 (1981) 187.
3 Popp F A, Gurwitsch A A, Inaba H, Slawinski J, Cilento G,
complicated regulation principles. It seems however Van Wijk R, Chwirot W B & Nagl W, Biophoton emission
th at di sease, according to these new insights into (multi -author rev iew), Experientia,44 ( 1988) 543.
whole body radiation , can be assigned to definite 4 Popp F A, Gu Q & Li K H, Biophoton em iss ion: Experimental
background and theoretical approaches. Mod Phy Lell B, 8
perturbati ons of the regulatory pattern , that is loss of ( 1994) 1269.
left-right symmetry. It is worthwhile to note th at these 5 Popp F A, Li K H & Gu Q, Recent advances ill biophotoll re -
results are in accordance with similar observ ations on sea rch and its applications (World Scicnti fic , Singaporc-
cell-cultures an d daphnia, where non-linear vari at ion s London) 1992.
6 Dcutscher Gcbrauchsmusterschutz G 94 17845.3 vo m 20.4.1995.
of bpe or dl with th e density of th e radiatin g subjects
7 Galle M, Un tersuchungen zum dichte-und ze irabhiillgigell Ver-
have been demonstrated 57 . The reported investiga- halten del' ultraschwachen Photoll ell1ission VO II pathelloge-
tions are a first step in understanding living systems, netischell Weibchen des Wasserflohs Daphnia maglla , Thcsis
health and disease in terms of regul atory principles. (University of Saarland, Zoology , SaarbrUcken) 1993 .

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