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Department of Social Work and Development

Bachelor degree in Social Work and Development

Human rights, values and ethics
FInal assessment: Paper
Due Date: 11th January 2017

Students: Grade:

Keyla Reeder, Milviene Dijkhoff, Naomi Croes 7.8

The project is based on the following assessment criteria to be graded on NEO.


1 Very poor Unacceptable level.
The information provided in the required section
is grossly inadequate and inaccurate. 20%
The student does not appear to understand the
2 Poor Very moderate to almost sufficient level.
The information is not sufficient.
There is room for improvement in the
information provided.
3 Sufficient Enough.
The information provided is adequate or 60%
4 Good The information is more than sufficient or
5 Very good All the required information is included and is at
an excellent level.

Very Poor Avera Good Very Comments
Poor ge Good
The product x
The paper is clear and well
The product presents hard work, x
investment of time and a process
of growth.
Description of the chosen area x
The paper contains a description
of the chosen area of the UNICEFs
report. The main issue, its causes
and effects
Analysis of the report x I liked the
combination of
The paper contains a analysis of information from
the report in terms of: agencies such as
The area/ data to be explored IBISA and MOBIS
The agencies approached
The information collected from the
agencies (evidence based)
Actions to promote change x
The paper contains a description
of the actions to be taken to
promote change in the social
problem selected
(advocacy priorities)
Advocacy plan x
The paper contains a description
of the steps taken to come to a
product that will be presented at
the expo
Conclusion x I miss a conclusion,
but because I did not
The paper contains a conclusion give that remark in
which reflects on the entire the review of the
process and the learning draft I still grade it
experiences. as average
Group diary x
The paper contains a description
of the use of the Code of the
Code of Ethics in the case.
Reflection on expo x
The paper contains a reflection on
the presentation during the expo
and addresses what went well and
what could use improvements
Creativity x
The use original ideas that go
beyond the reference of presented

General Comments:

The work presented shows the time and effort you put in it. It also displays your journey as you explored
the depth of the subject. Congratulations, job well done!

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