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Name: Kierstan Mullinax

PART A: The students will be creating a rap based off of an original poem they write. Each student will be able to choose an
element from the Periodic Table and research about that element. Once they have written a poem they will create a beat using
Incredibox. Then, using Audacity, will rap their poem to the beat they created. The files will be posted to the class blog in order
to let others hear their amazing work.

Grade Level: 8
Content Area: Science
Technology Used (check all that apply): Movie Audio Podcast Vodcast Other: (list)

Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed: Science/8/S8P1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate

information about the structure and properties of matter./ The periodic table

Brief Description of Learning Experience: The students will be creating original raps about an element from the
periodic table. These raps will need to be the length of a standard song and contain information about that elements atomic
structure, Periodic Table characteristics, interesting facts about the element, and how t can relate to other elements. This is a more
in depth assignment and the students will be given 3-4 class days to work on it and will be able to work on it from home for 1-2
weeks before the posting will be due.
These will be posted to the class blog so others outside of the class will be able to hear the raps. These people could be their
classmates, other teachers, parents, future classes, and many more. I will give feedback to the students and allow the students to
critique each other (monitored of course). Hopefully this will motivate students to produce their best work.

Student Engagement/Higher-Order Thinking: This would be a LoTi level four because the students will need to
really understand and analyze the material then publish it to a wider audience.

Importance of technology: In order to create their poems, record them, and set them to a beat, the technology is vital.
Without the technology it would be extremely difficult for the students to truly create their own song file. They need Audacity to
make the MP3 and need Incredibox to make the beats.

Internet Safety and Student Privacy: As stated in my previous lesson about blog posts: The concern is that the
student work will be assessable to people outside of the classroom. I will have all of the parents sign release forms agreeing to let
students publish their work online. I will also have it set up so the students last names will not be visible in the Weebly, and
students whose parents do not agree will not have their work posted.

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