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Tee Ann Yheen
Bachelor of Technology (Hons)
Universiti Teknologi Petronas
Tronoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan

Abstract Due to poor reservoir characterization, 20-30% of utmost important that the section is laterally continuous to
unexploited hydrocarbon remain in Malay Basin (USGS, 2000). yield sufficient amount of hydrocarbon.
Furthermore, producing hydrocarbon is starting to decline,
This can be done by constructing lithostratigraphic and
urging the need for reevaluation of basin field and exploration for
unconventional reserves. Main objective of this study is to identify seismic well correlation. The parameters of the rock
economically feasible thin beds and to estimates its volume of properties at different area varies due to temperature,
reserves. Good thin beds are capable of yielding sufficient amount pressure, depositional environment, mineralogy and tectonic
of hydrocarbon provided they are of good quality reservoir and event which took place. Due to well data and time constraint,
lateral continuous. Nevertheless, there are high uncertainties in a general formations rock properties and volume of reserves
determining pay zones within shaly sand especially in terms of
were measured and calculated by using numerous
petrophysical properties. This is due to their low vertical
resolutions which limit conventional log interpretation approach. approaches and theories to fit with the conditions and
Borehole imaging tools Formation MicroScanner was adopted properties of rocks.
due to its high resolutions to better characterize thin beds which
demonstrate low resistivity low contrast (LRLC) log response. 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT
Moreover, Thomas-Stieber (1975) method of using laminated
sand-shale sequence for parameters calculation is utilized as it is Over the years, the hydrocarbon production from Angsi
rather specific and reliable. Four layers of extensive thin beds are
Field has declined rapidly. There is about 20-30% of the
proposed to be prolific and further detailed analyses should be
carried on to confirm its potentials. original oil in place remained in the reservoir that could not be
exploited due to poor characterisation of reservoir (USGS
Keywords- thin bed, lateral extent, borehole image, low resistivity World Energy Assessment Team, 2000). The previous study
low contrast. focused on seismic analysis without much emphasis on the
wireline logging interpretation. Nevertheless, without the
INTRODUCTION geological constraint of wireline logging in seismic
stratigraphic interpretation, it is subjected to high uncertainty
1.1 BACKGROUND because of the poor resolution of seismic data and human error
in visual inspection of seismic reflector configuration.
In order to reinvestigate the hydrocarbon potential on the
study area, detailed log analysis were carried on and have 1.3 OBJECTIVE
integrate ideas from different approaches such as seismic
The main objective of the FYP research is to use
and borehole images. Besides, unconventional method will
petrophysical approach, particularly wireline log data to
be taken into account so new findings will be proposed and
undergo reservoir characterization of the system in order to
suggested. reinvestigate the hydrocarbon potential of the Malay Basin.
Instead of focusing on produced intervals in the area, thin The specific objectives of the research are:
beds of hydrocarbon bearing sandstone will become the
i. To perform seismic-well, and lithostratigraphic
primary objective of this study. However, it is challenging correlation to determine lateral continuation of interest
to explore for these zones as they demonstrate abnormal log zones.
response especially resistivity log. Therefore, Low
ii. To recognize unexploited hydrocarbon-bearing
Resistivity Low Contrast (LRLC) will be highlighted on in
potential beds by utilizing wireline logs data and
this study. To produce an economic thin pay zone, it is
borehole images specifically for thin rock beds. from the Tenggol Arc and minor deposited from the Khorat
iii. To evaluate detail petrophysical information of Swell in the NE part of south Malay Basin. Then, inversion
economically feasible pay zones using conventional phase or compression is caused by dextral movement along the
and unconventional methods. re- activated Axial Malay fault zone and probably proceed to
Pliocene age, as suggested by Tjia (1994), and Mazlan
1.4 SCOPE OF STUDY (1997).The inversion caused regional rise and tilt at northwest
region, resulting in major Upper Miocene erosional
The study was carried out to investigate the petrophysical unconformity in the southern part of the basin (Mazlan et al.,
properties of lithofacies and enhance oil recovery in the Angsi 2006). Anticlines are developed over pre-existing grabens
Field, Malay Basin (Figure 1). within the central basin while exhibiting complex positive
The significant aim looked into were the thin beds which flower structures associated with wrench faulting. Lastly,
were previously disregarded due to economic issue. Although cessation of inversion phase occur in middle Late Miocene
this investigation was conducted primarily based on wireline where basin experienced gentle subsidence without major
logs, interpolation and extrapolation of the geology and tectonic event and became fully open marine till present.
geometry of structures within the wells requires integration of
secondary supportive data such as seismic data, core data and 2.2 STRATIGRAPHY PROFILE OF MALAY BASIN
borehole images.

Figure 1: Stratigraphic profile of Malay Basin.


This lamination of shaly sands are special case which are

not amenable to conventional petrophysical explanations
(Figure 3). In anisotropic reservoirs which contain more
physical properties and directional dependant, can be best
Figure 2: Oil and gas fields in Malay Basin. Box measured by resistivity tool. However, Low Resistivity Low
showing location of study area. Contrast (LRLC) pay zones occasionally happen in resistivity
log responses due to influence of variety of factors. According
LITERATURE REVIEW to Moore (1993), factors which cause LRLC pay zones are:
Bed Thickness: pay zones which are thinner than
2.1 TECTONIC EVOLUTION OF MALAY BASIN logging tool resolution.
Clay Distribution: dispersed, structural, or laminated
The Malay Basin had underwent a series of tectonic events: clays are all capable of holding bound water
Syn-Rift Phase started from Eocene due to the collision of India Mineralogy: presence of conductive minerals (such as
and Asia which resulted in extrusion of continental slivers pyrite, glauconite, hematite, or graphite)
along major NW-SE trending strike-slip faults. During Water Salinity: high salinity interstitial water causes
Oligocene, the peneplain experienced rifting which resulted in low resistivity within pay zone, while low salinity water
formation of E-W trending grabens and half grabens filled with can cause low contrast pays.
thick sequences of alluvial, fluvial and lacustrine sediments. Nevertheless, the most common cause of low resistivity pay
These grabens and half grabens are pull-apart basins which is the simple combination of thin beds containing highly
developed due to sinistral wrenching along the Axial Malay conducive shales, along with thin pay sands which are below
Fault Zone (Khalid et al., 1996). During Post-Rift Phase, the vertical resolution of the logging tool. Advanced tools can
thermal subsidence phase initiated in late Early Miocene, with be utilized to resolve the problem such as 3D induction logs and
the halting of extensional faulting which then interrupted by borehole image tools.
major inversion phase. The sediment supply mostly sourced
shale volume other than GR log. The SP is reduced by high
resistivity, which is usually related to tight zones or
hydrocarbons bearing zones. This method is especially useful
in radioactive sands, but not in carbonates.
Quick Look technique , also called Reconnaissance
interpretation, have been developed for an instant and easy
well log scanning in order to identify zones which yield to
more detailed analysis. The basic quick look technique start
off with 3 curves: GR log, porosity logs and resistivities log.
Furthermore, advance application of reconnaissance
techniques were reviewed as well to handle specific
problems in the geological sections. The advantage of this
Figure 3: Thomas-Stieber model of sand shale laminations. technique is to calculate a specific parameter quickly without
providing the insufficient information necessary, unlike the
2.4 BOREHOLE IMAGES conventional technique, which involved more complicated
steps and parameters to solution.
Borehole image logs play a major role in description of Organic Richness from log R Techniques work by
reservoir as they provide very detailed and high resolution overlaying deep resistivity curve on porosity curve in water
information where conventional logs are not able to the same zone, which means the lowest resistivity values were in line
extent. This resistivity image logs is specifically suitable to with porosity curve while higher resistivity values end up
limit the effect of adjacent shale layers on log measurement, falling to the right of porosity curve most probably indicated
which may lead to inaccurate interpretation in thin sandy layers that it is hydrocarbon bearing zone (Figure 4). Non-source
and as a result affect the calculation of the reserves. However, shale rock can be used as secondary reference if obvious
image logs contribution are limited to better estimation of net water zone was fail to be identified. The other possibility of
to gross ratio in thinly laminated reservoirs. Clear laminated the condition is tracking, which means the zone is wet.
sand can be delineate from shales in image log due to the
resistivity contrast between various lithologies as instances:
dark colour indicates low resistivity occurrence in shales and
open fractures; whereas lighter yellowish brown colour
indicates high resistivity of porous sands.



In this study, the logs are extremely valuable to perform

detection and evaluation of hydrocarbon-bearing formations,
few approach and methods are intergrated to interpret the
properties precisely.
Archies Equation is a conventional interpretation
technique and can implies for clean and consolidated sands.
Based on Archie, the rock resistivity, Rt, were determined by
several parameters: (1) porosity, ; (2) formation water
resisitivity, Rw; (3) water saturation, Sw; and (4) rock type,
reflected by a, m, and n, however, the output is susceptible to
errors in the these parameters. In Archies equation, one of
the analysis method is to differ an unreliable parameter
throughout certain range and then corresponding change in Figure 4: Sonic Log and Resistivity Cross Plot.
calculated saturation value could be observed excluding
saturation exponent m, n and Rw (Zaki, 1994). As example, METHODOLOGY
same porosity percentage error cause more distinct change in
higher saturation value than lower one. Several methods were carried out in order to achieve the
Shale volume is one the parameter for porosity objectives of this study including seismic and well data
corrections and water saturation as result of clay bound interpretation, well lithostratigraphic correlation, quick look
water. Shale volume can be indicated by various Shale analysis, borehole image study, petrophysical properties and
Volume Calculation Models, and this study focuses on 3 reserves calculation of interest zones. Each of the methods
models: the commonly used GR, SP and neutron density applied is discussed in relation to its applicability to the study
crossplots. The SP method is the alternative of calculating of thin beds pay zone.
3.1 Quick Look Evaluation Thus, this study also integrate the usage other methods
fitting the condition of interested zones which is laminated thin

Figure 5: Conventional HC bearing thick sandstone.

Reservoir above display high GR value, high contrast
between the resistivities due to permeable zone, specifically Figure 7: Thomas-Stieber Model
low Rxo due to saltwater mud, higher Ri and Rt due to the
presence of hydrocarbon, negative separation between neutron
porosity and density porosity indicates presence of void spaces
as well as hydrocarbon fluid.

Figure 6: Unconventional possible HC bearing thin bed.

Interval above can be interpreted as low resistivity low

contrast pay zone, due to its negative crossover between
neutron porosity and density porosity which indicate
hydrocarbon zone, however low resistivity response are
affected by adjacent shale which produce low resistivity.

3.2 Well Correlation

Via wireline logs, correlation initiated with delineating Figure 8: NPHI and DPHI crossplot to calculate shale volume
coal marker beds as boundary. Next, integrating the
knowledge and theories of tectonic events as well as 3.3 Seismic Interpretation
stratigraphic information, parasequence trend were
determined, mainly dependent on lithological means. By determining discontinuities and variance attribute,
Subsequently, parasequence sets were further interpret into faults are picked first and foremost to construct fault
detailed formations by utilizing log curve shapes trend. models. Bright reflection of seismic responses are picked
Spontaneous potential (SP) and gamma ray logs are the manually to ease the interpretation process. The
important elements for log curve shapes correlation and their interpretation can be supported by well correlation of
primary interpretive target is gross lithology which is the facies continuity after seismic well tie is done.
distinction between reservoir and non-reservoir. Interpreted horizons will be used to construct time
structure maps. Then, by using checkshots relationship of time
3.3 Petrophysical Interpretation and depth, time maps will be converted to depth maps where
thickness maps of isochore, isochron and isopach will be
In this study, combination and comparison of conventional developed.
calculation method with unconventional calculation method Construction of these subsurface maps is one of the
were implemented. Commonly used to calculate general requirement for this project in order to understand the
formations properties include Archie water saturation method, geology and structure of formation in study area. Besides,
bulk volume water and so on. the maps will be used to calculate the area of interested
zones, which is the input to calculate volume of reserves.
RESULT AND DISCUSSION in significant underestimation of results due to strong effect of
shale on the measured average resistivity of the formation,
4.1 Identification of Lithology which developed low deep resistivity curve.

Based on the sidewall core analysis reports, all the

wells in the studied area have various cut-off values and were
classified into three main lithofacies: sandstone, siltstone and
shales. Angsi-1, Angsi-7, Angsi-5 and Angsi-4 have quite
similar lithology trend which is interbedded sequence at the
middle section of the wells, whereas Angsi-2, Angsi-8 and
Angsi-3 have increasing shale content accordingly. Generally,
based on the lithology of the wells, shale content are increasing Figure 10: Thin bed display low contrast respond.
and indicating a basinward trend towards the south, which is On the contrary, low contrast pay in Figure 10 is implication
corresponding to the idea proposed by Leo, 1997. of lack of resistivity contrast between pay sands and adjacent
Furthermore, Group L shows regional coarsening upward shales or wet zones. This condition is usually seen when
trend indicating alluvial depositional environment, overlies by resistivity tool encounters fresh water zone. The explanation is,
thick K sandstone and K shale. Series of interbedded formation as salinity drops, the electrical pathway through a body of water
were found deposited in Group I indicate prodeltaic becomes weaker and more dispersed, resulted in less
environment in the section. Within the interbedded formation, conductivity high resistivity of water. Therefore, while
coal also deposited extensively at the area suggesting resistivity of the pay zone is high at the same time, it becomes
lacustrine environment. challenging to distinguish between pay and wet zones.

4.2 Identification of Interest Zones 4.3 Seismic Interpretation

Group K thick intervals of pay zones had been perforated

and produced, thus leaving upper interbedded sections
unexplored, which is also the primary target of this study.
Angsi-5 is provided with borehole image, Formation Micro
Scanner (FMS) tool, thus enable thickness to be calculated
effectively and accurately compare to conventional logs. There
are slight difference in thickness of the interested bed
comparing the conventional logs and resistivity image tool due
to different resolutions.
Figure 11: Seismic Well Correlation after seismic well tie is
A Based on seismic-well correlation, seismic structure of zone of
interest laterally continue in regional scale. Figure 11 shows
interbedded structure of zone of interest, corresponding to
wireline log analysis and borehole images interpretation.

Figure 9: (A) Thin bed of 6m showing low resistivity despite

other logs showing condition of HC bearing. (B) Borehole
image of scale 1:50 measure 5.6m of thin sandstone bed (light
brown colour, high resistivity) interbedded within shales (dark
colour, high conductivity).
Figure 9 (A) shows a low resistivity pay zone with contrast.
This can be attributed to a combination of shale content,
mineralogy, water salinity, and microporosity, as well as bed
thickness, dip, and anisotropy. Based on Tyagi, Guha, Voleti
and Saxena (2009), the conventional log interpretation resulted Figure 12: Isopach thickness map used for area measures.
Table 1: Area measurements of 4 layers of interested zones. 4.5 Petrophysical Properties Calculation
Thin Bed Layer Area (m2)
Table 2: One of the table used for properties calculation
Layer 1 45,548,921
Layer 2 22,153,723
Layer 3 7,495,563
Layer 4 8,763,791

4.4 Lithostratigraphic Correlation

Figure 13: Lithostratigraphic Correlation to observe thin beds

lateral continuation.

4.6 Reserves Calculation

Table 3: Reserve calculation of prolific thin beds Layer 1 & 2. Table 4: Reserve calculation of prolific thin beds Layer 3 & 4.
CONCLUSION Crain, E. R. (2000). Crains Petrophysical Handbook.
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In conclusion, four layers of thin beds in study area, Interpretation of Spectral Gamma Ray (SGR) Logging in
Malay Basin are hydrocarbon prolific and detailed analyses Selected Boreholes. Oil and Gas Institute.
are required to further proof the potential of these beds. Based Eshimokhai, S., Akhirevbulu, O. E., & Osueni, L. (2011).
on lithologic and stratigraphic interpretation, the thin beds are Evaluation of Thin Bed Using Resisitivity Borehole and NMR
located within Group I which consist of series of laminated Imaging Techniques. Retrieved from:
thin shale sand beds, corresponding to the stratigraphic profile
(Hutchison, 1996). Furthermore, resistivity borehole imaging Flaum, C., Allen, D., Cafiero, M., Cheshire, S., Hart, R.,
logs are employed to characterize the thin beds as they have McGann, G., Spaeth, R., & Wilson, D. A. (1989). Strategies
high vertical resolution, thickness of thin sand are able to be for Thin-Bed Formation Evaluation. Schlumberger Well
delineate accurately. Thomas-Stieber (1975) model of Services, Houston, Texas, USA.
proposing dispersed shale, laminated shale and structural George, A. & Daniel., K. (2004). Basic Well Log Analysis.
shale were integrated in the calculation of reserves within AAPG Methods in Exploration Series.
laminations of shale sand produced comparatively different Hutchison, C. S., & Tan, D. N. K. (2009). Geology of
results from conventional calculation method. Conventional Peninsular Malaysia (1st ed). University of Malaya.
log interpretations are invalid and unreliable at most of the James, H., & Ettajer, T. A. (2010). Correlating Well
thin beds due to various factor including effect of high Markers with the Aid of Seismic Interpretation.
conductivity by adjacent shales. Borehole imaging tools and Khalifa, M. K., Mahmud, W. M., Altaee, A. F., & Mills,
Thomas-Stieber equations are relatively reliable and J. K. (2015). Sequence Stratigraphy Analysis of Fluvial
dependable methods in interpretation of thin sands case. Deposits using Facies Characterization and Wireline Log
Correlation: Case of the Late Early-Early Middle Devonian
Snake Cave Interval, Darling Basin, Australia. Arabian
FURTHER STUDY Journal of Geosciences, 8(11). Retrieved from Springer Link.
Rock physics calibration based on well logs should be Noah, A. Z., & Moustafa, E. A. A. (2017). Comparison of
carried on to further proof the potential of these thin beds as Quantitative Analysis of Image Logs for Shale Volume and
model can be created for subsurface lithofacies, indicating its Net to Gross Calculation of a Thinly Laminated Reservoir
petrophysical and elastic behavior via series of empirical, between VNG-NERGE and LAGIA-EGYPT. Egyptian
heuristic and theoretical relations. In addition to implication of Journal of Petroleum.
rock physics is fluid replacement where rock response can be
assess depending on effect of different fluid fill on the seismic Passey, Q. R., Dahlberg, K. E., Sullivan, K., Yin, H. Z.,
expression. Brackett, B., Xiao, Y. H., Guzman-Garcia, A. G. (2006).
Borehole Image Logs in Thinly Bedded Reservoirs. AAPG
I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Myo Myint for the The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
opportunity to conduct this study and his guidances and (2006). The Clastic Thin-bed Problem. http://store-
supports provided throughout the course of my final year
project. My sincere appreciation also goes to Dr. Numair, AP Tyagi, A. K., Bastia, R., & Das, M. (2008). Identification
Loh Shyh Zong and Dr. Ahmed Salem for their advices and and Evaluation of the Thin Bedded Resrevoir Potential in the
helpful comments on my works. East Coast Deep Water Basins of India. Hyderabad:
International Conference & Exposition on Petroleum
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