Definition of Weight and Inertia Loading: Appendix C2

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Definition of Weight and

Inertia Loading

Apply boundary condition and gravity load to the model.

Utilize the WTMASS option to obtain the correct result.

Compare results.

MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook C2-1

C2-2 MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook
APPENDIX C2 Definition of Weight and Inertia Loading

Model Description:
This exercise is designed to study the effect of gravity on a model. When
modeling a gravity load in English units, users may sometimes forget to
convert the mass density to weight density. Failure to do so will yield
results that are incorrect.

Figure C2.1-Model Geometry



Table C2.1
Outer Diameter of Cylinder (OD) 4 in
Inner Diameter of Cylinder (ID) 3.25 in
Height (B) 16 in
Hole Diameter (h) 1.5 in
Weight Density 0.101 lbs/in3
Weight/Mass Factor 2.59E-3 sec2/in
Elastic Modulus 10.0E6 lbs/in2
Poissons Ratio 0.33

MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook C2-3

Figure C2.2-Loads and Boundary Conditions

Gravity = 7 g

123 123
123 123
123 123

C2-4 MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook

APPENDIX C2 Definition of Weight and Inertia Loading

Suggested Exercise Steps

Open the previous workshop.

Define material (MAT1) and element (PSOLID) properties.

Apply the fixed boundary constraints (SPC1).

First Job (Solid)

Apply gravity load of 7 with grav constant of 1. (GRAV).

Prepare the model for a static analysis (SOL 101).

Generate an input file and submit it to the MSC.Nastran solver

for static analysis.

Review the results.

Second Job (Solid2)

Apply 7g gravity with gravity constant of 386.4. (GRAV).

Prepare the model for a static analysis (SOL 101).

Generate an input file and submit it to the MSC.Nastran solver

for static analysis.

Review and compare the results.

Third Job (Solid3)

Apply 7g gravity with gravity constant of 386.4. (GRAV).

Prepare the model for a static analysis (SOL 101).

Specify the weight-mass conversion value.

PARAM, WTMASS, 0.00259

Generate an input file and submit it to the MSC.Nastran solver

for static analysis.

Review and compare the results.

MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook C2-5


C2-6 MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook

APPENDIX C2 Definition of Weight and Inertia Loading

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook C2-7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


C2-8 MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook

APPENDIX C2 Definition of Weight and Inertia Loading

Exercise Procedure:
1. Users who are not utilizing MSC.Patran for generating an input file should go
to Step 8, otherwise, proceed to step 2.

2. Open the database named Solid.db.


Change to the directory where the database is located.

Existing Database Name Solid.db


3. Create a set of material properties for the plate.

Action: Create
Object: Isotropic
Method: Manual Input
Material Name alum
Input Properties...
Elastic Modulus = 10.0E6
Poisson Ratio = .33
Density = .101

4. Define the plate thickness.

Action: Create
Dimension: 3D
Type: Solid
Property Set Name bar

MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook C2-9

Input Properties...
Material Name m:alum
(Select from Material Property Sets box.)

Select Members <Select Solid Element Icon in
select menu and select All the
elements (Elm 1:4480)>


5. Apply constraints to the model.

Constrain the bottom surface from displacement in all directions.

Rotate to Left side view.

Left side view

Action: Create
Object: Displacement
Type: Nodal
New Set Name pinned
Input Data...
Translations <T1 T2 T3> <0, 0, 0>
Select Application Region...
Select Nodes <Select all nodes at
(see Figure C2.3) the bottom surface of
the model (Left edge
in the display)>

C2-10 MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook

APPENDIX C2 Definition of Weight and Inertia Loading


Figure C2.3-Model Constraint

Select these nodes.

MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook C2-11

6. Apply gravity load to the model.

Constrain the bottom surface from displacement in all direction.

Return to the Iso 3 view.

Iso 3 view

Action: Create
Object: Inertial Load
Type: Element Uniform
New Set Name gravity
Input Data...
Load/BC Set Scale Factor: 1.0
Trans Accel <A1 A2 A3> <0, 0, 7>

Note: It is not necessary to specify that gravity force is negative because

Trans Accel <A3> is defaulted to point down.


7. Now, run the analysis.

Be sure to activate the Node i.d. for Weight Generator so MSC.Nastran

will output the weight table in the .f06 file.

Action: Analyze
Object: Entire Model
Method Analysis Deck
Job Name solid
Solution Type... LINEAR STATIC
Solution Parameters...

C2-12 MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook

APPENDIX C2 Definition of Weight and Inertia Loading

Node i.d. for Wt.Gener. = 0


An MSC.Nastran input file called solid.bdf will be generated. The process

of translating your model into an input file is called Forward Translation.
The Forward Translation is complete when the Heartbeat turns green.
MSC.Patran Users should proceed to step 9.

MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook C2-13

Submitting the input file for analysis:
8. Submit the input file to MSC.Nastran for analysis.

8a. To submit the MSC.Patran .bdf file for analysis, find an available
UNIX shell window. At the command prompt enter: nastran
solid.bdf scr=yes. Monitor the run using the UNIX ps command.

8b. To submit the MSC.Nastran .dat file for analysis, find an available
UNIX shell window. At the command prompt enter: nastran solid
scr=yes. Monitor the run using the UNIX ps command.

9. When the run is completed, edit the solid.f06 file and search for the
word FATAL. If no matches exist, search for the word WARNING.
Determine whether existing WARNING messages indicate modeling

C2-14 MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook

APPENDIX C2 Definition of Weight and Inertia Loading

Comparison of Results
10. Compare the results obtained in the .f06 file with the results on
the following page:

MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook C2-15


X 6.723973E+00 0.000000E+00 1.548170E-10 8.000008E+00
Y 6.723973E+00 -6.540650E-10 0.000000E+00 8.000008E+00
MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook

Z 6.723973E+00 -6.540650E-10 1.548170E-10 0.000000E+00

0 T1 T2 T3 R1 R2 R3
0 1 -7.3691053E-14 -2.8186134E-13 -4.7067810E+01 -7.2845907E-09 -3.0786040E-08 7.6456202E-14

Verify the SPCFORCE Resultant:

Mass * gravity = Resultant

6.724 * 7 = 47.068
APPENDIX C2 Definition of Weight and Inertia Loading

11. MSC.Nastran Users have finished this exercise.

MSC.Patran Users should proceed to the next step.
12. Proceed with the Reverse Translation process, that is importing the
solid.op2 the Analysis form and proceed as follows:

Action: Read Output2
Object: Result Entities
Method Translate
Select Results File...
Select Results File solid.op2

To simplify the view, turn off the entity labels and reset graphics using the

Hide Labels

Reset graphics

13. Plot the results of the analysis.

To plot the results to posted FEM use the Results Application radio

Action: Create
Object: Quick Plot
Select Result Case Default, Static Subcase
Select Fringe Results Stress Tensor,
Quantity: von MIses

MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook C2-17

Select the Fringe Attributes icon.

Display: Element Edges

Label Style...
Label Format: Fixed
Significant figures 4 <use slider bar>

The results should resemble Figure C2.4.

Figure C2.4

Although the solution is correct, it was just a coincidence that this

occurred. The weight density of aluminum is 0.101 lbs/in3. This value was
entered in the density input field for material. However, MSC.Nastran

C2-18 MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook

APPENDIX C2 Definition of Weight and Inertia Loading

only recognizes mass density and not weight density. Therefore, the value
of 0.101 was taken as mass density. This will yield an incorrect solution.
Remember, mass desity = (weight density / gravity). Therefore, the result
has to be divided by gravity in order to yield the correct solution.

Another mistake was the value entered for gravity (acceleration). The
value 7 was entered. However, the actual value is 7g. Therefore, the
solution will be off by the factor of 386.4 in/sec2.

Although both the entered mass density and gravity values were incorrect,
the solution happened to be correct. The reason is because the weight
density needs to be divided by value of gravity (386.4 in/sec2) while the
gravity (acceleration) needs to be multiplied by 386.4 in/sec2. Thus, the
two 386.4 in/sec2 canceled out each other.

Next, we will make the mistake more obvious to see. Most users, who are
not familiar with how MSC.Patran defines its density, will often make this

To reset the graphics, click on this icon:

Reset Graphics

14. Apply the correct gravity load to the model.

Apply the 7 g gravity load, where g is 386.4 in/sec2.

Action: Modify
Object: Inertial Load
Type: Element Uniform
Select Set to Modify gravity
Modify Data...
Trans Accel <A1 A2 A3> <0, 0, 2704.8>

15. Now, run the analysis.

Action: Analyze

MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook C2-19

Object: Entire Model
Method Analysis Deck
Job Name solid2
Solution Type... LINEAR STATIC
Solution Parameters...
Node i.d. for Wt.Gener. = 0

An MSC.Nastran input file called solid2.bdf will be generated. The

process of translating your model into an input file is called Forward
Translation. The Forward Translation is complete when the Heartbeat
turns green.

C2-20 MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook

APPENDIX C2 Definition of Weight and Inertia Loading

Submitting the input file for analysis:

16. Submit the input file to MSC.Nastran for analysis.

16a. To submit the MSC.Patran .bdf file for analysis, find an

available UNIX shell window. At the command prompt
enter: nastran solid2.bdf scr=yes. Monitor the run using
the UNIX ps command.

16b. To submit the MSC.Nastran .dat file for analysis, find an

available UNIX shell window. At the command prompt
enter: nastran solid2 scr=yes. Monitor the run using the
UNIX ps command.

17. When the run is completed, edit the solid2.f06 file and search
for the word FATAL. If no matches exist, search for the word
WARNING. Determine whether existing WARNING
messages indicate modeling errors.

MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook C2-21

Comparison of Results
18. Compare the results obtained in the .f06 file with the results on
the following page:

C2-22 MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook

X 6.723973E+00 0.000000E+00 1.548170E-10 8.000008E+00
Y 6.723973E+00 -6.540650E-10 0.000000E+00 8.000008E+00
Z 6.723973E+00 -6.540650E-10 1.548170E-10 0.000000E+00


Definition of Weight and Inertia Loading

0 T1 T2 T3 R1 R2 R3
0 1 -3.0187408E-11 -1.0866241E-10 -1.8187002E+04 -2.8147510E-06 -1.1895723E-05 2.3724134E-11
MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook

Verify the SPCFORCE Resultant:

Mass * gravity = Resultant

6.724 * (386.4 * 7) = 18187.0 <= Notice that this is different from previous solution.
19. Proceed with the Reverse Translation process, that is importing the
solid2.op2 the Analysis form and proceed as follows:

Action: Read Output2
Object: Result Entities
Method Translate
Select Results File...
Select Results File solid2.op2

20. Plot the results of the analysis.

To plot the results to posted FEM use the Results Application radio

Action: Create
Object: Quick Plot

Select the Fringe Attributes icon.

Select Result Case Default, Static Subcase_2

Select Fringe Results Stress Tensor,

The results should resemble Figure C2.5.

C2-24 MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook

APPENDIX C2 Definition of Weight and Inertia Loading

Figure C2.5

Most users input the correct value for gravity (acceleration). However,
they may not realize the density value is incorrect. After all, most density
values found in references are given as weight density. Thus, it is
important to remember that mass density is needed for calculating forces
and stresses for unit consistency.

The solution will be off by a factor of 386.4, which is the value of gravity.

Now, we will utilize the weight-mass conversion option. This option will
allow the users to input weight density as density; at the same time, it will
also signal MSC.Nastran to treat that value was weight density and make
the conversion.

To reset the graphics, click on this icon:

Reset Graphics

MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook C2-25

21. Apply the correct gravity load and also include weight-mass conversion
to the model.

Note: F = CMa. Where C = 1/g = 0.00259 (English weight system).

Action: Analyze
Object: Entire Model
Method Analysis Deck
Job Name solid3

Solution Type... LINEAR STATIC

Solution Parameters...
Wt.-Mass Conversion = 0.00259
Node i.d. for Wt.Gener. = 0

An MSC.Nastran input file called solid3.bdf will be generated. The

process of translating your model into an input file is called Forward
Translation. The Forward Translation is complete when the Heartbeat
turns green.

C2-26 MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook

APPENDIX C2 Definition of Weight and Inertia Loading

Submitting the input file for analysis:

22. Submit the input file to MSC.Nastran for analysis.

22a. To submit the MSC.Patran .bdf file for analysis, find an

available UNIX shell window. At the command prompt
enter: nastran solid3.bdf scr=yes. Monitor the run using
the UNIX ps command.

22b. To submit the MSC.Nastran .dat file for analysis, find an

available UNIX shell window. At the command prompt
enter: nastran solid3 scr=yes. Monitor the run using the
UNIX ps command.

23. When the run is completed, edit the solid3.f06 file and search
for the word FATAL. If no matches exist, search for the word
WARNING. Determine whether existing WARNING
messages indicate modeling errors.

MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook C2-27

Comparison of Results
24. Compare the results obtained in the .f06 file with the results on
the following page:

C2-28 MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook

X 6.723973E+00 0.000000E+00 1.548168E-10 8.000008E+00
Y 6.723973E+00 -6.540666E-10 0.000000E+00 8.000008E+00
Z 6.723973E+00 -6.540666E-10 1.548168E-10 0.000000E+00


Definition of Weight and Inertia Loading

0 T1 T2 T3 R1 R2 R3
0 1 -7.8159701E-14 -2.8299585E-13 -4.7104336E+01 -7.2902302E-09 -3.0809911E-08 6.3584554E-14
MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook

Verify the SPCFORCE Resultant:

C(weight/mass conversion) * Mass * gravity = Resultant

(1/386.4) * 6.724 * (7 * 386.4) = 47.068
25. Proceed with the Reverse Translation process, that is importing the
solid2.op2 the Analysis form and proceed as follows:

Action: Read Output2
Object: Result Entities
Method Translate
Select Results File...
Select Results File solid3.op3

26. Plot the results of the analysis.

To plot the results of the posted FEM, use the Results Application
radio button.

Action: Create
Object: Quick Plot
Select Result Case Default, Static Subcase_3
Select Fringe Results Stress Tensor,

The results should resemble Figure C2.6.

C2-30 MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook

APPENDIX C2 Definition of Weight and Inertia Loading

Figure C2.6

As shown above, the solution is the same as that of our first job (solid).
This time, the correct solution is not by a coincidence.

This concludes our workshop.

Quit MSC.Patran when you are finished with this exercise.

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C2-32 MSC.Nastran 105 Exercise Workbook

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