The Book - Bickford Shmeckler

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The Book Bickford Shmecklers Cool Ideas

Nothing can be ever truly, fully understood. Not the

most simple idea. Not even this.

Every physical structure in the universe, including

ourselves is in a constant state of flux, minimally and
maximally, continuously, continuously... Yet, our lives are
lived in an ever flowing still frame of reality. Sanity,
being the delusion of a comfortable continuity, within the
vortex of infinite chaos.

If were living in a black hole, were anti-matter; and

anti-matter it doesnt exist, subatomicly 99.9999% of your
body is empty space. So, how can you assert your existence
when basics physics proves that youre overwhelmingly
composed of empty space?

Distraction is a vibration in the conscience mind sent

by the sub conscience, begging it to pay attention. It is a
whisper from the mother of invention.

Everything is awesome. Fundamentally. (The Epic Sex

Poem by Bickford Shmeckler)

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