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digital computer wag Te gped primarily in des ussR b. Japan nea d Uk subject Of cybernetics deals jin the science of 3 Genetics control and communications » Molecular biology 4 Biochemistry who is credited with the idea of sing punch cards to control pattems of a weaving machine? a. Pascal », Hollerith ¢ Babbage 4 Jacuard~ Mest of the inexpensive personal romputer does not have any disk ordiskette drive. What is the name disuch computes? a Home computers” b Diskless Computers. ¢. Dedicated computer 4 General computer Which of the following reuired large tomputer memory? e 2 Imaging 6 Graphics ¢ Voice t Allof above A tem associated with the | parison of processing speeds Nerent computer system is: a EFTS b. MPG i MiPgw d. CFPS le Processes of starting or tage’ @ computer system by Stongan, “Structions froma mn, ea Storage device into the memory is called 10, Le 12. 13. Herman H Goldstein S Joseph Jacuarg d. All of above One computer — that DB. Alaptop computer &. Mini computer a. All of the above The accuracy of the tloating-poi Bit marae eaneable in two Te @pproximately a. 16 digits b. 6 digits” & 9 d. All of above A dumb terminal has @. An embedded microprocessor ~ b, Extensive memory ¢. Independent processing d. Akeyboard and screen~ Plotter accuracy is measured in terms of repeatability and a. Buffer size b. Resolutionw c. Vertical dimensions d. Intelligence Daisy wheel printer is a type of a. Matrix primer i =! b, Impact printer ~ c¢. Laser printer at. 8 ¢. WL Judson pA J. garnering which of the following terms in nop associated with computers> A. Frank land reaction B. Data base c. Binary D. Windows The special files of DOS are A. COM 8B. EXE ¢. BATCH D. All of thesew ‘Binary Codes’ as used jn computer sciences are codes made up of witch of the following two numbers? A Oand9 B tand3 ¢. Oand 1 D. 9and1 Bill Gates is more well-known as A, The CEO of apple Macintosh B. The CEO of IBM C.The owner of Corporation” D. The inventor of the personal computer Which of the following is the unit ta express the memory of a Microsoft computer? 4A.. Compiler B. Bus C Bytew D. Clone € CAD Which one of the following characteristics is absent in a computer, however sophisticated it may be? A. High speed B, intelligence C. Accuracy D. Perfect Memory The ALU of a computer responds fo the commands coming from @. Primary memory 5. Control sectionw ¢. External memory 4. Cache memory 88, 69. 80, OTs 92. 93. 95. The act of retri i retrieving existing dat: from memory is called oe SeeeeRO-olit 7b. Read trom © Reag d. All of abovew Floppies © Data d. Word Instructions and mi lemory address are represented by” @. Character code b. Binary codesy ©. Binary word J. Parity bit ich of the following code used in Bresent day computing was developed by IBM Corporation? a. ASCII B. Hollerith Code €. Baudot Code @. EBCDIC Codev What is the latest write-once optical Storage media? @. Digital paper b. Magneto-opticat disk ¢. WORM disk d. CD-ROM disk~ The most important advantage of a video disk is a. Compactness b. Potential capacity ©. Durability d. Cost effectiveness What is the number of read-write heads in the drive for a 9-trac magnetic tape? a ov b 16 ce d. 27. Before a disk drive can access any sector record, 2 computer program has to provide the record's disk address. What information does this address specify? a. Track number b. Sector number on 68. What is the name of the display feature that highlights are of the screen which ‘euires operator attention? @. Pixel b. Reverse videor ©. Touch screen d. Cursor 69. IMB launched its first personal computer called 18M-PC in 1981. it had chips from Intel, disk drives fro) Tandon, operating. system from Microsoft, the printer from Epson and the application software from everywhere. Can you name the country which contributed the video display? a. India b. China ©. Germany = 4. Taiwan” 70, Personal computers use a number of chips mounted on a main circuit board. What is the common name for such boards? 2, Daughter board b. Motherboaraw Father board . Breadboard 71. In most IBM PCs, the CPU, the 72. d. Which is meant device drives, memory expansion slots and active components are mounted on a single board. What is the name of this board? a. Motherboara~ b, Breadboard ¢. Daughter beard d. Grandmother board What is meant by a dedicated computer? @ Which is used by one person ‘only b. Which is assigned one and only one task ¢ Which uses one kind of software for application software 73. 74, 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

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