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J Therm Anal Calorim (2014) 118:12931304

DOI 10.1007/s10973-014-3986-x

Compatibility study between indomethacin and excipients in

their physical mixtures
Bogdan Tita Ionut Ledeti Geza Bandur
Dumitru Tita

Received: 13 December 2013 / Accepted: 20 June 2014 / Published online: 24 July 2014
Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, Hungary 2014

Abstract Thermal analysis is a routine method for analysis of assist in interpretation of thermal results. On the basis of
drugs and substances of pharmaceutical interest. Thermo- thermal results, confirmed by FT-IR and X-ray analyses, a
gravimetry/derivative thermogravimetry (TG/DTG) and dif- possible interaction was found between IND with polyvinyl-
ferential scanning calorimetry (DSC) are thermoanalytical pyrrolidone K30, magnesium stearate, and stearic acid.
methods which offer important information about the physical
and chemical properties of drugs (purity, stability, phase Keywords Indomethacin Thermal analysis
transition, polymorphism, compatibility, kinetic analysis, etc.). Excipients Drug-excipient compatibility
This work exemplifies a general method of studying the drug-
excipient interactions with the aim of predicting rapidly and
inexpensively the long thermal stability of their mixtures. The Introduction
TG/DTG and DSC were used as screening techniques for
assessing the compatibility between indomethacin (IND) and its A wide range of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory com-
physical associations as binary mixtures with some com-mon pounds (NSAIDs) have been in clinical practise for the
excipients. Based on their frequent use in preformula-tions eleven treatment of inflammatory disorders including arthritis and
different excipients: corn starch, microcrystalline cellulose (PH cancer as well as for prevention of myocardial infarction
101; PH 102), colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose (monohydrate and and Alzheimers disease.
anhydre), polyvinilpyrrolidone K30, magnesium stearate, talc, Indomethacin [1-(4-chlorobenzoyl)-5-methoxy-2-
stearic acid, and manitol were blended with IND. The samples methyl-1 H-indole-3-acetic acid] with the formula
were prepared by mixing the analyte and excipients in a
proportion of 1:1 (w:w). In order to O 3

investigate the possible interactions between the components, N

the thermal curves of IND and each selected excipient were

compared with those of their 1:1 (w/w) physical mixtures. FT- CI
IR spectroscopy and X-ray powder diffraction were used as
complementary techniques to adequately implement and O CH3
a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), have
been shown to be potent inhibitors of prostaglandin syn-
B. Tita (&) I. Ledeti D. Tita thesis through inhibition of one of the obligatory enzyme,
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy in the inflammatory cascade viz. cyclooxygenase, which
Victor Babes, Eftimie Murgu Square 2, 300041 Timisoara,
Romania exists in two isoforms referred as COX-1 and COX-2,
e-mail: respectively [13].
G. Bandur
Compounds inhibiting COX-1 enzymes have been
Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering Faculty, shown to cause gastrointestinal irritations and kidney
Politehnica University of Timisoara, Victoriei Square 2, damages since the enzyme is involved in the physiological
300006 Timisoara, Romania function of protecting gastric mucosa. Consequently,

1294 B. Tita et al.

research efforts have been directed toward evolving com- analysis (TA), Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy
pounds which are specific COX-2 inhibitors, which can (FT-IR), and X-ray powder diffraction patterns (XRPD).
minimize deleterious effects of NSAIDs [4, 5].
The development of controlled release dosage form has Experimental
been investigated to improve the treatment efficacy and
reduce the limitations of existing therapies. The successful Materials and samples
formulation of a stable and effective solid dosage form
depends on careful excipients selection. The most drugs
The indomethacin drug (IND) was supplied by Euro OTC
intended for oral administration require formulation with Pharma Gmb. H. Bonen, Germany, lot: 700111 Ch. B.
excipients to allow adequate administration, to facilitate
The excipients were as follows: corn starch hydrated
the product manufacture, to increase the formulation sta-
(Roquette Freres, France, lot: E1209); microcrystalline
bility, and for esthetic reasons.
cellulose PH 101 (MC101) and PH 102 (MC102) from
Thermal methods of analysis are widely used for J.Rettenmaier & Sohne GmbH, Germany (lot:6610173917
checking thermal decomposition, thermal stability, poly- and 5610273320); colloidal silicon dioxide (CSD-Aerosil
morphism, reactions in solid state, drug formulations, 200) from Degussa AG., Germany (lot:3157040314); lac-
purity, evolved gas analysis using simultaneous TGFTIR, tose monohydrate (a-lactose) and lactose anhydre (b-lac-
and other properties of solid compounds used in pharma- tose) from Friesland Foods Domo, Holland (lot:620831
ceutical industry [611]. and 620214); polyvinylpyrrolidone K30 (PVP K30 or
The evaluation of drug stability and their possible PVP) from BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Germany
physical and chemical interaction involves the incompati- (lot:65658675LO); magnesium stearate (MS) from Undesa,
bility study, as it can affect the chemical nature, the sta- Spain (lot:484931); talc (Luzenac Val Chisone, Italy
bility and bioavailability of drugs and, consequently, (lot:S1094106); stearic acid (AcSt) from Euro OTC
therapeutic efficacy, and their safety. Pharma GmbH, Bonn, Germany, lot: 2040) and mannitol
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) has been pro- (Mn) from Merk, Germany (lot:43725604).
posed as a rapid method to examine the possibility of Physical mixtures of indomethacin with each selected
physiochemical interactions, between drug(s), and drugs excipient were prepared in the 1:1 (w:w) ratio by simple
and excipient(s), predicting entectic behavior of drugs and mixture of the components in an agate mortar with pestle
excipients for preparation of a phase diagram. Differential for *5 min.
thermal analysis (DTA) predicting polymorphic forms and The 1:1 (w/w) ratio was chosen in order to maximize
study thermal behavior kinetic analysis through thermo- the probability of observing any interaction.
gravimetry/derivative thermogravimetry curves (TG/
DTG), since it is often necessary to predict degradation Methods
rates at marketing temperatures on accelerated processes
studied at elevated temperatures [1218]. Thermal analysis
In our previous papers we provided the importance of
the thermal stability and compatibility for different The TG/DTG/DTA curves were recorded using a Netzsch-
pharmaceuticals. STA 449 TG/DTA instrument in the temperature range of
However, the interpretation of the thermal data is not always 20500 LC, under a dynamic atmosphere of nitrogen (20
-1 -1
easy and, to avoid misinterpretations and misleading of thermal mL min ) and at a heating rate (b) of 10 LC min , using
analysis results, it must be emphasized that the interactions platinum crucibles and weighed *20 mg of samples.
observed at high temperatures may not always be relevant under DSC experiments were carried out with a Netzsch dif-
ambient conditions. Moreover, the presence of a solid solid ferential scanning calorimeter, model DSC204, using alu-
interaction does not necessarily indicates pharmaceutical minum crucibles with approximately 3 mg of samples, under
incompatibility, but it might instead be advantageous, e.g., as a dynamic nitrogen atmosphere (50 mL min ) and a heating
more desirable form of drug delivery system [1922]. There-fore, rate of 10 LC min , up to a temperature of 500 LC.
the use of other analytical techniques, such as FT-IR
spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffractometry, and scanning electron Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and X-
ray diffraction
microscopy (SEM) as complementary tools to assist in the
interpretation of TA findings is greatly advisable [2326].
FT-IR spectra of drug, excipients and drug-excipients
The main purpose of the present paper is to evaluate the blends were recorded on a PerkinElmer Model 1600
compatibility of indomethacin with common pharmaceu- -1
apparatus using KBr disks in the range of 4000400 cm .
tical excipients, used in the solid dosage form, by thermal

Compatibility study between indomethacin and excipients 1295

Fig. 1 TG/DTG/DTA curves of Flow/mL min

indomethacin TG/% DTA/mW mg
DTG/% min

100 250 0
[1] 0.0
90 2
0.5 200
[1] IND50010Kminazot Pt.dsu
80 Purge1

70 1.0
Exo 6
1.5 8
50 100 10

40 [1]

30 2.5 50 14

20 [1]

3.0 16
10 0
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

X-ray diffraction patterns (XRPD), for the same cate- 1:1 physical mixture and therefore select adequate excipi-
gory of substances, were obtained with a Bruker D8 ents with suitable compatibility.
Advance X-ray diffractometer using MoKa radiation (Zr Figures 2 and 3 show the TG and DSC curves of the
filter on the diffracted beam, 50 kV and 40 mA) in a substances used in the compatibility study. The DTG
BraggBrentano h:2h configuration, with Soller and fixed curves do not appear as figure separate, because their
slits and a NaI (Tl) scintillation detector. The measure- characteristics are presented in text, together with those of
ments of 2h ranged between 0L and 30L. Data analysis and the TG curves.
acquisition were performed using DIFFRACT software The TG/DTG curves of starch show a dehydration
from Bruker AXS. between 33 and 120 LC (Dm = 7.2 %; DTG peak = 65 LC),
followed by the process of decomposition between 295 and
375 LC (DTGpeak = 325 LC; Dm = 79.7 %). Initially the
DSC curve exhibits a wide endothermic peak representing
Results and discussion dehydration (Tpeak = 94 LC) [6, 12, 15].
The thermal behavior of microcrystalline cellulose PH
Thermal behavior of indomethacin 101 and respectively PH 102 is the same. Absorbed water
(about 5 %) is lost below 110 LC, between 35 and 110 LC,
apparently in a single, endothermic, and spread-out process
The thermoanalytical curves of indomethacin are presented
in Fig. 1. (DSCpeak = 72 LC). No other thermal phenomena are
observed before the beginning of decomposition, between
The TG/DTG curves show that indomethacin is stable
up to 230 LC and presents a single stage of mass loss 307 and 385 LC (DTGpeak = 355 LC and Dm = 88 %),
between 230 and 450 LC (Dm = 90 %) and DTG peak = respectively DSCpeak = 320 LC [12, 13, 16, 27].
373.0 LC. In the case of the colloidal silicon dioxide, on the
The DTA curve has shown a sharp endothermic peak thermoanalytical curves, no peak was observed in the
(Tpeak = 162.7 LC; Tonset = 154.3 LC) indicating the range of 25500 LC [12, 14, 16].
melting and which corresponds to the values indicated in The amorphous form of lactose was identified by the
literature (159163 LC, followed by other endothermic presence of an exothermic peak at 167 LC, which repre-
peak due to decomposition (Tpeak = 373.0 LC). sented the transformation of amorphous to crystalline form.
It is followed by two endothermic peaks, one at 210 and
Compatibility study with excipients the other at 216 LC. These melting peaks belong to alpha
and beta-lactose respectively. It confirmed the
transformation of the amorphous form of lactose to the two
In fact, DSC has been proposed to be a rapid method for
types of crystalline form by heating [17, 27, 28].
evaluating physico-chemical interactions between compo-
nents of the formulation through the comparison of thermal The 100 % crystalline lactose, according to XRPD,
curves of pure substances with the curve obtained from a contains a and b forms.

1296 B. Tita et al.

Fig. 2 TG curves of all

substances used in compatibility 1
study 3
4 1.IND

5 2.Starch
6 3. lactose
4. lactose
7 6.MCM102

8 7.CSD
10 8.Talc
11 9.PVP
12 10.MS
0 100 200 300 400 500

1 1.IND

Fig. 3 DSC curves of all

substances used in compatibility 2 2.Starch
3 3.MCM102
4 4.MCM101
5 7. lactose

6 5.CSD

7 6.lactose

10 8.PVP

11 9.MS
12 10.Talc
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400


According to the TG curve, the water-content by a broad endothermic phenomena (DSC peak = 82 LC)
(Dm = 4.5 %) of a-lactose monohydrate is evolved over an ill-defined baseline which makes evaluation of the
between 100 and 170 LC (DTGpeak = 161 LC). The water- dehydration enthalpy quite uncertain. The sample readily
free compound is stable up to about 265 LC, then it dehydrates and its initial mass depends upon the moisture
decomposes up to 365 LC and DTGpeak = 315 LC. The content of the atmosphere. Apparently, dehydration is
DSC curve shows a first sharp endothermic peak (Tpeak = completed at 110 LC (DTGpeak = 164 LC) in N2. However,
145 LC) corresponding to the dehydration reac-tion, a second loss stage (&2 %) begins past 150 LC and com-
followed by two endothermic peaks, from the first sharp pletes around 250 LC. Thermal analysis, SEM, and XRPD
endothermic peak (DSCpeak = 215 LC), which cor- all show that the compound is in a vitreous phase with
responds to the melting of a-lactose, the second weak peak glass transition near 200 LC. Decomposition begins around
(DSCpeak = 224 LC) represents the melting of b-lactose
384 LC (DTGpeak = 442 LC, Dm = 86 %) up to 485 LC
[12, 16, 17, 29].
[13, 27, 3234].
On the DSC curve, the b-lactose presents a small endo-
thermic peak (Tpeak = 145 LC) with an insignificant mass Simultaneous TG/DSC curves of magnesium stearate
loss on the TG curve, followed by two peaks, the first light show several dehydration stages below 110 LC. The first
corre-sponding to the melting of a-lactose (Tpeak = 215 endothermic effect is due to release of a small amount of
LC), and the second representing the melting of the b- surface water. Around 50 LC begins the first dehydration
lactose (Tpeak = 224 LC). The decomposition process takes stage of structural water, which partially overlaps with a
place in the temperature range of 275 and 365 LC second stage at higher temperature. The overall mass loss
(DTGpeak = 312 LC), accompanied by an endothermic due to surface water and to the first stage is &3 %, while
event on the DSC curve (Tpeak = 318 LC) [12, 16, 30, 31]. the amplitude of the second stage is &1.5 % of the initial
The TG/DSC curves of PVP, below 150 LC display on mass. DSC curve of magnesium stearate initially shows
initial mass loss of &9 %. This mass loss is accompanied wide endothermic effect (Tpeak = 75 LC), representing
dehydration. Melting begins at &110 LC and produces an

Compatibility study between indomethacin and excipients 1297

Fig. 4 TG curves of IND

indomethacin and its 1:1
physical mixtures 3
1.IND + Starch

4 2.IND + lactose
5 3.IND + lactose

7 4.IND + MCM 102
8 5.IND + MCM 101
10 6.IND + CSD
11 7.IND + Talc
9.IND + MS
10.IND + Mn
11.IND + AcSt

0 100 200 300 400 500


Fig. 5 DSC curves of 1

indomethacin and its 1:1 1.IND
physical mixtures 2.IND + Starch
3 3.IND + MCM102
4.IND + MCM101

7 6.IND + lactose
8 7.IND + lactose
11 9.IND + MS

12 10.IND + Talc
11.IND + AcSt
12.IND + Mn
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

endothermic peak with a shoulder in the high temperature temperature range, with Tpeak DTG = 372 LC and Dm =
side which is caused by melting of magnesium palmitate or 98.3 %, which is recorded slightly endothermic on the
high-melting polymorphs. The decomposition of the sam- DSC curve with Tpeak = 376 LC.
ple begins around 311 LC (DTGpeak = 362 LC) and to 480 TG and DSC curves of the pure indomethacin and the
LC, 92.5 % of sample mass is lost. Corresponding to the 1:1 drug:excipient physical mixture are shown in Figs. 4
decomposition process, the DSC curve presents a sharp and 5.
endothermic with Tmax = 372 LC [12, 13, 27, 30, 31, 34]. In the 1:1 physical mixtures, when there is no interaction
The TG/DTG and DSC curves of talc present any sig- between drug and excipient, the Tpeak value of melting event
nificant events under the conditions in the present work (DSC curve) and the first stage of the decomposition (T onset
[12, 16, 30, 31, 34]. and Tpeak of TG/DTG curves) should remain prac-tically
The DSC curve of stearic acid shows two distinct unchanged, similarly when the drug is alone. In this case the
endothermic peaks. The first corresponds to the melting thermal profiles of the mixture can be considered as a
process (Tpeak = 64 LC), process which flows without mass superposition of the curves of the indomethacin and
variation on the TG curve. After melting, the decomposi- excipients. In the DSC curve the Tpeak values of melting of the
tion occurs in the 200450 LC temperature range, with drug is alone, or in its mixtures when there is no interaction
Tpeak DTG = Tpeak DSC = 326 LC. The final residue is about between drug and excipient.
10 %. According to the thermal curves (Figs. 4, 5), especially
The mannitol is an excipient with a well-defined thermal DSC curves that provide the most complete information, there
profile, which shows the melting peak at 172.2 LC, char- have been found some smaller or larger differences (the case
acteristic for the crystallinity and the anhydrous state. The of the mixtures with PVP, MS, and AcSt) in terms of the
decomposition occurs after melting in the 275475 LC melting temperature values and those of the thermal

1298 B. Tita et al.
Table 1 Thermoanalytical data of indomethacin and drug:excipient physical mixtures

Samples DSC -1 DTG Dm/%

DHfusion/J g
onset (fusion) peak (fusion) onset peak DTG

IND 154.3 162.7 371.3 235 373 90
Starch 153.0 160.9 174.3 30; 250 70; 295 5; 71
MC102 153.1 161.0 177.9 30; 248 60; 352 3; 79
MC101 153.1 161.8 165.4 30; 248 60; 351 3; 78
CSD 147.1 160.7 99.7 450 348 41
a-lactose 155.6 161.6 204.8 125; 200 150; 305 3; 77
b-lactose 153.4 162.0 207.0 200 302 76
PVP 105.2 118.2 78.1 30; 250; 375 75; 345; 480 8; 34; 49
a a a a
30; 200 70; 350; 380 3; 82
Talc 154.4 161.8 176.1 200 350 43
Acid stearic 134.0 147.9 99.0 200 320 92
Manitol 152.1 159.4 179.2 200 350 96
The value not calculated due to the absence of drugs melting event or undefined peak

decomposition ranges. Basically, all the other excipients DSC/mW mg
present some differences, however small, on the melting 15
temperature, respectively the value of the melting enthal-
pies (Table 1). These differences may be due to the small
interactions that have not been confirmed by FTIR spec-
troscopy and X-ray diffraction patterns.
In the case of mixtures with povidone (PVP), magne-
sium stearate, and stearic acid, the DSC curves demon-
strated differences in the thermal profile of the IND, such
as the absence of drugs melting event. The TG curves 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
demonstrated that excipients influence the decomposition Temperature/C
process of the IND by displacing the Tonset, respectively
DTGpeak of the first mass loss event at a lower temperature Fig. 6 DSC curves of IND (green), PVP (blue) and its 1:1 physical
mixture (red). (Color figure online)
than the isolated drug. Frequently, this displacing is due to
structural change and indicates interaction and incompati-
bilities between the compounds.
By the comparison of the DSC curves (Fig. 6) of pure
IND and PVP with their 1:1 physical mixture, the differ- 1
ences are well visible and these can be attributed to any DSC/mW mg
incompatibility (interaction) between the two components. 15
The endothermic peak of the melting point of IND (T peak
fusion = 162.7 LC) disappeared and the signal of PVP was
changed. A new one appears below 44.5 LC. The DSC 5
curve of the binary mixture IND-PVP indicates a chemical
interaction between substances due to heating. 0

The same behavior was described in the literature for 5

the mixtures of PVP with other drugs such as naproxen,
cetoprofen, captopril, sodium diclofenac, ibuprofen, and 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
ketoprofen [12, 13, 27, 3436]. Temperature/C
The differences of the DSC curves (Fig. 7) of IND, MS,
Fig. 7 DSC curves of IND (green), MS (blue) and its 1:1 physical
respectively their 1:1 physical mixture, are well visible and mixture (red). (Color figure online)

Compatibility study between indomethacin and excipients 1299

DSC/mW mg
methods and has become an attractive method in the ana-
25 Exo
lysis of pharmaceutical solids, since the materials are not
20 subject to thermal or mechanical energy during sample
preparation, therefore preventing solid-state transforma-
tions. The appearances of new absorption band(s), broad-
10 ening of band(s), and alteration in intensity are the main
characteristics to evidence interactions between drug and
excipients [12, 16, 30, 3840].
0 FT-IR spectra were drawn for indomethacin, excipients,
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 and respectively for the corresponding mixtures. Further,
Temperature/C only the spectra for the cases where the thermal analysis
indicates a possible interaction, namely: indomethacin,
Fig. 8 DSC curves of IND (green), AcSt (blue) and its 1:1 physical povidone, and the mixture indomethacin:povidone (Fig. 9),
mixture (red). (Color figure online)
indomethacin, magnesium stearate, and the corresponding
mixture (Fig. 10), respectively indomethacin, stearic acid,
and the corresponding mixture (Fig. 11), were presented
these can be attributed to any incompatibility (interaction) [17, 28, 32, 33, 35, 40].
between the two components.
For the other mixtures, the FT-IR spectra can be con-
In the DSC curve of binary mixture was evidenced the sidered as the superposition of the individual ones without
disappearance of characteristic IND fusion peak. In the the absence, shift or broadening in the vibration bands of
literature, other interactions between drugs and magnesium IND. It demonstrated the absence of chemical interactions
stearate are detailed [6, 15, 16, 27, 32].
between IND and the corresponding excipients.
The DSC curve of the physical mixture of IND with AcSt
The main absorption bands of FTIR spectrum for IND,
(Fig. 8) shows a similar behavior as in the case of IND-PVP with proper attribution, are as follows:
mixture. So, the endothermic peak of the melting point of IND
(Tpeak fusion = 162.7 LC) disappeared and a new one appears an absorption band of moderate-low intensity, with the
below 14.8 LC. The DSC curve of the binary mixture IND- maximum absorption at 2923 cm , which corresponds
AcSt indicates a chemical interaction between substances due to mCH (CH3) vibration;
to heating [16, 3537]. the most intense absorption band showing almost two
The results taken from the TG/DTG and DSC curves for absorption maximum at 1717 and 1691 cm , corre-
the binary mixtures are collected in Table 1. sponds to mC=O vibration from carboxyl and ketone;
Generally, the melting peak of IND was preserved and the band at 1480 cm , intense with a right shoulder at
1455 cm , corresponds to mC=C aromatic vibration;
the enthalpys values are reduced to half, less for the two -1
the band at 1361 cm , of average intensity corre-sponds
binary mixtures mentioned. The slight lowering and/or to mCN vibration;
broadening of the melting temperature, respectively -1
the intense band at 1308 cm , corresponds to
beginning and maximum temperature of decomposition d(asym., sym.) CH vibration
may be attributed to the mixing process, which lower the -1
at 1227 cm , an intense band appears which charac-
purity of each component in the mixture. terizes the m(asym) COC vibration;
Decreasing values of DHfus suggest that the process (in the m(sym) COC vibration is characterized by the band at
this case melting) is moved and takes place with low 1067 cm , of an average intensity;
intensity (the case of IND with PVP and AcSt mixtures) or -1
the band at 837 cm , of an average intensity, charac-
even disappears (the case of IND with MS mixture for terizes the rocking vibration in the dCH plan;
which DHfus was not calculated). at 752 cm , there appears a band of medium intensity
which corresponds to mCHCl vibration.
Unlike the small differences of the melting tempera- In respect of the povidone, it presents the bands at:
tures, the values of DHfus even less than half of the value -1
corresponding to the indomethacin show the possibility of 3460 cm a large band attributed to the OH group from
the crystallization water;
one physical interaction, especially for the CSD, but does -1
not determine an incompatibility. 2977 cm that corresponds to the C = O binding;
The FT-IR spectroscopy was used as a supplementary 1669 cm that corresponds to the carbonyl amidic
technique in order to investigate the possible chemical -1
interaction between drug-excipient and to confirm the 1495; 1465; 1422 cm these correspond to asym-
metrical vibration (das CH3);
results obtained by the thermal analysis. It is the most
suitable technique of the non-destructive spectroscopic

1300 B. Tita et al.

Fig. 9 IR spectra of PVP, IND,

and 1:1 blend as simple mixture IND + PVP
of IND and PVP



4000 3800 3600 3400 3200 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400

Fig. 10 IR spectra of MS, IND,

and 1:1 blend as simple mixture
of IND and MS



4000 3800 3600 3400 3200 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400

Fig. 11 IR spectra of AcSt,

IND, and 1:1 blend as simple
mixture of IND and AcSt IND + Ac. St

Ac. St


4000 3800 3600 3400 3200 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400

Compatibility study between indomethacin and excipients 1301

-1 2000
1291 cm that corresponds to the in-plane CH 1900
For the binary mixture, it shows the following 1700
differences: 1600
the considerably reduction of the width and intensity of 1400 IND + PVP
-1 -1
bands at 3447 cm (PVP) from 2955 to 2928 cm 1300
,respectively, (PVP);

1 disappearance of the most intense band at 1622 cm
(PVP); 1000
the bands of 1719 and 1692 cm have changed their 900
intensity: the first has increased by about 10 % and the 800
second has fell by about 28 %; 700
-1 600 IND
the intensity of the main bands from the 1480700 cm
region (1480; 1360; 1311; 1233; 1087; 1068; 837; 753
-1 400
cm ) increased by about 1020 %. 300
Because of these differences it can be considered that 100 PVP
IND interacts with PVP.
Magnesium stearate presents a strong ethyl vibration in 2 10 20 30
-1 -1
the region of 2921 up to 2850 cm . In the 15691468 cm 2/
region, it showed an asymmetric stretch corresponding to
the carboxyl anion.
Other bands that must be maintained have their peaks at Fig. 12 X-ray diffractogram of PVP, IND, and 1:1 blend as simple
-1 mixture of IND and PVP
2958 cm corresponding to asymmetric vibration of CH
bond in methyl group, respectively those at 721 cm
which corresponds to rocking deformation (HCH) n. n
[ 3. has two low intensity bands at 933, 720 cm , corre-
FT-IR spectrum of indomethacinmagnesium stearate sponding to OH vibration outside the plan and to the
mixture shows the following changes: rocking vibration of the CH2 group.
-1 The main changes that occur in the spectrum of the
the disappearance of the 3421 cm broad band (MS); IND-AcSt binary mixture are as follows:
the absorption maximum at 2917 cm maintains its -1
intensity (maximum), while the one from 2850 cm the emergence of a broad band (37003300 cm ) of low
decreases its absortion by about 15 %; intensity and absorption maximum at 3458 cm ;
-1 -1
the peaks in the region 1717752 cm reduce their maintaining the intensity of bands at 2918 and 2849 cm ;
intensity between 15 and 35 %; -1
the appearance of a single band at 1693 cm , instead
-1 -1 -1
the peak at 721 cm (MS) disappears. of those from 1717 to 1691 cm (IND) and 1701 cm
From the above observations obtained after comparing -1
the spectra, it may be considered that magnesium stearate the bands in the 1475752 cm region reduce their
intensity by about 1520 %.
interacts with indomethacin.
The stearic acid spectrum shows a broad band in the Based on these changes, it can be considered that IND
-1 interactions with AcSt.
33002750 cm range, with two very intense absorption
maximum at 2918 and 2849 cm , corresponding to mOH To investigate the possible interaction of indomethacin
and mCH stretching vibrations. Axial deformation bands of with povidone, magnesium stearate and stearic acid, besides
the CH appear superimposed on the broad band of OH. the FT-IR spectroscopy which is a qualitative analysis
The band at 1701 cm corresponds to the mC=O (sym- technique, the X-ray powder diffraction has been used for
metric) stretching vibration. The bands at 1464 and 1296 qualitative and quantitative identification of crystallinity. The
cm ,respectively, characterize the deformations of the C number of the speciality papers which uses the X-ray powder
O and OH from the COH group. The stearic acid
diffraction is growing [17, 28, 32, 33, 36, 41].
The X-ray diffraction patterns of indomethacin, povi-
done and indomethacin-povidone mixture, indomethacin,

1302 B. Tita et al.

2100 The additional prominent DSC peaks in the mixtures of

the drugs and excipients are a positive indication of
chemical interaction of the drugs with excipients. Such
interaction should result in the partial or complete disap-
1600 pearance of the reactant phases and appearance of new
1500 IND + MS phases, which can be inferred from X-ray diffraction pat-
1400 terns. X-ray diffraction patterns of the mixture, prepared at

room temperature, when compared with those of its indi-
vidual components showed appearance of new lines and
disappearance of some of the lines present in the individual
900 components.
800 From examining the characteristic data of the recorded
700 IND diffraction spectra, it was found that
500 40 % of the diffraction lines, present in the diffraction
400 spectrum of the IND-PVP mixture, are new, and their
300 intensity varies from 11 to 55.5 %;
200 in the case of the mixtures IND-MS and IND-Ac.St.
100 MS about 10 % of the lines are new;
0 a certain number of lines present in the XRD patterns of
2 10 20 30
the individual components disappear in the case of
2/ mixtures, especially for mixture IND-PVP;
generally, the number of lines present in the XRD
Fig. 13 X-ray diffractogram of MS, IND, and 1:1 blend as simple
mixture of IND and MS patterns of the individual components was found
missing in the similar pattern recorded for the mixture.

The significant difference in the X-ray patterns of the

drugexcipient mixtures compared to those of individual
drugs and excipient indicates possible incompatibility of the
3000 drugs with the excipient, even at room temperature. The
presence of majority of the lines of the parent substances in
the thoroughly ground mixture prepared at room tempera-ture,
corresponding to the significant increase of the peaks

IND + Ac.St. intensities indicates the interaction of IND with PVP, MS, and
2000 Ac. St. at room temperature, which could increase with
the increased temperature.

IND Conclusions
This paper presents an issue of great importance, met more
and more often in the speciality literature: the compatibility
of the drugs with different excipients.
Ac.St. The study refers to the thermal stability of the IND,
0 respectively the compatibility of this substance with a
2 10 20 30 range of excipients mentioned in the paper. As methods of
2/ study, the following were used: the thermal methods of
Fig. 14 X-ray diffractogram of AcSt, IND, and 1:1 blend as simple analysis as main technique, respectively the FT-IR spec-
mixture of IND and AcSt troscopy and X-ray diffraction patterns as supplementary
magnesium stearate and indomethacin-magnesium stearate The results confirmed the utility and reliability of ther-
mixture, respectively indomethacin, stearic acid, and mal analysis, especially DSC technique, at the earliest
indomethacinstearic acid mixture are shown in stage of preformulation studies as a valuable tool for a
Figs.1214. rapid screening of a wide range of candidate excipients,

Compatibility study between indomethacin and excipients 1303

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