Of The Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA)

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Safety Standards

of the
Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA)

KTA 3405 (Issue 2/79)

Integral Leakage Rate Testing of the Containment with the

Absolute Pressure Method

(Integrale Leckratenprfung des Sicherheitsbehlters mit der


If there is any doubt regarding the information contained in this translation, the German wording shall apply.


KTA-Geschaeftsstelle c/o Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz (BfS)

Willy-Brandt-Strasse 5 38226 Salzgitter Germany
Telephone +49-1888/333-(0) 1621 Telefax +49-1888/333-1625
Integral Leakage Rate Testing of the Containment with the Ab-
Febr. 1979 KTA 3405
solute Pressure Method


1 Scope...............................................................................................................................................................1
2 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................1
3 Requirements...................................................................................................................................................1
3.1 Measurement Systems.....................................................................................................................................1
3.2 Testing Personnel ............................................................................................................................................2
4 Test Program ...................................................................................................................................................2
4.1 General Requirements .....................................................................................................................................2
4.2 Test Pressure...................................................................................................................................................2
4.3 Stabilizing Period..............................................................................................................................................2
4.4 Measurement Period ........................................................................................................................................3
4.5 Time of Measurement ......................................................................................................................................3
5 Preparation of Testing ......................................................................................................................................3
5.1 Measurement Equipment .................................................................................................................................3
5.2 Pressurizer .......................................................................................................................................................3
5.3 Test object........................................................................................................................................................3
5.4 Components.....................................................................................................................................................3
6 Test Procedure.................................................................................................................................................3
7 Analysis of the Measurement Results ..............................................................................................................4
7.1 General Requirements .....................................................................................................................................4
7.2 Calculation of the Reduced Pressures .............................................................................................................4
7.3 Calculation of the Leakage Rate.......................................................................................................................5
7.4 Calculation of the Confidence Limits of the Leakage Rate................................................................................5
7.5 Conversion to Design Pressure........................................................................................................................6
8 Evaluation of the Result ...................................................................................................................................6
8.1 Initial Integral Leakage Rate Test .....................................................................................................................6
8.2 Inservice Integral Leakage Rate Test ...............................................................................................................6
9 Documentation .................................................................................................................................................6
Appendix A Symbols and Units..........................................................................................................................7
Appendix B Standard form sheets .....................................................................................................................8

PLEASE NOTE: Only the original German version of this safety standard represents the joint resolution of the
50-member Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (Kerntechnischer Ausschuss, KTA). The German version was
made public in Bundesanzeiger No. 194a on October 14, 2000. Copies may be ordered through the Carl Heymanns
Verlag KG, Luxemburger Str. 449, 50939 Koeln (Telefax +49-221-94373-603).
All questions regarding this English translation should please be directed to:
KTA-Geschaeftsstelle c/o BfS, Willy-Brandt-Strasse 5, 38226 Salzgitter, Germany
Comments by the editor:

Taking into account the meaning and usage of auxiliary verbs in the German language, in this translation the fol-
lowing agreements are effective:

shall indicates a mandatory requirement,

shall basically is used in the case of mandatory requirements to which specific exceptions (and only
those!) are permitted. It is a requirement of the KTA that these exceptions - other than
those in the case of shall normally - are specified in the text of the safety standard,
shall normally indicates a requirement to which exceptions are allowed. However, the exceptions used,
shall be substantiated during the licensing procedure,
should indicates a recommendation or an example of good practice,
may indicates an acceptable or permissible method within the scope of this safety standard.
KTA 3405 Page 1

(12) Partial leakage rate

1 Scope
The partial leakage rate is the leakage rate of an individual
This safety standard applies to the integral leakage rate test- leakage location.
ing of the containment vessels for nuclear power plants with
the absolute pressure method for the determination of the
gas-tightness of containment vessels.
3 Requirements
3.1 Measurement Systems
2 Definitions
3.1.1 General Requirements
(1) Absolute pressure method
When chosing type, number and distribution of the measure-
The absolute pressure method is a measurement method for ment systems it shall be considered that
determining the leakage rate by which the leakage rate is a) the smaller the standard deviation s of the reduced pres-
calculated from the pressure changes with time of the pres- sures,
surized containment vessel, considering changes in tempera-
ture and humidity of the enclosed mass of gas. b) the larger the measurement period Dt,
c) the larger the number of measurement cycles n,
(2) Resolution
d) the larger the leakage rate L, and
Resolution means the required change of the measurement e) the larger the test pressure pa,
value, which just effects a change of the display of the meas-
urement equipment. the more accurate the determination, of the leakage rate will
(3) Stabilizing period
The settling period is the time from reaching the test pressure 3.1.2 Gas Pressure Measurements
until the commencement of the measurement period.
(1) The value and the change with time of the absolute pres-
(4) Free volume sure in the containment vessel shall be determined by the
The free volume of the containment vessel is the inner volume measurement of the gas pressure pa or the measurement of
of the containment vessel minus the volume of all those con- the gas pressure p and pu.
tainment vessel internals which cannot be filled with gas dur- (2) The measurement equipment and systems used shall
ing the pressurization. meet the following requirements:
(5) Integral leakage rate resolution 0.01%
The integral leakage rate is the sum of all the partial leakage measurement uncertainty 0.03%
rates. error limits 1%
(6) Leakage rate (3) The gas pressure measurement location shall be located
The leakage rate is the mass of the gas which escapes from at half the height of the containment vessel. The pressure
the containment vessel per day (d), based on the original measurement equipment shall be connected to the gas pres-
mass of gas in the containment vessel on commencement of sure measurement location with a pressure resistant and gas
the test. tight pipe and such that the formation of water traps through
condensation is avoided.
(7) Measurement period
the measurement period is that time period used for. deter- 3.1.3 Gas Temperature Measurement
mining the integral leakage rate. General Requirements
(8) Measurement frequency
(1) The measurement equipment and systems used shall
The measurement frequency is defined as the number n of meet the following requirements:
measurement cycles minus one per time interval Dt: resolution 0.05 K
n -1 measurement uncertainty 0.1 K
Dt error limits 3K
(9) Test period (2) The measurement sensors shall be shielded against heat
The test period is the overall duration of time for pressuriza-
tion, stabilization, measurement and depressurization. Number and Distribution of the Measurement Sen-
(10) Test leakage rate
The test leakage rate is the leakage rate in the test condition,
(1) In establishing the number and distribution of the meas-
where the test condition is that thermodynamic state of the
urement sensors it shall be considered that the accuracy of
gas inside the containment vessel at which the test is carried
the determination of the average gas temperature depends on
the complexity of the measurement techniques and on the
(11) Reduced pressure value of the change with time of the temperature field. The
following should be used:
The reduced pressure is the absolute pressure converted to a
reference state considering the changes of temperature, hu- a) in the case of uninsulated containment vessels or con-
midity and vessel volume. tainment vessels shortly after the plant has been taken out
of operation and without air-circulation, at least one meas-
KTA 3405 Page 2

urement sensor per 1500 m but no less than 20 meas- measurement uncertainty 3K
urement sensors, and error limits 5K
b) in the case of well-insulated containment vessels prior to
commissioning or after a long outage of the plant with
air-circulation, at least one measurement sensor per 3000 3.2 Testing Personnel
m but no less than 10 measurement sensors. The testing personnel shall have basic theoretical knowledge
(2) The individual sensors shall be arranged in horizontal and practical experience necessary for him to master the tests
sections in the containment vessel in layers of almost equal to be carried out in accordance with the requirements of this
thickness and such that the number of sensors per layer is safety standard. This shall be demonstrated on the basis of
approximately proportional to the layer volume. The layer qualification and testing practice to the authorized expert un-
thicknesses should be 5 m (the layer thickness of 5 m der Sec. 20 Atomic Energy Act.
applies in the case of a maximum vertical temperature gradi-
ent of 1.5 K/m). In the case of a well-insulated containment
vessel prior to the commissioning or after a longer outage of 4 Test Program
the plant with air-circulation, larger layer thicknesses up to 4.1 General Requirements
10 m are allowed.
Prior to the testing, a test program shall be agreed upon with
(3) In layers, where only 1 sensor is to be located, this sen- the authorized expert under Sec. 20 Atomic Energy Act. This
sor shall be located at the centre of gravity of the layer. Layers shall especially contain:
with several sensors (in the same plane) shall be sub-divided
such that there is almost the same partial volume to each a) required condition of the test object
sensor. The sensor shall be then located at the centre of grav- b) requirements for the measurement systems
ity of the partial volume. The tolerance of the location of the c) test intervals
measurement location should be within 0.5 m. d) measurement frequency
(4) If the temperature equalization is hindered by ceilings or e) time of test
walls, the measurement sensors shall be arranged in the indi- f) procedural chart (test pressure, stabilizing period, test
vidual rooms such that the average room temperature is de- period, allowed pressure change velocity)
termined. The number and spatial distribution of the sensors
shall be based on the criteria mentioned above. In the case of g) allowed leakage rate (The value of the allowed leakage
smaller rooms with the same thermal behaviour, several rate shall be established on the basis of the incident analy-
rooms may be collectively assigned to a sensor. Rooms with sis of the respective nuclear power plant and the protection
heat sources > 10 kW shall have measurement sensors even goals according to Sec. 28 Radiological Protection Ordi-
if the room volume is less than 1500 m. nance - StrlSchV)
h) indication of possible leakage locations
3.1.4 Gas Humidity Measurement i) type and extent of documentation
j) measures for personnel protection. General Requirements
The measurement equipment and systems shall meet the 4.2 Test Pressure
following requirements, which have been converted to water
vapour pressure: 4.2.1 Initial Test
resolution 0.3 bar Starting from a pressureless condition, the initial test shall be
measurement uncertainty 0.5 bar carried out in two consecutive pressure steps, i.e. at 0.5 bar
overpressure and at design pressure. For facilities with a de-
error limits 1% of test pressure
sign pressure smaller than or equal to 0.5 bar, the test pres-
sure shall be established with the authorized expert under Number and Distribution of the measurement Sen- Sec. 20 Atomic Energy Act.
(1) The number of the measurement sensors should be 4.2.2 Inservice Inspection
1 gas humidity sensor to every 10 temperature sensors.
The inservice inspection of the integral leakage rate shall be
(2) The measurement sensors should be distributed analo- possible at design pressure. Starting from a pressureless
gously to the temperature sensors. condition, the inservice inspection shall be carried out with an
overpressure of 0.5 bar. Fear facilities with a design pressure
(3) The rooms in the containment vessel with humidity smaller than or equal to 0.5 bar, the test pressure shall be
sources, e.g. fuel element storage pools and suppression established with the authorized expert under Sec. 20 Atomic
chambers, should be covered by additional measurement Energy Act.

4.3 Stabilizing Period

3.1.5 Determination of Gas Volume Change
Subsequent to average pressure change velocities higher
(1) For the determination of gas volume change in the case than 0.05 bar/h, a settling period of at least 6 hours shall be
of an uninsulated containment vessel, the wall temperature of observed so that detrimental influences, e.g. the storage of
the containment vessel shall be measured at 6 to 8 locations gas in concrete, can be neglected.
distributed evenly over the surface of the containment vessel.
(2) The measurement equipment and systems used shall
meet the following requirements:
resolution 1K
KTA 3405 Page 3

4.4 Measurement Period allowed to be closed. For the initial toot, blind closures may
be used as exceptions only for those systems, which are not
4.4.1 Initial Test
in direct contact with the containment vessel atmosphere
The measurement period should be 36 hours; this, however, during subsequent operation, for the sump suction line and for
may be reduced to a minimum of 18 hours if the condition of the differential pressure lines required for the initiation of
the Equation 7.9 is satisfied. emergency cooling measures; in these cases it shall be dem-
onstrated that the influence of these systems on the
gas-tightness of the containment vessel is negligible.
4.4.2 Inservice Inspection
(3) The inner, hatches of locks shall be opened, the outer
The measurement period should be 24 hours; this, however, hatches of locks shall be closed and shall be locked using the
may be reduced to a minimum of 10 hours, if the range of the regular operating mechanism.
confidence With respect to the allowable leakage rate is
smaller than or equal to 0.6, and if the measured upper confi-
dence limit is smaller than or equal to the allowable leakage 5.4 Components
rate. (1) It shall be ensured that all rooms and vessels within the
containment vessel can, as far as this is allowable from the
4.5 Time of Measurement safety point of view, be pressurized with the test pressure.
4.5.1 Initial Teat (2) The partial leakage rates of systems within the contain-
ment vessel shall be determined.
The initial test shall be carried out after the pressure test.
(3) It shall be checked whether components (e.g. vessels,
operational instrumentation, lighting) could be damaged by the
4.5.2 Inservice Inspection test pressure or if the operational instrumentation delivers
The inservice inspection shall be carried out at the test times false values (e.g. fire alarm). If necessary, measures shall be
and test intervals established for the containment vessel. taken to prevent pressure influences.
(4) The condition of the components in the containment
vessel shall be documented in accordance with Appendix B.
5 Preparation of Testing
5.1 Measurement Equipment
6 Test Procedure
(1) The measured value shall be registered at a central
location outside the containment vassal. For this purpose, an (1) The test shall be carried out in accordance with the test
adequately dust free room, capable of being air-conditioned, program. The condition of the containment vessel closure
shall be available. The location of this measurement room and valves and devices, especially the locks, is not allowed to be
admission to it shall meet, the relevant requirements. altered during the stabilization and measurement periods.

(2) Location and functional capability of the measurement (2) A measurement frequency of at least 2/h shall be cho-
sensors shall be tested. The result shall be recorded on the sen. In this respect, it shall be considered that a longer meas-
form sheets of Appendix B. urement period or a higher measurement frequency will sig-
nificantly improve the accuracy of the results.
(3) The validity of the measurement results of all installed
measurement systems shall be randomly verified. In case (3) In order that detrimental influences like:
computers are used, their proper functioning shall be verified a) re-arrangement of the test gases after the end of pressuri-
by a test program. zation,
(4) For security back up, the automatic registration and b) storage of gas in the concrete internals of the containment
processing of delta shall be supported by an additional simpli- vessel, and
fied manual recording of data. c) variable systematic measurement errors
can be identified and considered, the measurement period
5.2 Pressurizer established in the teat program for the type of test (initial test
or inservice inspection) shall be adhered to (see Section 4.4).
(1) When operating the pressurizer to produce the toot pres- In the case of the inservice inspection, the measurement pe-
sure, it shall be ensured, that the test pressure and pressure riod and measurement frequency are given by the required
change velocity duo riot exceed values allowed according to accuracy of the result. The leakage rate test may be discon-
the test program. tinued whenever the upper confidence limit determined is
(2) Oil separators, air coolers and filters of compressors smaller than or equal to the allowable leakage rate (see Sec-
shall be chosen such that the feed-in air has the least possible tion 4.4).
amounts of humidity and oil contents. (4) In the case of disturbances in the measurement tech-
niques, the measurement period shall be increased corre-
5.3 Test object spondingly after the disturbance has been removed.

(1) Basically, all containment vessel penetrations up to the (5) During the measurement, all measured parameters shall
first inner or outer fixed point as well as their first inner or outer be converted to the corresponding physical quantities and the
closure valves shall be available for the initial as well as all process variables of the gas mixture in the containment vessel
subsequent leakage rate tests. shall be determined.

(2) The containment vessel penetrations shall be closed off (6) For a continuous monitoring during the test, all process
by means of regular closure valves operated by regular variables and the reduced pressure determined shall be
means. Exceptions to this are those systems which serve to graphically represented.
maintain specified normal operation during testing and are not
KTA 3405 Page 4

(7) The measured values should be processed by means of

Tr =
Vj Trj (7.5)
a programmed computer.
(8) In case individual measurement sensors fail during the
test, the test may be continued if it can be seen from the trend (5) The average water vapour pressure shall be determined
of the previously measured values that the measured values by a volume-proportional averaging according to the following
of the sensors which have failed can be determined by linear equation:
interpolation of the measured values of the neighbouring sen-
sors. The reduced pressures may only deviate by a maximum Pd =
Vj Pdj (7.6)
of 0.03% with regard to the trend of previous measurements. Vj
(9) Deviating measures shall be allowed only if their influ- (6) The relative gas volume change corresponding to the
ence on the results are shown to be negligible. average wall temperature change shall be determined ac-
(10) If, during the testing period, the flow of gases from the cording to the following equations, neglecting the restraint
outside into the containment vessel cannot be avoided or if cone of the containment vessel and the temperature expan-
gas is removed by mans of a leakage exhaust system, then sion of the internals:
their mass shall be determined by measuring the volume flow
and the gas state (pressure, temperature). A feed-back into 1 + g w (TW - TW 0 ) (7.7)
the containment vessel shall not be allowed. V0

TW =
TWj (7.8)
7 Analysis of the Measurement Results k
7.1 General Requirements (7) Far changes of the average wall temperature smaller
than pr equal to 6 K the resulting volume change may be ne-
(1) The following parameters shall be determined: glected (resulting errors are smaller than or equal to 0.02%).
a) gas pressure pa
(8) For the applicable design conditions (e.g. type of con-
b) gas temperature Tr struction and choice of materials), the pressure dependent
c) partial pressure pd volume change of the containment vessel may be neglected.
d) volume ratio V/V0. (9) If there are deviations from linearity in the cars of re-
(2) The analysis shall be carried out in three steps: duced pressure, it shall be checked in every case whether for
two directly adjoining calculation sections, (1) and (2), and
a) calculation of the reduced pressures
each with a measurement period of 5 hours and with the same
b) calculation of the leakage rate measurement frequency and the same number of measure-
c) calculation of the confidence limits of the leakage rate. ment cycles [n(1) = n(2) = n] the compensating lines B(1) and
B(2) have the same inclination. The following condition shall
be satisfied:
7.2 Calculation of the Reduced Pressures
(1) Since with time the process variables temperature and B(1) - B(2) 1
humidity and the vessel volume can change with respect to 2 2
t i2 - n ( t i )2 < ta1 (7.9)
(s(1)) + (s(2))
the reference state, the pressures shall be converted to this
reference state. The factors ta1 shall be taken from Table 7-1.
The reduced pressure is thus calculated as:
V T0 Number n of measurement cy- Value for ta1
Pb = (Pa Pd) (7.1)
V0 T cles per calculation section
3 4.30
(2) For determining the partial pressures, the relative humid-
ity jj shall be converted to the water vapour pressure Pdj ac- 4 2.80
cording to the following equations: 5 2.40
Pdj = jj Psj (7.2) 6 2.30
7 2.20
ln Psj = 56.88 - - 5.32 ln Trj (7.3) 10 2.10
20 2.03
(Ps in mbar).
30 2.00
(3) The average absolute gas temperature of the gas mix- 50 1.98
ture within the containment vessel shall be determined by a
mass-proportional averaging according to the following equa- 100 1.97
tion: > 100 1.96

Tr =
Vj (7.4) Table 7-1: Statistical factor ta1 for various numbers n of
T measurement cycles

(4) In case of temperature gradients smaller than 0.5 K/m (10) If the condition of the Equation (7.9) is not satisfied, then,
however, a volume-proportional averaging according to the from the total diagram of the seduced pressure values, two
following equation is permitted: sections which satisfy this condition shall be picked out.
KTA 3405 Page 5

(11) Both sections shall, extend totally over 38 hours and with the standard deviation of the gradient of the regression
encompass three consecutive full half-waves. line
(12) If the condition is still not satisfied after the selection of n
the sections, the measurement period shall be extended by at sB = s (7.17)
least 12 hours. n t i2 - ( t i )2

and the standard deviation o the ordinate section of the re-

7.3 Calculation of the Leakage Rate gression line
(1) The reduced pressure values calculated in accordance
with Section 7.2 shall be equalized linearly, since for leakage sA = s
t i2 (7.18)
rates smaller than or equal to 5 %/d the pressure decrease n t i2 - ( t i )2
with time is so small that the exponential pressure diagram
can be approximated by a linear pressure diagram. (2) The confidence range for the integral leakage rate cal-
(2) The gradient B (regression coefficient B) and the ordi- culated according to Section 7.3 is 2 sL. sL shall be calculated
nate section A (regression coefficient A) of the regression line using the following equation:
shall be calculated according to the method of least square
s B sB
errors using the following equations (according to A. Linder, sL = 1 + A t a2 (7.19)
Statistische Methoden, Birkenhauer Verlag, Basel 1964): A sB A

n ( t i Pbi ) - t i Pbi B sA
B= (7.10) If < 1, then sL may be approximated as
n t i2 - ( t i )2 sB A

1 sB
A= ( Pbi - B t i ) (7.11) sL = ta2 (7.20)
n A
(3) From the gradient and ordinate section of the regression The parameter ta2 shall be taken from Table 7-2.
line, the integral leakage rate shall be calculated using the
following equation:
Number n of measurement cy- Value for ta2
B cles
Lintegral = - (7.12)
A 4 13.10
(4) For the integral leakage rate test, the measured partial 6 5.60
leakage rates are taken into account. The mass change m
8 4.30
shall be converted according to the following equation:
10 3.83
1 Dm
Lpartial = (7.13) 15 3.37
Dt m
20 3.20
(5) If volume flows are measured, the following equation
30 3.05
may be used:
50 2.94

V Gz P1,Gz TSB 100 2.87
Lpartial = (7.13)
VSB P1a TGz 200 2.84
500 2.82
For this, the free volume of the containment vessel. shall be
known. The uncertainty allowed to be a maximum of 5 %. > 500 2.81

(6) Partial leakage rates resulting in an increase in mass in

the containment vessel shall receive a positive sign: Partial Table 7-2: Statistical parameter ta2 for various numbers n
leakage rates leading to a decrease of mass in the contain- of measurement cycles
ment vessel may be considered only if after the test the leak
locations are permanently removed. They shall receive a The confidence limits shall be calculated as follows:
negative sign. The leakage rate shall be calculated from the
following equation: L + sL and L - sL (7.21)
L = Lintegral + Lpartial (7.15)
7.4.2 Confidence Limits of the Leakage Rate Values
7.4 Calculation of the Confidence Limits of the Leakage The confidence limits of the leakage rate shall be calculated
Rate from the confidence range of the integral leakage rate and the
error of the partial leakage rate measurement.
7.4.1 Confidence Limits of the Integral Leakage Rate
sL partial 2 2
G(P1,G1 )
(1) The standard deviation of the reduced pressures (see G( VGZ ) G( VSB )
= + + +
A. Linder, 1964) shall be calculated using the following equa- L partial VGZ V

1/ 2
( A + B t i - Pbi )2 (7.16) G(P1a )
G(Tr )
n-2 P T + T
1a r GZ
KTA 3405 Page 6

sL = (sL int egral ) + (s

L partial )
(3) For the inservice inspection, the confidence range shall
not exceed 60% of the allowable leakage rate L2,all, i.e.,
0.3 (7.28)
7.5 Conversion to Design Pressure L 2,all
(1) In addition to the allowable leakage rate L1,all for the Note:
design pressure P1, the leakage rate L2,all for pressure P2 If one of the measured leakage rates (L1, L2) or both leakage rates
shall be calculated from the following relationship: are very small ( 0.01%/d), special agreements shall be reached
between the parties involved.
1/ 2
L2 P2
If is , then
L1 P
1 8 Evaluation of the Result
L2 8.1 Initial Integral Leakage Rate Test
L2,all = L1,all (7.24)
The containment vessel is considered sufficiently tight, if the
1/ 2
upper confidence limit of the measured leakage rate does not
L2 P2 exceed the allowable leakage rate, i.e., if
If is > , then
L1 P
1 (L + sL) is L1,all
1/ 2
L2,all = L1,all 2 (7.25) 8.2 Inservice Integral Leakage Rate Test
The containment vessel is considered sufficiently leaktight, if
with L2 being the leakage rate of the initial leakage rate test the upper confidence limit of the measured leakage rate dose
measured at the pressure of the inservice inspection, L1 being not exceed the allowable leakage rate, i.e.,
the leakage rate of the initial leakage rate test measured at
(L + sL) is L2,all
design pressure, P2 being the pressure of the inservice in-
spection, and P1 the design pressure.
(2) For the initial integral leakage rate test, the confidence 9 Documentation
range shall not exceed 4% of the allowable leakage rate L1,all,
i.e., The preparation and the execution of tests shall be recorded.
This record shall be signed on location by the tester and the
sL 1 authorized expert. Standard forms in accordance with the
at design pressure 0.02 (7.26) Appendix shall be employed. The records of the measured
values shall be attached. A test report on the result of the test
shall be made.
sL 2
at the pressure of inservice inspection 0.02 (7.27)
KTA 3405 Page 7

Appendix A

Symbols and Units

Symbols Description Unit

A ordinate section of the regression lines (regression coefficient A) bar
B gradient. of the regression lines (regression coefficient B) bar/h
G error limit
k number of measurement sensors -
L, Lpartial leakage rate, partial leakage rate e.g., %/d
m, Dm mass of gas, difference of gas mass kg
n number of measurement cycles -
p pressure bar
pa absolute pressure compared to vacuum bar
pb reduced pressure bar
pd water vapour pressure bar
pl pressure of dry air bar
ps saturation pressure bar
pu atmospheric pressure bar
p pressure compared to atmospheric pressure bar
s standard deviation of the reduced pressure bar
sA standard deviation of A bar
sB standard deviation of B bar/h
2sL confidence range e.g. %/d
t, Dt time, time difference h, d
ta statistical factor -
T, DT temperature, temperature difference K
Tr gas temperature in the containment vessel K
TW wall temperature K
V free volume m
gW temperature dependant cubic expansion coefficient 1/K
n measurement frequency 1/h
j relative humidity %

Indices and special symbols

i and j are used as running indices. Temporal quantities are indexed with i = 1, ..., n and spatial quantities with j = 1, ..., n.
The index o denotes the reference rate of the analysis (e.g., Vo).

Temporal averages are denoted by a horizontal line (e.g., T ), flows by a dot (e.g., V& ) is the volume flow. The index SB (e.g.,
TSB) denotes the containment vessel and Gz (e.g., VGz) the gas meter.
KTA 3405 Page 8

Appendix B

Standard form sheets

This appendix contains standard form sheets in the reduced format for the description of the test condition and for the docu-
mentation of the testing. This encompasses:
Form sheet 1 Cover sheet for documentation
Form sheet 2 General
Form sheet 3 Description of test condition, containment vessel
Form sheet 4 Description of test condition, assembly openings
Form sheet 5 Description of test condition, material locks
Form sheet 6 Description of test condition, personnel locks
Form sheet 7 Description of test condition, emergency personnel locks
Form sheet 8 Description of test condition, quick closing valve of the ventilation system
Form sheet 9 Description of test condition, pipe penetration assemblies
Form sheet 10 Description of test condition, cable penetration assemblies
Form sheet 11 Description of test condition, leakage exhaust system
Form sheet 12 Description of test condition, steam generating system, other pressure retaining systems
Form sheet 13 Description of test condition, storage pool, other containment vessel internals; containment vessel
ventilation; reactor protection or control systems
Form sheet 14 Description of test condition, isolation, concrete internals of the containment vessel
Form sheet 15 Description of test condition, location and specified dimensions of all openings
Form sheet 16 Description of test condition, closure of all openings
Form sheet 17 Description of test condition, heat sources
Form sheet 18 Description of the pressurizer and installation schematic
Form sheet 19 Description of measurement systems, gas pressure measurement
Form sheet 20 Description of measurement systems, gas temperature measurement
Form sheet 21 Description of measurement systems, gas temperature measurement
Form sheet 22 Description of measurement systems, gas temperature measurement
Form sheet 23 Description of measurement systems, gas humidity measurement
Form sheet 24 Description of measurement systems, gas humidity measurement
Form sheet 25 Description of measurement systems, gas humidity measurement
Form sheet 26 Description of measurement systems, other measurement systems
Form sheet 27 Testing
KTA 3405 Page 9

Standard form sheet 1: Cover sheet for the documentation

KTA 3405 Page 10

Standard form sheet 2: General

KTA 3405 Page 11

Standard form sheet 3: Description of test condition, containment vessel

KTA 3405 Page 12

Standard form sheet 4: Description of test condition, assembly openings

KTA 3405 Page 13

Standard form sheet 5: Description of test condition, material locks

KTA 3405 Page 14

Standard form sheet 6: Description of test condition, personnel locks

KTA 3405 Page 15

Standard form sheet 7: Description of test condition, emergency personnel locks

KTA 3405 Page 16

Standard form sheet 8: Description of test condition, quick closing damper of the ventilation system
KTA 3405 Page 17

Standard form sheet 9: Description of test condition, pipe penetration assemblies

KTA 3405 Page 18

Standard form sheet 10: Description of test condition, cable penetration assemblies
KTA 3405 Page 19

Standard form sheet 11: Description of test condition, leakage exhaust system
KTA 3405 Page 20

Standard form sheet 12: Description of test condition, steam generating systems, other pressure retaining systems
KTA 3405 Page 21

Standard form sheet 13: Description of test condition, storage pool, other containment vessel internals; containment vessel
ventilation; reactor protection or control systems

Standard form sheet 14: Description of test condition, isolation, concrete internals of the containment vessel
KTA 3405 Page 22

Standard form sheet 15: Description of test condition, location and specified dimensions of all openings

Standard form sheet 16: Description of test condition, closure of all openings

Standard form sheet 17: Description of test condition, heat sources

KTA 3405 Page 23

Standard form sheet 18: Description of the compressors, installation chart

KTA 3405 Page 24

Standard form sheet 19: Description of measurement systems, gas pressure measurement
KTA 3405 Page 25

Standard form sheet 20: Description of measurement systems, gas pressure measurement
KTA 3405 Page 26

Standard form sheet 21: Description of measurement systems, gas pressure measurement

Standard form sheet 22: Description of measurement systems, gas pressure measurement
KTA 3405 Page 27

Standard form sheet 23: Description of measurement systems, gas humidity measurement
KTA 3405 Page 28

Standard form sheet 24: Description of measurement systems, gas humidity measurement

Standard form sheet 25: Description of measurement systems, gas humidity measurement
KTA 3405 Page 29

Standard form sheet 26: Description of measurement systems, other measurement system
KTA 3405 Page 30

Standard form sheet 27: Testing

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