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Volume 10, Issue 12, January 2017

Index of Articles Published in KP-Ezine 2016

Will Jayalalitha survive and come out safely?
A Horoscope wit All Nine Planets Signifying 12th House

And many more

KP Ezine January 2017 1

Volume 10, Issue 12, January 2017

Sl.No Par culars Author Page

1 When will I get my dues? Kanakkumar Bosmia 4

2 A Horoscope wit All Nine Planets Signifying Tin Win 6

12th House

3 Transfer of job - A developing story (III) Sumanadasa Namarathna 10

4 Will Jayalalitha survive and come out safely? Gunti Nagaraju 15

5 Relation with friend Kanakkumar Bosmia 18

6 Birth time rectification of Sanjay Gandhi VSM Murthy 21

7 When will GST Bill pass? Santilal K Chavda 28

8 Application for transfer of stocks Gunti Nagaraju 30

9 Index of Articles Published in KP-Ezine 2016 A J Hoon 33

10 Questions & Answers Tin Win 37

11 Book Review The Only Complete Compendium Tin Win 42

on KP Astrology

12 Planetary Position for January 2017 Generated from 43

KPAstro 4.1TM

KP Ezine January 2017 2

Volume 10, Issue 12, January 2017

Arvind Gupta
Contain advisor


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KP Ezine January 2017 3

When will I get my dues?
By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613 P.B. Parekh Tower
Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165. Phone: +91-7925460376
Email : ;

Question 1: She is into cleaning business and takes contract of store cleaning and washing
stores, buildings etc. Generally, she keeps experiencing problems in getting payments from
her customers, but of late, since about 5/6 months, her big payment of about 14 lacs is
stuck and her customer is delaying on various grounds and she is forced to take loans from
her friends/card company, and is paying heavy interest....when will she get her payment?

Date of birth: 18/03/1980, Tuesday; Time of birth: 05:42:12 AM IST

Place of Birth: Fazilka-Punjab: Lon/Lat: 30 N 24', 74 E 02'.
Aynamsha 230.29.26 Dasa Days: 365.25

Any money received means your bank position improves, and this is indicated by the 2nd
house. As it is given by another, to that extend it is a loss to him, the giver. As it is due,
which need not be returned, it is in full a profit.

If the 8th sub lord be the significator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of 2, 6, 11 then,
getting the due amount is promised during the joint period of the significators of 2, 6, 11.

Cuspal Sub Lord:

8th Cusp (Virgo 230.11.41): The sub lord of the 8th cusp is Sun. Sun is in the star and
sub of Saturn. Sun is occupant of 1, owner of 7. Star and sub lord Saturn is occupant of 7,
owner of 1-12. Thus, 8th cusp sub lord Sun is the significator of 1-7-12 and is connected
with 1-7-12. 8th sub lord does not indicate 2-6-11 at all. Thus, getting dues back is not

My opinion: 8th sub lord does not indicate getting dues back.
Outcome: As per telephone conversation , she did not get dues till date (30-09-2016)

KP Ezine January 2017 4

Sun Rise: 06:40:34 AM Sun Set: 06:43:49 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Brahma Hora: Mars Karana: Balav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra Sa Mo Ve
2 Revati(2) Ju Me Mo Ve Ju
3 Bharani(4) Ma Ve Me Ra Mo
Ruling Planets - 09/Jun/2015 12:32:43 PM 4 Rohini(4) Ve Mo Ve Ve Ju
6 Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Ve Ra Ju
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Magha(4) Su Ke Me Ke Me
Lagna Su Ve Sa Ve Ra 8 Hasta(4) Me Mo Su Ke Mo
Moon Sa Ra Ma Ju Me 9 Visakha(2) Ve Ju Me Ju Sa
Day Lord: Mars 10 Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Ve Ju Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 P.Ashada(1) Ju Ve Ve Su Ke
12 U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ve Ju Sa
Ve 00:18:56:59 XII 09:08:59:28
II 11:23:11:41 Ke 10:04:19:39 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Su 11:04:04:01 Su U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Sa Ke Sa
III 00:25:17:55 I 10:11:48:42 Mo Revati(2) Ju Me Ve Ke Ve
XI 08:13:47:46
12 Me[R] 10:14:02:32 10 Ma[R] Magha(2) Su Ke Mo Su Ve
Mo 11:21:26:21
1 9 Me[R] Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Me Ju Ve
Ju[R] Magha(3) Su Ke Ju Ma Ve
Ve Bharani(2) Ma Ve Ra Sa Ra
Sa[R] U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Ra Sa Me
IV 01:20:39:10 X 07:20:39:10 Ra Magha(2) Su Ke Mo Me Me
Ke Dhanishta(4) Sa Ma Ve Sa Ma
2 8 Significators - Planets View
5 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 7 1 1, 12 7
Mo+ 1 2 5, 8 6
Sa[R] 04:29:50:54 Ma 12 6 3, 10
V 02:13:47:46 VII 04:11:48:42 IX 06:25:17:55 Me 6 1 5, 8
Ju+ 12 7 2, 11
3 7 Ve 2 2 4, 9 4, 9
4 6 Sa 1 7 7 1, 12
Ra 12 6
Ra 04:04:19:39 VIII 05:23:11:41 Ke 6 12 3, 10
Ma[R] 04:04:46:12
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Me,(A)Ju,-Sa.
Planets in Occupant's stars
VI 03:08:59:28 (B) - Occupant of house
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Me, Ju, Sa.
Ju[R] 04:09:02:30 (C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Ve 18:56:59 IV 20:39:10 V 13:47:46 Dasa Summary

III 25:17:55
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
17-Feb-1974 - 17-Feb-1991 17-Feb-1991 - 17-Feb-1998 17-Feb-1998 - 17-Feb-2018
Mercury 17-Feb-1974 Ketu 17-Feb-1991 Venus 17-Feb-1998
II 23:11:41 Ketu 15-Jul-1976 Venus 16-Jul-1991 Sun 19-Jun-2001
Mo 21:26:21 Venus 13-Jul-1977 Sun 15-Sep-1992 Moon 19-Jun-2002
Su 04:04:01 Sun 12-May-1980 Moon 21-Jan-1993 Mars 18-Feb-2004
Name: Prabhdeep Awasthi VI 08:59:28 Moon 19-Mar-1981 Mars 22-Aug-1993 Rahu 19-Apr-2005
Gender: Female Mars 18-Aug-1982 Rahu 18-Jan-1994 Jupiter 19-Apr-2008
Date: Tuesday, 18/Mar/1980 Rahu 15-Aug-1983 Jupiter 06-Feb-1995 Saturn 19-Dec-2010
Jupiter 04-Mar-1986 Saturn 13-Jan-1996 Mercury 18-Feb-2014
Time: 05:42:12 AM SID: 16:51:12 Saturn 09-Jun-1988 Mercury 21-Feb-1997 Ketu 18-Dec-2016
Lat: 30:24:00 N Lon: 74:02:00 E
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
Me[R] 14:02:32 Place: FAZILKA, PUNJAB, India 17-Feb-2018 - 17-Feb-2024 17-Feb-2024 - 17-Feb-2034 17-Feb-2034 - 17-Feb-2041
I 11:48:42 Sun 17-Feb-2018 Moon 17-Feb-2024 Mars 17-Feb-2034
Ke 04:19:39 Moon 07-Jun-2018 Mars 18-Dec-2024 Rahu 16-Jul-2034
Ayanamsa: 23 29' 26" Ra 04:19:39 Mars 06-Dec-2018 Rahu 19-Jul-2025 Jupiter 04-Aug-2035
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ma[R] 04:46:12 Rahu 13-Apr-2019 Jupiter 17-Jan-2027 Saturn 10-Jul-2036
Star: Revati, Pada 2 Ju[R] 09:02:30 Jupiter 07-Mar-2020 Saturn 18-May-2028 Mercury 18-Aug-2037
Star Lord: Mercury VII 11:48:42 Saturn 24-Dec-2020 Mercury 17-Dec-2029 Ketu 15-Aug-2038
Rasi: Pisces Rasi Lord: Jupiter Sa[R] 29:50:54 Mercury 06-Dec-2021 Ketu 18-May-2031 Venus 12-Jan-2039
Ketu 13-Oct-2022 Venus 17-Dec-2031 Sun 12-Mar-2040
Lagna: Aquarius Lagna Lord: Saturn
Venus 18-Feb-2023 Sun 18-Aug-2033 Moon 18-Jul-2040
Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Dvitiya
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
XII 08:59:28 Bal. Dasa: Mercury 10 Y, 10 M, 29 D 17-Feb-2041 - 17-Feb-2059 17-Feb-2059 - 17-Feb-2075 17-Feb-2075 - 17-Feb-2094
VIII 23:11:41 Rahu 17-Feb-2041 Jupiter 17-Feb-2059 Saturn 17-Feb-2075
Jupiter 31-Oct-2043 Saturn 07-Apr-2061 Mercury 20-Feb-2078
Saturn 26-Mar-2046 Mercury 19-Oct-2063 Ketu 30-Oct-2080
Mercury 31-Jan-2049 Ketu 24-Jan-2066 Venus 09-Dec-2081
Ketu 19-Aug-2051 Venus 31-Dec-2066 Sun 07-Feb-2085
Venus 07-Sep-2052 Sun 01-Sep-2069 Moon 20-Jan-2086
Sun 07-Sep-2055 Moon 20-Jun-2070 Mars 22-Aug-2087
Moon 01-Aug-2056 Mars 20-Oct-2071 Rahu 30-Sep-2088
XI 13:47:46 X 20:39:10 IX 25:17:55 Mars 30-Jan-2058 Rahu 25-Sep-2072 Jupiter 07-Aug-2091
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine January 2017 5
A Horoscope with All Nine Planets
Signifying 12th House
By: Tin Win

For the following birth chart, all KP predictions regarding marriage have been failed. The
native, a research minded KP astrologer thinks that it is not a problem of KP system but
astrologers because we are still human beings.
But any way it would be a great help if you would check and tell me whether there is a
possibility for a marriage in following chart and if so when?
Male, Monday, 30/Aug/1971, 07:03 AM, GMT + 5:30 hr, SID: 05:23:04, Lat: 07:02 N,
Lon: 79:55 E, KP New Ayanamsa: 23 22' 16", Star: Jyeshta, Pada 3, Bal. Dasa: Mercury 8
Y, 2 M, 11 D

7th cuspal sub lord (CSL) Venus+:12,3-10, CSL of 7,11; in star Ketu:11, aspt by
Jupiter+:3,5-8, CSL of 6,12 and Saturn:9,6-7, Sgl Moon:3,12, indicating promise of mar-
riage (7,11) with delay and difficulties (6,8,10,12),

In addition, for delay of marriage in this chart, Punarphoo (Saturn-Moon in opposition) and
Saturn's aspect on 7th cusp are found.

Possible hope for marriage is during Moon Dasa- Saturn Bhukti (11 Feb 2017 to 12 Sept
Moon:3,12; in star Mercury:12,2-11; in sub Mars+:5,4-9, CSL of 9;
Saturn:9,6-7; in star Moon:3,12; in sub Rahu+:5, conj Mars+:5,4-9, Sgl Saturn:9,6-7;
Good luck!
Is Foreign Settlement Possible?
A. Natal Analysis
12th cuspal sub lord (CSL) Jupiter+:3,5-8, CSL of 6,12 is in star and sub of Saturn:9,6-7,
signifying all required houses 3,9,12 for foreign going.

1st CSL Sun+;12,1, CSL of 1,5,9; in star Ketu: 11, aspt by Saturn: 9,6-7 and Jupiter+:3,5-
8, CSL of 6,12, sign lord Moon:3,12 in sub Mercury:12,2-11, signifying 3,9-12.
Significators for 3rd, 9th and 12th houses
3rd: Mo, Ma, Ju, Ve, Sa, Ra
9th : Me, Ju, Sa
12th :Su, Mo, Ma, Me, (Ju), Ve, Sa, Ra, Ke

Since both 1st and 12th CSLs signify houses 3,9,12 and 3,9,12th significators are related
to each other, foreign settlement is promised.
But it may not be beneficial abroad since 11th is missing and 5, 8, 12th appear in the 12th
CSLs signification.
Good luck!
It is an interesting chart with all nine planets signifying 12th house. Even for a
married couple the 12th signification indicates separation or divorce, forever 12th
signification may give hard time for marriage.
Also check here one very good research done by Mr. Tin Win in this group titled "A SURVEY

KP Ezine January 2017 6

Sun Rise: 06:03:22 AM Sun Set: 06:18:53 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Vishkumbha Hora: Moon Karana: Balav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Su Sa Ju
2 Chitra(2) Me Ma Sa Me Su
3 Visakha(3) Ve Ju Su Ju Sa
Ruling Planets - 05/Jan/2017 10:31:43 AM 4 Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Sa Ra
5 U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Su Mo Mo
Maryland, USA
6 Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ju Ju Ve
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl 7 P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Ve Mo Ra
Lagna Sa Ju Ju Mo Ra 8 Revati(4) Ju Me Sa Me Su
Moon Ju Me Ke Sa Ju 9 Krittika(1) Ma Su Ma Ve Mo
Day Lord: Jupiter 10 Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Sa Sa Ra
11 Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Ve Ve Ra
Nirayana Bhava Chalit
12 Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ju Ju Ve
II 28:20:12 XII 26:14:07
Ve 13:17:49 Planetary Positions
Su 12:40:25
Me[R] 06:28:42 Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 27:05:12 Su Magha(4) Su Ke Me Ra Ke
Ju 05:09:06 Mo Jyeshta(3) Ma Me Ma Ju Mo
XI 26:42:00
Mo 23:34:11 6 4 Ke 19:49:28 Ma[R] Sravana(3) Sa Mo Me Ju Ve
III 29:01:19
7 3 Me[R] Magha(2) Su Ke Ra Me Me
Ju Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Sa Ra Ma
Ve Magha(4) Su Ke Me Sa Ju
Sa Rohini(1) Ve Mo Ra Me Me
IV 28:08:42 X 28:08:42 Ra Sravana(3) Sa Mo Ke Ve Me
Ke Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Ve Mo Mo
8 2 Significators - Planets View
11 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 11 12 1
Mo 12 3 2, 11 12
VII 27:05:12 Ma+ 3 5 12 4, 9
Ma[R] 19:14:33 IX 29:01:19 Me 11 12 2, 11
Ra 19:49:28 Sa 12:47:41 Ju+ 9 3 6, 7 5, 8
V 26:42:00 9 Ve+ 11 12 3, 10
10 12 Sa 3 9 12 6, 7
Ra+ 3 5 12
VI 26:14:07 VIII 28:20:12 Ke 12 11 2, 11
Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
(B) - Occupant of house
Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ju, Sa.
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

IX 29:01:19 Sa 12:47:41 XI 26:42:00 Dasa Summary

X 28:08:42
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
11-Nov-1962 - 11-Nov-1979 11-Nov-1979 - 11-Nov-1986 11-Nov-1986 - 11-Nov-2006
Mercury 11-Nov-1962 Ketu 11-Nov-1979 Venus 11-Nov-1986
Ketu 09-Apr-1965 Venus 08-Apr-1980 Sun 13-Mar-1990
Venus 06-Apr-1966 Sun 08-Jun-1981 Moon 13-Mar-1991
VIII 28:20:12 Sun 05-Feb-1969 Moon 14-Oct-1981 Mars 11-Nov-1992
Name: Male Ke 19:49:28 Moon 12-Dec-1969 Mars 15-May-1982 Rahu 11-Jan-1994
XII 26:14:07 Mars 13-May-1971 Rahu 11-Oct-1982 Jupiter 11-Jan-1997
Gender: Male
Rahu 09-May-1972 Jupiter 29-Oct-1983 Saturn 12-Sep-1999
Date: Monday, 30/Aug/1971 Jupiter 26-Nov-1974 Saturn 04-Oct-1984 Mercury 11-Nov-2002
Time: 07:03:00 AM SID: 05:23:04 Saturn 04-Mar-1977 Mercury 13-Nov-1985 Ketu 12-Sep-2005
Lat: 07:02:00 N Lon: 79:55:00 E Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
Place: 11-Nov-2006 - 11-Nov-2012 11-Nov-2012 - 11-Nov-2022 11-Nov-2022 - 11-Nov-2029
Sun 11-Nov-2006 Moon 11-Nov-2012 Mars 11-Nov-2022
VII 27:05:12 Moon 28-Feb-2007 Mars 11-Sep-2013 Rahu 09-Apr-2023
Ayanamsa: 23 22' 16" Mars 30-Aug-2007 Rahu 12-Apr-2014 Jupiter 27-Apr-2024
Me[R] 06:28:42 Rahu 05-Jan-2008 Jupiter 12-Oct-2015 Saturn 03-Apr-2025
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Su 12:40:25 Jupiter 29-Nov-2008 Saturn 11-Feb-2017 Mercury 13-May-2026
Star: Jyeshta, Pada 3 Ve 13:17:49 Saturn 17-Sep-2009 Mercury 12-Sep-2018 Ketu 10-May-2027
Star Lord: Mercury I 27:05:12 Mercury 30-Aug-2010 Ketu 11-Feb-2020 Venus 06-Oct-2027
Rasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: Mars Ketu 06-Jul-2011 Venus 11-Sep-2020 Sun 06-Dec-2028
Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun Venus 11-Nov-2011 Sun 12-May-2022 Moon 13-Apr-2029
VI 26:14:07
Ra 19:49:28 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Navami Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
Ma[R] 19:14:33 11-Nov-2029 - 11-Nov-2047 11-Nov-2047 - 11-Nov-2063 11-Nov-2063 - 11-Nov-2082
Bal. Dasa: Mercury 8 Y, 2 M, 11 D
Rahu 11-Nov-2029 Jupiter 11-Nov-2047 Saturn 11-Nov-2063
II 28:20:12 Jupiter 23-Jul-2032 Saturn 29-Dec-2049 Mercury 14-Nov-2066
Saturn 17-Dec-2034 Mercury 11-Jul-2052 Ketu 24-Jul-2069
Mercury 23-Oct-2037 Ketu 17-Oct-2054 Venus 02-Sep-2070
Ketu 11-May-2040 Venus 23-Sep-2055 Sun 02-Nov-2073
Venus 29-May-2041 Sun 24-May-2058 Moon 15-Oct-2074
Sun 29-May-2044 Moon 12-Mar-2059 Mars 15-May-2076
IV 28:08:42 Moon 23-Apr-2045 Mars 12-Jul-2060 Rahu 24-Jun-2077
Mo 23:34:11 Mars 23-Oct-2046 Rahu 18-Jun-2061 Jupiter 29-Apr-2080
V 26:42:00 Ju 05:09:06 III 29:01:19
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine January 2017 7
Horary No. 86/249
Sun Rise: 06:09:01 AM Sun Set: 05:43:59 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Ayushman Hora: Mercury Karana: Balav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 86 1 Magha(1) Su Ke Su Su Su
Question : Can I settle down in Moscow? 2 P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Ke Mo Me
3 Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Ra Ke
Ruling Planets - 05/Oct/2016 08:14:33 PM 4 Visakha(3) Ve Ju Ve Ma Ju
5 Moola(1) Ju Ke Ve Ju Me
6 U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Sa Ma Ke
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl 7 Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Ve Ve Me
Lagna Ve Mo Ra Ke Mo 8 P.Bhadra(2) Sa Ju Ke Ra Sa
Moon Ma Sa Ra Ve Ra 9 Revati(3) Ju Me Ra Ra Ke
Day Lord: Mercury 10 Krittika(1) Ma Su Su Ve Ma
11 Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Ke Ve Sa
Nirayana Bhava Chalit
12 Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Sa Su Ra
Me 03:56:18 XII 04:28:29
Ju 11:43:33 Planetary Positions
Su 19:13:06
II 26:08:49 Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 03:00:00 Su Hasta(3) Me Mo Me Ju Me
Ve 21:08:40 Ra 16:49:47 Mo Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ra Ve Ra
XI 02:02:03
III 24:17:35 5 4 Ma Moola(4) Ju Ke Me Ke Sa
6 3 Me U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Sa Ve Ju
Ju Hasta(1) Me Mo Ma Ve Ju
Ve Visakha(1) Ve Ju Ju Ve Me
Sa Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Me Ra Ma
Mo 14:18:36 X 27:15:21 Ra P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Mo Sa Ra
Sa 17:59:51 Ke Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Ve Sa Ve
IV 27:15:21 5
7 1 Significators - Planets View
11 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 4 2 12 1, 2
Mo 4 4 6, 7, 8 12
Ke 16:49:47 Ma+ 7 5 10
V 02:02:03 VII 03:00:00 IX 24:17:35 Me 2 2 1, 2 3, 11
Ma 11:47:35 Ju 4 2 12 5, 9
9 12 Ve 2 3 5, 9 4
10 11 Sa 2 4 3, 11 6, 7, 8
Ra 3 1 4
VI 04:28:29 VIII 26:08:49 Ke 1 7
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

X 27:15:21 XI 02:02:03 Dasa Summary

Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
12-Feb-2001 - 12-Feb-2020 12-Feb-2020 - 12-Feb-2037 12-Feb-2037 - 12-Feb-2044
Saturn 12-Feb-2001 Mercury 12-Feb-2020 Ketu 12-Feb-2037
Mercury 15-Feb-2004 Ketu 11-Jul-2022 Venus 11-Jul-2037
Ketu 26-Oct-2006 Venus 09-Jul-2023 Sun 10-Sep-2038
IX 24:17:35 Venus 05-Dec-2007 Sun 09-May-2026 Moon 16-Jan-2039
Name: Male XII 04:28:29 Sun 04-Feb-2011 Moon 16-Mar-2027 Mars 17-Aug-2039
Moon 17-Jan-2012 Mars 15-Aug-2028 Rahu 13-Jan-2040
Gender: Male
Mars 18-Aug-2013 Rahu 12-Aug-2029 Jupiter 01-Feb-2041
Date: Wednesday, 05/Oct/2016 Rahu 26-Sep-2014 Jupiter 29-Feb-2032 Saturn 08-Jan-2042
Time: 08:14:33 PM SID: 21:06:30 Jupiter 03-Aug-2017 Saturn 06-Jun-2034 Mercury 16-Feb-2043
Lat: 39:05:00 N Lon: 77:09:00 W Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
VIII 26:08:49 Place: USA 12-Feb-2044 - 12-Feb-2064 12-Feb-2064 - 12-Feb-2070 12-Feb-2070 - 12-Feb-2080
Ke 16:49:47 Venus 12-Feb-2044 Sun 12-Feb-2064 Moon 12-Feb-2070
VII 03:00:00 Sun 14-Jun-2047 Moon 01-Jun-2064 Mars 14-Dec-2070
Ayanamsa: 24 0' 3" Moon 14-Jun-2048 Mars 01-Dec-2064 Rahu 15-Jul-2071
I 03:00:00 Mars 13-Feb-2050 Rahu 07-Apr-2065 Jupiter 13-Jan-2073
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ra 16:49:47 Rahu 15-Apr-2051 Jupiter 02-Mar-2066 Saturn 15-May-2074
Star: Anuradha, Pada 4 II 26:08:49 Jupiter 15-Apr-2054 Saturn 19-Dec-2066 Mercury 14-Dec-2075
Star Lord: Saturn Saturn 14-Dec-2056 Mercury 01-Dec-2067 Ketu 15-May-2077
Rasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: Mars Mercury 13-Feb-2060 Ketu 07-Oct-2068 Venus 15-Dec-2077
Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun Ketu 14-Dec-2062 Venus 12-Feb-2069 Sun 15-Aug-2079
Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Panchami Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
VI 04:28:29 12-Feb-2080 - 12-Feb-2087 12-Feb-2087 - 12-Feb-2105 12-Feb-2105 - 12-Feb-2121
Bal. Dasa: Saturn 3 Y, 4 M, 9 D
Mars 12-Feb-2080 Rahu 12-Feb-2087 Jupiter 12-Feb-2105
Me 03:56:18 Rahu 10-Jul-2080 Jupiter 26-Oct-2089 Saturn 02-Apr-2107
Ju 11:43:33 Jupiter 29-Jul-2081 Saturn 20-Mar-2092 Mercury 14-Oct-2109
Su 19:13:06 Saturn 05-Jul-2082 Mercury 25-Jan-2095 Ketu 19-Jan-2112
III 24:17:35 Mercury 13-Aug-2083 Ketu 14-Aug-2097 Venus 25-Dec-2112
Ketu 09-Aug-2084 Venus 01-Sep-2098 Sun 26-Aug-2115
Venus 06-Jan-2085 Sun 01-Sep-2101 Moon 13-Jun-2116
Sun 07-Mar-2086 Moon 27-Jul-2102 Mars 13-Oct-2117
Ma 11:47:35 Sa 17:59:51 IV 27:15:21 Moon 13-Jul-2086 Mars 25-Jan-2104 Rahu 19-Sep-2118
V 02:02:03 Mo 14:18:36 Ve 21:08:40
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine January 2017 8
B. Horary Analysis
The above natal analysis result is confirmed by the following horary analysis as per given
number by the native.

Horary no. 86/249, Question: Can I settle down in - - -(a foreign city)?, Wednesday, 05/
Oct/2016, 08:14:33 PM, GMT 4hr, SID: 21:06:30, Lat: 39:05:00 N, Lon: 77:09:00 W, USA,
KP New Ayanamsa: 24 0' 3", Bal. Dasa: Saturn 3 Y, 4 M, 9 D

1st CSL Sun: 12 in star; 3 in sub;

12th CSL Saturn: 3 in star and sub;
11th CSL Ke: 12,3 in star; 3 in sub;

Dasa Sa: 3 in star and sub;

Bhukti Rahu: 3,12 in planet; 3 in star; 12 in sub;

Generally positive answer to settle down in a foreign city although 9 th signification is


Good luck!

KP Ezine January 2017 9

Transfer of job - A developing story (III)
By: Sumanadasa Namarathna
(Sunaparantha Kalyan)
Ex-Accountant, Justice of Peace
No.22/1, Udugampola Road, Marapola, Veyangoda,

In this series of articles, I am going to show you how the KP rules are binding and
connecting each other like a chain in a human life. As Astrologers we are used to closing
the chapter and finalizing the matter, when we come to a conclusion, in connection with the
request of the client or querist. But to fill the sack of knowledge, we must go beyond the
limit of the conclusion of a particular issue and to pick and note the other connecting
junctures of the native throughout the analysis, when and if there is any sign of pattern of
the planets that may help to find out more issues of the particular native.
Today, I am going to discuss two charts of the children of the subject native by applying the
KP rules for separation from father, as a result of their mother's job transfer and allowing
the readers to imagine the final outcome of these chart analyses.
Birth details of the two children
1) Name: Elder son, Male, Date: Saturday, 05/Feb/2005, Time: 08:12:00 PM. SID:
04:36:42, Place: Kurunegala Teaching Hospital, North Western, Sri Lanka, Lat:
07:28:00 N, Lon: 80:21:00 E, Ayanamsa: 23 50' 17", Lagna: Leo, Star: Moola, Pada
2, Bal. Dasa: Kethu 03 Y, 10 M, 14 D, (SW used KPAstro 4.1)
2) Name: Younger son, Male, Date: Sunday, 11/Nov/2007, Time: 11:04:00 PM, SID:
02:19:56, Place: Polonnaruwa Hospital, North Central, Sri Lanka, Lat: 07:56:00 N,
Lon: 81:00:00 E, Ayanamsa: 23 52' 36", Lagna: Cancer, Star: Anuradha, Pada 4,
Bal. Dasa: Saturn 03 Y, 03 M, 10 D, (SW used KPAstro 4.1)

Before I make any comment on these two charts, I wish to bring to the notice of the readers,
the KP rules for Nodes, since Rahu and Kethu are playing great roles in these two charts,
by connecting to the 9th Sub lord.
Rahu and Kethu don't own any houses as all the twelve houses are distributed among the
seven planets. But some sages have allotted certain signs as owned by the Nodes; certain
signs as their exaltation ones; and the opposite signs as their debilitation signs. But, they
themselves don't agree with each other. For prediction, one can offer correct results without
taking into consideration their ownerships or exaltation etc. In KP, no aspects at all are
assigned for Rahu and Kethu.
According to the various KP literature, including the KP 6 Readers, whether Rahu/Ketu are
PLANETs or STAR LORDs or SUB LORDs, results of the following are taken depending on
their relevance to the matter under consideration.
1. The House occupied by them
2. The Planet(s) conjoined with them
3. Their Star lord
4. The Planet(s) aspecting them
5. The Lord of Sign occupied by them
Keeping these rules relating to Nodes in mind let's go through the above charts to see
whether there is sufficient evidence to show compliance of the KP rule for separation from
KP rule for separation from father
If the 9th cuspal sub lord is a significator of the 8th and 12th, separation from
father is indicated.
Chart o1 - Elder Son
The 9th cuspal sub lord of this chart is Moon. It is the owner of 12, located in 4, in
conjunction with Mars, the lord of Pitrusthana as well as Mathrustahana. Mars aspects the

KP Ezine January 2017 10

Elder Son
Sun Rise: 06:57:48 AM Sun Set: 06:47:29 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Harshana Hora: Moon Karana: Kaulav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Ve Sa Me
2 Hasta(2) Me Mo Sa Sa Ke
3 Swati(4) Ve Ra Ve Me Ve
Ruling Planets - 27/Dec/2016 10:18:48 AM 4 Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Me Me Sa
6 Sravana(2) Sa Mo Ju Me Ra
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Ke Ra Sa
Lagna Sa Ma Sa Me Ju 8 U.Bhadra(4) Ju Sa Ju Ve Ve
Moon Ma Me Ke Ve Sa 9 Bharani(2) Ma Ve Mo Ke Me
Day Lord: Mars 10 Rohini(3) Ve Mo Sa Mo Ra
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Aridra(3) Me Ra Ve Ve Ke
12 Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ra Su Sa
Ke 06:02:36:00 XII 03:14:33:24
II 05:15:47:03 Planetary Positions
Ju[R] 05:25:00:19
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 04:14:48:55 Su Sravana(4) Sa Mo Su Sa Su
III 06:17:05:09 Mo Moola(2) Ju Ke Ra Ju Me
6 4 02:28:15:59 Ma Moola(2) Ju Ke Ma Ve Ve
3 XI 02:15:34:33 Me Sravana(2) Sa Mo Sa Ve Ra
Ju[R] Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Me Me
Ve U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ve Me Sa
Sa[R] Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Ve Sa Ra
Ma 08:05:19:43 X 01:16:55:27 Ra Aswini(1) Ma Ke Ve Me Me
Mo 08:05:57:23
Ke Chitra(3) Ve Ma Ke Me Su
IV 07:16:55:27 5
8 2 Significators - Planets View
11 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 4 6 12 1
Mo 2 4 12
VII 10:14:48:55 Ma 2 4 4, 9
Ve 09:09:50:28 IX 00:17:05:09 Me+ 4 6 12 2, 11
V 08:15:34:33 Ju 4 2 4, 9 5, 8
9 1 Ve+ 6 5 1 3, 10
10 12 Sa+ 2 11 5, 8 6, 7
Ra+ 2 8
VI 09:14:33:24 VIII 11:15:47:03 Ke 4 2 4, 9
Me 09:16:36:01 Ra 00:02:36:00
Rahu acts as agent for: Ma. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Su 09:23:02:30 (B) - Occupant of house
Ketu acts as agent for: Ve.
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Ra 02:36:00 X 16:55:27 XI 15:34:33 Dasa Summary

IX 17:05:09 Sa[R] 28:15:59
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
20-Dec-2001 - 20-Dec-2008 20-Dec-2008 - 20-Dec-2028 20-Dec-2028 - 20-Dec-2034
Ketu 20-Dec-2001 Venus 20-Dec-2008 Sun 20-Dec-2028
Venus 18-May-2002 Sun 20-Apr-2012 Moon 09-Apr-2029
Sun 18-Jul-2003 Moon 20-Apr-2013 Mars 08-Oct-2029
VIII 15:47:03 Moon 23-Nov-2003 Mars 20-Dec-2014 Rahu 13-Feb-2030
Name: Elder Son XII 14:33:24 Mars 23-Jun-2004 Rahu 18-Feb-2016 Jupiter 08-Jan-2031
Gender: Male Rahu 19-Nov-2004 Jupiter 18-Feb-2019 Saturn 27-Oct-2031
Date: Saturday, 05/Feb/2005 Jupiter 08-Dec-2005 Saturn 20-Oct-2021 Mercury 08-Oct-2032
Saturn 14-Nov-2006 Mercury 20-Dec-2024 Ketu 15-Aug-2033
Time: 08:12:00 PM SID: 04:36:42 Mercury 23-Dec-2007 Ketu 20-Oct-2027 Venus 21-Dec-2033
Lat: 07:28:00 N Lon: 80:21:00 E
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
TZ: +06:00 DST: 0.00 20-Dec-2034 - 20-Dec-2044 20-Dec-2044 - 20-Dec-2051 20-Dec-2051 - 20-Dec-2069
Place: Kurunegala, North Western, Sri Moon 20-Dec-2034 Mars 20-Dec-2044 Rahu 20-Dec-2051
VII 14:48:55 Lanka Mars 21-Oct-2035 Rahu 18-May-2045 Jupiter 02-Sep-2054
I 14:48:55 Rahu 21-May-2036 Jupiter 06-Jun-2046 Saturn 26-Jan-2057
Ayanamsa: 23 50' 17" Jupiter 19-Nov-2037 Saturn 13-May-2047 Mercury 03-Dec-2059
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Saturn 21-Mar-2039 Mercury 21-Jun-2048 Ketu 21-Jun-2062
Star: Moola, Pada 2 Mercury 20-Oct-2040 Ketu 18-Jun-2049 Venus 10-Jul-2063
Star Lord: Ketu Ketu 21-Mar-2042 Venus 15-Nov-2049 Sun 10-Jul-2066
Su 23:02:30 Venus 20-Oct-2042 Sun 14-Jan-2051 Moon 04-Jun-2067
Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun
Me 16:36:01 Sun 20-Jun-2044 Moon 22-May-2051 Mars 03-Dec-2068
VI 14:33:24 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dvadasi
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
Ve 09:50:28 Bal. Dasa: Ketu 3 Y, 10 M, 14 D 20-Dec-2069 - 20-Dec-2085 20-Dec-2085 - 20-Dec-2104 20-Dec-2104 - 20-Dec-2121
II 15:47:03 Jupiter 20-Dec-2069 Saturn 20-Dec-2085 Mercury 20-Dec-2104
Ju[R] 25:00:19 Saturn 07-Feb-2072 Mercury 23-Dec-2088 Ketu 18-May-2107
Mercury 21-Aug-2074 Ketu 02-Sep-2091 Venus 15-May-2108
Ketu 26-Nov-2076 Venus 12-Oct-2092 Sun 15-Mar-2111
Venus 02-Nov-2077 Sun 11-Dec-2095 Moon 20-Jan-2112
Sun 03-Jul-2080 Moon 22-Nov-2096 Mars 21-Jun-2113
V 15:34:33 Moon 21-Apr-2081 Mars 24-Jun-2098 Rahu 18-Jun-2114
Mo 05:57:23 III 17:05:09 Mars 21-Aug-2082 Rahu 02-Aug-2099 Jupiter 05-Jan-2117
Ma 05:19:43 IV 16:55:27 Ke 02:36:00 Rahu 28-Jul-2083 Jupiter 09-Jun-2102 Saturn 12-Apr-2119
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine January 2017 11
Younger son
Sun Rise: 05:56:28 AM Sun Set: 05:43:22 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Atiganda Hora: Moon Karana: Kaulav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Pushyami(3) Mo Sa Mo Sa Sa
2 Magha(4) Su Ke Sa Ve Su
3 Hasta(1) Me Mo Ma Sa Su
Ruling Planets - 27/Dec/2016 10:15:36 AM 4 Swati(3) Ve Ra Me Mo Ke
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ra Me Ra
6 Moola(4) Ju Ke Me Ju Ju
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Sravana(1) Sa Mo Ma Sa Ju
Lagna Sa Ma Ju Mo Ve 8 Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra Ju Ma Ve
Moon Ma Me Ke Ve Ra 9 U.Bhadra(3) Ju Sa Mo Ju Ma
Day Lord: Mars 10 Bharani(1) Ma Ve Ve Ve Ma
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Rohini(2) Ve Mo Ju Ju Sa
12 Aridra(2) Me Ra Me Me Sa
Ve 05:09:11:46 Ma 02:18:29:01
II 04:10:09:32 XII 02:12:48:13 Planetary Positions
Sa 04:13:23:56
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Ke 04:09:07:37 Su Visakha(2) Ve Ju Me Ra Sa
Me 06:06:34:36 I 03:11:29:13 Mo Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ra Ve Ju
XI 01:13:56:28
III 05:11:26:47 5 3 Ma Aridra(4) Me Ra Mo Ju Me
6 2 Me Chitra(4) Ve Ma Mo Ve Me
Ju Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Sa Sa
Ve U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Ve Ju Ra
Sa P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Ve Ve Su
IV 06:13:27:28 X 00:13:27:28 Ra Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ju Sa Ra
Su 06:25:03:59
Ke Magha(3) Su Ke Ju Ra Ju
7 1 Significators - Planets View
10 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 5 4 6, 9 2
Mo+ 2 5 7, 8 1
VII 09:11:29:13 Ma 8 12 5, 10
V 07:13:56:28 Ra 10:09:07:37 IX 11:11:26:47 Me 12 3 5, 10 3, 12
Mo 07:14:21:57 Ju 3 5 3, 12 6, 9
Ju 07:27:54:27 8 Ve 4 3 2 4, 11
9 11 Sa 3 2 4, 11 7, 8
Ra 8 8
VI 08:12:48:13 VIII 10:10:09:32 Ke 2 2
Rahu acts as agent for: Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

X 13:27:28 XI 13:56:28 XII 12:48:13 Dasa Summary

Ma 18:29:01
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
22-Feb-1992 - 22-Feb-2011 22-Feb-2011 - 22-Feb-2028 22-Feb-2028 - 22-Feb-2035
Saturn 22-Feb-1992 Mercury 22-Feb-2011 Ketu 22-Feb-2028
Mercury 25-Feb-1995 Ketu 21-Jul-2013 Venus 20-Jul-2028
Ketu 05-Nov-1997 Venus 19-Jul-2014 Sun 19-Sep-2029
IX 11:26:47 Venus 15-Dec-1998 Sun 19-May-2017 Moon 25-Jan-2030
Name: Younger son I 11:29:13 Sun 13-Feb-2002 Moon 25-Mar-2018 Mars 26-Aug-2030
Gender: Male Moon 26-Jan-2003 Mars 25-Aug-2019 Rahu 22-Jan-2031
Date: Sunday, 11/Nov/2007 Mars 27-Aug-2004 Rahu 21-Aug-2020 Jupiter 10-Feb-2032
Rahu 05-Oct-2005 Jupiter 10-Mar-2023 Saturn 16-Jan-2033
Time: 11:04:00 PM SID: 02:19:56 Jupiter 11-Aug-2008 Saturn 15-Jun-2025 Mercury 24-Feb-2034
Lat: 07:56:00 N Lon: 81:00:00 E
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 22-Feb-2035 - 22-Feb-2055 22-Feb-2055 - 22-Feb-2061 22-Feb-2061 - 22-Feb-2071
VIII 10:09:32 Place: Polonnaruwa, North Central, Sri Venus 22-Feb-2035 Sun 22-Feb-2055 Moon 22-Feb-2061
Ra 09:07:37 Lanka Sun 24-Jun-2038 Moon 12-Jun-2055 Mars 24-Dec-2061
Ke 09:07:37 Moon 24-Jun-2039 Mars 11-Dec-2055 Rahu 25-Jul-2062
Ayanamsa: 23 52' 36" II 10:09:32 Mars 23-Feb-2041 Rahu 17-Apr-2056 Jupiter 23-Jan-2064
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Sa 13:23:56 Rahu 24-Apr-2042 Jupiter 12-Mar-2057 Saturn 25-May-2065
Star: Anuradha, Pada 4 Jupiter 24-Apr-2045 Saturn 29-Dec-2057 Mercury 24-Dec-2066
Star Lord: Saturn Saturn 24-Dec-2047 Mercury 11-Dec-2058 Ketu 24-May-2068
Mercury 23-Feb-2051 Ketu 18-Oct-2059 Venus 23-Dec-2068
Lagna: Cancer Lagna Lord: Moon
Ketu 24-Dec-2053 Venus 23-Feb-2060 Sun 24-Aug-2070
Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Dvitiya
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
VII 11:29:13 Bal. Dasa: Saturn 3 Y, 3 M, 10 D 22-Feb-2071 - 22-Feb-2078 22-Feb-2078 - 22-Feb-2096 22-Feb-2096 - 22-Feb-2112
Ve 09:11:46 Mars 22-Feb-2071 Rahu 22-Feb-2078 Jupiter 22-Feb-2096
III 11:26:47 Rahu 21-Jul-2071 Jupiter 04-Nov-2080 Saturn 12-Apr-2098
Jupiter 09-Aug-2072 Saturn 30-Mar-2083 Mercury 24-Oct-2100
Saturn 16-Jul-2073 Mercury 04-Feb-2086 Ketu 29-Jan-2103
Mercury 24-Aug-2074 Ketu 22-Aug-2088 Venus 05-Jan-2104
Ketu 21-Aug-2075 Venus 10-Sep-2089 Sun 06-Sep-2106
Ju 27:54:27 Su 25:03:59 Venus 18-Jan-2076 Sun 10-Sep-2092 Moon 25-Jun-2107
Mo 14:21:57 IV 13:27:28 Sun 19-Mar-2077 Moon 04-Aug-2093 Mars 25-Oct-2108
VI 12:48:13 V 13:56:28 Me 06:34:36 Moon 25-Jul-2077 Mars 03-Feb-2095 Rahu 01-Oct-2109
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine January 2017 12
8th house. Kethu and Rahu+ are present as the Star and Sub lord of Moon, respectively.
Also, the above said Mars presents as the star lord of Kethu by making him a significator for
the 8th house. Kethu is aspected by none and it is in 2. As per the rules for Nodes, Kethu
represents (a) its sign lord Venus+, and (b) its star lord Mars. Venus+, with no planets in its
stars, is the lord of 3 and 10, in the star of Sun, and in its own sub and, it is opposite the
12th. The Sun, by being the the star lord of Venus+, is in the star of Moon and aspects 8
and 12. Hence, Moon happens to be a significator of 8 & 12 by way of its star lord Kethu.
Moreover, Saturn and Rahu are in the sub of Venus+. Saturn, being in the star of Jupiter,
is a significator of the 8th cusp and is connected with the 12th cusp by being the Star lord of
the 12th cusp. Rahu, the sub lord of Moon, is deposited in the 8th house, in the star of
Kethu as explained above, and in the sub of Venus, that is opposite the 12th (by house to
house in the Vedic system).
Accordingly, the 9th csuspal sub lord is a significator of the 8th and 12th, and the KP rule for
separation from father is satisfied.

Chart o2 - Younger Son

The Moon appears as the Lagna Lord, Lagna Sub Lord, and the 9th cusp Sub Lord in
the chart of this child. Moon is located in the 5th, in the sign Scorpio, owned by Mars that
is deposited in the 12th house. Moon is in the star of Saturn, the lord of 7 & 8 tenanted in
the 2nd house with an aspect to the 8th house. The Sub Lord of Moon is Rahu, located in
the 8th cusp, Aquarius sign, owned by star lord Saturn. Rahu is in its own star and in the
sub of Jupiter. Jupiter is the lord of 6 & 9 and is posited in the 5th house, in the star of
Mercury, and in the sub of Saturn. Mercury is the lord of 3 & 12 and placed in the 3rd
cusp. Rahu being a Node is neither conjoined with nor aspected by any planet and repre-
sents Saturn, its sign lord, i.e. the star lord of Moon as discussed above.
Thus, the 9th Cuspal Sub Lord of the younger son is a significator of the 8th and 12th,
satisfying the KP rule for separation from father.
Transition analysis of the DBAS on the dates of departures of children from the father's
1) The Elder son came to his mother, on 2016.02.08 separating from his father. On that
day he was under Venus+ Dasa, Mars Bukthi, Moon Anthar and Mercury Sookshama
dasa. Maha Dasa lord Venus+, with no planets in its stars, though not a strong direct
significator for 8 or 12, has played a great role in the chart, acquiring the significations
of the planets in its sub ie Rahu and Saturn. On the day of his departure, Venus was
transiting in the 5th house, Sagittarius, with an aspect from 8th lord Jupiter. Venus is in
its own star and Mercury Sub, that is, the Shookasma dasa lord. Sub lord Mercury is
the lord of 2 and 11 in 5th and in the star of Sun, and in the sub of Mars. Sun, also the
Lagna Lord, is in 6th conjoined with Moon, the Anthar lord. Moon is the lord of 12th and
aspects 8th. The sub Mars, that is the Bukthi lord, is in the star of Jupiter the lord of 8th
and was transiting in 3 (away from home). Thus, DBAS were in mutual connection with
each other and significators of 8, 12.
2) The younger son departed away from his father on 2016.09.26, when Mercury, Venus,
Saturn and Rahu were operating as DBAS respectively. Dasa Lord Mercury, being the
lord of 12 (separation) & 3 (away from home), was transiting in the 2nd house in the star
of Bukthi lord Venus, and in the sub of Saturn. Venus is the lord of 4, 11 and is in 3,
and aspects 12 while transiting over Rahu's (Sukshma lords) star. Sub lord Saturn is
lord of 7 & 8 and is in 4, and was transiting in the star and sub of Mercury (Dasa Lord),
a significator of 2, 3 & 12. Saturn aspects Rahu. It is the Sukshama lord at time of de-
pature. Rahu is in Lagna cusp in the sign Leo, where Maha Dasa lord Mercury is placed.
Rahu is in the star of Venus, the Bukthi lord, and in the Sub of Mars. Mars is in Kethu
Star and in its own sub. Kethu is a connecting node for Saturn, a significator of 8 and
12. Furthermore, Rahu represents Mercury (Maha Dasa Lord), Saturn (Anthar Lord),
Venus (Bukthi Lord) and Sun. As such, all the DBAS were mutually connected with each
other with their significations of 8 and 12 for separation.
According to the horoscopes discussed so far, including that of the wife, husband/father
looks destined to be separated from wife and his children, and according to known facts of

KP Ezine January 2017 13

the family background, I conclude that the husband will apply for a divorce in due course.
Hence, this will not be the final episode of this story and it will be developed further.
Guruji Sri KSK for his unbreakable lucid theories of KP,
And my KP Guru Sri Tin Win ji for his correct guidance in searching the Pearls.

KP Ezine January 2017 14

Will Jayalalitha survive and come out
By: Gun Nagaraju KP astrologer CAIIB, Retired Bank officer
12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar,
Tarnaka, Secunderabad- 500 017;
Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371

Horary analysis through KPsystem. This is the horary question raised in my mind on 05
Dec 2016 at 11-35-00 a.m. Immediately, I erected a horary chart with a horary number 17
choosing it from my astrology book lying on my table, at 11-36-02 a. m on 05 Dec 2016 at
my residence Secundrabad. The chart is attached.
What KP rules are applicable on the matters of disease, cure and survival or death?
1. If 6th cusp sub lord signifies 6 or 8 or 12 it indicates sickness, danger and hospitalization
of the native in question, during the conjoined period of the significators of 6, 8 and 12.
As per the chart6th cusp sub lord is Mercury which clearly signifies 6, 8 at star level and 6
and 12 at its sub level. This confirms that she is in the hospital for treatment of a disease
that is turning out to be dangerous.
2. If the 5th cusp sub lord signifies 5 and 11 it indicate sure after-treatment.
As per the chart 5th cusp sub lord which is also Mercury signifies 3-negative to 4th home
coming, 6-disease, 8-seriousnes and danger, 11- badhaka house for Mesha lagna at its star
level, and 6 and 12 at its sub level. This clearly indicates all negative significations for her
recovery and coming home safely.
3. If the 6th cusp sub lord signifies badhaka sthana (11 for chara rasi, 9 for sthira rasis, and
7 for common signs), and maraka sthanas (2 and 7), the native in question succumbs to the
disease, provided her/his longevity is not further promised.
As per the chart 6th cusp sub lord Mercury signifies 11-badhaka sthana, 12- loss to the na-
tive and emancipation, along with 8 danger to her life.
All the above indications clearly show that this native has no chances for recovery and for
When is the question? During the conjoined period of significators of
2 and 7 maraka sthanas, 8- danger to the life, 11- badhaka sthana, 12- loss to the life of
the native.
2nd house- RAHU-VENUS/
Ruling planets at the time of judgment----Saturn (2)-Mars (3)-Venus- Moon.
At the time judgment the period running is MARS DL X MARS BL X VENUS AL X MERCU-
The dasa lord and bhukthi lord is Mars who is in the RPs and is the significator of the 8th.
Mars signifies 8 at its star level and 7, 8 and 11 at its sub level. So mars as dasa lord is
The antara lord, Venus, is in the RPs. Its running period is 14/11/2016 to 08/12/2016.
Venus signifies 2, 7, 8 at star level and 8 and 11 at its sub level. Su is transiting in Mars
sign- dasa lord, in Mercury lord (significator of 6, 8 and 12) from 3/12 to 16/1 agrees.
The sookshma lord, Mercury, is in the RPs, and the running period is from 3/12/2016 to
7/12/2016 is ok. Mercury signifies 6 and 11 at star level and 6 and 1 at its sub level.
Moon is transiting on 5/12/2016 and on date-in Saturn sign (in RPs) and signfcator, in
Mars star from 10.29 am, Saturn sub, Saturn sub sub after 18:55:51 hours to 22:52:43
So, I thought that the news of her demise may be announced after 11.00 p.m on the night

KP Ezine January 2017 15

Horary No. 17/249
Sun Rise: 06:32:43 AM Sun Set: 05:40:37 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Vyaghata Hora: Venus Karana: Kaulav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 17 1 Bharani(4) Ma Ve Me Me Me
Question : "Will jayalalitha survive and come out safely?'' 2 Rohini(4) Ve Mo Ve Sa Ju
3 Aridra(4) Me Ra Su Mo Sa
Ruling Planets - 05/Dec/2016 11:36:02 AM 4 Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ra Sa Ke
6 Hasta(3) Me Mo Me Me Mo
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Visakha(2) Ve Ju Me Me Su
Lagna Sa Ma Ve Me Ke 8 Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Su Ve Sa
Moon Sa Ma Ma Ve Me 9 P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ma Ju Ju
Day Lord: Moon 10 Sravana(2) Sa Mo Ra Su Ju
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra Me Su Ke
12 Revati(1) Ju Me Me Ra Ve
II 01:22:11:17 XII 11:17:54:17
Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 00:24:00:00 Su Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Ve Ve Ju
III 02:17:30:12 Mo Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ma Ve Me
Ke 10:13:38:21
2 12 XI 10:13:19:32 Ma Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ra Ke Ra
3 11 Me Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Ra Sa
Ju Chitra(1) Me Ma Ma Ju Sa
Ve U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Sa Sa Ra
Sa Jyeshta(3) Ma Me Ra Ra Sa
IV 03:13:33:05 Ma 09:25:20:28 Ra P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Ve Ve Me
Mo 09:23:59:20
Ke Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Me Ra Ra
1 X 09:13:33:05
4 10 Significators - Planets View
7 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 8 8 3, 6 5
Mo+ 10 10 1, 8 4
VII 06:24:00:00 Ma 10 10 1, 8 1, 8
V 04:13:19:32 Su 07:19:32:02 IX 08:17:30:12 Me 11 8 3, 6
Ra 04:13:38:21 Ve 09:03:14:47 Ju+ 10 6 1, 8 9, 12
5 9 Ve 8 9 5 2, 7
6 8 Sa+ 8 8 3, 6 10, 11
Ra 9 5 2, 7
VI 05:17:54:17 Sa 07:24:14:10 Ke 5 11
Ju 05:23:31:21 VIII 07:22:11:17
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Me 08:09:10:44 (B) - Occupant of house
Ketu acts as agent for: Sa.
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

I 24:00:00 II 22:11:17 III 17:30:12 Dasa Summary

Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
01-Aug-2016 - 01-Aug-2023 01-Aug-2023 - 01-Aug-2041 01-Aug-2041 - 01-Aug-2057
Mars 01-Aug-2016 Rahu 01-Aug-2023 Jupiter 01-Aug-2041
Rahu 28-Dec-2016 Jupiter 14-Apr-2026 Saturn 19-Sep-2043
Jupiter 16-Jan-2018 Saturn 07-Sep-2028 Mercury 02-Apr-2046
XII 17:54:17 Saturn 23-Dec-2018 Mercury 14-Jul-2031 Ketu 08-Jul-2048
Name: JAYALALITHA IV 13:33:05 Mercury 31-Jan-2020 Ketu 31-Jan-2034 Venus 14-Jun-2049
Gender: Male Ketu 27-Jan-2021 Venus 19-Feb-2035 Sun 13-Feb-2052
Date: Monday, 05/Dec/2016 Venus 25-Jun-2021 Sun 19-Feb-2038 Moon 01-Dec-2052
Sun 25-Aug-2022 Moon 13-Jan-2039 Mars 02-Apr-2054
Time: 11:36:02 AM SID: 16:17:56 Moon 31-Dec-2022 Mars 14-Jul-2040 Rahu 08-Mar-2055
Lat: 17:27:00 N Lon: 78:30:00 E
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 01-Aug-2057 - 01-Aug-2076 01-Aug-2076 - 01-Aug-2093 01-Aug-2093 - 01-Aug-2100
Ke 13:38:21 Place: SECUNDERABAD, ANDHRA Saturn 01-Aug-2057 Mercury 01-Aug-2076 Ketu 01-Aug-2093
XI 13:19:32 PRADESH, India Mercury 04-Aug-2060 Ketu 28-Dec-2078 Venus 28-Dec-2093
V 13:19:32 Ketu 14-Apr-2063 Venus 26-Dec-2079 Sun 27-Feb-2095
Ayanamsa: 24 0' 11" Ra 13:38:21 Venus 23-May-2064 Sun 26-Oct-2082 Moon 05-Jul-2095
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Sun 23-Jul-2067 Moon 01-Sep-2083 Mars 03-Feb-2096
Star: Dhanishta, Pada 1 Moon 04-Jul-2068 Mars 01-Feb-2085 Rahu 01-Jul-2096
Star Lord: Mars Mars 02-Feb-2070 Rahu 29-Jan-2086 Jupiter 20-Jul-2097
Ma 25:20:28 Rahu 14-Mar-2071 Jupiter 17-Aug-2088 Saturn 25-Jun-2098
Lagna: Aries Lagna Lord: Mars
Mo 23:59:20 Jupiter 19-Jan-2074 Saturn 22-Nov-2090 Mercury 04-Aug-2099
X 13:33:05 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Sashti
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
Ve 03:14:47 Bal. Dasa: Mars 6 Y, 7 M, 26 D 01-Aug-2100 - 01-Aug-2120 01-Aug-2120 - 01-Aug-2126 01-Aug-2126 - 01-Aug-2136
VI 17:54:17 Venus 01-Aug-2100 Sun 01-Aug-2120 Moon 01-Aug-2126
Ju 23:31:21 Sun 01-Dec-2103 Moon 19-Nov-2120 Mars 02-Jun-2127
Moon 01-Dec-2104 Mars 20-May-2121 Rahu 01-Jan-2128
Mars 01-Aug-2106 Rahu 25-Sep-2121 Jupiter 02-Jul-2129
Rahu 01-Oct-2107 Jupiter 20-Aug-2122 Saturn 01-Nov-2130
Jupiter 01-Oct-2110 Saturn 08-Jun-2123 Mercury 01-Jun-2132
Sa 24:14:10 Saturn 02-Jun-2113 Mercury 20-May-2124 Ketu 31-Oct-2133
IX 17:30:12 VIII 22:11:17 Mercury 02-Aug-2116 Ketu 27-Mar-2125 Venus 01-Jun-2134
Me 09:10:44 Su 19:32:02 VII 24:00:00 Ketu 02-Jun-2119 Venus 01-Aug-2125 Sun 31-Jan-2136
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine January 2017 16
of 5th Dec 2016.
Facts of the case---the news of the demise of Jayalalitha was announced after 11:30.00
p.m .
When I heard the news, though it was sad news, I was thrilled to hear that my prediction
had come true. I humbly salute to our great astrological wizard sir KSK for his wonderful
theory of sub lord. I express my thanks to Sri Kanak Ji for giving this opportunity .

KP Ezine January 2017 17

Rela on with friend
By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613 P.B. Parekh Tower
Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165.
Phone: +91-7925460376
Email : ;

Question: : I have been undergoing emotional turmoil from people whom I trust as very
close friends - it happened in July 2012 and I am yet to come out of it and now suddenly
from another guy who was a subordinate to me and very close from 2011. Suddenly he says
my phone calls and messages are a disturbance to him and the reason he says are without
any logic. Last 5 days I have been mentally suffering a turmoil I never experienced in my life
till date and which cant be described in words as I have done no wrong and always have
been his best well-wisher. My question to you - will that guy have a change of mind and
become normal towards me as before, if so by when?

Number: 11 (out of 249).

Date of Judgment: 27-01-2015, Tuesday; Time of Judgment: 11:22:31 PM IST
Place of Judgment: Kankariya-Ahmedabad-Gujarat; Long/Lat: 23 N 00', 72 E 36,
Aynamsha 230.58'.38"

If the cuspal sub lord of the 11th be the significator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of
1-5-11, relations with friends will be good during the joint period of the significators of 1-5-

If the cuspal sub lord of the 11th be the significator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of
6-8-12, relations with friends will not be good during the joint period of the significators of 6

Cuspal analysis:

Cusp 11th (Aquarius 020.44'.36"): The sub lord of the 11th cusp is Venus. Venus is in the
star of Mars and sub of Sun. Venus is occupant of 11, owner of 2-7. Star lord Mars is
occupant of 11, owner of 1-8. Sub lord Sun is occupant of 10, owner of 5. No planet is in
the stars of Sun, and Sun is CSL of 1. Thus 11th sub lord Venus is the significator of 1-8-
11, and is connected with 2-7-11-10-5-1. Hence, you will be successful in maintaining good
relations with your friend. However, at same time, it indicates the 8th too. Thus, the
relations will not remain as good as before.

Ruling Planets:
Day lord Sign lord Star lord Sub lord
Day. Tuesday Mars
Asc. Pisces 28.21'.06" Jupiter Mercury Saturn
Moon. Aries 13.32'.23" Mars Venus Venus

Rahu is aspected by Mars, thus represents Mars. Ketu is aspected by Jupiter, thus
represents Jupiter. The ruling planets are Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Rahu
and Ketu.

Joint period:
At the time of judgment running dasa is of Venus up to 05-10-2034. Joint period at the
time of judgment is Venus-Venus up to 04-02-2018.

KP Ezine January 2017 18

Horary No. 11/249
Sun Rise: 07:21:17 AM Sun Set: 06:23:25 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Shubha Hora: Moon Karana: Bav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 11 1 Bharani(1) Ma Ve Su Su Su
Question : will my friend have a change of mind and become normal towards me as 2 Rohini(2) Ve Mo Ju Ve Sa
before, if so by when?
3 Aridra(1) Me Ra Ju Mo Ra
Ruling Planets - 27/Jan/2015 11:22:31 AM 4 Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Sa Mo Me
6 U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Me Sa Ju
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Swati(3) Ve Ra Ve Ve Me
Lagna Ju Me Sa Me Mo 8 Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ju Ju Ke
Moon Ma Ve Ve Ve Ju 9 Moola(3) Ju Ke Sa Me Sa
Day Lord: Mars 10 U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Sa Ra Me
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Ve Ve Su
12 U.Bhadra(2) Ju Sa Me Ju Mo
II 01:14:59:58 Ke 11:19:34:18
Mo 00:13:32:23 Planetary Positions
XII 11:06:57:53
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 00:15:33:20 Su Sravana(1) Sa Mo Ra Me Ju
III 02:09:57:11 Mo Bharani(1) Ma Ve Ve Ve Ju
Ma 10:17:36:12
2 12 Ve 10:05:32:58 Ma Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Su Ra Sa
11 XI 10:02:44:36 Me[R] Sravana(4) Sa Mo Ke Ju Ma
Ju[R] Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ra Me Ke
Ve Dhanishta(4) Sa Ma Su Ve Ke
Sa Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ve Ra Mo
IV 03:04:39:33 Me[R] 09:20:11:41 Ra Hasta(3) Me Mo Me Sa Ma
Ju[R] 03:25:02:08 Su 09:12:58:55
Ke Revati(1) Ju Me Ve Ve Sa
1 X 09:04:39:33
4 10 Significators - Planets View
7 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 1 10 4 5
Mo 11 1 2, 7 4
VII 06:15:33:20 Ma 6 11 1, 8
V 04:02:44:36 Sa 07:09:11:44 IX 08:09:57:11 Me 1 10 4 3, 6
Ju+ 10 4 3, 6 9, 12
5 9 Ve 11 11 1, 8 2, 7
6 8 Sa 7 7 10, 11 10, 11
Ra 1 6 4
VI 05:06:57:53 VIII 07:14:59:58 Ke+ 10 12 3, 6
Ra 05:19:34:18
Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Mo 13:32:23 II 14:59:58 III 09:57:11 Dasa Summary

I 15:33:20
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
05-Oct-2014 - 05-Oct-2034 05-Oct-2034 - 05-Oct-2040 05-Oct-2040 - 05-Oct-2050
Venus 05-Oct-2014 Sun 05-Oct-2034 Moon 05-Oct-2040
Sun 04-Feb-2018 Moon 23-Jan-2035 Mars 05-Aug-2041
Ke 19:34:18 Moon 04-Feb-2019 Mars 24-Jul-2035 Rahu 06-Mar-2042
XII 06:57:53 Mars 04-Oct-2020 Rahu 29-Nov-2035 Jupiter 05-Sep-2043
Name: Relation with friend IV 04:39:33 Rahu 04-Dec-2021 Jupiter 23-Oct-2036 Saturn 05-Jan-2045
Gender: Male Ju[R] 25:02:08 Jupiter 04-Dec-2024 Saturn 11-Aug-2037 Mercury 06-Aug-2046
Date: Tuesday, 27/Jan/2015 Saturn 05-Aug-2027 Mercury 24-Jul-2038 Ketu 05-Jan-2048
Mercury 05-Oct-2030 Ketu 30-May-2039 Venus 05-Aug-2048
Time: 11:22:31 AM SID: 19:07:43 Ketu 05-Aug-2033 Venus 05-Oct-2039 Sun 06-Apr-2050
Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
Ma 17:36:12 Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 05-Oct-2050 - 05-Oct-2057 05-Oct-2057 - 05-Oct-2075 05-Oct-2075 - 05-Oct-2091
Ve 05:32:58 Mars 05-Oct-2050 Rahu 05-Oct-2057 Jupiter 05-Oct-2075
XI 02:44:36 Rahu 03-Mar-2051 Jupiter 17-Jun-2060 Saturn 23-Nov-2077
Ayanamsa: 23 58' 38" V 02:44:36 Jupiter 21-Mar-2052 Saturn 10-Nov-2062 Mercury 05-Jun-2080
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Saturn 25-Feb-2053 Mercury 16-Sep-2065 Ketu 10-Sep-2082
Star: Bharani, Pada 1 Mercury 06-Apr-2054 Ketu 04-Apr-2068 Venus 17-Aug-2083
Star Lord: Venus Ketu 03-Apr-2055 Venus 23-Apr-2069 Sun 17-Apr-2086
Rasi: Aries Rasi Lord: Mars Venus 30-Aug-2055 Sun 23-Apr-2072 Moon 04-Feb-2087
Sun 30-Oct-2056 Moon 17-Mar-2073 Mars 04-Jun-2088
Lagna: Aries Lagna Lord: Mars
Me[R] 20:11:41 Moon 07-Mar-2057 Mars 16-Sep-2074 Rahu 11-May-2089
Su 12:58:55 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Ashtami
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
X 04:39:33 Bal. Dasa: Venus 19 Y, 8 M, 8 D 05-Oct-2091 - 05-Oct-2110 05-Oct-2110 - 05-Oct-2127 05-Oct-2127 - 05-Oct-2134
VI 06:57:53 Saturn 05-Oct-2091 Mercury 05-Oct-2110 Ketu 05-Oct-2127
Ra 19:34:18 Mercury 08-Oct-2094 Ketu 03-Mar-2113 Venus 02-Mar-2128
Ketu 18-Jun-2097 Venus 28-Feb-2114 Sun 02-May-2129
Venus 27-Jul-2098 Sun 29-Dec-2116 Moon 07-Sep-2129
Sun 26-Sep-2101 Moon 04-Nov-2117 Mars 08-Apr-2130
Moon 08-Sep-2102 Mars 05-Apr-2119 Rahu 04-Sep-2130
Mars 08-Apr-2104 Rahu 02-Apr-2120 Jupiter 22-Sep-2131
VIII 14:59:58 Rahu 18-May-2105 Jupiter 20-Oct-2122 Saturn 28-Aug-2132
IX 09:57:11 Sa 09:11:44 VII 15:33:20 Jupiter 23-Mar-2108 Saturn 25-Jan-2125 Mercury 07-Oct-2133
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine January 2017 19
Dasa and bhukti lord is Venus, and we have discussed Venus above. Venus is in the RPs.

Antra lord is Venus up to 26-04-2015. We have Venus appearing in the RPs twice, and we
have taken it as dasa and bhukti lord. Thus, I will now select the next Sun from 26-04-2015
to 26-06-2015. Sun is not in the RPs. Therefore, I go with the next Moon. But, Moon is also
not in the RPs. The next is Mars from 05-10-2015 to 15-12-2015.

Mars is in the star of Rahu and sub of Sun. Mars is occupant of 11, owner of 1-8. Star lord
Rahu is occupant of 6. Rahu is aspected by Mars. Mars is occupant of 11, owner of 1-8.
Sub lord Sun is occupant of 10, owner of 5. No planet is in the star of Sun, and Sun is the
CSL of 1. Thus, antra lord Mars signifies 6-11-1-8 and is connected with 11-1-8-10-5-1.
Hence, you will be successful in maintaining good relations with your friend but, at same
time, it indicates 6-8 as well. Therefore, the relations will not remain as good as previously.

My opinion: You will be successful in maintaining relations with your friend but they will
not be as good as previously. This will manifest during 05-10-2015 to 15-12-2015.

KP Ezine January 2017 20

Birth me rec ca on of Sanjay Gandhi

By: VSN. Murthy, (K.P. Astro Consultant)

#404, Teja Garden Apartments, Prakashnagar,
KURNOOL- 4. (AP) Mobile:- 09440220874.


Late. Sanjay Gandhi jis birth time is rectified by me using the guidelines written by
Sri. Kanakkumar B. Bosmiah ji in his book EASY WAY TO LEARN KPBIRTH TIME
RECTIFICATION. It is as follows:-

One of my best astrological friends named MK. Viswanath authored a book. Its name is
EDUCATION AND SUBLORD SYSTEM. In it, the birth particulars of Late Sanjay Gandhi
are given as
14-12-1946 at 9-27 AM, New Delhi. But it is rectified by him as 9-25-47 AM. For
rectification of birth time, the date, time and place of judgment which are taken by him are
as follows:-
Date of judgment:- 06-12-2013; Time of judgment:-4-17 PM; Place of judgment:-Hyderabad.



(1)There is no Punarphoo yoga in this RP chart.

(2)Rahu is conjoined with Saturn who is in Moon 4 RPs and it is in the sub of Saturn who
is in total 9 RPs. So it should be included in Moon RPs.
(3) Ketu is not qualified for the including in Moon RPs.

Therefore, the total Moon RPs are Saturn, Sun, Venus, Moon and Rahu.

KP Ezine January 2017 21

Location: NEW DELHI, DELHI, India
Date: 14/Dec/1946
Start Time: 09:22:00 AM End Time: 09:32:00 AM

Transition Information for Lagna

09:22:00 AM Sa Su

We have Saturn, Sun, Venus, Moon, and Rahu as Moon RPs. As Sun is found in Moons
RPs, it is selected as starlord of the Lagna.

Location: NEW DELHI, DELHI, India

Date: 14/Dec/1946
Start Time: 09:22:00 AM End Time: 09:32:00 AM

Transition Information for Lagna

09:22:00 AM Sa Su Ra
09:25:56 AM Sa Su Ju

We have Saturn, Sun, Venus, Moon and Rahu as Moon RPs. As Rahu is found in Moons
RPs, it is selected as lagna sublord.

Location: NEW DELHI, DELHI, India

Date: 14/Dec/1946
Start Time: 09:22:00 AM End Time: 09:25:56 AM

Transition Information for Lagna

09:22:00 AM Sa Su Ra Me
09:22:48 AM Sa Su Ra Ke
09:23:14 AM Sa Su Ra Ve
09:24:30 AM Sa Su Ra Su
09:24:52 AM Sa Su Ra Mo
09:25:30 AM Sa Su Ra Ma
09:25:56 AM Sa Su Ju Ju

We have Saturn, Sun, Venus, Moon and Rahu as Moon RPs. Venus, Sun and Moon have
appeared as Sub-Sublords of Rahu sub. As per VMD, Venus is to be selected. But, Moon is
selected as Sub-Sublord of lagna because 09-24-52 AM range is nearer to the given birth

Location: NEW DELHI, DELHI, India

Date: 14/Dec/1946
Start Time: 09:24:52 AM End Time: 09:25:30 AM

Transition Information for Lagna

09:24:52 AM Sa Su Ra Mo Mo
09:24:56 AM Sa Su Ra Mo Ma
09:24:58 AM Sa Su Ra Mo Ra
09:25:03 AM Sa Su Ra Mo Ju
09:25:08 AM Sa Su Ra Mo Sa
09:25:14 AM Sa Su Ra Mo Me
09:25:20 AM Sa Su Ra Mo Ke
09:25:22 AM Sa Su Ra Mo Ve
09:25:28 AM Sa Su Ra Mo Su
09:25:30 AM Sa Su Ra Ma Ma

We have Saturn, Sun, Venus, Moon and Rahu as Moon RPs. Sun, Rahu, and Moon have

KP Ezine January 2017 22

already been selected as star, sub and sub-sublords of lagna as shown above. Now Venus
should be selected as lagna Sub-Sub-Sublord as it will be nearer the given birth time.

Location: NEW DELHI, DELHI, India

Date: 14/Dec/1946
Start Time: 09:25:22 AM End Time: 09:25:28 AM

Transition Information for Lagna

09:25:22 AM Sa Su Ra Mo Ve Ve
09:25:23 AM Sa Su Ra Mo Ve Mo
09:25:24 AM Sa Su Ra Mo Ve Ra
09:25:25 AM Sa Su Ra Mo Ve Ju
09:25:26 AM Sa Su Ra Mo Ve Sa
09:25:27 AM Sa Su Ra Mo Ve Me
09:25:28 AM Sa Su Ra Mo Su Ma

We have Saturn, Sun, Venus, Moon and Rahu as Moon RPs. We have already selected Sun,
Rahu, Moon and Venus as star, sub, Sub-sub, Sub-Sub-Sub of lagna. Now the remaining
planet is Saturn. Therefore, it should be selected as Lagna Sub-Sub-Sub-Sublord, and it
will be very near the given birth time.

So, the astrologically corrected birth time is 09-25-26 AM

Thus, as shown above, I have got the rectified birth time of Sanjay Gandhi is 09-25-26 AM
where as my astrological friend and the author of EDUCATION AND SUBLORD
SYSTEM (MK. Viswanath) has got the rectified birth time is 09-25-47 AM. (Slight difference
in seconds only).

Late. Sanjay Gandhis birth chart is as follows:- DOB=14-12-1946; RBT=09-25-26 AM;

POB=New Delhi;

KP Ezine January 2017 23

Verification of past events:-

On 23rd September, 1974, Sanjay Gandhi and Menaka Gandhi were married at the house of
an old friend of the family, Mohammad Yunus.
Moon Dasa = 08-05-1973 to 08-05-1983.
Mars Bhukthi = 08-05-1974 to 07-10-1974.
Moon Anthra = 20-09-1974 to 07-10-1974.
Rahu Sookshma = 22-09-1974 to 29-10-1974.

7th CSL Mars+ (12-4, 7) is in the star of Ketu (11), and in the sub of Moon (8-7). So marriage
is promised to this native.

Dasa lord Moon (8-7) is in the star of Ketu (11), and in the sub of Mercury (10-6, 9).
Bhukthi Lord Mars (12-4, 7) is in the star of Ketu (11), and in the sub of Moon (8-7).
Anthra lord Moon (8-7) is in the star of Ketu (11), and in the sub of Mercury (10-6, 9).
Sookshma lord Rahu (5) is in the star of Moon (8-7) and in the sub of Mercury (10-6, 9).
Rahu does not have any planets in its stars, and it holds the cuspal sublordship of the 11th
cusp. So, it is a self-strong significator for the 11th cusp.

Maneka and Sanjay first met each other in 1973 at a cocktail party given by her uncle
Major-General Kapur to celebrate their son Veenu Kapur's forthcoming marriage. As Sanjay
was Veenu's school friend, he was present to meet his destined love. Those days he was
engaged in trying to make a career in an automobile industry. Maneka was then 17 years old,
a fine featured beautiful lady who had even won a college beauty contest and modelled for a
firm of towel manufacturers. It was love at first sight. They spent that evening talking to each
other. The two agreed to meet the next day. The first meeting made them glue together often
again. Since Sanjay was shy of being in the public, they usually met either in her house or in
the Prime Minister's house. In 1974, Sanjay had to undergo a hernia operation. After
attending college in the morning, Maneka spent her afternoons and evenings with her fianc
in the private ward of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. A few weeks after their
discharge the families decide to tie the nuptial knot. The wedding was typical Indian style;
Indira welcomed her daughter in law, with great wide arms with all the costliest gifts.
However the mother-in -law and the daughter-in-law relationship grew sour after few years.
Maneka Gandhi was forced to live a life away from the family, with her son although their
marriage life was great canvass of love, it did not last long as Sanjay died in an air crash in
J u n e , 1 9 8 0 .

KP Rule for Love marriage:- If the sublord of the 5th cusp is deposited in the constellation of
a planet who is the significator of the houses 7 and 11, then materialization of the love
affair is promised.

In this natal chart, 5th CSL Rahu is in the constellation of Moon. Moon is lord of the 7 th, and

KP Ezine January 2017 24

is in the star of Ketu which is in 11. Thus, 5th CSL Rahu, through Moon, signifies 7 and 11.
5th CSL Rahu is in the star of Moon, and the 7th CSL, Mars, is in the sub of Moon. Thus
both Rahu, (5th sub) and Mars (7th sub) are well connected through Moon (7 th lord). So, the
marriage of Sanjay and Menaka is a love marriage.

On 23-06-1980, Sanjay died instantly from head wounds in an air-crash near Safdarjung
Airport in New Delhi.
Moon Dasa = 08-05-1973 to 08-05-1983.
Merc Bhukthi= 08-05-1979 to 07-08-1980.
Saturn Anthra=16-05-1980 to 07-08-1980.
Venus Sookshma= 15-06-1980 to 29-06-1980.

Ascendant is Capricorn Sign (fixed sign). So the 11th is badhaka. 2 & 7 are Marakas; 12 is
Moksha; 10 is exit from world; 4 is end of everything. 8 is danger;

Dasa lord Moon (8-7) is in the star of Ketu (11), and in the sub of Mercury (10-6, 9).
Bhukthi lord Mercury (10-6, 9) is in the star of Saturn (7-1, 2), and in the sub of Venus (10-
5, 10).
Anthra lord Saturn (7-1, 2) is in the star of Saturn (7-1, 2), and in the sub of Jupiter (10-3,
12). Sookshma lord Venus (10-5, 10) is in the star of Jupiter (10-3, 12), and in the
sub of Mercury (10-6, 9).

His father Feroz Gandhi died on 08-09-1960.

Venus Dasa = 08-05-1947 to 08-05-1967.
Saturn Bhukthi = 08-05-1960 to 08-05-1963.
Mercury Anthra =07-09-1960 to 18-02-1961.
Mercury Sookshma=07-09-1960 to 30-09-1960.

Note:- Father is signified by the 9th. So, consider Virgo (Dual sign) as Lagna of his father. 7th
is badhaka as well as maraca; 2nd is also maraca; 12th is Moksha; 10th is exit from world; 4th
is end of everything; 8th is danger;
Dasa lord Venus (2-2, 9) is in the star of Jupiter (2-4, 7), and in the sub of Mercury (2-1,
Bhukthi lord Saturn (11-5, 6) is in the star of Saturn (11-5, 6) and in the sub of Jupiter (2-
4, 7).
Anthra lord and Sookshma lord Mercury (2-1, 10) is in the star of Saturn (11-5, 6) and in
the sub of Venus (2-2, 9).

His Grand-father Nehru (Mothers father) died on 27-05-1964.

Venus Dasa = 08-05-1947 to 08-05-1967.
Mercury Bhukthi = 08-05-1963 to 08-05-1966.
Sun Anthra = 21-05-1964 to 12-07-1964.
Moon Sookshma = 24-05-1964 to 28-05-1964.

Note:- 4th is mother; mothers father is 4th to 9th which is the 12th, and which falls in Sagit-
tarius sign (dual sign). Therefore, 7th is badhaka as well as maraca; 2nd is also maraca; 12th
is Moksha; 10th is exit from world; 4th is end of everything; 8th is danger;

Dasa lord Venus (11-6, 11) is in the star of Jupiter (11-1, 4) and in the sub of Mercury (11-
7, 10).
Bhukthi lord Mercury (11-7, 10) is in the star of Saturn (8-2, 3) and in the sub of Venus (11
-6, 11).
Anthra lord Sun (12-9) is in the star of Mercury (11-7, 10) and in the sub of Saturn (8-2, 3).
Sookshma lord Moon (9-8) is in the star of Ketu (12) and in the sub of Mercury (11-7, 10).

KP Ezine January 2017 25

Ketu represents Sun (12-9), Mars (1-5, 12), and Mercury (11-7, 10).

Thus as shown above all the four past events are verified and the rectified birth time is,
therefore, OK.

Let us analyze the EVANESCENCE OF HIGHER EDUCATION to this native.

4th house indicates Primary Education (Lower education) to say in detail regular attendance
in School and High School or Collegiate studies.
9th house denotes Higher Education such as M.A. M.Sc., Ph.D, Research and invention,
fortune and progress etc.
11th house shows ones hopes, wishes and aspirations and their realization. It also governs
success in all undertakings.
6th house denotes success in examinations; competitions, litigations, etc.
7th house indicates competitors.
3rd, 5th, 8th are detrimental houses for education.

One to have higher education, sublord of the 4th should be well connected to houses
4-9-11 and with no connection at all to houses 8-12. At the same time, the 4th
sublord should not be subject to aspect from Saturn and Mars. If the 4th sublord is
either Saturn or Mars, and aspected by Saturn and Mars, then no harm about it, but
should not be connected to houses 4-9-11. Jupiter should aspect by 5 th or 9th aspect
and not by 7th aspect. When all these conditions are met, one will have the higher
education of the highest order, the native emerging as an authority on the subject
whatever it may be. The 4th sublord and planet level connection, to 4 th house alone,
will give an education upto intermediate level only. When connected to 9 th house
higher education is offered again, when we talk of education the 4 th sublord and the
9th sublord, at one and the same time should be connected to houses 4-9-11. Ninth
Sublord when connected to 9-11 and no connection to 4, or 4 th sublord signifying 4-9
houses and no connection to 11 th, or if the 4th sublord signifying houses 4-11 and no
connection to 9th, under such circumstances one can never have the higher
education. The native in pursuit of higher education will not reach the goal.---
(Astro Secrets Part I. authored by Late M.P.Shanumugham).

In the natal chart of Sanjay Gandhi, the 4th CSL Mars+ is in the star of Ketu and in the sub
of Moon.
Mars is in 11 but it is very near and close to the 12th cusp and the lord of 4 & 11. Star lord
Ketu is the occupant of 11. Ketu is conjoined with Sun (11-8) and Mercury (10-6, 9).Ketu is
in Scorpio a watery sign and in the star of Mercury which is also in watery sign (Scorpio).
Sublord Moon is occupant of 8 and is the lord of 7. Thus, 4th CSL Mars signifies himself 4 &
11, and also 9th is signified by Mercury (as it is lord of 9) as it is represented by Ketu; But,
Sun and Ketu are in the star of Mercury. Hence Mercury is a weak significator for the 9th.
Sun and Ketu are capable of giving the 9th house results better than Mercury. (Star lord is
stronger than Planet). Thus, 4th CSL Mars signifies only 4 & 11 without 9. In addition,
Jupiters 7th aspect is there on the 4th. It is not good. Under such circumstances this native
cannot have higher education.

9th CSL Saturn (7-1, 2) is in its own star and in the sub of Jupiter (10-3, 12). Here 4-9-11
are not seen. So, Saturn is not capable of giving higher education to this native.

11th CSL Rahu (5) is in the star of Moon (8-7) and in the sub of Mercury (10-6, 9). Here 9th
is signified through Mercury as it is a weak significator for 9th without 4-11. That is why the
11th CSL Rahu is also unable to offer higher education to this native.

KP Ezine January 2017 26


(1) Vidya Karaka (Prime Significator of Education) is Mercury. When he is posited in

watery signs, it is not good for educational matters.
(2) If Saturn is not a significator of any one of the educational houses(4-9-11), but
only throws its aspect; this portends denial and even disappointment.

In the natal chart of Sanjay, (1) Mercury is posited in Scorpio which is a watery (Mute) sign.
(2) Saturn (7-1, 2) is in its own star (7-1, 2) and in the sub of Jupiter (10-3, 12). Here
Saturn is not a significator for any one of the houses 4-9-11. But Saturn sights 9th and 4th
with his 3rd and 10th special aspects. So it is confirmed that, astrologically, this native is not
eligible for getting higher education as explained above.

It is clearly understood from the above astrological analysis that Mars and Mercury who are
signifying 4 & 9 are weak to offer higher education.

One can complete his/her Matriculation/10th Class/S.S.C. at the age of 15. At the age of
17, he/she can complete Intermediate.

This native was running Venus Dasa/Saturn Bhukthi (at the age of 15) from 08-03-1960 to

Dasa lord Venus (10-5, 10) is in the star of Jupiter (10-3, 12) and in the sub of Mercury (10
-6, 9). It can be seen that there is no signification of 4-9-11 at Planet (Venus) level, Star
(Jupiter) level. But a weak signification of 9 (higher education) at Sub (Mercury) level can be
seen. (It is already explained about Mercury in the above paras).

Note:- When Dasa lord is not capable of giving higher education, the other period
lords, (such as bhukthi lord, anthra lord and Sookshmalords) cannot offer any
favourable results.

After completion of Venus Dasa, Sun Dasa starts from 08-05-1967 to 08-05-1973. Sun (11-
8) is in the star of Mercury (10-6, 9) and in the sub of Saturn (7-1, 2). Thus to some extent
Sun signifies 11 at planet level and 9 at star level. It is to be noted that all the three planets
(Sun, Mercury and Saturn) are placed in watery signs which is not good for education.
Therefore, Sun is also not favourable for giving higher education. Moon is close to the 8 th
cusp which is a negation of the 9th (higher education). Thus, appropriate Venus Dasa itself
broke the education of this native.

KP Ezine January 2017 27

When will GST Bill pass?
By: Shan lal K Chavda
Vrundavan Shopping Center,
opp. Bhavsar Sheri, Sarkhej Gam.
Tel: +91-999 888 0510

Random No. 133. Question arose and work started on 26/5/2016 12-51-09 hrs. Place
(Sarkhej) Ahmedabad.

If the cuspal sub lord of the 7(View of parliament {11th is parliament and 9th View, so view
of parliament 9th from 11= 7th} be the significator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of 9
(Making something legal/ Law), 11(support to give or take), 10(Document granting
authority) Law making in parliament is promised during the joint period of the significators
of 10, 9 and 11.
So, during the periods of significators of 9th, 10th & 11th house, this bill will pass.

7th sub lord

Mercury is Sub-Lord of 7th house positioned in 7th house & is the lord of 9th & 12th House.
Its star lord Venus is in the 7th house & is lord of 1st & 8th houses. The sub lord of Venus is
Jupiter. It is positioned in the 11th house cusp and becomes significator of 9th & 11th. So,
the GST Bill will be passed

Joint period
Current period is of Sun-Jupiter From 18-12-2015 to 05-10-2016.
RPs are:

Dasa :
Sun is in 7th house & lord of 11th. Its star lord Moon in 3rd house (future) & lord of 10th
house. Its Sub-lord Mars in 1st house of 2nd & 5th house. Sun is in RP

Running Bhukti is Jupiter. Horary chart Indicate Punarphoo yoga. Thus I left it and check
next Saturn from 05-10-2016 to 17-09-2017.
Saturn is in 2nd house & lord of 4th & 5th House. Its star lord Mercury is in 7th house & is
lord 9th & 12th house. Its sub-lord is Venus in 7th house & lord of 1st & 8th house. Saturn is
in RP.

During Saturn antra first is Mercury, not in RP, next is Ketu also not in RP. Next is Venus
from 07-02-2017 to 05-04-2017.
Venus is in 7th house & lord of 1st & 8th house. Its star lord is Sun itself posited in 7th &
owns 11th house. Its Sub-lord is Venus itself.

Therefore, during the winter session of parliament, during period 7-02-2017 to 05-04-2017,
the GST bill will be passed & it will become law.

KP Ezine January 2017 28

Horary No. 133/249
Sun Rise: 05:55:28 AM Sun Set: 07:18:50 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Shukla Hora: Saturn Karana: Kaulav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 133 1 Swati(2) Ve Ra Me Me Me
Question : When will GST Bill pass? 2 Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Mo Me Ma
3 Moola(4) Ju Ke Me Ve Me
Ruling Planets - 26/May/2016 12:51:09 PM 4 Sravana(2) Sa Mo Ra Mo Ve
SARKHEJ, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Ve Mo Ra
6 U.Bhadra(4) Ju Sa Ju Ve Ma
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Aswini(4) Ma Ke Me Ra Ju
Lagna Su Ve Ve Sa Ma 8 Rohini(1) Ve Mo Ma Ve Ju
Moon Sa Su Ju Ve Ra 9 Aridra(2) Me Ra Sa Ra Me
Day Lord: Jupiter 10 Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ra Sa Ju
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Su Ra Me
12 Hasta(2) Me Mo Sa Sa Su
II 07:11:44:01 XII 05:15:51:28
Sa[R] 07:19:42:30 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Ma[R] 07:06:26:57 Su Rohini(1) Ve Mo Ma Sa Ra
Mo 09:02:12:14 I 06:12:33:20 Mo U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Ve Ra
Ra 04:23:51:53
III 08:12:06:46 8 6 Ju 04:19:40:56 Ma[R] Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Me Ma Me
5 XI 04:15:44:28 Me Bharani(3) Ma Ve Ju Me Sa
Ju P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ra Ve Me
Ve Krittika(4) Ve Su Ve Mo Sa
Sa[R] Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Ve Su Su
IV 09:13:45:13 X 03:13:45:13 Ra P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Sa Ju Ve
Ke P.Bhadra(2) Sa Ju Sa Ju Ra
10 4 Significators - Planets View
1 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 3 8 10 11
Mo 8 3 11 10
Me 00:20:52:20 Ma+ 2 1 4, 5 2, 7
V 10:15:44:28 VII 00:12:33:20 IX 02:12:06:46 Me 7 7 1, 8 9, 12
Ke 10:23:51:53 Su 01:11:28:43 Ju 7 11 1, 8 3, 6
11 Ve 01:08:20:25 3 Ve 8 7 11 1, 8
12 2 Sa 7 2 9, 12 4, 5
Ra+ 7 11 1, 8
VI 11:15:51:28 VIII 01:11:44:01 Ke+ 11 5 3, 6
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ju, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VII 12:33:20 Ve 08:20:25 IX 12:06:46 Dasa Summary

Me 20:52:20 Su 11:28:43
VIII 11:44:01 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
29-Nov-2013 - 29-Nov-2019 29-Nov-2019 - 29-Nov-2029 29-Nov-2029 - 29-Nov-2036
Sun 29-Nov-2013 Moon 29-Nov-2019 Mars 29-Nov-2029
Moon 19-Mar-2014 Mars 29-Sep-2020 Rahu 27-Apr-2030
Mars 18-Sep-2014 Rahu 30-Apr-2021 Jupiter 16-May-2031
VI 15:51:28 Rahu 23-Jan-2015 Jupiter 29-Oct-2022 Saturn 21-Apr-2032
Name: GST Bill X 13:45:13 Jupiter 18-Dec-2015 Saturn 28-Feb-2024 Mercury 30-May-2033
Gender: Male Saturn 05-Oct-2016 Mercury 29-Sep-2025 Ketu 27-May-2034
Date: Thursday, 26/May/2016 Mercury 17-Sep-2017 Ketu 28-Feb-2027 Venus 24-Oct-2034
Ketu 25-Jul-2018 Venus 29-Sep-2027 Sun 23-Dec-2035
Time: 12:51:09 PM SID: 04:28:20 Venus 30-Nov-2018 Sun 31-May-2029 Moon 29-Apr-2036
Lat: 22:59:00 N Lon: 72:30:00 E
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 29-Nov-2036 - 29-Nov-2054 29-Nov-2054 - 29-Nov-2070 29-Nov-2070 - 29-Nov-2089
Ke 23:51:53 Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Rahu 29-Nov-2036 Jupiter 29-Nov-2054 Saturn 29-Nov-2070
V 15:44:28 Jupiter 12-Aug-2039 Saturn 17-Jan-2057 Mercury 02-Dec-2073
XI 15:44:28 Saturn 05-Jan-2042 Mercury 31-Jul-2059 Ketu 11-Aug-2076
Ayanamsa: 23 59' 45" Ju 19:40:56 Mercury 11-Nov-2044 Ketu 05-Nov-2061 Venus 20-Sep-2077
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ra 23:51:53 Ketu 31-May-2047 Venus 12-Oct-2062 Sun 20-Nov-2080
Star: U.Ashada, Pada 2 Venus 18-Jun-2048 Sun 13-Jun-2065 Moon 01-Nov-2081
Star Lord: Sun Sun 18-Jun-2051 Moon 01-Apr-2066 Mars 03-Jun-2083
Moon 12-May-2052 Mars 01-Aug-2067 Rahu 12-Jul-2084
Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus
Mars 10-Nov-2053 Rahu 07-Jul-2068 Jupiter 19-May-2087
IV 13:45:13 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Panchami
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
Mo 02:12:14 Bal. Dasa: Sun 3 Y, 6 M, 3 D 29-Nov-2089 - 29-Nov-2106 29-Nov-2106 - 29-Nov-2113 29-Nov-2113 - 29-Nov-2133
XII 15:51:28 Mercury 29-Nov-2089 Ketu 29-Nov-2106 Venus 29-Nov-2113
Ketu 26-Apr-2092 Venus 27-Apr-2107 Sun 31-Mar-2117
Venus 24-Apr-2093 Sun 27-Jun-2108 Moon 31-Mar-2118
Sun 22-Feb-2096 Moon 02-Nov-2108 Mars 30-Nov-2119
Moon 29-Dec-2096 Mars 03-Jun-2109 Rahu 29-Jan-2121
Mars 30-May-2098 Rahu 30-Oct-2109 Jupiter 30-Jan-2124
Sa[R] 19:42:30 Rahu 27-May-2099 Jupiter 18-Nov-2110 Saturn 30-Sep-2126
II 11:44:01 Jupiter 14-Dec-2101 Saturn 25-Oct-2111 Mercury 30-Nov-2129
III 12:06:46 Ma[R] 06:26:57 I 12:33:20 Saturn 20-Mar-2104 Mercury 03-Dec-2112 Ketu 29-Sep-2132
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine January 2017 29
Applica on for transfer of stocks
By: Gun Nagaraju KP astrologer CAIIB, Retired Bank officer
12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar,
Tarnaka, Secunderabad- 500 017;
Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371

when will my application for transfer of stocks and shares (from the existing stock broking
company) submitted is transferred to my bank demat account?

This is the horary question that arose in my mind on 17 Nov 2016 at 07-04-00 a. m with a
horary number 25 at the spur of that moment .Instantaneously, I erected a horary chart
@ 07-04-16 a. m. The chart is attached.

1. First let me check whether the event will materialize or not----

As per Gulbarga theory if the sub lord of the horary number furnished by the querent is
also either the star lord of the Ascendant or star of the Moon among the R.Ps the answer
is yes.

As per the chart, the sub lord of the horary number 25 is Saturn. Saturn is the star lord of
the Asc in R.Ps. So YES is the answer.

2. To know whether there will be any delay in fructification of the event or not----
As per Sri K Subramanyams rule stated in his reader no.6 page no.130take the horary
number and divide it by 12 if the reminder is

A) 0-2-6-& 11no delay

B) 1-3-7& 9- delay
C) 4-5-8 & 10-negative or no.

As per the horary chart, the number is 25, and when it is divided by 12 the reminder comes
to 01 which, as per the rule above, shows that there will be some delay in the fructification
of the event which, in this case, is transfer of the shares.

This could also be confirmed by the fact that 11th cusp sub lord itself is Saturn which also
aspects the lagna causing delay.

With this background let me check up whether, and when, the stock and shares will be

As per Sri Kanak Jis rule-if the 3 rd cusp sub lord signifies 3 or 9 or 11 the event of transfer of
stocks will take place during the conjoined period of the significators of 3, 9 and 11 houses.

Analysis of the chart3rd cusp sub lord is Mercury. It is the lord of 2, 3 and 6 placed in the
7th cusp in conjunction with Saturn. Mercury is in the star of Saturn, lord of 10 and 11
placed in the 7th, and in the sub of Mars, lord of 7th in 9th.

Thus Mercury signifies 3 and 11 at its star level and 9 at its sub level. So, the event is
promised but with some delay.

Now, when is the question---?


KP Ezine January 2017 30

Horary No. 25/249
Sun Rise: 06:22:17 AM Sun Set: 05:39:33 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Siddha Hora: Jupiter Karana: Badreva Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 25 1 Krittika(2) Ve Su Sa Sa Sa
Question : Stock 2 Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Me Me Ke
3 Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Me Ra Su
Ruling Planets - 17/Nov/2016 07:04:16 AM 4 Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Su Ju Ra
SECUNDERABAD, ANDHRA PRADESH, India 5 P.Phalguni(3) Su Ve Sa Ve Su
6 Chitra(2) Me Ma Ju Ra Me
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Visakha(4) Ma Ju Ra Su Sa
Lagna Ma Sa Ve Sa Su 8 Moola(1) Ju Ke Ke Ke Me
Moon Me Ma Mo Ke Mo 9 P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Me Ra Sa
Day Lord: Jupiter 10 Sravana(4) Sa Mo Ve Ju Ra
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 P.Bhadra(1) Sa Ju Sa Ve Ra
12 Revati(4) Ju Me Ju Ra Me
II 02:00:02:25 XII 11:27:45:29
Mo 02:06:22:58 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 01:03:00:00 Su Visakha(4) Ma Ju Ma Ve Mo
III 02:25:10:45 Mo Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Mo Ke Mo
XI 10:22:42:33
3 12 Ma Sravana(1) Sa Mo Ma Ve Me
3 11 Me Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Ma Su Sa
Ju Hasta(4) Me Mo Ke Sa Ju
Ve Moola(4) Ju Ke Me Ke Sa
Sa Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Su Ve Ve
Ra 04:14:36:11 X 09:21:51:47 Ra P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Ve Ju Ke
IV 03:21:51:47 Ke 10:14:36:11
Ke Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Ke Ve Me
4 10 Significators - Planets View
8 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 5 7 8, 9, 12 5
Mo 9 2 7 4
Sa 07:22:07:36 Ma 2 9 4 7
Ju 05:20:20:03 Me 07:12:48:35 IX 08:25:10:45 Me 7 7 10, 11 2, 3, 6
V 04:22:42:33 VII 07:03:00:00 Ma 09:11:45:37 Ju 2 5 4 8, 9, 12
5 9 Ve 10 8 1
6 9 Sa 7 7 2, 3, 6 10, 11
Ra 8 4 1
Su 07:01:07:43 Ve 08:11:47:48 Ke 4 10
VI 05:27:45:29 VIII 08:00:02:25
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

I 03:00:00 II 00:02:25 Dasa Summary

Mo 06:22:58
III 25:10:45 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
12-Jan-2010 - 12-Jan-2017 12-Jan-2017 - 12-Jan-2035 12-Jan-2035 - 12-Jan-2051
Mars 12-Jan-2010 Rahu 12-Jan-2017 Jupiter 12-Jan-2035
Rahu 11-Jun-2010 Jupiter 25-Sep-2019 Saturn 02-Mar-2037
Jupiter 29-Jun-2011 Saturn 18-Feb-2022 Mercury 13-Sep-2039
XII 27:45:29 Saturn 04-Jun-2012 Mercury 25-Dec-2024 Ketu 19-Dec-2041
Name: Stock IV 21:51:47 Mercury 13-Jul-2013 Ketu 14-Jul-2027 Venus 25-Nov-2042
Gender: Male Ketu 11-Jul-2014 Venus 01-Aug-2028 Sun 27-Jul-2045
Date: Thursday, 17/Nov/2016 Venus 07-Dec-2014 Sun 01-Aug-2031 Moon 15-May-2046
Sun 06-Feb-2016 Moon 25-Jun-2032 Mars 14-Sep-2047
Time: 07:04:16 AM SID: 10:34:27 Moon 12-Jun-2016 Mars 24-Dec-2033 Rahu 20-Aug-2048
Lat: 17:27:00 N Lon: 78:30:00 E
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 12-Jan-2051 - 12-Jan-2070 12-Jan-2070 - 12-Jan-2087 12-Jan-2087 - 12-Jan-2094
XI 22:42:33 Place: SECUNDERABAD, ANDHRA Saturn 12-Jan-2051 Mercury 12-Jan-2070 Ketu 12-Jan-2087
Ke 14:36:11 PRADESH, India Mercury 15-Jan-2054 Ketu 10-Jun-2072 Venus 11-Jun-2087
Ra 14:36:11 Ketu 24-Sep-2056 Venus 07-Jun-2073 Sun 10-Aug-2088
Ayanamsa: 24 0' 9" V 22:42:33 Venus 03-Nov-2057 Sun 06-Apr-2076 Moon 16-Dec-2088
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Sun 03-Jan-2061 Moon 11-Feb-2077 Mars 17-Jul-2089
Star: Mrigasira, Pada 4 Moon 16-Dec-2061 Mars 13-Jul-2078 Rahu 13-Dec-2089
Star Lord: Mars Mars 17-Jul-2063 Rahu 10-Jul-2079 Jupiter 01-Jan-2091
Rahu 25-Aug-2064 Jupiter 27-Jan-2082 Saturn 08-Dec-2091
Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus
Jupiter 02-Jul-2067 Saturn 03-May-2084 Mercury 16-Jan-2093
X 21:51:47 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Tritiya
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
Ma 11:45:37 Bal. Dasa: Mars 0 Y, 1 M, 24 D 12-Jan-2094 - 12-Jan-2114 12-Jan-2114 - 12-Jan-2120 12-Jan-2120 - 12-Jan-2130
Ju 20:20:03 Venus 12-Jan-2094 Sun 12-Jan-2114 Moon 12-Jan-2120
VI 27:45:29 Sun 14-May-2097 Moon 02-May-2114 Mars 12-Nov-2120
Moon 14-May-2098 Mars 01-Nov-2114 Rahu 13-Jun-2121
Mars 13-Jan-2100 Rahu 08-Mar-2115 Jupiter 12-Dec-2122
Rahu 15-Mar-2101 Jupiter 31-Jan-2116 Saturn 12-Apr-2124
Sa 22:07:36 Jupiter 15-Mar-2104 Saturn 18-Nov-2116 Mercury 11-Nov-2125
IX 25:10:45 Me 12:48:35 Saturn 13-Nov-2106 Mercury 31-Oct-2117 Ketu 13-Apr-2127
Ve 11:47:48 VII 03:00:00 Mercury 13-Jan-2110 Ketu 07-Sep-2118 Venus 12-Nov-2127
VIII 00:02:25 Su 01:07:43 Ketu 12-Nov-2112 Venus 13-Jan-2119 Sun 13-Jul-2129
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine January 2017 31
3rd house=VEN-SAT-MERC
11th house=MERC-SAT.

RULING PLANETS AT TOJ17-11-2016 @ 07-04-16 A.M @ SECUNDRABAD. -----


RAHU is aspected by Mars by its 8th aspect, and by Saturn by its 10th aspect. So Rahu is
also added as R.P.



Dasa lord Mars is CFS and runs up to 12-1-2017. Mars signifies 9 at star level and sub lev-
el also. So it is O.K.

Bhukthi lord Moon is in CFS and runs from 12-06-2016 to 12-01-2017. Moon signifies 9 at
star level. So it is O.K.

Under Moon bhukthi available antara periods are---

Kethu antara is from 14-11-2016 to 26-11-2016. as we found late result, I left Ketu Antra).
Venus antara is from 26-11-2016 to 01-01-2017. Venus is a significator and a CFS too. So
Venus is O.K. As such, Venus antara should give the result before 01-01-2017.

Sun transits in Mars sign (Scorpio) in Saturn star from 20/11 to 03/12. Mars Sgl is the
significator of 9th at both STL & SBL. And, Saturn (3 and 11 significator) STL is conjoined
with Moon B/L in Scorpio sign signifying 9 th should give the result.

Venus sookshma is from 26-11-2016 to 02-12-2016.

Moon will be transiting in Libra (VenusA/L) sign in Mars star (D/L) on 26/11-both are
already take from CFS.
Moon will be transiting in Libra sign (Venus-A/L) in Moon star (B/L) on 27/11both are
already taken from CFS.
Moon will be transiting in Libra sign (A/L &S/L) in Jupiter star (significator of 9th) on

So I thought that the event of the shares being transferred is expected to take place on 28/11
when it transits in Saturn sub.

This is judged on 17 th Nov itself and waiting for the outcome.

Facts of the case (received message on 29-11-2016 @ 4-00-00 p.m). The transfer of
shares took place on 29-11-2016 at 4-00-00 p.m during Venus antara when sun was
transiting in Mars sign (Scorpio) in Sat star-- Sat subSat sub sub.

I express my salutations to great astrologer Sri KSK and his findings. My thanks will
certainly be extended to Sri Kanak Ji for his unstinted support in writing and subscribing
articles to our magazine.

KP Ezine January 2017 32

Index of Ar cles Published in KP-Ezine
By: A J Hoon


A Death of KP follower by Sudden Leukemia Jun-04

A tribute to Muhammed Ali (Reminder) Jul-11
A Tribute to Music Icon Prince May-27
Abortion Sep-07
Acting in Cinema or foreign study? Nov-23
Addiction to death May-31
Admission in Desired College Nov-23
Admission through Option Theory Jul-28
Advance Medical Astrology (Book Review) May-42
Any chance for Hillary Clinton to win US President election? Mar-13
Any financial gains in my present job? May-11
Any Imprisonment for me? Mar-07
Assam Election 2016 Apr-23
Astrological Tables for Alls (Book Review) Jun-55
Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Part VIII Sub Sub (Book Review) Jan-41
Autism a curse to childhood-analysis through KP system Jun-34
Aynamasha May-13
Ayanamsha Oct-11
Baghdadi was dies in air strike is true? Jul-04
Baluchistan: Is there any chance for one more separation in Pakistan? Oct-04
Birth time correction of Baba Vagna Aug-32
Birth time correction with various methods Aug-23
Birth time rectification Feb-35
Birth time rectification Mar-24
Birth time rectification Sep-27
Bobbys Death a further Study Mar-21
Book Review (Advance Medical Astrology) May-42
Book Review (Astrological Tables for Alls) Jun-55
Book Review (Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Part VIII Sub Sub) Jan-41
Book Review (Essentials of Medical Astrology) Apr-43
Book Review (KP & Astrology 2016) Sep-44
Book Review (KP & Astrology 2016) Oct-36
Book Review (KP & Astrology 2016) Nov-42
Book Review (KP Horary Tables of Houses: Sayana) Aug-43
Book Review (Stellar Astrology and Events in Life) Jul-38
Book Review (Your Health in Your Horoscope: Introduction to Medical Astrology) Feb-50
Book Review (Your Medical Astrology) Mar-35
British election Feb-12
Business in coming years Feb-07
C.A. Exam Dec-20
Can I ever become an actor? If yes, then when? Oct-18
Cancer diagnosis Feb-04
Cancer Jul-06
Case Study of Assassins of National Heroes Aug-11
Choice of Aynamasha in Astrology May-13
Cure from Disease Feb-44
Cure from Disease Aug-20
Daughters marriage when? Sep-19
Death May-31
Disease Feb-44

KP Ezine January 2017 33

Disease Aug-20
Donald Trump Jun-09
Donald Trump Sep-15
Donald Trump Nov-10
Donald Trump for US President Jan-04
Essentials of Medical Astrology (Book Review) Apr-43
Fathers Death from Daughters chart Jan-26
Fathers health condition from sons natal chart KP way Apr-12
Ford Harrison Highest Grossing Actor How it happened? May-17
Foreign settlement Jul-17
Foreign study Nov-23
Getting Tenant for Property Jul-23
Going abroad and higher study Dec-04
Going abroad for job Aug-04
Gujarat Sep-32
Hillary Clinton Mar-13
Hillary Clinton Sep-04
Hillary Clinton Nov-10
Hillary Clinton Nov-15
Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump for US President Jun-09
House on rent? Feb-41
Illness Dec-17
Index of Articles Published in KP-Ezine 2015 Jan-32
India-Pakistan Relations KPCC May-04
Interview Jan-23
Is business good for me? Jan-06.
Is Rumor/Message True or False? Nov-04
ISIS Nov-32
Jail Jan-21
Jimmy Carter Cancer diagnosis Feb-04
Job Jan-18
Job Mar-26
Job May-11
Job Aug-04
Job Dec-06
Job Dec-12
Job change Feb-09
Job when? Oct-28
Kerala Election 2016 Apr-17
Kethu and Abortion Sep-07
KP & Astrology 2016 (Book Review) Sep-44
KP & Astrology 2016 (Book Review) Oct-36
KP & Astrology 2016 (Book Review) Nov-42
KP Horary Tables of Houses: Sayana (Book Review) Aug-43
KPCC May-04
KPCC Jun-17
Lady Gaga Apr-26
Lavanya (Mrs,) May-22
Leonardo DiCaprio Finally Wins the First Oscar Mar-04
Leukemia Jun-04
Longevity of Mother May-24
Lucky weds Mayak Apr-20
Malaika Arora and Arbaaz Khan any separation? Mar-16
Marriage Jan-13
Marriage Mar-19
Marriage Sep-19
Marriage Dec-14
Marriage from Birth chart Apr-32
Marriage of daughter Feb-17
Message of Hrithik Roshan Kangana Ranaut Relationship is true? Jun-43
Mirror Effect of KP Oct-06
MLA election ticket Jul-26

KP Ezine January 2017 34

Muhammed Ali Jul-11
My astrology article will be accepted for publication? Oct-15
Myanmar KPCC Jun-17
Myanmar Presidents Swearing-in Apr-04
Netaji Jan-21
Pakistan Oct-04
Period of marriage Jan-13
Planetary Position for January 2016 Jan-44
Planetary Position for February 2016 Feb-52
Planetary Position for March 2016 Mar-39
Planetary Position for April 2016 Apr-45
Planetary Position for May 2016 May-47
Planetary Position for June 2016 Jun-57
Planetary Position for July 2016 Jul-40
Planetary Position for August 2016 Aug-49
Planetary Position for September 2016 Sep-46
Planetary Position for October 2016 Oct-38
Planetary Position for November 2016 Nov-43
Planetary Position for December 2016 Dec-25
Politics Mar-29
Position in Politics Mar-29
Predicting an event by using only Ruling planets Dec-09
Prediction of Hillary Clintons victory over Donald Trump has not been wavered Nov-10
Prediction of Marriage considering Age of Planets Dec-14
Prince May-27
Promotion in Job Dec-12
Ramya Nov-20
Recovery from illness Dec-17
Recovery from sickness and return to home Mar-10
Reinstatement Oct-20
Retrograded Planets and Diseases Feb-20
RPs are Apatkala Bandhus in KP Oct-23
Ruling Planets guides: Arrival of Mrs. Lavanya, when? May-22
Ruling Planets May-22
Ruling planets Jul-19
Ruling planets Dec-09
Rumor about ISIS spokesman Nov-32
Rumor/Message True or False- UN Secretary General as a female Sep-22
Sanction of government Pension Aug-17
Selling of lands Dec-22
Shilpa Shinde to return as Angoori Bhabhi true? Sep-24
Stellar Astrology and Events in Life (Book Review) Jul-38
Study Dec-04
Success in C A examinations Nov-13
Success in interview Jan-23
Suicidal Death of Mother from Sons chart Aug-07
Supremacy of ruling planets proved beyond doubt Jul-19
Tamilnadu election 2016 Apr-09
Teaching profession and analysis through KP system Jan-08
Tenant Jul-23
Transfer of job A developing story Nov-06
Transfer of job A developing story (II) Dec-06
Use f Sub Sub when sub faile Sep-36
Victory in District Panchayat Election Feb-14
Vijay Malliya Apr-14
Vijay Malliya Apr-37
West Bengal Election 2016 Apr-29
When Reinstatement? Oct-20
When Vijay Malliya return to India? Apr-37
When will be marriage? Mar-19
When will I get house on rent? Feb-41
When will I get job? Jan-18

KP Ezine January 2017 35

When will I get job? Mar-26
When will I receive my pens by courier parcel from Rajahmundry? Nov-29
Which Ayanamsha will work for Donald Trumps horoscope KP of Lahiri? Oct-11
Who will become the New CM of Gujarat? Sep-32
Why Donald Trump Will Loose the US Presidential Election 2016 Sep-15
Why Prediction Went Wrong? Jun-40
Why she died by Cancer? Jul-06
Will actress and ex-MP Ramya be exonerated of treason charges? Nov-20
Will Hillary Clinton win the US election that will be held on 8 November 2016? Nov-15
Will I get back my hand-Loan? Jan-29
Will I get MLA election ticket for Thane district, declare today? Jul-26
Will Mr. Vijay Malliya be arrested? Apr-14
Will Mr. Zakir Naiks be arrested? Aug-29
Will Mrs. Hillary Clinton win the presidential election on 08-11-2016? Sep-04
Will our Netaji go to jail? Jan-21
Your Health in Your Horoscope: Introduction to Medical Astrology (Book Review) Feb-50
Your Medical Astrology (Book Review) Mar-35
Zakir Naik (Mr.) Aug-29

KP Ezine January 2017 36

Ques ons & Answers
By: Tin Win

Question 1: What went wrong in predictions of the US presidential election, astrology

or astrologers?
Contrary to all our analyses and predictions, Trump has won the US elections. This victory of
Trump has confounded many political pundits and, for us, it has confounded us KP
astrologers as well.

I believe, in keeping with principles of truth and the absolute principles of our founding guruji,
KSK, we must acknowledge that we went entirely wrong in our predictions. At least I would
like to put on record the failure of my own analyses (both in October 2015 based on Trumps
natal chart, and the most recent in November 2016 based on the horary method).

Every prediction that goes wrong deserves a second look. I would like to urge all our KP read-
ers and contributors, especially those of us who made bold analysis in this case (and which
was the right thing to do if we claim our gurujis system to be scientific), to re-examine our
analyses. From a learning perspective, this will help us all understand as to why we went
wrong. There are many questions that I can think of:

1. Did we use the correct principles and rules?

2. Was the birth time of Trump that we have used correct?
3. In making our horary analyses, did we suffer from a hidden bias in favour of Hil-
lary and against Trump that clouded our judgement and obstructed our objectivity?
4. Or simply, that this is a case which is exceptional in the history of astrological

I would appreciate if you would publish this email in the next KPEzine for December 2016.
With this email, I wish to highlight the fact that we as KP practitioners should not hesitate to
accept failure when, on the other hand, we are so ready to accept our successes. I would urge
all KP practitioners to undertake a self-reflection and see where our errors lie.

I hope you will agree with me in this regard. If we want to make the science of KP astrology
solid, we must not hesitate to acknowledge failure and look for the correct answers.

Answer 1:
1. Not astrology principles and rules but astrologers may be wrong.
2. The birth time of Trump that we have used is the most accurate AA rated birth time:

KP Ezine January 2017 37

3. It has been observed in election prediction articles that horary election predictions can
give contradictory results by using the same astrological rules depending on astrologer, time
and place.
4. This does not seem an exceptional case.
Our failure may lie in misunderstanding of the crucial role played by tricky Rahu in
Trumps winning the presidential nomination at the end of Rahu Dasa and the presidential
election at the beginning of Jupiter Dasa. His 10th cuspal sub lord for wining power is also
Jupiter. Here we can say sub lord (Rahu) speaks.

Ra:10,1,2,5.9,11,6+,12+ is in star Ma:12-4, and sub Ju:2,5-9.

Ju: 2,5-9, is in star Ma:12,4, and in sub Ra:10,1,2,5.9,11,6+,12+ .

Cuspal and planetary sign lord, star lord and sub lord

KP Ezine January 2017 38

The problem with Hillarys chart is that three birth times are circulating, and the 8th house
signification caused more harm than expected.
The bottom line is It is a fact that 100% correct prediction cannot be given with the
literature available and with the knowledge that we may gain by studying them
alone. (KP Reader II, p 46)
Question 2: Fruitful dasa period lords
In Question and Answers of KPEzine-Nov 2016, Question No: 6,
For marriage, first importance is to be given for dasa lord and next importance is for Bhkti
Suppose Dasa lord signify 11, and bhuki lord signify 2, then, is marriage is possible in the
above dasa -bhukti lords period?.

Answer 2:
Marriage is possible in the above dasa -bhukti period.

Question 3: Signification in Sri R. C. Bhatts KP books


In this book, in solved examples, at some places , he has taken only the signification of star
lord only ( Page: 73). Here , considered only signification of star lord. Signification of sub
lord is not considered.
Star lord of Venus - Sun
Sub lord - Rahu,
Rahu as sub lord signifies- 2,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11.
4th house is not at all there.

In some examples he has considered SUB LORD also.

In some examples ha has considered only A & C significators out of A, B, C and

D signinificators telling that these are strong significators ( Page: 94).

Is it OK?.
For your valuable suggestions , Sir.

Answer 3:
In Sri C.R. Bhatts KP books, the signification of planet (cuspal sub lord or dasa period lord)
is consistently considered at three levels of planet, its star and sub by occupation and
ownership. The signification by the star lord is called signifified and given more
importance and the signification by the star lord and sub lord is called connected.

Question 4: Fruitful significators

Sir, It is a common practice that, during timing of events, arrive at the significators of required
houses and the ruling
planets, and note down the common (fruitful) planets for judging Dasa/Bhukti etc. At times
the dasa/bhukti periods are
considered which are not amongst the common planets. But either they appear in
significators list and in RPs. Some times
the running period of planet is operating which is neither in significators or in RPs, but at sub
level signifies the relevant
houses. Would you please throw your expertise on the subject.

Answer 4:
In the article Lottery and luck by Late Prof. K.S.K., K.P. & Astrology 2015, page 62), it is
mentioned, As the significators are many, beneficial significators are to be selected,
rejecting the useless ones. To select the beneficial significators, there are two methods and

KP Ezine January 2017 39

both are to be scrutinized.
A. Note the ruling planets at the time of judgment;
B. Note the sub lord of signifcators. If the sub lord is one of the significators, then the
planet deposited in such a sub is beneficial, otherwise not.

In practice of using ruling planets the common significators among the concerned
significators and ruling planets are usually selected.

Here are selection methods of fruitful significators without using ruling planets:
1) Significators of planets with no planets in their stars, which are the strongest
significators of houses under consideration by sub lordship to them (same as in Golden
Rule: to take the planets which are posited in the sub of significators whose constellations
are not tenanted.);
2) Significators whose sub lords are the significators of houses under consideration;
3) Significators which are the cuspal sub lords of houses under consideration;
4) Significators appearing many times amongst significators.

Question 5:
Every single soul born is of his own destiny and karma. One cannot change or direct or
dictate the other including
his/her spouse. He/She is a separate entity. With this dictum of logic and principle of KP,
how is that it is possible to
read the events from one person in respect of his relatives. Would you please evaluate on this

Answer 5:
Reading ones relatives from the natives horoscope does not mean that their fate depends
on the natives fortune but it is an analysis from the concerned house, for instance 5th
house for first child, 7th for spouse, 9th for father. . .

KP Ezine January 2017 40

KP Ezine January 2017 41
Book Review
The Only Complete Compendium on
KP Astrology
By: Tin Win

The Only Complete Compendium on KP Astrology

by Bibhash Choudhary
Educreation Publishing, New Delhi, 2015

This is a KP book but the following idea of determining the Ascendant first is not KP
practice in six KP Readers or Sri CR Bhatt's KP books.
"The primary responsibility of an astrologer shall be to judge the strength of the Ascendant
lord at the very beginning of the judgment and then to use the same in knowing the
quantum of effects/results of the other houses under consideration.
If the Ascendant lord is weak, then the native/querent will not achieve better results for the
other houses under consideration, even if the other houses support the matter through sub
This is the idea of cuspal interlinks, KB by Baskaran and KCIL by Khullar.
Any reputable KP astrologer has not yet been found always determining the Lagna first,
including Sri M.P. Shanmugam who has introduced the strength of Lagna (Astro Secrets &
Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Part 1, Krishman & Co., 2003)


Part 1: 17 theoretical topics (Features of KP, Ruling planet, Sub theory, Significators,
Analyzing houses and planets, Aspects, conjunction, orb and nodes, Determining timing of
event, General effects of planets and zodiac signs on the native) sub divided into 134
frequently asked questions

Part 2: 186 Rules on 18 major events in one's life including income/wealth, loan/debt,
speculation, business/profession, child, property, accident, politics, foreign travel, service/
job, marriage, health, primary/ higher education and short event prediction

Part 3: 48 practical example charts dealing with marriage, finance, accident, office elections,
service, promotion, , overseas travel, love affairs, business or profession, child, property etc.

KP Ezine January 2017 42

Planetary Positions
For O5.30 AM Ahmedabad
January 2016

Date SID Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
01/Jan/2017 11:33:45 Sg 16:45:04 Cp 17:50:26 Aq 15:31:13 Sg 09:16:20 Vi 27:08:29 Aq 03:29:14 Sc 27:21:58 Le 12:13:20 Aq 12:13:20
02/Jan/2017 11:37:41 Sg 17:46:15 Aq 00:38:05 Aq 16:16:31 Sg 08:09:50 Vi 27:14:45 Aq 04:34:11 Sc 27:28:47 Le 12:10:09 Aq 12:10:09
03/Jan/2017 11:41:38 Sg 18:47:25 Aq 13:37:46 Aq 17:01:50 Sg 07:11:58 Vi 27:20:51 Aq 05:38:52 Sc 27:35:34 Le 12:06:58 Aq 12:06:58
04/Jan/2017 11:45:34 Sg 19:48:34 Aq 26:51:13 Aq 17:47:08 Sg 06:23:41 Vi 27:26:48 Aq 06:43:14 Sc 27:42:20 Le 12:03:47 Aq 12:03:47
05/Jan/2017 11:49:31 Sg 20:49:44 Pi 10:20:19 Aq 18:32:25 Sg 05:45:31 Vi 27:32:36 Aq 07:47:18 Sc 27:49:04 Le 12:00:37 Aq 12:00:37
06/Jan/2017 11:53:27 Sg 21:50:53 Pi 24:06:43 Aq 19:17:41 Sg 05:17:34 Vi 27:38:15 Aq 08:51:03 Sc 27:55:46 Le 11:57:26 Aq 11:57:26
07/Jan/2017 11:57:24 Sg 22:52:02 Ar 08:11:13 Aq 20:02:57 Sg 04:59:40 Vi 27:43:44 Aq 09:54:29 Sc 28:02:26 Le 11:54:15 Aq 11:54:15
08/Jan/2017 12:01:21 Sg 23:53:10 Ar 22:33:06 Aq 20:48:12 Sg 04:51:23 Vi 27:49:03 Aq 10:57:33 Sc 28:09:05 Le 11:51:04 Aq 11:51:04
09/Jan/2017 12:05:17 Sg 24:54:18 Ta 07:09:33 Aq 21:33:26 Sg 04:52:12 Vi 27:54:13 Aq 12:00:17 Sc 28:15:41 Le 11:47:53 Aq 11:47:53
10/Jan/2017 12:09:14 Sg 25:55:26 Ta 21:55:28 Aq 22:18:39 Sg 05:01:27 Vi 27:59:13 Aq 13:02:38 Sc 28:22:16 Le 11:44:43 Aq 11:44:43
11/Jan/2017 12:13:10 Sg 26:56:33 Ge 06:43:45 Aq 23:03:51 Sg 05:18:28 Vi 28:04:04 Aq 14:04:37 Sc 28:28:48 Le 11:41:32 Aq 11:41:32
12/Jan/2017 12:17:07 Sg 27:57:39 Ge 21:26:18 Aq 23:49:02 Sg 05:42:35 Vi 28:08:45 Aq 15:06:12 Sc 28:35:18 Le 11:38:22 Aq 11:38:22
13/Jan/2017 12:21:03 Sg 28:58:46 Cn 05:55:13 Aq 24:34:11 Sg 06:13:07 Vi 28:13:15 Aq 16:07:22 Sc 28:41:46 Le 11:35:11 Aq 11:35:11
14/Jan/2017 12:25:00 Sg 29:59:52 Cn 20:04:10 Aq 25:19:20 Sg 06:49:28 Vi 28:17:36 Aq 17:08:08 Sc 28:48:12 Le 11:32:00 Aq 11:32:00
15/Jan/2017 12:28:57 Cp 01:00:57 Le 03:49:08 Aq 26:04:27 Sg 07:31:03 Vi 28:21:46 Aq 18:08:27 Sc 28:54:35 Le 11:28:49 Aq 11:28:49
16/Jan/2017 12:32:53 Cp 02:02:02 Le 17:08:40 Aq 26:49:33 Sg 08:17:20 Vi 28:25:46 Aq 19:08:19 Sc 29:00:56 Le 11:25:39 Aq 11:25:39
17/Jan/2017 12:36:50 Cp 03:03:07 Vi 00:03:41 Aq 27:34:38 Sg 09:07:51 Vi 28:29:36 Aq 20:07:43 Sc 29:07:14 Le 11:22:28 Aq 11:22:28
18/Jan/2017 12:40:46 Cp 04:04:12 Vi 12:36:58 Aq 28:19:41 Sg 10:02:10 Vi 28:33:15 Aq 21:06:39 Sc 29:13:30 Le 11:19:17 Aq 11:19:17
19/Jan/2017 12:44:43 Cp 05:05:16 Vi 24:52:30 Aq 29:04:44 Sg 10:59:55 Vi 28:36:44 Aq 22:05:05 Sc 29:19:43 Le 11:16:06 Aq 11:16:06
20/Jan/2017 12:48:39 Cp 06:06:21 Li 06:55:01 Aq 29:49:45 Sg 12:00:44 Vi 28:40:02 Aq 23:03:00 Sc 29:25:53 Le 11:12:55 Aq 11:12:55
21/Jan/2017 12:52:36 Cp 07:07:24 Li 18:49:31 Pi 00:34:45 Sg 13:04:20 Vi 28:43:10 Aq 24:00:23 Sc 29:32:00 Le 11:09:44 Aq 11:09:44
22/Jan/2017 12:56:32 Cp 08:08:28 Sc 00:40:54 Pi 01:19:44 Sg 14:10:27 Vi 28:46:07 Aq 24:57:14 Sc 29:38:05 Le 11:06:34 Aq 11:06:34
23/Jan/2017 13:00:29 Cp 09:09:31 Sc 12:33:42 Pi 02:04:41 Sg 15:18:50 Vi 28:48:53 Aq 25:53:31 Sc 29:44:07 Le 11:03:23 Aq 11:03:23
24/Jan/2017 13:04:26 Cp 10:10:33 Sc 24:31:54 Pi 02:49:37 Sg 16:29:18 Vi 28:51:28 Aq 26:49:12 Sc 29:50:06 Le 11:00:12 Aq 11:00:12
25/Jan/2017 13:08:22 Cp 11:11:35 Sg 06:38:46 Pi 03:34:32 Sg 17:41:40 Vi 28:53:52 Aq 27:44:17 Sc 29:56:02 Le 10:57:02 Aq 10:57:02
26/Jan/2017 13:12:19 Cp 12:12:36 Sg 18:56:43 Pi 04:19:26 Sg 18:55:46 Vi 28:56:05 Aq 28:38:44 Sg 00:01:55 Le 10:53:51 Aq 10:53:51
27/Jan/2017 13:16:15 Cp 13:13:37 Cp 01:27:17 Pi 05:04:18 Sg 20:11:27 Vi 28:58:07 Aq 29:32:31 Sg 00:07:44 Le 10:50:40 Aq 10:50:40
28/Jan/2017 13:20:12 Cp 14:14:37 Cp 14:11:13 Pi 05:49:08 Sg 21:28:38 Vi 28:59:58 Pi 00:25:37 Sg 00:13:31 Le 10:47:29 Aq 10:47:29
29/Jan/2017 13:24:08 Cp 15:15:35 Cp 27:08:34 Pi 06:33:57 Sg 22:47:10 Vi 29:01:37 Pi 01:18:00 Sg 00:19:13 Le 10:44:19 Aq 10:44:19
30/Jan/2017 13:28:05 Cp 16:16:33 Aq 10:18:55 Pi 07:18:45 Sg 24:06:59 Vi 29:03:05 Pi 02:09:39 Sg 00:24:53 Le 10:41:08 Aq 10:41:08
31/Jan/2017 13:32:01 Cp 17:17:30 Aq 23:41:33 Pi 08:03:30 Sg 25:28:00 Vi 29:04:22 Pi 03:00:32 Sg 00:30:29 Le 10:37:57 Aq 10:37:57

KPEzine January 2017 43

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