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1. Determine the mass moment of inertia of a right circular cone about rotational axis x
as shown in the fig.1 below

2. State and prove parallel axis and Perpendicular axis theorems

3. Find the area moment of inertia about the centroidal axes for a given area shown in
the fig.

Unit- V
1. State DAlembert principle giving equations.
2. A bullet of mass 81gm and moving with a velocity 300m/s is fired into a block of wood
and it penetrates to a depth of 10cm. If the bullet moving with the same velocity were
fired into a similar piece of wood 5cm thick, with what velocity would it emerge? Also,
find the force of resistance, assuming it to be uniform.
3. Two bodies of weights 40N and 15N are connected to the two ends of a light inextensible
string, which passes over a smooth pulley. The weight 40N is placed on a smooth inclined
plane, while the weight 15N is hanging free in air as shown. If the angle of plane is 45,
determine: (i) Acceleration of the system, and (ii) Tension in the string. Take, g= 9.80
m/s2 .

1. What is the value of P in the system shown in figure 6.1 to cause the motion to
impend? Assume the pulley is smooth and coefficient of friction between the other
contact surfaces is 0.02
2. a) State and Obtain the principle of work energy equation
(b) A bullet of weight 0.3 N is fired horizontally into a body of weight 100 N which is
suspended by a string 0.8m long. Due to this impact the body swings through an angle of
300 . Find the velocity of the bullet and the loss in the kinetic energy of the system?

Figure 6.1 Figure 6.2

3. A body weighing 196.2N slides up a 60 inclined plane under the action of applied force
400N acting parallel to the inclined plane. The coefficient of friction is equal to 0.2. The body
moves from rest. Determine
(i) Acceleration of the body
(ii) Distance travelled by the body in 5 seconds
(iii) Work done by the body in 5 seconds.
(iv) Momentum of the body after 5 seconds.

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