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Clean Hands Count: Dissemination Plan

Todays date: April 3, 2017

Project Title Clean Hands Count

Project Start Date: July 1, 2017

Project End Date: July 1, 2018

Project Coordinators Jamie Paiva, Hannah Dunn, Molly Guignon, Allison Gerstein, & Erica

Project and Goals Summary Hospital acquired infections are a growing problem within the United
States. Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) infection is the most common
hospital acquired infection in the United States with is associated
significant morbidity and mortality risks (Louh et al., 2017). Health care
workers can be a direct cause of the spread of C. difficile infections
due to incorrect or noncompliant hand hygiene, and poor compliance
with isolation practices (Frequently Asked Questions, 2012). In order
to reduce rates of infection at Rush University Medical Center (RUMC)
we intend to implement a yearlong educational program to instruct
staff in hand hygiene compliance, and isolation practices. We will
disseminate information through the use of online education,
conferences, and health fairs. Staff throughout RUMC will be
instructed on the importance of hand hygiene performance with soap
and water, proper isolation protocol, and disinfection practices. The
goal of this program is to reduce C. difficile infections at RUMC by
25% by the end of the 2018 fiscal year, in turn reducing overall costs
for patient care and improving patient outcomes.

Stakeholders Stakeholders will include all members of the physician and nursing
staff at Rush University Medical Center. Both the Chief Medical Officer
(CMO), and Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) will be included. Infection
Control and Unit Directors will also be involved, as they will be key in
disseminating education, and insuring compliance with hand hygiene
measures. External stakeholders include the Centers of Disease
Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO) and the Illinois
Hospital Association.

Project Funding Agency Rush University Medical Center will be the primary funding agency, but
research grants available through the CDC will also be applied for.

University Partners Rush University

Other Organizational Partners Centers for Disease Control, World Health Organization

Other Individual Collaborators Individual collaborators will include the CMO, Omar Lateef, the CNO,
Angelique Richard, all Unit Directors, and Infection Control.

Research Participants Research participants will include all patients who are hospitalized
inpatients at Rush University Medical for the fiscal year of 2018. This
will be an estimated 32,000 patients.
Budgetary implications and estimated Staff conferences and training are the main budgetary implications.
costs for additional dissemination However, all Rush Staff members are allotted annual LEAP funding for
activities education, training, and development. Mandatory conferences and
training costs will be covered by the allotted LEAP funding provided to

Implementation/Change/Sustainability If a decline in the amount of C. difficile infections occurs, the education

program will then be instituted in Rushs other medical centers,
including Rush Oak Park Hospital, and Rush Copley Medical Center.
In addition, results will be disseminated to the Illinois Hospital
Association in hopes of encouraging the formation of similar programs
throughout hospitals in the state of Illinois.

List of Date Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush Unit Rush CDC WHO Illinois
stakeholders CMO CNO Physicians Nursing Directors Infectio Hospital
(include local, n Association
state and Control

Research 7/1/18 X X X X X X X X X
Press release 7/1/17 X X X X X X X

Flyers, posters 8/29/17- X X X X X X

and research 6/4/18

Letter of thanks 6/4/18 X X X

to study
with study

Study 1/2/18 X X X X X X
8/7/17- X X X X
Conference or 10/30/17

Community 10/2/17- X X X X
forums, health 12/15/17

Manuscript 7/1/18 X X X X X X

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