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PUBLIC pblk concerning the people as a whole javan
the general condition of body
HEALTH hl zdravlje
and mind
APPETITE aptt a desire for food or drink apetit
an institution or building at
which children and young people
SCHOOL skul kola
usually under 19 receive
CHILDREN tldrn djeca
LUNCH ln(t) ruak
GOVERNMENT vm()nt vlada
TO ENCOURAGE nkrd to give support potaknuti
to proffer (sth) for (someone) to
TO OFFER f ponuditi
accept or reject
any nutritious substance that
FOOD fud hrana
people or animals eat or drink
AUTUMN tm jesen
any of the divisions of the school
TERM year during which a school is in semestar
a person responsible for running
HEAD TEACHER hd tit ravnatelj
a school syn. school principal
TO INTRODUCE ntrdjus to bring in predstaviti
TO to come or cause to come to a
kns()ntret/ usredotoiti se
CONCENRATE single purpose
to make or become smaller in
TO REDUCE rdjus ograniiti
size, number
to prohibit (an action) or forbid
TO BANNE ban zabraniti
the use of (something)
hrana naruena
TAKEAWAYS tekwe something made to be taken out iz restorana; za
BELIEVE bliv to accept as true or real vjerovati
an authoritative regulation or
RULE rul pravilo
procedure, as for a court of law
a person who is taught by
PUPIL pjup()l uenik
CHOICE ts izbor
TO ENJOY nd to receive pleasure from uivati
TO PASS ps to move on proi
FIZZY DRINK fzi drk containing bubbles of gas gazirano pie
a structure that serves to enclose
FENCE fns ograda
an area such as a garden or field
ORDER d naredba
UNWISE nwz syn. foolish lud/besmislen
UNDERMINIG mpruvm()nt the act of being better napredak
EDUCATION djke()n the act or process of knowledge, obrazovanje
an act of improving or the state
IMPROVEMENT mpruvmnt poboljanje
of being improved
BEHAVIOUR bhevj the manner of oneself ponaanje
the part of each day that begins
AFTERNOON ftnun at noon or lunchtime and ends at poslije podne
about six o'clock,
REGIME reim a system of government reim
A MEETING mit/ the act of coming together sastanak
TO AGREE ri to share an opinion or feeling slagati se/pristati
DELIVERY dlv()ri the act of distributing goods isporuka
TO RESLOVE rzlv to decide or determine firmly odluiti
AGAINST enst/ opposed to protiv
FREEDOM fridm personal liberty sloboda
CALORIE kalri either of two units of heat energy kalorija
any of a large group of organic
CARBOHYDRATE kbhdret ugljikohidrati
compounds, including sugars
any of a class of naturally soft
FAT fat masti
greasy solids
a natural or synthetic filament
FIBRE fb vlakno
that may be spun into yarn
any of a large group of
PROTEIN prtin compounds of high molecular protein
a white powder or colourless
SALT slt sol
crystalline solid
a white crystalline sweet
A group of substances that are
VITAMINS vtmn essential in small amounts in the vitamini
DIET dt a specific allowance or selection dijeta
of food, esp prescribed to control
weight or in disorders
the application of medicines, to a
TREATMENT tritm()nt lijeenje
patient or symptom
the degree of adaptation of an
FITNESS ftns prikladnost
organism to its environment
ps()n()l mat matters of private concern osobna stvar
a compulsory financial
TAXES TO PAY Taks pe contribution imposed by a porez
government to raise
ILLEGAL li()l forbidden by law ne zakonit
TO LAUNCH ln(t) o start (out) lansirati
a series of coordinated activities,
CAMPAIGNS kampen such as public speaking and kampanje
AWARENESS wns having knowledge of svijest
FRESH fr newly made svjee
a light quick meal eaten between
SNACK snak grickalica
or in place of main meals
a seat for a rider, usually made of
SADDLE sad()l sedlo
leather, placed on a horse's back
TO EMIGRATE mret to leave one place or country, iseliti se
a flat fried cake of minced beef,
HAMBUREGER hamb hamburger
often served in a bread roll
STEAK stek a thick slice of pork, veal odrezak
italian open pie made of thin
PIZZA pits bread dough spread with a spiced pizza
to make (someone) feel
TO IMPRESS mprs impresionirati
admiration and respect
any plant with leaves, seeds, or
HERB hb bilje
flowers used for food,
extreme pleasure or satisfaction
DELIGHTED dlted oduevljen
syn. joy
cultivated for its bulbous edible
SWEDE swid repa
a folded case filling, typically of
PASTY pasti pateta
seasoned meat and vegetables.

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