WB - June Icllr

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Conference Name: 15th International Conference on Lin-

Pa p e r s guistics & Language Research (ICLLR) Global Psychology and
Dear Colleagues/ Professors/ Students, Language Research
Conference Dates: 22-23 June 2017
International Academic Conferences pro- Conference Venue: University of Malaya, Rumah Kelab gplra.org/index.php
mote international dissemination of
f or

knowledge and development of cross- PAUM Clubhouse (Persatuan Alumni Universiti Malaya),
national academic fraternity. The partici-
pants come from different backgrounds and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Ca l l

countries. They share their researches, expe-

riences and informally create long-lasting Deadline for Abstract/ Full Paper Submission: 19 June 2017
bonds. Contact Email ID: info@gplra.org 22-23 June
Prospective authors are invited to submit 2017
search work or, Synopsis of PhD/ Category Registration Fee Malaysia
Dissertation, Published work, View-points
or Way Forward/ Poster by filling the online applica- PRESENTER USD 300
tion form, available on the conference website. ABSENTIA USD 200

Salient Features of the Conference: LISTENER/ CO-AUTHOR USD 250

International Dissemination and Synthesis of ADDITIONAL PAPER USD 150 Per Paper
Knowledge FRIEND/ FAMILY USD 50 Per Person
Generation of Multi-national Academic commu-
Young Researcher Scholarship FREE (Limited to 5 Seats Only)
(Only for Students/ Research Scholars) Details are available on the conference
Global Networking and Collaboration website.
Opportunity for presenting PhD Thesis/ Disser-
tation/ Already published work Apply for the conference using the online application form.
Opportunity for presenting and discussing Origi- Once you receive an invoice and invitation letter, the registration
nal concepts/ Viewpoints/ Way forward/ Lit- process begins. Following payment options available on confer-
erature review ence website:
Opportunity to retain copyright of presented Bank Transfer 1 5 t h I nt er na tio na l
research work for publication in other reputed Co n fer e nce o n
Paypal (Card Payment) L i n g ui s tic s &
journals of choice
On Spot payment on conference day L a n g ua ge
Opportunity to publish research work (in Eng- Re se ar c h
lish) in our collaborated International Journals Please visit conference website for more details. Dont hesitate to
( I C L L R )
contact the conference secretariat for any query.
Presentation in Oral/ Poster/ Video format
Affordable conferences at best locations around
the world Conference Locations:
Prompt and hassle free services
Dubai/ Istanbul/ Kuala Lumpur/ Singapore/ London/
Best Paper Award
Mauritius/ Hong Kong/ Thailand/ Portugal
Presentation in native language possible for
groups of 5 or more from same language
Please visit this link for Conference Calendar:

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