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With the increase in the use of mobile phones and computers, fewer

people are writing letters. Some people think that the traditional skill
of writing letters will disappear completely.

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The mobile phones becoming increasingly common in modern life, writing letters
seems to have gone out of date. Some people harbor the view that writing letters
will be totally replaced by other modern means of communication. I firmly
believe that it is partly true.

There is no denying that the communication technology has always been under
rapid development in recent decades, writing letters has been a less popular
method of intercourse. Take mobile phones as a demonstration, it has become a
universal communication tool. The mobile phones now can not only make phone
calls but also send text messages and even surf the Internet, which makes it
much more convenient for people to talk to others. Additionally, there are
various ways to communicate with others now, such as emails, faxes and instant
messaging services online, which are all quick and accurate. Therefore, writing
letters seems to be a less efficient way to send messages at present.

However, writing letters has its own advantages. Sometimes it is necessary for
people to keep a hand-written letter as a proof, paper letters are still the most
formal and valid information medium considering legal effect. Up to present,
important archives are still required to be paper letters. What's more, it is also a
good way to express one's emotion and sincerity. Some cold, standard typed
letters cannot replace the handwriting. Letters can help to keep the sense of
reality when people touching it and holding it.

In conclusion, this old and useful way of communication, writing letters, may be
a less popular way to send messages. However, it will not be totally replaced by
other modern means of communications.

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