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Hazel Joy Acdol Animal Farm

2 Weeks [English Acquisition/ Grade 9]

Animal Farm

Subject Area Developmental Profile


Length of Time Cognitive: (

14.pdf )
2 Weeks The student often has the ability to construct a formal or
Grade Level logical theory for events that is independent of one
specific concept and considers the addition of new
9th Grade
Virtuosity (great technical skill as in the practice of a fine
art) becomes possible for some.

Social: (
The student will be able to formulate insights on the
different social classes (government and working class),
their significance and their roles within the literary
context of the story.
Analyzing the approaches of both social classes will help
the students in understanding 2 different perspectives.

The student will identify important facts and events
within history indicated within the given story.
Timelines and character analysis is essential for naming
significant historical figures.

Philosophical: (
The student will discuss on Animalism portrayed by
diverse characters within the story.
In-depth analysis of Marxism will be conducted by the

Main Idea (Claim)

Animal Farm by George Orwell is an allegorical novel that introduces the reality of social injustice
through the history of the Russian Revolution. The rich use of language in this novel aims to improve
the learners vocabulary and the ability to critically analyze its literary context.
Hazel Joy Acdol Animal Farm
2 Weeks [English Acquisition/ Grade 9]

Biblical Perspective and Interdisciplinary Connections

Biblical Worldview Questions

What is GODs How was GODs How does GOD want How can students
purpose for this purpose been distorted us to respond to the develop a deeper
particular area of by mans abuse of concept of suffering as understanding of
creation we are power? both a Christian and a Godly leadership and
studying? countrys citizen due to proper submission to
mans corruptive authoritiesin a Biblical
leadership? life?

GOD has instituted The obedience of man In the face of Students should be
ordinances to govern towards GOD and HIS persecution (whether given knowledge on
all people (Romans precepts has been suffering as a Christian Biblical leadership
13:1). Disobedience inconsistent. There is or as a victim of through a comparative
towards these GOD- injustice present corruptive leadership), analysis between
given authorities around the world GOD wants us to characters from
would result to civil brought by the leaders respond with mental Animal Farmand from
or divine judgment. whom GOD has readiness. Suffering as the Bible. With such,
These leaders, delegated authority but a Christian reveals differences in handling
properly assigned, have abused power. future hope (given by authorities and people
help establish justice These earthly leaders GOD) while enduring groups will be drawn.
and avoid the abuse rule unjustly leading to the difficult trials of Godly leadership
of power. GODs the moral order of injustice as he or she entails the exercise of
purpose is for the GOD getting stained. identifies with Christs Biblical standards
Christian to embody Despite GODs sufferings (1 Peter within an appointed
the discipline and investment of 4:13-14).These leader towards his
obedience of a law- authority, these leaders obstacles refine our flock. Also, submission
abiding citizen are still human and faith and our standing to authority must come
towards civil subject to HIS as citizens in a country. with sincerity and
authorities to sovereignty (Psalm Additionally, these utmost diligence. To
avoid GODs wrath 82:6-8). sufferings are never serve ones master (or
and to heed his or her opportunities for employer) is to serve
conscience (Romans disorderly conduct. As Christ (Ephesians 6:5).
13:7). Christians, we are By doing so, the
called to be faithful to LORD will reward
and blameless (through them impartially, as the
exemplifying good Master judging their
behavior) in the face of work and
overwhelming odds wholeheartedness.
continuing to do
good (1 Peter 4:19).

1. Language is the medium of communication worldwide. We can respond to the great

commission by spreading the Gospel through communication.
2. Developing our language can also help us in understanding the Bible deeper.
Hazel Joy Acdol Animal Farm
2 Weeks [English Acquisition/ Grade 9]

Enduring Understandings Essential Questions

1. Communism is a socioeconomic order 1. How does communism become a

where all property is owned by the public disadvantage for the common people?
and subject to how much a person works 2. To what extent can citizen rights overrule
to earn his or her wage. a government law?
2. Distinctions between government laws and 3. In what ways do we see the characters in
citizen rights can help in understanding the story Animal Farm depict real
freedom within a country. historical figures during the Russian
3. A fable is a short story containing animals, Revolution?
leading to a moral learned by the reader.

Knowledge Skills Dispositions

The learner will know: The learner will be able to: The learner will value:

1. The characters and the 1. Write an essay about the 1. The importance of
plot of the novel Animal purpose behind the understanding the
Farm. writing of Animal Farm. context and historical
2. Historical Context of the background of the book.
novel: The Russian 2. Draw connections of the
Revolution. characters of Animal 2. Lessons that can be
Farm and the Russian learned from the leaders
3. The connections of the revolution through close mistakes in history.
characters in the book readings and role plays.
with the leaders of the 3. The responsibility of
Russian Revolution. 3. Voice out opinions Christians to discuss and
through a presentation in respond to these social
4. What Social Injustice is. response to social injustices with a Biblical
injustices in the world perspective.
5. The social injustice in today.
the book and in the
present world.
Hazel Joy Acdol Animal Farm
2 Weeks [English Acquisition/ Grade 9]

Objectives Objective
Formative Assessments Summative Assessment(s)
Assessed s Assessed
1. Quizzes K1, K3 1. Reflective Essay on Fable K2, K3,
2. Case Studies K4, K5, D1
S2, S3, D3 2. Criterion B assessment
K1, K2,
3. Group Discussions K3, K5 3. 5 minute Presentation on S2
Response to Social Injustice
4. Role Play K1, S2, in their own countries. K4, K5,
D1, (Criterion C) S3, D2,

Unit Schedule
Day Lesson Focus Objectives
1. Chapter 3, Character Analysis Close Reading & Character analysis
2. The Russian Revolution
3. 1. Learn the History of the Russian Revolution.
2. Know about the Leaders of the Revolution.
3. Connect the historical context to the Novel
Animal Farm.
4. Chapter 4, Fable 1. Know how moral lessons can be drawn out from fable
2. Explain why George Orwell chose to write the
Novel in Fable form.
5. Role Play 3. Students will be able to internalize the storys
Characters through a role play.
6. Social Injustice Part 1 1. Understand what social injustice is.
2. Be informed of the social injustice issues
3. Formulate a solution to approach social injustices
In their own countries.
7. Chapter 5
8. (Formative Assessment Criterion B) 1. Close Reading
2. Demonstrate deep understanding of the text by
Answering chapter 5 questions through an open book
3. Answer assessment of Animal Farm from Criterion B
of IB curriculum.

9. Social Injustice Part 2 1. Demonstrate their ability to solve a case study

of a social injustice issue.
10. Presentations 1. Students will identify social injustices
in their own countries.
2. Demonstrate a formulated solution in response
To these issues though a presentation.

Hazel Joy Acdol Animal Farm
2 Weeks [English Acquisition/ Grade 9]

Short Essay
Formative Assessment Rubric
Total: 12 points
Criteria Excellent 4 Good 3 Considerable 2 Improving 1

Provides a strong
thesis statement
with supporting
examples that are
relevant to the

Makes good
between animal
farm and The

Writes with
clarity ( minimal
Hazel Joy Acdol Animal Farm
2 Weeks [English Acquisition/ Grade 9]

9th Grade English B Acquisition

Criterion B: Comprehending Written and Visual Text
Formative Assessment
Each question is worth two points. The point value for each question will be determined by your understanding (in
your own words) and the explanation you give with supporting evidence.
No understanding (incorrect answer) or no explanation = 0 pts
No or limited understanding = 0 pts Some understanding = 1pt Thorough
Understanding = 2 pts
/6 possible points

Answer all questions in complete sentences unless directed otherwise.

Strand i - Content information, main ideas, supporting details

(.5 pts per answer)

1. Mollie disappeared in this chapter. True or False (circle one)

2. List one of the books that had belonged to Mr. Jones:

3. Which season (summer, fall, winter, or spring) is it in chapter five?

4. Which animal was chased out of the farm? Snowball or Napoleon? (Circle one)

Strand ii - Context style, format, visual, authors purpose, intended

Hazel Joy Acdol Animal Farm
2 Weeks [English Acquisition/ Grade 9]

As winter drew on, Mollie became more and

more troublesome. She was late for work every
morning and excused herself by saying that she had
overslept, and she complained of mysterious pains,
although her appetite was excellent. On every kind of
pretextshe would run away from work and go to
the drinking pool, where she would stand foolishly
gazing at her own reflection in the water. But there
were also rumors of something more serious (45).
Based on the context of this passage, what definition can you interpret for the word
Possible definition:
Possible synonyms:
How did you come to this interpretation? Explain:
Hazel Joy Acdol Animal Farm
2 Weeks [English Acquisition/ Grade 9]

Strand iii - Concept ideas, opinions and attitudes, personal experience and a
global perspective

How does this image represent the

plot of Animal Farm so far?You may use
experience from your own culture to justify your opinion on the gesture used
in the picture.
Remember: refer to specific shapes, font, colors, and details in the image.
Hazel Joy Acdol Animal Farm
2 Weeks [English Acquisition/ Grade 9]
Hazel Joy Acdol Animal Farm
2 Weeks [English Acquisition/ Grade 9]


4 3 2 1
i. Makes limited i. Makes some attempt at i. Makes considerable i. Effectively identifies in detail a
attempt to identify identifying a social justice attempt at identifying a social justice issue that can be
an issue issue that can be proven in social justice issue proven appropriately in a published
a published source appropriately that can source
be proven in a
published source

ii. The significance ii. The significance and the ii. The significance and ii. The significance and the purpose
and the purpose of purpose of the issue is the purpose of the of the issue is confidently
the issue is presented to some degree issue is considerably presented and is shared with a
minimally and not always connected presented and not wide range of informative and
presented and not to reality of social injustice always connected to organized ideas connected to the
always connected reality of social reality of social injustice
to reality of social injustice
iii. Expresses limited iii. Expresses a range of iv. Expresses a wide range of
concern about the iii. Expresses some concern concern about the concerns about the negative
negative impact of about the negative impact negative impact of the impact of the problem and
the problem and of the problem and problem and effectively communicates relevant
communicates communicates some ideas communicates a range and developed ideas for
minimal ideas for for responding to the issue of ideas for responding responding to the issue
responding to the to the issue

iv. Limited informative v. Communicates with v. Considerable iv. Excellent informative language and
language and informative language and informative language astounding delivery (eye contact
delivery (eye delivery (eye contact and and delivery (eye and gestures); speaks with no
contact and gestures); speaks with contact and gestures); pauses and errors which hinder
gestures); speaks frequent pauses and errors speaks with frequent communication
with frequent that hinder communication pauses and errors that
pauses and errors hinder communication
that hinder
Hazel Joy Acdol Animal Farm
2 Weeks [English Acquisition/ Grade 9]

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