A Tutorial On Linear and Bilinear Matrix Inequalities: Jeremy G. Vanantwerp, Richard D. Braatz

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Journal of Process Control 10 (2000) 363385



A tutorial on linear and bilinear matrix inequalities

Jeremy G. VanAntwerp, Richard D. Braatz*
Large Scale Systems Research Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
600 South Mathews Avenue, Box C-3, Urbana, Illinois 61801-3792, USA

This is a tutorial on the mathematical theory and process control applications of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) and bilinear
matrix inequalities (BMIs). Many convex inequalities common in process control applications are shown to be LMIs. Proofs are
included to familiarize the reader with the mathematics of LMIs and BMIs. LMIs and BMIs are applied to several important process
control applications including control structure selection, robust controller analysis and design, and optimal design of experiments.
Software for solving LMI and BMI problems is reviewed. # 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction One of the main reasons for this is that process control
engineers are generally unfamiliar with the mathematics
A linear matrix inequality (LMI) is a convex con- of LMI/BMIs, and there is no introductory text avail-
straint. Consequently, optimization problems with con- able to aid the control engineer in learning these
vex objective functions and LMI constraints are mathematics. As of the writing of this paper, the only
solvable relatively eciently with o-the-shelf software. text that covers LMIs in any depth is the research
The form of an LMI is very general. Linear inequalities, monograph of Boyd and co-workers [22]. Although this
convex quadratic inequalities, matrix norm inequalities, monograph is a useful roadmap for locating LMI
and various constraints from control theory such as results scattered throughout the electrical engineering
Lyapunov and Riccati inequalities can all be written as literature, it is not a textbook for teaching the concepts
LMIs. Further, multiple LMIs can always be written as of LMIs to process control engineers. Furthermore, no
a single LMI of larger dimension. Thus, LMIs are a existing text covers BMIs in any detail.
useful tool for solving a wide variety of optimization This tutorial is an extension of a document used to
and control problems. Most control problems of inter- train process control engineers at the University of Illi-
est that cannot be written in terms of an LMI can be nois on the mathematical theory and applications of
written in terms of a more general form known as a LMIs and BMIs. Besides training graduate students, the
bilinear matrix inequality (BMI). Computations over tutorial is also intended for industrial process control
BMI constraints are fundamentally more dicult than engineers who wish to understand the literature or use
those over LMI constraints, and there does not exist o- LMI software, and experts from other elds (for exam-
the-shelf algorithms for solving BMI problems. How- ple, process optimization) who wish to initiate investi-
ever, algorithms are being developed for BMI problems, gations into LMI/BMIs. The only assumed background
the best of which can be applied to process control is basic calculus, a course in state space control theory
problems of modest complexity. [74,37], and a solid foundation in matrix theory [16,66].
The many ``nice'' theoretical properties of LMIs and The tutorial includes the proofs of several main
BMIs have made them the emerging paradigm for for- results on LMIs. These are included for several reasons.
mulating optimization and control problems. While First, many of the proofs are dicult to locate in the
LMI/BMIs are gaining wide acceptance in academia, literature in the form that is most useful for applications
they have had little impact in process control practice. to modern control problems. Second, the simplicity of
the proofs provides some insights into the underlying
* Corresponding author. Tel; +1-217-333-5073; fax: +1-217-33- geometry that manifests itself in terms of properties of
5052. the LMIs. Third, working through these proofs is the only
E-mail address: braatz@uiuc.edu (R.D. Braatz). way to become suciently experienced in the algebraic
0959-1524/00/$ - see front matter # 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0959-1524(99)00056-6
364 J.G. VanAntwerp, R.D. Braatz / Journal of Process Control 10 (2000) 363385

inputs. In many cases, it is impossible to even predict

etch performance for the same system on two dierent
runs. For this reason, it is impossible to maintain con-
sistent etch quality without the use of feedback control.
The feedback controller must be designed to be robust
to the variability in process behavior as well as the
Fig. 1. Reactive ion etcher in classical feedback form. nonlinear nature of the reactive ion etching process.
Here, we consider the laboratory reactive ion etcher
studied by Vincent et al. [146]. The manipulated variables
manipulations necessary to be able to formulate the LMI/ were the power of the applied rf voltage and the throttle
BMIs to solve new process control problems. Finally, valve position which species the input gas owrate, and
students learn far more by working through problems the controlled variables were the uorine concentration
or proofs than from reading theorem after theorem. and the bias voltage. Like many other chemical processes
This paper is organized as follows. First an example is described in the literature, the plasma dynamics of a
used to motivate studies in LMI/BMIs. The second sec- reactive ion etching process were reasonably well descri-
tion denes the LMI and discusses some of its basic bed as a static input nonlinearity N followed by a linear
properties. The third section shows how inequalities of time-invariant (LTI) plant PL (see Fig. 1), which is the
many dierent types can be written as LMIs or BMIs. well known Hammerstein model structure [51,106,134].
The fourth section discusses optimization problems over This nonlinear model was identied using an iterative
LMI or BMI constraints, and why such optimization least squares algorithm with data obtained from an
problems can be eciently solved numerically. The fth experimental system by exciting it with a pseudo-random
section reviews algorithms and software packages used binary signal with varying amplitude [146]. The identied
to solve LMI/BMI optimization problems, and the sixth LTI plant for their experimental process was
section lists LMI/BMI problems that are important in 2 3
process control applications. This is followed by con- 1:89e:5s s 38:2 35:9s 37:8
cluding remarks. 6 s 5:37s 0:160 s2 6:5s 20:2 7
6 7
PL 6
7 1
4 0:0239e:5s s 9:6 0:143s 38:9 5
2. Motivating example: a reactive ion etcher s 1:05s 0:214 s2 3:28s 4:14

A large number of control problems can be written in The natural controller structure to use has the form
terms of LMIs or BMIs that cannot be solved using K N^ 1 KL where KL is designed to stabilize the linear
Lyapunov equations, Riccati equations, spectral factor- portion of the plant PL and N^ 1 is an approximate
ization, or other classical techniques. The following is inverse of the static nonlinearity N. If the input non-
an industrial process control problem in which the only linearity N were identied perfectly then N^ 1 would be
tractable solution is via an optimization over LMI and an exact inverse of N and there would be an identity
BMI constaints. mapping from KL to PL . However, in practice the iden-
Etching is known to be a highly nonlinear multi- tication is not perfect, and there is a nonlinear map-
variable process that is strongly dependent on reactor ping from KL to PL . Furthermore, it is highly unlikely
geometry. Attempts to control etch characteristics that the system is nonlinear only at the process input.
usually manipulate the reactor pressure, gas ow rate, Output nonlinearity is also a probability.
and the power applied to the electrodes. However, due Nonlinearities in both the input and the output can be
to many disturbances, complicated reaction dynamics, rigorously accounted for by the uncertainty description
and the general lack of detailed fundamental under- shown in Fig. 2. The operators I and O can vary
standing of the plasma behavior, it is impossible to within set bounds as functions of time, and can achieve
predict etch performance for a system given a set of an identical input-output mapping for any possible

Fig. 2. Reactive ion etcher with input and output nonlinearities modeled as uncertainty.
J.G. VanAntwerp, R.D. Braatz / Journal of Process Control 10 (2000) 363385 365

nonlinearity within the magnitude of the bounds set by equivalent to n polynomial inequalities. To see this,
the uncertainty weights WI and WO . consider the well-known result in matrix theory (e.g.
The only known method for designing a globally page 951 of [154]) that an n by n real symmetric matrix
optimal robust nonlinear controller for this process is A is positive denite if and only if all of its principal
by formulating the controller design as an optimization minors are positive. Let Aij be the ijth element of A.
over LMI and BMI contraints (see Section 7.5 for Recall that the principal minors of A are
details). The formulation allows a direct optimization of
02 31
the worst-case closed loop performance over the set of   A11 A12 A13
plants described by the nonlinear uncertainty descrip- A11 A12 B6 7C
A11 ; det ; det@4 A21 A22 A23 5A;
tion. The BMI-based controller responded more than A21 A22
twice as fast to set point changes than a carefully tuned A31 A32 A33
classical controller (linear quadratic control, whose
computation was via a Ricatti equation), while at the 02 31
A11 . . . A1n
same time providing guaranteed robustness [143]. B6 .. .. 7C
. . . ; det@4 . . 5A 4
An1 . . . Ann
3. The linear matrix inequality
We apply this result to give that the LMI (2) is equiva-
Here we dene the LMI and some of its basic prop- lent to:
erties. We will use upper case Roman to refer to matrices,
lower case Roman to refer to vectors or scalars, lower X
F0;11 xi Fi;11 > 0 a linear inequality
case Greek to refer to scalars, and upper case calligraphic i1
to refer to sets. The symbol 8 should be read ``for all''
and the symbol 2 should be read ``is an element of''. The ! !
notation Rm denotes the set of real vectors of length m, X
m X

and Rnn denotes the set of real n  n matrices. F0;11 xi Fi;11 F0;22 xi Fi;22
i1 i1

3.1. Denition ! !
m X
F0;12 xi Fi;12 F0;21 xi Fi;21 >0
A linear matrix inequality (LMI) has the form: i1 i1

m a quadratic inequality
Fx F0 xi Fi > 0 2
i1 ..
where x 2 Rm ; Fi 2 Rnn . The inequality means that
02 31
Fx is a positive denite matrix, that is, Fx11 ... Fx1k
B6 .. .. 7C > 0
det@4 . . 5A
zT Fxz > 0; 8z 6 0; z 2 Rn : 3
Fxk1 . . . Fxkk
The symmetric matrices Fi ; i 0; 1; . . . ; m are xed kth order polynomial inequality
and x is the variable. Thus, Fx is an ane function of
the elements of x. ..
Eq. (2) is a strict LMI. Requiring only that Fx be .
positive semidenite is referred to as a nonstrict LMI.
The strict LMI is feasible if the set fxjFx > 0g is detFx > 0 nth order polynomial inequality
nonempty (a similar denition applies to nonstrict LMIs).
Any feasible nonstrict LMI can be reduced to an equiva-
lent strict LMI that is feasible by eliminating implicit The n polynomial inequalities in x range from order 1
equality constraints and then reducing the resulting LMI to order n.
by removing any constant nullspace ([22], page 19). We
will therefore focus our attention on strict LMIs. 3.3. Convexity

3.2. LMI equivalence to polynomial inequalities A set C is said to be convex if lx 1 ly 2 C for

all x; y 2 C and l 2 0; 1 [107]. An important property
It is informative to represent the LMI in terms of of LMIs is that the set fxjFx > 0g is convex, that is,
scalar inequalities. More specically, the LMI (2) is the LMI (2) forms a convex constraint on x. To see this,
366 J.G. VanAntwerp, R.D. Braatz / Journal of Process Control 10 (2000) 363385

let x and y be two vectors such that Fx > 0 and where

Fy > 0, and let l 2 0; 1. Then 
Fi diag F1i ; F2i ; . . . ; Fqi ; 8i 0; . . . ; m 12
Flx 1 ly F0 lxi 1 lyi Fi 
and diag X1 ; X2 ; . . . ; Xq is a block diagonal matrix
m with blocks X1 ; X2 ; . . . ; Xq . This result can be proved
lF0 1 lF0 l xi Fi from the fact that the eigenvalues of a block diagonal
i1 matrix are equal to the union of the eigenvalues of the
m blocks, or from the denition of positive deniteness.
1 l yi Fi

lFx 1 lFy 4. The generality of LMIs and BMIs

> 0: 5 This section shows how many common inequalities

can be written as LMIs. In addition, it shows how many
control properties of interest can be written exactly in
3.4. LMIs are not unique terms of the feasibility of an LMI. Such a problem is
referred to as an LMI feasibility problem.
The same set of variables x can be represented as the
feasible set of dierent LMIs. For instance, if Ax is 4.1. Linear constraints can be expressed as an LMI
positive denite then Ax subject to a congruence
transformation (see section 14.7 of [154]) is also positive Linear constraints are ubiquitous in process control
denite: applications. Model Predictive Control has become the
most popular multivariable controller design method in
A > 0 () xT Ax > 0; 8x 6 0 6 many industries precisely because of its ability to address
linear constraints on process variables [32,48,61,95,110,
() zT MT AMz > 0; 8z 6 0; M nonsingular 7 114]. The standard linear programming and quadratic
programming model predictive control formulations
() MT AM > 0 8 can be written in terms of LMIs. Here we show the rst
step, which is to write the linear constraints on process
variables as LMI constraints.
This implies, for example, that some rearrangements Consider the general linear constraint Ax < b written
of matrix elements do not change the feasible set of the as n scalar inequalities:
      bi Aij xj > 0; i 1; . . . ; n 13
A B 0 I A B 0 I
> 0 () >0 j1
C D I 0 C D I 0
  where b 2 Rn , A 2 Rnm , and x 2 Rm . Each of the n
() >0 9 scalar inequalities is an LMI. Since multiple LMIs can
be written as a single LMI, the linear inequalities (13)
can be expressed as a single LMI.
3.5. Multiple LMIs can be expressed as a single LMI
4.2. Stability of linear systems
One of the advantages of representing process control
problems with LMIs is the ability to consider multiple Stability is one of the most basic needs for any closed
control requirements by appending additional LMIs. loop system. Some methods for analyzing the stability
Consider a set dened by q LMIs: of linear systems are covered in undergraduate process
control textbooks [102,133]. Moreover, some nonlinear
F1 x > 0; F2 x > 0; . . . ; Fq x > 0 10 processes can be analyzed (at least to some degree) with
linear techniques by performing a change of variables,
Then an equivalent single LMI is given by such as in binary distillation [91] and pH neutralization
m  The Lyapunov method for analyzing stability is
Fx F0 xi Fi diag F1 x; F2 x; . . . ; Fq x > 0; described in most texts on process dynamics [70,108].
i1 The basic idea is to search for a positive denite func-
11 tion of the state (called the Lyapunov function) whose
J.G. VanAntwerp, R.D. Braatz / Journal of Process Control 10 (2000) 363385 367

time derivative is negative denite. A necessary and LTI techniques, including reactive ion etching [140],
sucient condition for the linear system packed bed reactors [46], and most batch processes [9].
: In Section 4.2, we showed how testing the stability of
x Ax 14 a linear system could be posed as an LMI feasibility
problem. Now let us consider a generalization of that
to be stable is the existence of a Lyapunov function problem to testing the stability of a set of linear time
Vx xT Px where P is a symmetric positive denite varying systems that are described by a convex hull of
matrix such that the time derivative of V is negative for matrices (a matrix polytope):
all x 6 0 [108]: :
x Atx; At 2 CofA1 ; . . . ; AL g 19
dVx : :
xT Px xT Px
dt An alternative way of writing this is [105]:

xT AT P PA x < 0; 8x 6 0 15
: X
x Atx; At li Ai ; 8li 50; li 1: 20
i1 i1
() AT P PA < 0 16

A necessary and sucient condition for the existence

This is an LMI, where P is the variable. To see this, of a quadratic Lyapunov function Vx xT Px that
select a basis for symmetric n  n matrices. proves the stability of (20) is the existence of P PT >
As an example basis, for i5j dene Eij as the matrix 0 that satises:
with its i; j and j; i elements equal to one, and all of
its other elements equal to zero. There are m dVx : :
xT Px xT Px < 0; 8x 6 0;
nn 1=2 linearly independent matrices Eij and any dt
symmetric matrix P can be written uniquely as 8At 2 CofA1 ; . . . ; AL g
n X
X n
P Pij Eij ; 17  
j1 i5j () xT AtT P PAt x < 0; 8x 6 0;
8At 2 CofA1 ; . . . ; AL g
where Pij is the i; j element of P. Thus the matrices Eij
form a basis for symmetric n  n matrices (in fact, if the
columns of each Eij are stacked up as vectors, then the () AtT P PAt < 0; 8At 2 CofA1 ; . . . ; AL g
resulting vectors form an orthogonal basis, which could
be made orthonormal by scaling). 23
Substituting for P in terms of its basis matrices gives
!T !
the alternative form for the Lyapunov inequality X
! ! () li A i PP li Ai < 0; 8li 50; li 1
X n X n Xn Xn
i1 i1 i1
T T ij ij
A P PA A Pij E Pij E A
j1 i5j j1 i5j 24
n X
X n 
Pij AT Eij Eij A < 0 X
L  X
j1 i5j () li ATi P PAi < 0; 8li 50; li 1 25
i1 i1

which is in the form of an LMI (2), with F0 0 and () ATi P PAi < 0; 8i 1; . . . ; L 26
Fk AT Eij Eij A; for k 1; . . . ; m. The elements of
the vector x in (2) are the Pij ; i5j, stacked up on top of The search for P that satises these inequalities is an
each other. LMI feasibility problem. This condition is also a su-
cient condition for the stability of nonlinear time vary-
4.3. Stability of nonlinear and time varying systems ing systems where the Jacobian of the nonlinear system
is contained within the convex hull in (20) [84]. There
Many of the processes commonly encountered in are several diculties in applying the LMI condition for
process control applications can be adequately modeled analyzing stability of nonlinear systems. First, it is very
as being linear time invariant (LTI). However, many dicult to construct a convex hull for which the Jaco-
chemical processes cannot be adequately analyzed using bian of a nonlinear system is provably contained within.
368 J.G. VanAntwerp, R.D. Braatz / Journal of Process Control 10 (2000) 363385

Second, such a description will usually be highly con- Here Ax corresponds to Sx in the LMI (28), and
servative, since the convex hull overbounds the Jacobian Qx and Rx correspond to I.
of the real nonlinear system. Third, each new vertex
adds another matrix inequality to the LMI feasibility 4.6. Ellipsoidal inequality
problem (26). For a system with a large number of
states (which is equal to the dimension of A) and ver- Ellipsoid constraints are important in process identi-
tices (L), solving the LMI feasibility problem (26) can cation, parameter estimation, and statistics [15,27,
become computationally prohibitive. The strength of 41,85]; as well as certain fast model predictive control
the approach is that LMIs for controller synthesis for algorithms [138,139]. Applications recently described in
systems of the form (20) are relatively easy to construct the literature include crystallization processes [88,93],
[22,77,131]. polymer lm extruders [54], and paper machines [138,
4.4. The Schur complement lemma An ellipsoid described by

The Schur complement lemma converts a class of x xc T P1 x xc < 1; P PT > 0 32

convex nonlinear inequalities that appears regularly in
control problems to an LMI. The convex nonlinear can be expressed as an LMI using the Schur comple-
inequalities are ment lemma with Qx 1, Rx P, and Sx
x xc T :
Rx > 0; Qx SxRx1 SxT > 0; 27  
1 x xc T
> 0: 33
where Qx QxT ; Rx RxT , and Sx depend x xc P
anely on x. The Schur complement lemma converts
this set of convex nonlinear inequalities into the
equivalent LMI 4.7. Algebraic Riccati inequality
Qx Sx Algebraic Riccati equations are used extensively in
> 0: 28
SxT Rx optimal control, as described in textbooks on advanced
process control [111,130], which describe applications to
A proof of the Schur complement lemma using only chemical reactors, distillation columns, and other pro-
elementary calculus is given in the Appendix. In what cesses. A result involving a Riccati equation can be
follows, the Schur complement lemma is applied to replaced with an equivalent result where the equality is
several inequalities that appear in process control. replaced by an inequality [151]. More specically, these
optimal controllers can be constructed by computing a
4.5. Maximum singular value positive denite symmetric matrix P that satises the
algebraic Riccati inequality:
The maximum singular value measures the maximum
gain of a multivariable system, where the magnitude of AT P PA PBR1 BT P Q < 0 34
the input and output vector is quantied by the Eucli-
dean norm [130]. It is also very useful for quantifying where A and B are xed, Q is a xed symmetric matrix,
frequency-domain performance and robustness for and R is a xed symmetric positive denite matrix.
multivariable systems [96,130]. Process applications are The Riccati inequality is quadratic in P but can be
provided in many popular undergraduate process con- expressed as a linear matrix inequality by applying the
trol textbooks [102,126]. Schur complement lemma:
The maximum singular value of a matrix A which  
anely depends on x is denoted by  Ax, which is AT P PA Q PB
> 0: 35
the square root of the largest eigenvalue of AxAxT . BT P R
The inequality  Ax < 1 is a nonlinear convex con-
straint on x that may be written as an LMI using the The next two sections provide examples of algebraic
Schur complement lemma: Riccati inequalities for analyzing the properties of linear
 Ax < 1 () AxAxT < I 29 or nonlinear systems.

() I AxI1 AxT > 0 30 4.8. Bounded real lemma

I Ax The Bounded real lemma forms the basis for LMI
() >0 31
AxT I approaches to robust process control which have been
J.G. VanAntwerp, R.D. Braatz / Journal of Process Control 10 (2000) 363385 369

applied to reactive ion etching [140,143], polymer columns [129], packed bed reactors [46] and a reactive
extruders [141], and paper machines [141], and gain ion etching [143]. A property that is regularly exploited
scheduling which has been applied to chemical reactors in the development of robustness analysis tools [14,72]
[12,13]. Although the Bounded real lemma has applica- for linear systems subject to linear or nonlinear pertur-
tion to the control of both linear and nonlinear pro- bations is passivity. The linear system (36) is said to be
cesses, the actual result is based on the state space passive if
system representation of a linear system 
: utT ytdt50 42
x Ax Bu; y Cx Du; x0 0; 36 0

where A 2 Rnn ; B 2 Rnp ; C 2 Rpn , and D 2 Rpp for all u and 50. This property is equivalent to the
are given data. Assume that A is stable and that existence of P PT > 0 such that [22]
A; B; C is minimal [74]. The transfer function matrix is " T #
Gs CsI A1 B D: 37 40: 43
The worst-case performance of a system measured in
terms of the integral squared errors of the input and It is instructive to show the connection between the
output is quantied by the H1 norm [157]: bounded real lemma and the positive real lemma [5],
especially since it is often referred to in the robust con-
k Gs k1 sup  Gs sup  Gj!: 38
Res>0 !2R trol literature. A standard result from network theory
[10,45,125] is that passivity is equivalent to Gs in (37)
The H1 norm can be written in terms of an LMI. To being positive real, that is,
see this, we will use a result from the literature [158] that
the H1 norm of Gs is less than if and only if 2 I Gs Gs50 8Refsg > 0 44
DT D > 0 and there exists P PT > 0 such that
T   where Gs is the complex conjugate transpose of Gs.
A P PA CT C PB CT D The relationship between bounded real and positive
1 T  real is that I GsI Gs1 is strictly positive real
 2 I DT D B P DT C < 0 39 if and only if Gs is strictly bounded real. This follows
from [87]
The Schur complement lemma implies that this Ric-
cati inequality is equivalent to the existence of P PT >  A < 1 () A A < I 45
0 such that the following LMI holds:
"  T   # () I A 1 2I 2A AI A1 > 0 46
  >0 40
BT P D T C 2 I DT D () I A 1 I A I A I A I A

which is equivalent to  I A1 > 0 47

" #
< 0: 41 () I A 1 I A I AI A1 > 0 48
() I AI A1 I AI A1 > 0 49
It is common to incorporate weights on the input u
and output y so that the condition of interest is whether
the H1 norm of W1 sGsW2 s is less than 1. A sys- 4.10. The S procedure
tem with an H1 norm less than one is said to be strictly
bounded real. This condition is checked by testing the The S procedure greatly extends the usefulness of
feasibility of the LMI using the state-space matrices for LMIs by allowing non-LMI conditions that commonly
the product W1 sGsW2 s. arise in nonlinear systems analysis to be represented as
LMIs (although with some conservatism). This techni-
4.9. Positive real lemma que has been applied to the analysis of pH neutraliza-
tion processes [119] and crystallization processes [116].
Robustness analysis has been widely applied in the First we will describe the S procedure as it applies to
process control literature. Examples include distillation quadratic functions, and then discuss its application to
370 J.G. VanAntwerp, R.D. Braatz / Journal of Process Control 10 (2000) 363385

quadratic forms. Let 0 ; . . . ; p be quadratic scalar 4.11. Stability of linear systems with nonlinear
functions of x 2 Rn : perturbations

i x xT Ti x 2uTi x i ; i 0; . . . ; p; Ti TTi The derivation of LMI feasibility problems to analyze

the stability or performance of linear systems subject to
50 linear/nonlinear time invariant/varying perturbations is
The existence of 1 50; . . . ; p 50 such that rather straightforward conceptually [22], although the
algebra can be messy for more complex systems
[115,118]. For continuous time systems, the basic
0 x i i x50; 8x; 51
approach is to postulate a positive denite Lyapunov
function of the state and some undetermined matrices,
implies that and then apply the S procedure (if necessary) to derive
LMI conditions on the undetermined matrices which
0 x50; 8x such that i x50; i 1; . . . ; p: 52 imply that the time derivative of the Lyapunov function
is negative denite. For discrete time systems, the divi-
To see why this is true, assume there exists ded dierence of the Lyapunov function is used instead
1 50; . . . ; p 50 such that (51) holds for all of the time derivative. Here we show how this approach
i x50; i 1; . . . ; p. Then is applied to a system of especial relevance to process
control applications.
Consider a discrete time system subject to slope-
0 x5 i i x50; 8x: 53
restricted static nonlinearities:

xk 1 Axk Bqk
Note that (51) is equivalent to qk Cxk 61
T0 u0 T ui with the nonlinearities described by
i Ti 50 54
uT0 0 ui i
i qi ki qi k qi k40; for i 1; . . . ; m 62
with the local slope restrictions
xT Tx 2uT x 50; 8x 55
i qi k 1 i qi k
 T    0< < Tii ; for i 1; . . . ; m 63
x T u x qi k 1 qi k
() 50; 8x 56
1 uT 1
where Tii is the maximum slope of the ith nonlinearity.
 T    This can be used to represent a linear process with
x T u x
() 50; 8x;  57 actuator limitation nonlinearities which is controlled by
an antiwindup compensator [36,78,30], or a closed loop
  system with each component being either a linear sys-
T u tem or a dynamic articial neural network [117,120].
() T 50: 58
u Both of these types of closed loop systems have been
extensively studied in the process control literature (see
Hence the above S procedure can be equivalently the above references and citations therein).
written in terms of quadratic forms. Instead of writing The Lur'e-Lyapunov function is dened by
the above version which is completely in terms of non-
m qi k
strict inequalities, we will provide here a version that
Vxk xT kPxk 2 i  Qii d 64
applies to the case where the main inequality is strict i1 0
(the proof is similar). Let T0 ; . . . ; Tp be symmetric
matrices. If there exists 1 50; . . . ; p 50 such that
where P is positive denite and the Qii are nonnegative
so that the Lyapunov function is positive denite. The
T0 i Ti > 0; 59
rst term is the standard quadratic Lyapunov function
which is discussed in many state space systems text-
then books [100] and in textbooks on process analysis
[70,108], which describe applications to polymerization
xT T0 x > 08x 6 0 such that xT Ti x50; i 1; . . . ; p: 60 and other chemical reactors. The second term was
J.G. VanAntwerp, R.D. Braatz / Journal of Process Control 10 (2000) 363385 371

introduced by Lur'e [86] to include the nonlinearities of nding some matrix  of compatible dimensions
(62) explicitly in the Lyapunov function. such that
The method of Lyapunov for discrete time systems is
to write the divided dierence for the Lyapunov function: A PT T Q QT P < 0 71

Vxk 1 Vxk 65 This equation is solvable for some  if and only if the
following two conditions hold:
with the state vector substituted in using (61). The
overall system is globally asymptotically stable if the WTP AWP < 0 72
undetermined matrices P and Qii can be computed so
that Vxk 1 Vxk is less than zero. The non- WTQ AWQ < 0 73
linearities are bounded in the divided dierence using
(63) and the mean value theorem, and the S procedure is where WP and WQ are matrices whose columns are
used to convert the divided dierence subject to the bases for the null spaces of P and Q, respectively. A
inequalities (62) to an LMI. With some algebra to col- proof of this result is given in [58].
lect the terms [115,118], it is found that a sucient con-
dition for the global asymptotic stability of (61)(63) is 4.13. Bilinear matrix inequality
the existence of a positive-denite matrix P and diag-
onal positive semidenite matrices Q and R 2 Rhh such Bilinear inequalities arise in pooling and blending
that problems [147], systems analysis [140], and nonlinear
  programming. A bilinear matrix inequality (BMI) is of
M1;1 M1;2 the form:
>0 66
M2;1 M2;2 X
m Xn X
m X
Fx; y F0 xi Fi yj G j xi yj Hij > 0
where i1 j1 i1 j1

where Gj and Hij are symmetric matrices of the same
M1;2 AT PB A IT CT TQCB dimension as Fi , and y 2 Rn . Bilinear matrix inequal-
ities were popularized by Safonov and co-workers in a
A IT CT Q CT R 68 series of proceedings papers [6365,125], and rst
applied to a nontrivial process description (i.e., a che-
mical reactive ion etcher) by VanAntwerp and Braatz
M2;1 BT PA BT CT TQCA I QCA I RC [140], and was later applied to paper machines [141].
A BMI is an LMI in x for xed y and an LMI in y for
69 xed x, and so is convex in x and convex in y. The
bilinear terms make the set not jointly convex in x and y.
M2;2 BT PB BT CT TQCB QCB BT CT Q 2R To see this, consider the simplest BMI which is the
bilinear inequality
1 xy > 0; 75
and T diagfTii g. The new matrix R is introduced by
the S procedure. This is an LMI feasibility problem that where x and y are scalar variables. One way to see that
has been applied to the analysis of pH neutralization this set is nonconvex is to graph the set in the xy-plane
processes [119] and crystallization processes [116] under and apply the denition of convexity. Another way to
nonlinear feedback control. see this is to consider two elements of the set that con-
tradict the denition of convexity. For example, con-
4.12. Variable reduction lemma sider x; y equal to the values 0:1; 7:9 and 7:9; 0:1.
Both values satisfy the bilinear inequality since
The variable reduction lemma allows the solution of 1 0:17:9 1 7:90:1 0:21 > 0. But the point
algebraic Riccati inequalities that involve a matrix of on the line half way between the two values
unknown dimension. This often arises when nding the 1=20:1; 7:9 1=27:9; 0:1 4; 4 does not satisfy
controller that minimizes the H1 norm (see Section 7.5 the bilinear inequality: 1 44 15 < 0.
for an example). Besides bilinear and general quadratic inequalities
Given a symmetric matrix A 2 Rnn and two matrices
P and Q of column dimension n, consider the problem xT Qx cT x p > 0; 76
372 J.G. VanAntwerp, R.D. Braatz / Journal of Process Control 10 (2000) 363385

general polynomial inequalities can also be written as important to understand that being NP-hard is a property
BMIs. Consider, for example, the nonlinear inequality of the problem itself, not of any particular algorithm. It
is also important to understand that having a problem
x3 yz < 1 77 be NP-hard does not imply that practical algorithms are
not possible. Practical algorithms for NP-hard problems
By dening x2 w, and x v, this inequality is exist and typically involve approximation, heuristics,
equivalent to: branch-and-bound, or local search [35,62,104]. Deter-
mining whether a problem is polynomial time or NP-
1 xw yz > 0 78 hard informs the systems engineer what kind of accu-
racy and speed can be expected by the best algorithms,
x v50
and what kinds of algorithms to investigate for provid-
v x50 ing practical solutions to the problem.
Suppose that a real valued function fx is dened on
w vx50 a convex set C 2 Rn . The function fx is convex on C if
vx w50 [107]

flx 1 ly4lfx 1 lfy 79

Since a BMI describes sets that are not necessarily
convex, they can describe much wider classes of con- for all x; y 2 C and l 2 0; 1. A convex optimization
straint sets than LMIs, and can be used to represent problem has the form
more types of optimization and control problems. The
main drawback of BMIs is that they are much more inf f x; 80
dicult to handle computationally than LMIs. x2C

where fx is a convex function in x, C is a convex set,

5. Optimization problems and inf refers to the inmum over C. If the inmum is
achieved by an element in C, then the minimization
Many optimization and control problems can be problem will be written as min.
written in terms of nding a feasible solution to a set of Well known problems that can be formulated as con-
LMIs or BMIs. Most problems, however, are best writ- vex optimization problems include linear programming
ten in terms of optimizing a simple objective function and convex quadratic programming. The advantage of
over a set of LMIs or BMIs. There is a fundamental formulating control problems in terms of convex opti-
dierence between the computational requirements for mization problems (when possible) is that wide classes
optimization problems over LMIs, and those over of convex optimization problems are in the class P [97].
BMIs. This section begins with an introduction to con- Being in P means that these problems can be provably
vex optimization and computational complexity, which solved eciently on a computer. This makes convex
provides a fundamental framework for understanding optimization problems desirable for solving large scale
the relative complexities of optimization problems. This systems problems. Convex optimization problems often
is followed by the denition of some optimization pro- occur in engineering practice and many can be written
blems that appear when formulating and solving control as LMIs. This is the strength of using LMI formula-
problems using LMIs/BMIs. tions. Convex optimizations over LMIs are solvable in
polynomial time.
5.1. Computational complexity and convexity Other systems engineering problems cannot be written
in terms of LMIs, but can be written in terms of BMIs.
Optimization problems are generally characterized as Nearly every control problem of interest can be written
being in one of two classes: P and NP-hard [62,104]. The in terms of an optimization problems over BMIs. These
class P refers to problems in which the time needed to optimization problems, however, are NP-hard [135],
exactly solve the problem can always be bounded by a which implies that it is highly unlikely that there exists a
single function which is polynomial in the amount of polynomial-time algorithm for solving these problems.
data needed to dene the problem. Such problems are This means that algorithms for solving optimization
said to be solvable in polynomial time. Although the problems over BMIs are currently limited to problems
exact consequences of a problem being NP-hard is still a of modest size. Algorithms and their expected perfor-
fundamental open question in the theory of computa- mance will be discussed in more detail in Section 6. For
tional complexity, it is generally accepted that a pro- the rest of this section we review the most common LMI
blem being NP-hard means that its solution cannot be and BMI optimization problems that appear in control
computed in polynomial time in the worst case. It is applications.
J.G. VanAntwerp, R.D. Braatz / Journal of Process Control 10 (2000) 363385 373

5.2. Semidenite programming lB A > 0. As l is reduced from some suciently high

value, at some point the matrix lB A will lose rank, at
The following optimization problem is commonly which point there exists a nonzero vector y that solves
referred to as a semidenite program (SDP) [4]: (85), implying that this value of l is the largest general-
ized eigenvalue. Hence
inf cT x 81
Fx>0 lmax min l inf l 86
lBA50 lBA>0

One SDP which often arises in control applications is

the LMI eigenvalue problem (EVP). It is the minimiza- Often it is desired to minimize the largest generalized
tion of the maximum eigenvalue of a matrix that eigenvalue of two symmetric matrices which depend
depends anely on the variable x, subject to an LMI anely on a variable x, subject to an LMI constraint on
constraint on x. Many performance analysis tests, such x.
as computing the H1 norm in (38), can be written in
terms of an EVP [144]. Two common forms of the EVP inf lmax Ax; Bx: 87
are presented so that readers will recognize them: Cx>0

inf l 82 Here lmax Ax; Bx is the largest generalized eigen-

lIAx>0 value of two matrices, A and B, each of which depend
Bx>0 anely on x. From (86) this optimization problem is
equivalent to
inf l 83
x;l inf l: 88
Ax;l>0 lBxAx>0

where Ax; l is ane in x and l.

The equivalence of (81), (82), and (83) will now be The problem of minimizing the maximum generalized
demonstrated. The LMI eigenvalue problem (82) can be eigenvalue is a quasiconvex objective function subject to
written in the form (83) by dening Ax; l a convex constraint, where quasiconvexity means that
diagflI Ax; Bxg (recall that multiple LMIs can be
written as a single LMI of larger dimension). To show lmax Ax 1 z; Bx 1 z
that a problem in the form (83) can be written in the 
T 4 max lmax Ax; Bx; lmax Az; Bz 89
form (81), dene x^ xT l , Fx^ Ax^ , and cT
0 1 where 0 is a vector of zeros. To see that (81)
transforms to (82) consider for all  2 0; 1 and all feasible x and z. To see that this
is true, rst dene l^ equal to the right hand side of (89).
inf cT x Tinf l inf l inf l: 84 Then
Fx>0 c x<l 1lcT x>0 lIAx>0
Fx>0 Fx>0 Fx>0
l^ 5lmax Ax; Bx and l^ 5lmax Az; Bz: 90
From (86), this implies that
5.3. Generalized eigenvalue problems
l^ Bx Ax50 and l^ Bz Az50: 91
A large number of the control properties can be
computed as a generalized eigenvalue problem (GEVP), It follows that, for all  2 0; 1,
including many robustness margins and the minimized h i h i
condition number discussed in Section 7. A GEVP is,  l^ Bx Ax 1  l^ Bz Az 50 92
given square matrices A and B, B > 0, to nd scalars l
and nonzero vectors y such that
() l^ Bx 1 z Ax 1 z50: 93
Ay lBy 85
This and (86) imply that
The computation of the largest generalized eigenvalue
can be written in terms of an optimization problem with l^ 5lmax Ax 1 z; Bx 1 z: 94
LMI-like constraints. Consider that the positive de-
niteness of B implies that for suciently large l, QED.
374 J.G. VanAntwerp, R.D. Braatz / Journal of Process Control 10 (2000) 363385

5.4. Convex determinant optimization problem 6.1. Solving LMI problems

We will refer to the following as a convex determinant The easiest algorithm to implement for solving LMI
optimization problem (CDOP): problems is the ellipsoid algorithm (see Fig. 3) [18]. It
 solves a convex objective function with convex con-
inf log det Ax1 95 straints. In the rst step, an ellipsoid is computed that
Bx>0 contains the optimum point. Often this means comput-
ing an ellipsoid that covers the constraint set (see Fig.
where A and B are symmetric matrices which are ane 3a). The next step is to compute a plane that passes
functions of x. As we will see in Section 7, this problem through the center of the ellipsoid such that the solution
appears in a variety of ellipsoidal approximation pro- is guaranteed to lie on one side of the plane (Fig. 3b).
blems associated with state and parameter estimation Boyd et al. [22] gives analytical expressions for this cut-
problems, and in optimal
 experimental design. The
 ting plane for each of the LMI problems. The main
proof that log det Ax1 logdetA is con- point is that for each of the LMI problems there is a
vex, which implies that a CDOP can be solved relatively half space which is denitely ``uphill,'' so that any points
eciently on a computer, is given in the appendix. in that half space can be discarded. The remaining half
ellipsoid is itself covered by an ellipsoid of minimal
5.5. BMI problem volume (Fig. 3c) and the process is repeated (Fig. 3d)
until the algorithm converges to the optimal solution.
An optimization over BMI constraints is called a BMI A more computationally ecient algorithm for sol-
problem: ving LMI problems is the interior point method [97].
The interior point method uses the constraints to dene
inf c T x dT y 96 a barrier function which is convex within the feasible
A >0
xT yT T region and innite outside it. This barrier function is
Fx;y>0 incorporated into an objective function, which allows
the constrained optimization problem to be replaced
where Fx; y is dened in (74). with an unconstrained optimization problem which can
Many important problems in control that cannot be be solved using Newton's method. The analytic center is
stated in terms of LMIs can be stated in terms of BMIs. dened to be the point which minimizes the uncon-
Examples include robustness analysis [43,109], a large strained optimization problem. A scalar in the objective
number of robust controller synthesis problems includ- to the unconstrained optimization problem is iterated
ing low order and decentralized control [125,63], bilin- until the analytic center is optimal for the original problem.
ear programming, and linear complementarity problems The interior point method is, in some ways, similar to
[2,3,42]. Additionally, a large number of process design the penalty function method [107]. In both cases, the
problems can be written exactly or approximately in this constraint set is incorporated into the objective function
form [124,147,148]. of an unconstrained optimization problem which can be
In the same way that the EVP (82) is an optimization solved using Newton's method. Also, in both cases a
over LMI constraints, there is a corresponding optimi- scalar in the objective is iterated until the solution to the
zation over BMI constraints called the BMI eigenvalue unconstrained optimization problem is equal to the
problem (BEVP): solution to the original problem. However, both the
objective functions and the scalar that is iterated are dif-
inf 97 ferent in the two methods. The ellipsoid algorithm, on
A >0
xT yT T the other hand, works more like a standard branch and
l maxFx;y< bound algorithm [90], in that it is continually discarding
infeasible regions from the search. For an optimization
where lmax is the maximum eigenvalue of Fx; y. over a single scalar variable, the ellipsoid algorithm is
Using algebra similar as for the LMI eigenvalue pro- equivalent to the bisection algorithm [44].
blem, it can be shown that this is a special case of the A modication to the LMIs that can be critical for
BMI optimization problem. obtaining convergence of these algorithms is to include
a constraint that keeps the numerics well conditioned
and the variables bounded. It is simplest to illustrate
6. Solving optimizations over LMI or BMI constraints this modication with an example. Consider, for exam-
ple, the search for a P PT > 0 that satises the LMI
Here we outline the algorithms and review software feasibility problem
used to solve optimization problems over LMIs and
BMIs. ATi P PAi < 0; 8i 1; . . . ; L 98
J.G. VanAntwerp, R.D. Braatz / Journal of Process Control 10 (2000) 363385 375

Fig. 3. The ellipsoid algorithm algorithm (the vectors shown in (b) and (d) are perpendicular to the half spaces).

This was a sucient condition for stability of a class Vandenberghe and Boyd produced the code SP [23]
of systems described earlier (26). Now consider aug- which is an implementation of Nesterov and Todd's
menting the above LMIs with primal-dual potential reduction method for semidenite
programming (this is an interior point algorithm). SP
I < P < I 99 can be called from within Matlab [94]. Boyd and Wu
extended the usefulness of the SP program by writing
This limits the condition number of P to 1= while SDPSOL [25,26], which is a parser/solver that calls SP.
bounding the set of feasible matrices P. The bounding The advantages of SDPSOL are that the problem can be
of P does not aect the feasibility of the original problem, specied in a high level language, and SDPSOL can run
and the condition number limit does not appreciably without Matlab. SDPSOL can, in addition to linear
restrict P provided that  is small. The advantage of the objective functions, handle trace and convex determi-
condition number limit is that it will prevent the LMI nant objective functions.
solution algorithm from converging to a P that could LMITOOL is another software package for solving
lead to roundo problems [145]. LMI problems that uses the SP solver for its computa-
tions [50]. LMITOOL interfaces with Matlab, and there
6.2. Numerical software for solving LMI problems is an associated graphical user interface known as
TKLMITOOL [49]. The Induced-Norm Control Tool-
Several research groups have produced publicly box [17] is a Matlab toolbox for robust and optimal
available software packages for solving LMI problems. control based on LMITOOL.
Gahinet and Nemirovskii wrote a software package The 1996 IEEE International Symposium on Com-
called LMI-Lab [59] which evolved into the Matlab's puter Aided Control System Design in Dearborn,
LMI Control Toolbox [60]. The LMI Control Toolbox Michigan [1] included a session on algorithms and soft-
accepts problem statements in a high level mathematical ware for LMI problems. The presentations were focused
form and solves the problem with a projective interior more on algorithms than providing comparisons
point algorithm. Kojima, Shindoh, and Hara wrote SDPA between software packages or other computational
(Semi-Denite Programming Algorithm) [57], which is results. The numerical results that were presented
based on a Mehrotra type predictor-corrector infeasible showed that the currently available software can handle
primal-dual interior-point method. It does not allow the problems with Fx in (2) up to size 100  100. The sol-
user to state LMI problems in a high level language. vers that call SP are the easiest to use and can handle
376 J.G. VanAntwerp, R.D. Braatz / Journal of Process Control 10 (2000) 363385

bigger problems than the other software. As of the An LMI upper bound is derived by local optimization
publication of this tutorial, none of the above LMI sol- or by xing some of the variables. For instance:
vers exploit matrix sparsity to a high degree.
inf 4 inf 105
Al;r;x;y; >0 Al;r;x;y; >0
6.3. Solving BMI problems l i 4li 4li li l i
r j 4rj 4rj r j 4rj 4r j
Consider the following BMI problem, where we have  P
F0 li rj Fij >0 F0 li rj Fij >0
dened l and r as those variables which appear in the i j i j

BMI constraint:
inf 100 With these polynomial-time computable LMI upper
Al;r;x;y; >0
PP and lower bounds, the nonconvex optimization (100) is
F0 li ;rj Fij >0 ideal for the application of the branch and bound algo-
i j

li 4li 4li
rithm. Interested readers are referred to [137] for more
rj 4rj 4rj details.

where A is jointly ane in l, r, x, y, and .

A global optimization approach such as branch and 7. Applications
bound is required for guaranteed convergence to the global
optimum of a BMI problem because the BMI problem This section lists a variety of LMI and BMI problems
is not convex. While several branch and bound algo- that have been or should be studied in process control.
rithms have been developed for solving BMI problems
[64,155,156], what appears to be the most ecient algo- 7.1. Control structure selection
rithm was developed relatively recently [136,140,141,
142,143]. The art to developing an ecient branch and Assume that the matrix M 2 Rnm ; n5m is full rank.
bound algorithm is to derive tight upper and lower The condition number of M is the ratio of its largest
bounds for the objective function over any given part of singular value to its smallest
the domain. Reducing the ranges of all problem vari-
ables as much as possible is frequently the key to tight  M
 M : 106
objective function bounding. The approach uses LMI  M

relaxations as lower bounds for the BMI.
inf inf 5 inf The condition number appears rather naturally in
Al;r;x;y; >0
PP Al;r;x;y; >0
PP Al;r;x;y; >0
PP many control problems, including control structure
F0 li ;rj Fij >0 F0 wij Fij >0 F0 wij Fij >0
i j i j i j
selection [121,96,102,130,149] and model identication
l i 4li 4l i l i 4li 4l i l i 4li 4li [121,54,83]. It is certainly the one of the most used (and
     misused [82,28,29]) matrix functions in process control.
r j 4rj 4rj rj 4rj 4rj r i 4ri 4ri
 wij li rj h i Its application to chemical processes such as distillation
wij 2 w ij ;w ij columns is described in many undergraduate process

control textbooks [102,126].
Another matrix function that is more relevant to many
applications is the minimized condition number:
where the overbar (underbar) indicates the upper
(lower) bound for a variable and inf LMR 107
n o R;L
w ij min l i r j ; li r j ; l i rj ; li rj 102
 n    o where L 2 Rnn and R 2 Rmm are diagonal and non-
w ij max l i r j ; li r j ; l i rj ; li rj : 103 singular. The minimized condition number (107) is used
for integral controllability tests based on steady-state
Further, because wij is a bilinear term the following information [67,96] and for the selection of sensors and
additional constraints may be included in the lower actuators using dynamic information [38,112,38,99,98].
bound (101) [90]: The sensitivity of stability to uncertainty in control sys-
tems is given in terms of the minimized condition num-
wij 4rj li li rj r j li ber in [127,128]. The minimized condition number is
  applied regularly in the process industries, as part of the
wij 4l i rj rj li l i rj
  : 104 Robust Multivariable Predictive Control Technology
wij 5li rj rj li rj li sold by Honeywell [89]. The application to a fractio-
wij 5l i rj r j li l i r j nator and a paper machine is described in [89].
J.G. VanAntwerp, R.D. Braatz / Journal of Process Control 10 (2000) 363385 377

It was shown in [30] how to pose the minimized con- Thus, the maximum volume ellipsoid E contained in
dition number as a GEVP (88). Here we provide an the polytope P is given by
alternative derivation that follows the later derivation in
[22]. Note that the denition of the condition number max log detB 118
BBT >0;d
implies that it is greater than or equal to 1. For 51, we kBAi kATi d4bi
have that

LMR4 () I4LMRT LMR4 2 I 108 This optimization is convex in the variables B and d.
For the case where the center of the ellipsoid is known
(e.g. d 0 when Ax4b denes a symmetric polytope),
() I4 L^ MR L^ MR 4 2 I 109
(117) can be written as an LMI using the Schur com-
  plement lemma:
1 1
() RRT 4MT L^ T L^ M4 2 RRT 110
k BAi k ATi d4bi () bi ATi d50 and
() Q4MT PM4 2 Q 111 k BAi k2 4 bi ATi d 119

for diagonal P > 0 2 Rnn and diagonal Q > 0 2 Rmm . () bi ATi d50 and bi ATi d ATi BI1 BAi 50
Therefore, solving the minimized condition number
problem (107) is equivalent to solving the GEVP (88): 120
inf 2 112 bi ATi d ATi B 50; 8i 2 1; L
P>0 () 121
Q>0 BAi I
Q4MT PM4 2 Q

where P and Q are diagonal. Hence in this case (118) can be written as the CDOP
7.2. Parameter estimation and model predictive control
max log detB 122
BBT >0;d
The approximation of polytopes with ellipsoids have  2

bi ATi d ATi B
numerous applications, including parameter estimation BAi I
[39,56,80] and model predictive control [34,138,139].
The model predictive control application has been
implemented on paper machine models constructed In the case where d is unknown, (118) is not an LMI
from industrial data [139]. but is still a convex program that can be solved, for
An ellipsoid has the form instance, by interior point methods [76,97].
 A related problem of interest is to determine the
" By dj k y k 41 113 smallest ellipsoid which encloses a given polytope. First
dene the convex hull of a given set of points T in Rn as
the set of all convex combinations of points in T . An
equivalent denition is the smallest convex set contain-
where B BT > 0. This ellipsoid is centered at d and ing T [105]. Let the polytope be described as the convex
has volume proportional to detB. Consider the poly- hull of its vertices
P Cofv1 ; . . . ; vL g 123

P xjATi x4bi ; i 1; . . . ; L 114
and write the ellipsoid
where ATi is the ith row of the matrix A. An ellipsoid E is 
contained inside the polytope P if E xj k Ax b k 41; A AT > 0 ; 124

ATi By d4bi 8y; k y k 41 115 where its center is A1 b and its volume is proportional

to det A . Then the minimum volume ellipsoid which
() max ATi By ATi d4bi 116 encloses the polytope is given by
inf log det A1 : 125
AAT >0
() k BAi k ATi d4bi 117 kAvi bk41
378 J.G. VanAntwerp, R.D. Braatz / Journal of Process Control 10 (2000) 363385

This problem is convex in A and b, and can be written where M is a complex matrix and D is the set of com-
as a CDOP (95) by applying the results of Section 4.6: plex nonsingular block diagonal matrices with some
 blocks possibly being repeated. This robustness margin
inf log det A1 126 has been applied to numerous processes over the past 15
AA >0
  years, including distillation columns [29,40,96,130], pH
1 Avi bT
Avi b I
>0 neutralization [119], packed bed reactors [47], paper
machines [81,122,33], polymer lm extrusion [52,55],
and reactive ion etching [143].
7.3. Optimal design of experiments This problem can be written in terms of a GEVP (88):

The goal of optimal experimental design is to max- 2 inf 2 131

imize the informativeness of data collected from the 
DMD1 DMD1 4 2 I
process [11]. Optimal experimental design algorithms
have been applied to chemical kinetics [20,19,21,73,113],
synthetic ber manufacture [75], petroleum fractiona- inf 2 132
tion [132], crystallization [92], distillation [79], and M D DM4 2 D D
polymer lm extrusion [53]. While most formulations
require the solution of nonconvex optimization pro- inf 2 133
blems [69,150], here is presented a formulation for linear P2P
M PM4 2 P
parameter estimation which requires only the solution
of a CDOP (95).
The goal is to estimate a vector of parameters x from where P is the set of complex symmetric positive denite
some measurement y Ax w where A is a matrix of n  n block diagonal matrices with the corresponding
inputs and w is zero-mean white measurement noise. blocks from D being repeated.
The error covariance of the minimum variance esti-
mator is AT A . If the rows of A a1 ; . . . ; aL T are 7.5. Robust nonlinear controller synthesis
chosen from a set of possible test vectors,
ai 2 fv1 ; . . . ; vL g; i 1; . . . ; L; 127 BMI formulations arise naturally in the design of
robust optimal inversion-based controllers for nonlinear
the goal of D-optimal experimental design is to select processes. Here we present the BMI formulation which was
the vectors so that the determinant of the error covar- applied to the nonlinear simulation model of a reactive
iance is minimized. ion etcher constructed from experimental data presented
We can write in Section 2. The BMI-based controller demonstrated
substantially improved performance and robustness
AT A li vi vTi 128 over a traditional nonlinear controller [140,143].
i1 After the nonlinear inversion technique removed the
most signicant nonlinearities, the control synthesis
where li 50 is the fraction
P of rows equal to the vector vi , problem consisted of designing a linear controller for a
which implies that Li1 li 1. When L is a large num- linear plant subject to norm-bounded nonlinear time
ber, the li can be treated as continuous variables instead varying perturbations. The state space realization for
of integer multiples of 1/L. the plant transfer function Gs CsI A1 B D
Then the D-optimal design problem is the CDOP (95) was represented by
[153]: 2 3
!1 A B1 B2
inf log det T
li v i v i 129 G 4 C1 D11 D12 5 134
li 50
i1 C2 D21 D22
li 1
where D22 0 without loss of generality [157]. The
controller that optimizes the induced 2-norm perfor-
7.4. Robust control system analysis mance objective subject to the constraint of stability of
the closed loop system with norm-bounded nonlinear
The robustness margin for a variety of linear systems time varying perturbations was computed from the
subject to linear or nonlinear perturbations solution of the BEVP (97) [140,143]:
[31,71,96,123,130] can be computed by solving
  inf 135
 inf  DMD1 130 L;R;X;Y2B
D2D lmax L1 R1 41
J.G. VanAntwerp, R.D. Braatz / Journal of Process Control 10 (2000) 363385 379

where B is the set such that L, R, X and Y are symmetric 7.6. Robust model predictive control
    Here we describe an LMI-based robust model pre-
L1 0 R1 0 dictive control algorithm which applied to a non-
L ; R ; L1 ; R1 2 D; 136
0 I 0 I isothermal nonadiabatic continuous stirred tank reactor
(CSTR) [77]. The LMI approach provided similar per-
and formance as a non-LMI-based model predictive control
algorithm, while having the capability of providing
2 ? 32 3
B2 T robustness to model uncertainty.
0 7 AX XA XCT1 B1
6 D12 4 Consider the discrete time time varying linear system
4 5 C1 X L D11 5
BT1 DT11 R xk 1 Akxk Bkuk 140
0 I
2 ?T 3
yk Ckxk 141
6 07
D12 7< 0;
5 137
where each state space matrix is arbitrarily time varying
0 I and lies within a polytope (see Section 4.3). Dene
xkjk as the state of the uncertain system measured at
2 !? 3 sampling time k, xk ijk as the state of the system at
CT2 2 3 time k i predicted at time k, uk ijk as the control
6 0 7 YA AT Y YB1 CT1
6 74 move at time k i computed at time k, and W and R
6 DT21 7 BT1 Y R D11 5
4 5 are positive denite weighting matrices. For this control
C1 DT11 L
0 I problem, the objective was to compute the state feed-
2 3 back matrix F:
! T
6 0 7 uk ijk Fxk ijk 142
6 7
6 DT21 7< 0; 138
4 5
0 I so as to minimize an upper bound on the innite hor-
izon quadratic objective:
X I xk ijkT Wxk ijk uk ijkRuk ijk: 143
> 0: 139
I Y i0

Here A? is a matrix whose rows form a basis for the at sampling time k. This state feedback matrix is given
null space of AT . The only nonconvexity in (135) is the by [77]:
constraint lmax L1 R1 41 (which is a BMI).
As the algebra of this derivation is lengthy and F YQ1 144
involved, only a summary is given here. The state space
equations for the closed loop system are written as where Q > 0 and Y are solutions to the following EVP
functions of the state space matrices of the plant and the (82):
controller. A version of the Bounded real lemma is used
to write the induced 2-norm performance objective in inf 145
terms of matrix inequalities, and the variable reduction
lemma of Section 4.12 is used to remove explicit depen- subject to
dence of the matrix inequalities on the controller state  
space matrices. Finally, D and D1 are replaced with L 1 xkjkT
50 146
and R and the additional constraint that lmax R1 L1 xkjk Q
< 1. Readers interested in a detailed derivation are
referred to [137]. 2 3
A closely related formulation was used in the design Q QATi YT BTi QW1=2 YT R1=2
6 Ai Q Bi Y Q 0 0 7
of linear controllers that optimize the robust perfor- 6 750;
4 W1=2 Q 0 I 0 5
mance for large scale sheet and lm processes, such as
polymer lm extruders and paper machines [141]. In R1=2 Y 0 0 I
those particular applications, the only process non- 8i 1; 2; . . . ; L:
linearities were perturbations about the nominal linear
dynamics. 147
380 J.G. VanAntwerp, R.D. Braatz / Journal of Process Control 10 (2000) 363385

The derivation uses a positive denite quadratic An interesting variation on the LPV approach is to
function of the state to bound the performance objective treat the parameters as validity functions for linear
(143), and then uses the Schur complement lemma to models used to represent the nonlinear process dynam-
manipulate this inequality into the form of the LMI ics locally [9,12,13]. Each local model is assigned to an
constraint (147). Input and output constraints can also element of the vector pk which approaches 1 when the
be handled by augmenting the EVP with additional plant moves into the local region of the model and
LMI constraints (see [77] for further details). approaches 0 as the plant moves into other regions. The
The state feedback matrix F is computed at each elements of pk sum up to 1 at each time instance.
sampling instance k, and used to compute the control While [13] applies an induced 2-norm approach simi-
move uk ukjk to be implemented. When a new lar to that described above, [9] proposes an LPV-based
measurement is taken, F and the control move are re- model predictive control (MPC) design procedure which
computed. The model predictive controller can be is an extension of the approach discussed in Section 7.6
shown to be stabilizing for all matrices within the matrix (the LMIs have a similar structure as those in Section
polytope [77]. 7.6). The LPV-based MPC control algorithm is shown
to asymptotically stabilize the closed loop LPV process.
7.7. Gain-scheduled/linear parameter varying systems The algorithm was applied to a continuous stirred tank
reactor with output multiplicity, and to a semibatch
Gain scheduling is discussed in undergraduate process reactor for free-radical polymerization of polymethyl
control textbooks [102,126]. A relatively new approach methacrylate. Although the closed loop performance of
to the design of gain-scheduled controllers is to repre- the LMI-based LPV-MPC algorithm was not quite as
sent the process as being linear parameter varying good as an LPV-based quadratic programming algo-
(LPV): rithm (similar to traditional MPC), it had the advantage
of guaranteeing closed loop stability.
xk 1 Apkxk Bpkuk 148

yk Cpkxk Dpkuk 149 8. Conclusions

where the state space matrices are explicit functions of a A tutorial was provided on the mathematical theory
time varying parameter vector pk. An LPV process and process control applications of linear and bilinear
reduces to a linear time varying process for a given tra- matrix inequalities. Many common convex inequalities
jectory, and reduces to a linear time invariant system for occurring in nonlinear programming and several tests
a constant parameter vector pk. This model repre- for the stability of linear and nonlinear systems were
sentation forms the basis for a solid theoretical frame- written in terms of LMI feasibility problems. Algo-
work for the design of gain-scheduled controllers using rithms for solving optimization problems with LMI or
LMIs [103,152,8,7]. BMI constraints and publicly available software were
It is common to assume that the state space matrices reviewed. This was followed by a survey of applications
are ane functions of pk and that the time varying of LMIs and BMIs to control problems associated with
parameter pk varies within a polytope. Then the gain- chemical and mechanical processes. These included
scheduled (or LPV) controller has a form control structure selection, parameter estimation,
experimental design, and optimal linear and nonlinear
x^ k 1 A^ pkx^ k B^ pkyk 150 feedback control.
The authors believe that LMIs and BMIs form a set
uk C^ pkx^ k D^ pkyk 151 of mathematical tools which are fundamental to the
background of a process control engineer. It is hoped
similar to that for the process. The controller is assumed that the many examples provided throughout the paper
to be able to measure or estimate pk on-line, so this provide a convincing justication for this belief.
information can be used by the controller to provide
improved performance over controllers which do not
exploit such information. The controller matrices that Appendix
guarantee global asymptotic stability and minimize an
induced 2-norm performance objective can be computed Proof of the Schur complement lemma
as an EVP. The LMIs are derived using a quadratic
Lyapunov function and a generalization of the Bounded ()) Assume
real lemma. The EVP is somewhat similar to the BEVP  
in Section 7.5, but with L R I, and so will not be Qx Sx
>0 152
given here (see [6,7] for the exact form of the LMIs). SxT Rx
J.G. VanAntwerp, R.D. Braatz / Journal of Process Control 10 (2000) 363385 381

and dene X   
logdetA0 log 1 tli A1=2
0 HA 1=2
0 :
 T    i
u Qx Sx u
Fu; v 153 159
v SxT Rx v

then The last step follows because the determinant is the

product of the eigenvalues. The condition AT0 A0 > 0
Fu; v > 0 8u v
6 0 154 implies that its matrix square root exists, and A0 tH >
0 implies that I tA1=2
0 HA1=2
0 > 0. Hence
First, consider u 0. Then
1 tli A1=2
0 HA1=2
0 > 0:
F0; v v Rxv > 0; 8v 6 0 ) Rx > 0:
The rst and second derivatives of
Next consider
log1 tli A1=2
0 HA1=2
1 T
 Rx Sx u; with u 6 0:
 log 1 tli A1=2
0 HA 1=2
Fu; v u Qx SxRx1 SxT u > 0; 8u 6 0
T dt
li A1=2 HA 1=2
= 1 tl i A1=2
HA 1=2
) Qx SxRx1 SxT > 0: 0 0 0 0

(() Now assume 2    
2 log 1 tli A1=2
0 HA1=2
Qx SxRx1 SxT > 0; Rx > 0: 155 dt
l2i A1=2
0 HA 1=2
0 = 1 tl i A 1=2
0 HA 1=2
0 > 0:
with Fu; v dened as in (153).
We will x u and optimize over v. 161
rv F 2Rv 2S u 0 156
Thesecond derivative greater
 than zero implies that
Since R > 0, (156) gives a single extrema log 1 tli A1=2
0 HA 1=2
0 is convex in t. The con-
v R1 S T
u. Plugging
 this into (153)  gives vexity of a constant and the sum of convex functions
Fu u Q SR1 ST u. Since Q SR1 ST > 0 the
implies that logdetA0 tH is convex in t for all
minimum of Fu occurs for u 0, which also implies allowable t. QED.
that v 0. Thus the minimum of Fu; v occurs at 0; 0
and is equal to zero. Therefore, Fu; v is positive de- References
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