Unit Plan With 10 Lesson Plans and Rubric

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Teacher: Bibek Guidey History 50 minutes

Class/Grade: 7

Subject Area Developmental Profile

The Byzantine Empire Physical Development:

Grade 7 students will face the biological development like
Length of Time increasing in weight, height, and muscular strength so,
students will be more physically active.
10 days for 50 minutes Psychological Development
Often erratic and inconsistent in their behavior;
Grade Level
Easily offended and are sensitive.
Seven Social Development
Experience often conflicts due to conflicting loyalties to peer
groups and family.
Spiritual Development
Recognizes that faith is our response to God who gives
Himself to us
Recognizes Jesus Christ as the greatest of Gods gifts to us

Main Idea (Claim)

The Byzantine Empire preserved ancient Greek and Roman learning for thousands of years after
the fall of Rome. By Studying about this students will learn, identify and analyze about the
ancient Byzantine Empire where they will go deeply and get knowledge about the geography,
culture, rulers and trade.
Biblical Perspective and Interdisciplinary Connections

Human Story
Creation, Fall, Redemption
Human Responses to God.
Christian Perspectives on the teaching of history.
History viewed as an unfolding process
Progressive control over the creation and the accompanying formation of his cultural institutions.
History is the telling of the human story, the story of humanitys role on the creation mandate, and the
responses to God within that role.
History deals with all aspects of human life, from the cultural ideal.
The Christian purpose in teaching history.
Biblical perspectives contribute the foundation and the most crucial perspective necessary for
understanding ourselves and other.
Historical documents collected in the Bible provide the record of Gods acting in history.
We study cultural values because we want to understand those who hold them.

Enduring Understandings Essential Questions

The Byzantine Empire (the Roman What caused the
Empire in the East) was founded by Constantine in Byzantine Empire to become
330 AD and lasted 1,000 years. wealthy and biggest city?
Identify the work of Justinian and Who was the most
Teacher: Bibek Guidey History 50 minutes
Class/Grade: 7

Theodora to develop the Byzantine Empire. popular leader during the

Students will understand that the Byzantine Empire?
Byzantine Empire can easily be described using the What were his most
following acronym. important accomplishments?
G Geography How did artists in the
R Religion Byzantine Empire enhance
A Achievements traditional Roman styles of art?
P Politics/Government (Mosaics)
E Economy Explain the changes and
S Social Order development of Byzantine
The Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine) architecture.
continued and made contributions long after the What are the secrets of
Western Roman Empire ended. developing Byzantine Empire?

Knowledge Skills Dispositions

The learner will know: The learner will be able The learner will value:
History about to: The work done by
what happened after fall of Label or the Emperor and Empress of
Roman Empire. mark the name of the Byzantine Empire.
The formation of place in the map. The culture and
Greek Orthodox Draw the living style of the people who
Christianity. picture of Church. were in Byzantine Empire.
List the
events that led to
decline Empire.

Objectives Objectives
Formative Assessments Summative Assessment(s)
Assessed Assessed
In some of the lesson R There will final poster O
students ecall Presentation where students will utline
will write one line summary I divided into 5 groups and D
and one paragraph of dentify prepare poster according to raw
reflection. There will be R assigned topic. D
quizzes and in some teacher ecord escribe
will ask open hand C
questions to the students. ompare

Day Lesson Focus Objectives Assessment Activities ideas

Teacher: Bibek Guidey History 50 minutes
Class/Grade: 7

01 History/Context Recall about the division of Fill in the Use name

Roman Empire blank. card to
Describe the beginning of the choose
Byzantine Empire. students.
Discuss the consequence after
the fall of Roman.

02 Introduction to the Outline the facts about the Pop quizzes Do at the end
Byzantine Empire Byzantine Empire. of class

03 Geography/map/Consta Discussion about formation of Labeling map Show map on

ntinople Constantinople PowerPoint
Label the map (Easter and and ask
western Rome) students to
come and

04 Emperor/accomplishme Identify and record the work of One sentence Call students
nt the Emperor. summary to come front
and share to

05 Roman laws Evaluate the Roman laws. Journal Provide a

Debate on the laws made by the paper.

06 Christianity in the Compare and differentiate Summarizing Writing a

Byzantine Empire Catholic and Greek Orthodox paper

07 Lifestyle/culture . Investigate the culture and quiz Provide

lifestyle. questions on

08 Architecture Outline the significant values of Create images Give

architecture in the Empire. or drawings Handouts
Draw the picture of the church. with the

09 Fall of Byzantine Describe the reason behind the Reflective Provide

Empire fall of Byzantine Empire. Journal questions

10 Summative Explain and share the Poster Presentation

assessment/Poster knowledge which achieved in presentation
presentation the class.
Lesson 1: History/Context
Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

Students will be able Final Poster Presentation

to explain the
Teacher: Bibek Guidey History 50 minutes
Class/Grade: 7

background/history of the
Byzantine empire.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
What were reasons behind the fall of Roman Empire? Recall about the division
How did they divided? of Roman Empire
What happened after the division of the Roman Empire? Describe the beginning of
the Byzantine Empire.
Discuss the consequence
after the fall of Roman.
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
10 Beginning the Lesson
mins Greeting students
Teacher will share the Bible verse form the slide and tell all students to read it.
After this tell students to ask each other how was their morning?
Give outline of the class.
Group Discussion/share
Tell students the objectives of todays lesson and tell them to write in the top of their note
30 Developing the Lesson
mins Teacher will show the video first.
Teacher will give short introduction of the video.
After showing the video teacher will tell students to share to the partner to what they have
notice in the video.
Teacher will start giving the lecture by using powerpoint. Teacher will talk about the reasons
of division the Roman Empire.
Teacher will provide handouts to students where students will find the consequences of the
division of the Roman Empire.
After finishing reading teacher will let students to discussion. Divide students in three group.
Teacher will show the slide. There will be three fill in the blanks questions.
Call one student from each group to fill the blank of one question on the whiteboard.
10 Closing the Lesson
mins Tell students to be in a peer and let them to share one thing what they have learn from todays
Ask two or three students to share what they have learned and what the partner share to them.
Give preview of next class.
Wrap up
Goodbye time.
Formative Assessment Differentiation
Discussion and share Play the video twice. Pause the video while
Fill in the Blanks playing video for second time so students
can take notes.

Youtube video
Teacher: Bibek Guidey History 50 minutes
Class/Grade: 7

Lesson 2: Introduction to Byzantine Empire

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

Students will gain the Final Poster Presentation

general relevant information
about the Byzantine Empire.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
Which divided part of Roman Empire is the Know the date and beginning of
Byzantine Empire? the Byzantine Empire.
When did the Byzantine Empire began? Outline the facts about the
What are relevant information about the Byzantine Empire
Byzantine Empire?

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

10 mins Beginning the Activities
Prime to the Time.(Give students to review their notes from the last class and discussion
with their seat partner)
Why did the Roman Empire fall? Ppt
What happened after fall of Roman Empire? Ppt
What do you know about Byzantine Empire? Ppt
Pop Quiz
Ask verbally (Several students will give answer)
Objectives (Tell students to write objectives on the top of their note copy)
Introduction of the Byzantine Empire.
Overview facts about the Byzantine Empire.
30 mins Developing the Lesson
Use PowerPoint to explain the Byzantine Empire.
Byzantine = Bizz In Teen
Byzantium = Buy Zan Tee - Um
(First,teacher will pronounce by himself and tell all class to pronounce at the same
Teacher will start to explain facts about the Byzantine Empire.
In the middle of the lecture teacher will show two YouTube video.

Lecture/Teacher will tell students to take notes.

Founding of constantinople.
Chariot races
10 mins Greek Fire
Monuments in the byzantine empire/hagia Sophia
After lecture teacher will take a Pop Quiz.
Teacher: Bibek Guidey History 50 minutes
Class/Grade: 7

Closing the Lesson

Tells one or two students to give summary of the class.
Preview of coming classes.
Explain Summative assessment
Poster Presentation.
Students will be divided into 4 groups of 5.
Tell students to count 1 to 5.
Tell students to seat with the same number friends.
Students will choose one topic and prepare poster for the presentation.
Give time to tidy up their back.
Formative Assessment Differentiation

Prime to time Give time to students to review for pop quiz.

Pop quizzes
Summary of class


Two video clips from youtube :

Lesson 3 : Constantinople (Geography/map)

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine. Final Poster Presentation

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

Teacher: Bibek Guidey History 50 minutes
Class/Grade: 7

The student will . . .

Explain the geography of the
Byzantine Empire? Discuss how Constantinople is
What is Constantinople? Why formed and what was it before.
did it become the biggest city in the world Label Western/Eastern Roman
in that time? and Constantinople in the map.
What are some significant facts Construct the knowledge of how
about the city Constantinople? Constantinople had developed as the
biggest city in the world in that timeline
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
10 mins Beginning Activities
Tell students to go and sit with the presentation assigned group. (Four
groups of five)
Tell students to give their group members name.
Explain outline of class.
Review (Ask questions)
When did Byzantine Empire begin?
How long did it last?
What is the capital city of Byzantine Empire?
(Use a name cards to choose students)
Give students time to review
Fill - in - the blanks. (Ppt slide will be projecting and there will be fill - in - the blanks)
Call three students to write answers on the whiteboard. (tell students to take notes if they have
not taken in the last class)
30 mins Developing the Lesson
Show a map of the Byzantine Empire.
Ask students to show Western Rome and Byzantine Empire in the map. After getting answers
from students teacher will start to explain the geography.
Show video.
Before showing video give summary of the video.
Group Discussion
Distribute handouts to students.
Give them 15 minutes of time to read and discuss in a group.
Tell them to write in a piece of paper by a one member of the group
Discuss how Constantinople is formed and what was it before.
How Constantinople had developed as the biggest city in the world in that timeline
(Development in art, business and education)
Tell students to share what answers did they got from their discussion.
Collect answers papers from students.
The first emperor was Constantine, who gave the name Constantinople.
Constantinople name changed into Istanbul. (1923)
Give Assignment to the students
Color the map with different colour to the Western Roman Empire, Byzantine empire and
Closing the Lesson
Teacher: Bibek Guidey History 50 minutes
Class/Grade: 7

10 mins
Pick the name from the name card. (three students)
Ask questions
What one thing did you learn today?
What was the most significant learning from today?
What was the most difficult concept in todays lesson?
Tell students to write in the paper
Formative Assessment Differentiation
Discuss and share in class Ask students to read the material out loud and
Labeling Map teacher explain.
The copy text of hand out pages 30-32 The Beauty of Constantinople

Lesson 4: Emperor Justinian and His Accomplishment

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Students will learn about Justinian and
Theodora, the rulers of Byzantine Empire Final Poster Presentation
with their accomplishment before their

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will know about
Who was the Emperor in the Byzantine Empire? Identify the background of Justinian.
Teacher: Bibek Guidey History 50 minutes
Class/Grade: 7

What did he accomplished by being the emperor of Record major accomplishments of Justinian.
the Byzantine Empire?
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
10 mins Beginning the lesson
Greeting/teacher will go and stand in the door and do high-five.
Talk about formative assessment.
Show PowerPoint slide and tell students to take notes. (Give them a time)
Teacher will go around and make sure students are taking notes.
Explain (Emphasize students to work collaboratively)
Check students do they understand or not.
Fill-in-the blanks. (Ppt slide will be projected and there will be fill-in-the blanks
sentences which students have to give answer)
Tell students to raise their hand.
Tell students to take note if they have not taken from last class.
Objectives of the class
Information about Justinian and Theodora
Major accomplishments of Justinian and Theodora.

Developing the Lesson

35 mins Teacher will use PowerPoint slides and show picture of Justinian and Theodora.
Individual reading
Give handouts.
Tell students to read individually 5 to 7 minutes.
Go back to objectives slide. Reading must focus on that questions and highlight
information on given handouts.
Remind them the time.
Teacher will go to another slide with information of Justinian. (spend 5 minutes)
Show map and ask students question.
Where is Constantinople?
Do you see Constantinople in the map?
Before teacher explain, he/she will check students know about that or not.
Teacher will go through point/remind them to take notes.
Go to the another slide. (Accomplishment of Justinian)/Remind to take notes. Give time
to students to take notes.
Go to the another slide. (Theodora and her accomplishment).
First five minutes, students will work on individually/
Students task is to think/write about questions which are on the slide and in the given
1. If Theodora was not a supportive Empress, do you think Justinian could rule the empire
on his own? Why/Why not?
2. In your opinion, why did Justinian restore the empire and make only one Christian
3. Imagine yourself as Justinian (a Christian ruler), what would you do differently?

Divide students into groups of five. (the group will be the same group, who are assigned
for poster presentation)
In a group students will share what they have think and write.
Teacher will walk around and check students.
Teacher: Bibek Guidey History 50 minutes
Class/Grade: 7

After sharing teacher will go through each questions and try to get answer from the
Sharing thoughts to all class
From each group one person will give answers. (Let every students to listen to the
student who is sharing.)
(In question number two, use the biblical worldview by talking about faith)
One faith in Christian.
Closing the Lesson
At the end of lesson tell students to write one paragraph summary of what they have
5 mins learn in today's class.
Give homework. Share document to students
Show file on the powerpoint
Formative Assessment Differentiation
Teacher might show the video clip right after the
One paragraph summary introduction and use ppt to give instruction.
Answering the question individually The Guiding Questions could become group
work before closing.

Lesson 5: Roman Laws

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Students will know about the ancient Final Exam
Roman Laws.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will
Who introduced the Roma Law in the Learn how the Roman Laws
Byzantine Empire? were made and by whom.
How was it working (effective or Evaluate the Roman Laws
not)? Do debate on the laws made
by the Emperor.
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
Teacher: Bibek Guidey History 50 minutes
Class/Grade: 7

10 Beginning the Lesson

mins Greeting
Share one Bible verse/tell all students to read on it
Collect assignment
Ask someone to give the short summary of last class.
Explain outline of class through Ppt.
Tell about guiding question of topic
What is Roman law?
Who made the Roman laws?
How was it working (effective or not)?
30 Developing the Lesson
mins PowerPoint presentation.
What is Roman law? Teacher will explain by using slides.
How and who made Roman Laws?
It will be more on Twelve Tables. Teacher will show the picture of twelve table on the slide and
explain who how it was make.
Read through the slide some laws from the Code of Justinian. (Ask students do you agree with
this law)
Biblical worldview. (For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience
10 to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the
mins Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess. Deuteronomy 30:16)
Evaluate some Romans Laws
Divide students into 10 groups and tell each group to discuss on 10 points. Each group has to
give their thoughts on one point.
Closing the Lesson
Review time
Tell students to share to the partner what they have learned today.
Tell students to write 1 to 2-page Journal on what they have learned from studying Roman
Give short preview what students are going to learn tomorrow.
Give students time to wrap their bags.
Goodbye time.
Formative Assessment Differentiation
Giving Answer verbally From the next time the teacher will ask
Journal students to read the important point from the
Peer reviewing PowerPoint so every students can listen to the
student who is reading.
Teacher: Bibek Guidey History 50 minutes
Class/Grade: 7

Lesson 6: Christianity in Byzantine Empire

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Students will learn about the christianity and Final Exam
its formation in the Byzantine empire.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

How was Christianity in the Byzantine The student will . . .
Empire? Explain the division of Christianity between the West
How did Christianity divided into Catholic (Roman Catholic Church) and East (Greek Orthodox
and Greek Orthodox? Church)
What are similarities and differences between Compare the similarities and differences of Western
Greek & Latin church? and Eastern church?
Teacher: Bibek Guidey History 50 minutes
Class/Grade: 7

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

10 mins Beginning the Lesson
Greeting. (Ask two students about their weekend)
Explain outline. (Write on the whiteboard)
Christianity in the Byzantine Empire
Give three questions
What is the twelve tables?
What is the code of Justinian?
What is the motto of Justinian?
(Tell students to write on the piece of paper.)
Explain Objectives. (Will be written in the white board)
Know the division of Christianity between the West (Roman Catholic Church) and East
(Greek Orthodox Church)
Know the differences between
The church of Hagia Sophia.
35mins Developing the Lesson
Byzantine Christianity. (Using PowerPoint)
Tell students to take notes
In the fourth century, the Roman world became increasingly Christian, and the Byzantine
Empire was certainly a christian State.
Byzantine Empire was the first empire in the world to be founded not only on worldly
power, but also on the authority of the church
Christianity was the great pillar of Byzantine society, together with the monarchy.
Explain through points.
Give time to take notes/teacher will go and check.
Beginning of Orthodox. (Go through powerpoint/explain/check students)
Conflict between christians.
The division of Christianity
Byzantine made their group of leaders, called Patriarch
Talk about Greek Orthodox & Roman Catholic. (Powerpoint)
Similarities and differences between two church.
Try to get students thoughts.
The church in the East.
Hagia Sophia (church)
(Give summery before showing video and tell students to share what they have seen in the
video) 8 mins
Closing the Lesson
10 mins Review
Call 4 students to summarize the the class.
Preview next class
Talk about the poster presentation
Formative Assessment Differentiation
Questioning and Answering Give more time to the students to interact with specific
Summarizing guiding questions.
Teacher: Bibek Guidey History 50 minutes
Class/Grade: 7


Lesson 7: Life style/Culture

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Learning culture and lifestyle of the Byzantine
Empire will help students to know more about Final Poster Presentation
the ancient people.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will
What was the lifestyle of the Investigate the Byzantine culture
Byzantine Empire? and compare it with students own culture.
What kind of culture was there in Evaluate the lifestyle of the
the Byzantine? Byzantine Empire.
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
10 mins Beginning the Lesson
Teacher: Bibek Guidey History 50 minutes
Class/Grade: 7

Let students to choose their seat.
Review the lesson
Share the objectives of the class
Short reflection time. Tell students to write one paragraph on their lifestyle which they are
30 mins Development the Lesson
Start teaching by using the powerpoint.
Show pictures.
While showing picture call one students to explain what the picture is showing about.
Teacher will start to explain what he/she prepared.
Individual reading.
Provide handouts to the students which will have an explanation of culture and lifestyle of
the Byzantine empire
Tell students to take notes on their note book.
Take a short quiz
Closing the Lesson
10 mins Review the class
Chooses a few students and give each 60 seconds to speak about something covered in the
Give time them to wrap the bag
Good bye
Formative Assessment Differentiation
Quiz .The Guiding Questions could become group work
60 seconds speak before closing.

Lesson 8: Architecture
Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

Students will learn the importance of Final Poster Presentation

architecture in the Byzantine Empire.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will
What kinds architecture can be found in Identify the kind of
the Byzantine Empire? architecture of the Byzantine
How did the architecture developed in the Empire.
Byzantine Empire? Outline the significant
What was the significant value of values of architecture in the
architecture in the Byzantine Empire? Byzantine Empire.
Draw the picture of the
Hagia Sophia Church.
Teacher: Bibek Guidey History 50 minutes
Class/Grade: 7

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

10 mins Beginning the Lesson
Share one bible verse/tell all students to read on it
Collect assignment
Ask someone to give the short summary of last class.
Explain outline of class through Ppt.
30 mins Developing the Lesson
Teacher will start class by showing the most famous Mosaic Picture.
Than start explaining about the kinds of architecture find in the Byzantine Empire
After explaining teacher will show video of the Hagia Sophia.
While watching video, students have to think about the architecture which is inside the Hagia
Teacher will give time for students to share what they think about architecture used in Hagia
Sophia while watching video.
Teacher will provide a seat of paper where students have to draw the Hagia Sophia church
10 mins and explain briefly about architecture.
Closing the Lesson
Review time
Tell students to share to the partner what they have learned today.
Give short preview what students are going to learn tomorrow.
Give students time to wrap their bags.
Goodbye time.

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Summarizing Before showing video teacher can ask
Doodle it (Students draw what they understand) students to guess that what are they going
Sharing to partner to watch?
Lesson 9: The Fall of Byzantine empire
Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Students will know about the fall of the
Byzantine Empire. Final Poster Presentation

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will
What are reasons behind the Figure out the reason of the fall of
fall of Byzantine Empire? Byzantine Empire.
What happened after the fall Evaluate the consequences after the
of the Byzantine Empire? fall of the empire.

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

10 Beginning the Lesson
mins Greeting
Teacher: Bibek Guidey History 50 minutes
Class/Grade: 7

Quote of the day

Tell students to share their opinions on the quote
Review the last class
Explain Objectives.
30 Developing the Lesson
mins Teacher will provide the Handouts to the students and let students to highlight
the main points in the text.
Than teacher will read and explain from the text.
Fall of Constantinople
Tell students to give answers of the questions which are in the last page of the paper.
Give the assignment
Write the Reflective Journal on what students learned on the day.
10 Closing Lesson
mins Review the lesson
Give students the card and tell them to write the lessons objective and whether they feel that
objective was met or not.
Remind students to be prepare for the summative poster presentation for the next class.
Wrap up/Goodbye time.
Formative Assessment Differentiation
Giving answer Before explaining text the teacher ask students what
Reflective Journal are the important points do they notice from the
reading the text.
YouTube video: http://www.history.com/shows/mankind-the-story-of-all-of-

Lesson 10: Formative Assessment (Group poster presentation)

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Final Poster Presentation
Student will present their understanding of
the Byzantine Empire visually and

Guiding Questions
( know/understand/do/value)
The student will
How to bring the knowledge together to
accomplish goal in a group? Be able to work as a team.
Produce illustrations on what they
have learned on the Byzantine Empire
Repeat and locate information.
Teacher: Bibek Guidey History 50 minutes
Class/Grade: 7

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

10 Beginning the Lesson
mins Greeting
Start with praying
Give back assignments.
Review last lesson (What are some differences between the West and the
East?) Ask students by name.

35 Developing the Lesson

Give time for poster preparation (about 5 mins)
Remind them what they need to know before they present.
Give a brief explanation about the poster.
Each person presents (at least 2 facts, mentioning their sources)
Clear and loud enough for the whole class to hear
Everyone needs to pay attention while others are presenting (no one is
working any more)
Remember the time is 5-6 mins
Presentation time
5 Closing the Lesson
mins Feedback and Reflection time (students and teachers)
One thing I did well
One thing I need to improve.
(Use the same cards which used in the first day to write name and Bible verses)

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Feedback Reflection written To encourage all students to pay attention, have
students write a question about the presentation of
each group. Teacher will ask two or three students to
ask question which they have.
Poster by students
Rubric paper for teachers

Grade 7: Rubric for Group Poster Presentations

Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding

Students should be able to:

I. Use a range of terminology in context

II. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts, through
descriptions, explanations and examples.

Achievement Level Level descriptor

Teacher: Bibek Guidey History 50 minutes
Class/Grade: 7

0 The students does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors

1-2 The students:

Makes limited use of terminology
Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of content and concepts
through limited descriptions and/or examples.

3-4 The students:

Uses some terminology accurately
Demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and understanding of content and
concepts through simple descriptions, explanations and examples.

5-6 The students:

Use considerable and relevant terminology accurately
Demonstrates substantial knowledge and understanding of content and
concepts through descriptions, explanations and examples.

7-8 The students:

Consistently uses a range of terminology accurately.
Demonstrates details knowledge and understanding of content and concepts
through descriptions, explanations and examples.

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