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The line chart illustrates the number of military spending in several countries around the

world from 2000 to 2013 and is measured in the precentage of GDP. Overall, three European
countries UK, France, and Germany relatively unchanged with including China. In any case
there was an interesting alteration between the US and Russia.

Initially, Russia spent the highest proportion of military cost at nearly 4 percent. Furthermore,
it declined significantly around 3 percent at the following period. Interestingly, there were
two interceptions in term of percentage of Rusia and the US over the period. Unlike Russia,
the US was stable at the beginning period, then it increased significantly and surpassed Rusia.
It reached a peak of around 5 percent in 2009. However, the spending declined sharply to the
second position.

Next, there was a similar trend amongst the rest countries. France and England stood at
around 2.5 percent, followed by China at about 2 percent. Whereas, the least proportion was
Germany at roughly 1 percent. However, the highest bugdet of military was the US which
accounted for 647 billion dollars.

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