Why HRM?: 1. Globalization

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Why HRM?

Do we need HRM in organisations?

Does out HRM create value or impede performance? NOT about
what they DO, but what they DELIVER

HR professional must become partners


HR professional is competence-based theory-driven

Competitive challenge
1. Globalization

create models and processes for global agility, effectiveness

and competitiveness

think globally act locally

corporate security self-security (self


undertand the movement of technology across boundaries

possess political savvy in different countries

be aware of global trade isuuses and underlying drivers for

customers around the globe

2. Value chain for business competitiveness and HR services

focus on customer then focus on value chain

involvement of external suppliers and customers

ex : Motorolas success in Chinese market

extend value chain to value network

3. Profitability through cost and growth

How to reduce cost & experience profitable growth Need to find

new ways to design and deliver

organizational practices,

Path for growth through :

a. leveraging customers loyalty ex: existing customers to buy more

b. leveraging core competencies by creating new products

c. mergers, acquisitions, or joint venture many failed due to

cultural misfit

4. Capability focus

redefined to sustain and integrate individual competencies

a. technology (hard aspect)

b. organisational capabilities (soft aspect)

building capabilities of confidence believe in the managers

becomi ng boundaryless inside & outside the organisation

achieving capacity for learning,

attaining change that builds on and maintains itself

5. Change, change, and change some more

How to create organizations that respond faster than their

competitor to both predictable and unpredictable changes

Change entails personal paradox

ex: many leaders do not walk the talk they DO NOT change

6. Technology

Managers and HR professionals responsible for redefining work at

their firms need to

figure out how to make technology a viable and productive part of

the work setting

be ahead of the information curve and learn to leverage

information for business results

7. Attracting, retaining, and measuring competence & intellectual


Securing intellectual capital

upgrading leadership bench for global competition

learning to share ideas and information throughout a company
more quickly

Conventional learningrapid learning Economic capitalintellectual


8. Turnaround is not transformation

Transformation :

A change of fundamental image of the business, as seen by

customers and employees

ex : Harley Davidson an icon of quality, and image of freedom,

and a lifestyle symbol for old & new customer

Organisations that focuse on transformation will create fundamental

and enduring change


organisational capabilities such as speed, responsiveness,

relationships, agility, learning, & employee competence

build organisations that change, learn, move, & act faster than
those of its competitors

make the best use of these organisational capabilities,

executives must see their HR practices as sources of
competitive advantage

HR that refers to the organisational systems & processes

within a firm has to lead to competitiveness

A Model of Multiple Roles

Management of Strategic Human Resources

aligning HR strategies & practices w/ business strategies

Advantage :

a. better change adaptation strategy formulation to execution is


b. better meet customer demands

c. cchievefinancialperformanceeffectivestratexecution
Deliverables : strategy execution
Primary actions : translate business strategies into HR priorities

Management of Firm Infrastructure

ensure organizational process are designed and delivered

createinfrastructurebyconstantlyexaminingand improving the HR


Deliverables : administrative efficiency

Primary actions

undertake activities leading to continual reengineering of the work

processes they administer

Management of Employee Contribution

involvement in the day-to-day problems, concerns, and needs of


Deliverable: increased employee commitment & competence

Primary actions : listening, responding, and finding ways to provide

employees with resources that meet their changing demands

Management of Transformation and Change

become both cultural guardians and cultural catalysts

Deliverables : capacity for change

Primary actions : identifying and framing problems, building

relationships of trust, solving problems, and creating-and fulfilling-
action plans

mplications of multiple roles for HR professionals

1. Assessing the current quality of the HR functions

2. Reviewing the evolution of the HR function

3. Comparing HR & line manager views of the HR functions

4. HR function versus individual HR professionals

5. Clarifying responsibility for each role

Paradoxes inherent in multiple HR roles

Strategic Partner vs Employee Champion Change Agent vs
Administrative Experts

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