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Design Topic: Number and Quantity Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6 Designer: Danica Reinhard

STAGE 1 DESIRED RESULTS (Universal for all Learners)

Unit Title: __Personal Growth & Goal Setting_____

Established Goals (Content Standards):

Graduation Standard 1 (Math): Number and Quantity

Reason and model quantitatively, using units and number systems to solve problems.

B. Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers (CCSS 6.NS.C)
Understandings: Students will understand that Essential Questions:
Rational numbers are a part of the
number system How do we use rational
Rational numbers can be graphed numbers in everyday life?
on a number line Can time be considered a
Rational numbers can be graphed rational number?
on a coordinate plane How can we graph rational
Rational numbers can be added numbers from everyday life?
and subtracted How would graphing rational
Rational numbers can be positive, numbers in our everyday life benefit us?
negative, whole, fractions and decimals, as How would we decide what
long as they have an end. type of graph to use?
There are many different types of Why are numbers such as pi or
graphs that can be used to analyse data. infinity not rational?
How is a number line useful?
How is a coordinate plane
Students will know: Students will be able to:
The difference between different read a number line
types of graphs create a number line with
The definition of a rational number positive and negative numbers
The difference between the x and y create a line graph
axis understand what the x axis
Some reasons for graphing data
Why we need to read and use a and y axis is
create a coordinate plane
number line define a coordinate plane
The direction of addition versus
demonstrate adding on a
subtraction on a number line
The reason coordinates are used in number line
demonstrate subtraction on a
order to graph
The importance of using different number line
tools in order to display data define a coordinate point
They can formulate data in demonstrate coordinate
everyday occurrences points
write a set of coordinates

STAGE 2 ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (May be Differentiated)

Performance Tasks: Other Evidence:

The student will create a slideshow or Introduction conversation on

book that includes the vocabulary (coordinate number lines and what they can be used for.
plane, rational number, graph, X and Y axis,
data, negative number, positive number) and Graphing practice with different
different examples for each vocabulary word. types of graphs and number lines
(worksheets, daily board work practice). The
The student will be able to choose a teacher will provide feedback on the work in
task that they enjoy doing and formulate data order for students to improve.
on their activity and create a coordinate graph
and display (poster or other presentation Exit tickets of what they learned on
format of their choice) along with a relevant sticky notes. (these will help students reflect
number line. on what they have learned and the teacher to
see what is missing)
An assessment that requires students
to add and subtract on a number line that will Students will be put in groups to ask
be corrected in order to provide feedback. 3 questions each in order to get feedback
from peers and then report out to the class on
solutions that were created and questions that
they still needed help with in order to work
on their independent graph project.
Key Criteria: (This is your assessment rubric, which may attached. Criteria should NOT be differentiated)
Throughout the unit the students will demonstrate they can at least comprehend (or receive a grade of a 3)
Which means the student can apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational
numbers. Graph rational numbers both on a number line and on a coordinate plane.

Slide show or Book rubric: (Attached)

Graph project rubric: (Attached)

Assessment: The assessment will cover number lines and assess a students ability to add and subtract rational
numbers on a number line.

*See standard 1B grading rubric below

STAGE 3 LEARNING PLAN (Should be Differentiated)

Summary of Learning Activities:
The lead teacher of the day will go over the goal for the day with the students and it will be
written on the board. If an ed-tech is available they will be walking around checking in with students
to see if they need assistance.
The students will have a chance to ask questions at the beginning of every class and the end.
Students that need things read aloud for them will be able to do so with the teacher/ ed-tech
where they are comfortable doing so.
Daily the students will each have a personal goal written in front of them on their desk to try
and master each day in order to be considered responsible for their behavior plans and data collection.
The introduction of the unit will have the students think of their favorite hobby/activity and to
watch a video of a professional doing the task. Then they will be asked to watch the same video again
and try to think of ways numbers are involved and to think of what kind of data might be able to be
collected from their chosen video.
The students will be able to find answers to questions throughout the lesson in different
formats, such as the internet or books.
When necessary an ed-tech is permitted to assist in the organization of the projects and supply
a basic outline of slides, this means students should share their presentations with the teachers from the
Each student will be able to use the tools they are comfortable with in creating their

Math Standard 1B grading rubric

4 (Analysis) 3 (Comprehension) 2 (Retrieval) 1 (Retrieval)
Add and subtract Students can apply and Apply previous Apply previous understandings
rational numbers. extend previous understandings of of whole numbers.
understandings of numbers to numbers to the
the system of rational system of rational
numbers. Graph rational numbers.
numbers both on a number
line and on a coordinate

Slide Show or Book grading rubric

4 (Analysis) 3 (Comprehension) 2 (Retrieval) 1 (retrieval

Organization Each slide has one vocab word One thing is More than
with a definition that is clear and missing from one thing is
at least one example of the the grade of a 3 missing from
vocab word. rubric. the grade of
a 3 rubric.
Each book page has one vocab
word with a definition that is
clear and at least one example of
the vocab word.

There is a clear cover page with

your name and date on it
describing what the project is.

There is a conclusion page that

tells/shows your audience the
book or slideshow is over.

Knowledge The student discovered The student demonstrates that The student is The student
more difficult vocabulary they know what each of the not providing is not
words that relate to the vocab words mean and has all one important providing
topic and demonstrates vocabulary words present. piece of more than
that they understand them information. one
with an example. The examples are something important
they can easily talk about and piece of
explain to their class or teacher information..
when presenting.

Mechanics There are no spelling or There is up to 4 There is

grammatical errors within the mistakes in more than 4
slide show or newspaper. spelling or mistakes in
grammar. spelling and

Graph Project Rubric

4 (Analysis) 3 (Comprehension) 2 (Retrieval) 1 (retrieval

Organization There are more There will be two coordinate There is one There are
graphs and data graphs with clear titles and thing that more than
collected on descriptions. doesnt align one things
different with the 3 on missing
activities than Each graph will have their the rubric from being
their first two descriptions in close a 3.
graphs. proximity to their graphs.

The number lines will be

clear and points on the line
will be bolded.

Knowledge There are more Graph - The student is The student

graphs on not providing is not
different There are two graphs with one important providing
activities and data written in tables. piece of more than
information. one
number lines that
have adding and There is an explanation as to important
subtracting that what each graph tells them piece of
demonstrate about their data and their information.
parts of their activity of choice.
Number line -

There is a number line that

has a range of the data they
have found

Mechanics There are no spelling or There is up to 4 There is

grammatical errors. The mistakes in more than 4
format of the graph and spelling or mistakes in
number line are accurate. grammar. spelling and

Transition Piece:

Academic Standard Learning Activity Functional Skill

Graduation Standard 1 (Math): The student will create a slideshow The student will be able to use a
Number and Quantity or book that includes the vocabulary computer and formulate a slide
(coordinate plane, rational number, show. The student will also be able
Reason and model to use a dictionary and the internet
quantitatively, using units and graph, X and Y axis, data, negative
to look up definitions of different
number, positive number) and words.
number systems to solve
different examples for each
vocabulary word.
B. Apply and extend previous
understandings of numbers to the
system of rational numbers (CCSS

The student will be able to choose a The student will be able to

task that they enjoy doing and distinguish something they like and
formulate data on their activity and create a visual presentation and
present it to peers.
create a coordinate graph and
display (poster or other presentation
format of their choice) along with a
relevant number line.

An assessment that requires The student can do basic math and

students to add and subtract on a appropriately accept corrective
number line that will be corrected in feedback.
order to provide feedback.

Introduction conversation on The student will be able to

number lines and what they can be communicate with an adult about
used for. what they know.

Graphing practice with different The student will be able to accept

types of graphs and number lines corrective feedback and do work in
(worksheets, daily board work front of peers and teachers
practice). The teacher will provide
feedback on the work in order for
students to improve.

Exit tickets of what they learned on The student will be able self reflect
sticky notes. (these will help on what theyve learned.
students reflect on what they have
learned and the teacher to see what
is missing)

Students will be put in groups to ask The student will be able to work
3 questions each in order to get and communicate in a group and
feedback from peers and then report accept feedback from peers. They
will be able to speak in front of
out to the class on solutions that
groups of people.
were created and questions that they
still needed help with in order to
work on their independent graph

The students will walk into class with the standard on the board, along with the unpacked pieces that they
are to learn. There will also be a copy of this on their desks with their names on it to be able to check things off and
to be able to file them once the unit is complete. The standard is Graduation Standard 1 (Math): Number and
Quantity Reason and model quantitatively, using units and number systems to solve problems. B. Apply and extend
previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers (CCSS 6.NS.C) The Broken down pieces
I can read a number line, I can create a number line with positive and negative numbers, I can create a line graph, I
can understand what the x axis and y axis is, I can create a coordinate plane, I can define a coordinate plane, I can
demonstrate adding on a number line, I can demonstrate subtraction on a number line, I can define a coordinate
point, I can demonstrate coordinate points, I can write a set of coordinates.
As the students take their seats they will be asked to take out their laptops and to think of their favorite
hobby/activity and to watch a video of a professional doing the task. Then they will watch a video of the teachers
favorite task or hobby and she will write data from the video the board. Then the students will be asked to watch
their chosen video again and try to think of ways numbers are involved and to think of what kind of data might be
able to be collected from their chosen video. Each video should be no longer than 5 minutes and the discussion time
should last 5 minutes (overall around 25 minutes for this piece)
Day 1 Lesson:
State and read with the students the introduction (10 minutes) then introduce the hook above (25 minutes)
Allow the students to then open a slideshow or get out materials for a book in order to begin recording the new
vocabulary words they will be working with (10 minutes) the teacher/ed-tech will help provide materials and will
write the vocabulary words on the board for the students to copy into their slides/book pages the Rubric will then be
handed out and pointed out on the wall. The teacher/ed-tech will allow the last five minutes for
questions/clarification from the students. If there arent many the teacher will ask the students to answer the
question what was the hobby or activity that you chose and how do you think you can collect data from this
Materials: laptops, book creation materials, book/slideshow rubric

Day 2 Lesson:
If the end of the previous lesson demonstrated that the students needed further assistance in connecting
their hobby to data collection open with this conversation and try to provide more examples (5- 10 minutes). The as
a class have a research party. Choose one student as a scribe and another as the moderator, someone who chooses
who gets to speak. Provide one vocabulary word at a time and have it airplayed on the board, to make it easier to
take notes, share this document with your scribe. Make sure you have a large font for all students to see. When the
word is posted, give the students around 3 minutes to find the vocab word online and have the moderator choose
who will speak about the word. Have 3-4 students report on what they found for each word in order to get an
accurate definition that everyone can agree on. Once the definition for each word is made have the scribe type it on
the board. Do this for all the vocab words, have the students begin on their book or slideshow involving the vocab
words. (30 minutes group work) Remainder of the block work on their project. The last 3 minutes of the class have
the students answer the question to can I define coordinate plane, rational number, graph, X and Y axis, data,
negative number, and positive number without looking at a cheat sheet?
Struggling? For students that are severely struggling with memory of what the definitions are, provide
them with a copy of what the class made together. For students that need a little assistance in remembering give
them a copy of the scrambled definitions without the words in order for them to recall what definition goes to each
word. If even less assistance is needed provide them with a copy of a partial definition without the word present.
To Easy? Have the student complete the required vocab words and allow them to find images of examples
of the vocab words in order to show the class on the next day
Homework? Have the students take home a vocab practice sheet, where they have to match the word to the
Materials: laptops, airplay, vocab practice sheet, different levels of assistance in definitions
Day 3 Lesson:
Open with a question posted on the board that the students should write down the answer to on a sheet of
paper to hand in, Choose two vocab words and write their definitions out of this list (coordinate plane, rational
number, graph, X and Y axis, data, negative number, positive number) (5 minutes). Ask the students to raise a fist
if they are almost done with creating their definitions within their project, one finger if they are struggling and need
more time, and five fingers if they are halfway done with their vocab. Go over how to add an example to your
vocab words and answer any questions on this. Depending on these results allow the appropriate amount of time to
work on the project. (40 minutes). Let the students know that the next class will be a museum walk where they will
have their computers open or books out and everyone will walk around and look at what they have accomplished.
Ahead? Add examples of the definition. If they are further ahead assign them to watch a video on kahn
academy on graphing data.
Behind? Ed tech support is available.
Materials: Question on the board, examples for ahead students
Day 4 Lesson:
Allow students to vote on a type of music they would like to listen to in the museum. Then ask students to
take 10 minutes to do any final touches to their project. Let them know that if they arent done it is okay and that
they still need to be in the museum. Describe the ground rules for how the museum will work. Everyone will be
inside a circle of the projects and the music will start, when the music stops they will stop at the project in front of
them and write one good thing about it on a sticky note and one thing that needs improvement, they will place the
sticky note next to the project. This activity will last for 20 minutes and the students will be able to keep the
responses from stick notes and the projects will be handed in and shared with the teacher. The last 20 minutes of
class will be a teacher demonstration of how to write data from their hobby in a table and then writing it on a
number line, and then graphing it. The last 5 minutes of class the teacher will show where they can watch more
videos on this in Kahn Academy to help them with their homework.
Homework? Provide data from a new hobby, provide an empty table and empty number line with an empty
graph. Have them fill in the blanks. (There will be different levels of this assignment, completely empty tables and
lines or partially filled in for students that need the extra support)
Materials: Music, desks in a circle, video on Kahn, homework with data to fill out
Day 5 Lesson:
The teacher will have students get out their homework and a separate sheet of paper and have them write 3
questions they have surrounding their homework. Students will be put in small groups to ask 3 questions each in
order to get feedback from peers and then report out to the class on solutions that were created and questions that
they still needed help with in order to work on their independent graph project. (make sure this rubric is posted in
the classroom). (20 minutes). Go over the homework as a class in order to provide the correct answers and
feedback. Then allow students to begin the collection of data in their activity, go around and support each student in
actively collecting through online sources. Make sure they are recording where they got their videos from. Allow
them to gather the supplies they want for their project. (25 minutes). The last 5 minutes they will have an exit ticket
that asks What did you learn today?
Materials: laptops, project materials
Day 6 Lesson:
The students will enter and have a seat and be given a graph with plots and lines already on it, their job is to
put the coordinates from the graph into a table and on a number line. With this number line ask the students how
they would get from one number to the next number (adding and subtracting). Then demonstrate how to add and
subtract on a number line with a video on Kahn Academy. (15 minutes). Allow them to continue their work on their
projects and go around asking and answering questions. Make sure they are hitting each part of the project, the
graph, the data, and the number line. (30 minutes). Ask the students to raise a fist if they are almost done with their
project, one finger if they are struggling and need more time, and five fingers if they are halfway done. For
homework they are to work on their project if they are a one finger or a five finger. Tell them the goal is to begin
presentations the following class. The exit ticket will be what are you struggling with, and what are you confident
with pertaining your project?
Materials: Graph with plots to take out numbers for a table and line, project materials

*Days to work on project are subject to change according to levels of completion throughout the class*

Day 7 Lesson:
Ask the students to use the first 20 minutes of class to finish up their project.
Ahead? Add to their project how adding and subtracting on a number line can be involved in their data
Behind? Ask for support from the teacher or a peer
Hand out raffle tickets to the students and draw from a bag who will go first and so on. Each presentation
will show the students video they collected data on and then the student will describe what data they collected and
show their graphs, tables, and number lines. The last 5 minutes ask the students to answer what did you learn about
yourself when creating your project?.
Materials: project materials, raffle tickets,
Day 8 Lesson:
Complete the presentation and ask them to be handed in. Then provide students with practice in adding and
subtracting on a number line. Then throughout the class when one by one they feel confident in taking the
assessment they can do so. If they do not pass the assessment with a 3 or better they will be given more time to
practice and then given a different assessment. When they have passed the assessment they will be allowed to play a
math game on their computer. The last five minutes of class will be a congratulations for completing the unit and
learning a new standard they will complete the exit ticket of what was your favorite part of this lesson?
Materials: Number line assessment, math game

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