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choose from the sefrtefice$ the one which
I. Read the follow.itrg afticle. Five sentences have been removed.
(5 points)
gap 1* 5. There are two xtra sentences you do not need to use'
"1'his rvhv he thought thev wouid make good sen'ants and slavcs'
.\. is
to ioad onto the shiPs'
ll. \\hen thc Spaniards'',r,'erei*ad;t, ther.' picked the best 'specimens'
rhat wav?
(.. \Ihy aot sail rvest. thought Coiumbus, and reach the Indies
ran to greet them bringing *rem food aflcl gifts'
l). \\heri (,.lumbus ancl his sailors came ashore, the Arawaks
't'hev sailirrg-south round Africa and eastw-ards'
11. thought the best $'av to do this n as b,v
.]F,h".rt' and the destructi'n of Nati'e American culrure'
F. For others. he is responsiLl. fo, the introduction
G. \\'e knorv'very little about Columbus' childhood and educatron'

Columbus: Hetr: or Villain?

the greatest heroes of westem civilizati.n' For a kli of pet'tple,he
lrlosr people arc tauEht at school that corumbus is one of - \lhich I'ie*'
rcliclon to the primi.tive tribes of the Nerv \Yodil' (1 )
.nl' r-liscor.erecli\merica but intocluced the arrs, larv ancl
1smorc relirlble? \\'e should con-tider the facts'
nations on eatth" By the end t;i the centuq" thcl rr-ere
In thc 15,r-century, the portuguese \\'ere one of the most po$rerful the
,o india. (2 * ) It seemecl tht tn'st sensiblc thing to d'' but
tirrther a'cl f*rther into the Atlantic, in -oearchof a ne".' ,Lrr,*
thev thought'
iourtrer- x,as mLrch further than n , - -', strategv . ;.,-
.-----a^^- frrt ^^ n^-rd.* sea
an casfem can rortc on lts
to tutn Portugal's
il,r1..rr.,bu. came up rr,.itir an original scrlnJon to thc problem: he decided
anvav.ftom lancl, with no certaintv .f getting back home satelr" In
hcail. (3 * ) No ti.rrof.orr b.#rr. had clelibentely sailecl ships "as m*c-h
(-ol.irnbus ,h4ro men ancl in rcturn hc irromised to bri'g
the cnd, ir n as the sparush King anrl eueen o,ho go". ^r.,1
golci as thev need...'and as man,v slar'-esas thev ask"" 'l'hc slave trade started *'hen ('olurnbus'
madc the natrves it'ttt sla'es.
\\.,hen the gokl colLrmbus had iound roas not"enough. he -. ) {)f
kept them imprisoned, guatdcd bv Spaniards and dt'gs" f'l
mr,n caprurcd 5lx) -\rar',ak men, rr,ornen ancl chiltlien arrd
thev rvere sold'
thOse. ,rnlr. 3l)0 sun i\:ed the rrip, \\''l-rerr thev affived in Sparn
(,.;-rmb's th.ught thc lndians werc serider ancl more ir.t"tlg"ni than hc had expecteci. (5 - ) During his later'r)\'agts t() thr
ier C.lurnbus *as al*a.'s rta.ning his t{) treat the Indilns
leribbca. he rmposed rerrrble punishrnents on the Intlians. 'thcers
natives' ctiltrre'
rrell und hc otien scemed genuineiv moved by the bcaun of the

to the fitst sentence, using the q'ord given in

IL complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
two and five words, including the q'ord given' (10points)
brackets. Do not change the r*-ord given. I-Jse benveen

'l'onr: flur<ishiston easier than ucography' ( no$] "--.'*history for'lonv'
1;e3qr1Ph]. at all times.
airrr".. (worn) )Safen helmers-
2. \,ou lrar.e rc; r.r-earsafen. helmet.
", "li tire film. (alteadv;)
'l'he ftlm--- thc timc g'c arrived at
j. \\.e arrived at the cincma too lare for the stnrt oi
thc cinema.
4.\\'e dic1rr'tt1 n<1aplac et ( ) Px r k out s ic let hes ht lp ( t " ) ? We - p a r k o u t s i r i c t h g s l r o 1 r .
..1,11 Ic -- the \\ii1vtl'Iel had rnet'
5. ncve r f,rrgct'the rt,.r. .t. met," he saici.(would))I ''--
(r .-I,h csna ke * ti.t, it "if v r lut hr eat enit . ( unles s ) ) The S n a k e . _ **'- d r r e a t c t . r i t '
*- her gratrdiathcr'
1. Lisa,s ;yandtarher is teaching her {ihinese. (treing))Iisa ir l:lnglan'1'
on thc
it. I tlnd drir.rnf .r" ,fr" left in i')nglan,lt""u ,i^r.,g"li,t.*,1 ::ltt 'c[t
(*"t") ) tfle-*..=- he rvould go s*'imnring'
9. I lc *,on,t g,,".o-i,r,mi.,g - l.rc'. lfraicl of ,rrrt"r,
startcci lcarrting .,-r.npu*g trr"'Omonths ago. ( been))'Ihe,r- - -- lrr;o rnontlls'

best fits each space. There is one example' (10 points)

III. complete the gaps in the text below with one word that
and manv r.till remernber slipping ove r to thc great amuselnelll
\ lrt .i pr()plc 1.r",; ;;; 0_ol i6g- -skaring in their teenage ,r'ears
,t ice-skating is remernbererl as a bit of a laugh. ot possiblr' :is a skill
oi tnc'.is . IL. t.-
tarr-,r1,, .,rniorin:of [ott", 'lhis is 4...,- shafr-re'bttcausr
" the spr.rrt
^,rd ever go back and attempt to take 3--_
ther c,ulcln'r mastcr. and ven, 2--
.:i confidence, pe.rple disc.-rvcr7- ice skating is ggear elierclSCll'r
rirrct: rher i ,_--...vercome thei*crrresJ a.rai b.,il, 6- a bit
uK now have i."*it otit g rinks. and s' a 9-*--- pc'ple c.r'rlcl
:l_, ,rs l>erng cnl.r,irl::le ancl fi-r'. illost major cities rn th.j indi.icl'ra}
f.r new ice-skaters includcs eithe:r gr'r-rp l()--
re6isc.ver the sport. \{ost r}rks har.e an int'rod.r.t,rry packagc "r'hich
ltsson s.
IV. For questions 1- 15, read the text below and decide which word A" B, C ot D best fits each $pace. There is an
example at the beginning (0). (15 points)
I-ast summer, air pollution in Paris reached dangerous 0A on s1xseparateoccastons.As a result, the gnr.enrment have recentlv
decicledthat public transport in French cities will be 1_-on days when pollutir:n becomes a 2 ..-*to people's heairh" in a(n)
3_ to encourage people to leave their cars at home.
"I"helv{ayor of Paris said that he had several other ideas to reduce the pollution
problem, such as free parking on the .l . of the
cih' on hot, still days when exhaust fumes tend to accumulate. He has also 5- a 6 million plan for 56 [m 6f bicycle tracks,
nerv pedestianised 6- and a new trarn 7- tor southetn Paris. i-lis most popular rneasuretl becoming mavor last N{avhas
been to 9_ traffic from several streets on Sundavs.
liveT summer, air qualitv is at its 10--_ in Paris during holidav weekends, especiallyone weekenclin uly when the 11_ of the
population leave by car for their summer holidavs. 12- -f
then improve for the surffner, but deteriorate again w-hen mosr
residents return at the end of August.
The free transp.rrt 13- is pan of the resPonse to a new environmental regulation rvhich says that iexal authoriues must
guarantee 14--__ air. If it is 15-- ser{ouslv,locals can look f<rrward to a cleaner Paris in the future.

i) A. levels B. positions C. degrees I). standards

1 i\, open B. Ioose C. off l). Free
2 A. risk B. tettor C. thrcat I). damage
3 A. try B. pursuit C. tdal l). effcrrt
4 .,{. outskirt$ B. area-q C. suburbs D. ptovinces
5 A. exclaimed R. announced C" stated D. put in
6 A" mils B. zones C. crossings I). tracks
7 ,\. line B. lane C. series I). path
8 ;\. as B. from C. since D. while
9 A. discharge B. expel C. restrict I). ban
10 A. top B. Limits C. full L). worst
11 A . lot s B. majority C. most l). plenty
12 A. Occasion B. Opportunities e. Conditions I). Sinrations
13 A. measure B. action C. ansrr,'et I). move
14 A. sar.ed B. secure C. new I). safe
15 A. taken B. thought C. held L). fonned

V. Read the text below and look catefully at each line. Some lines are correct and some contain a word which should
not be thete. If the line is correct put a tick ({). If the line contains a word which should not be there, write the wotd
beside it. There are two examples (0, 00) (10 points)
\'-e reached ter the'Iower at ten o'clock in the moming. () t<>
'I'hc first thing u'e saq/was the large
queue already stretching 00 {
a good rvav along the path. But the Tow'er it looked so big I
that rr,.ewere sure there must to be room for us all insidc. z
\\.e ioined u'ith the queue and waited. Rrirish people are better at 3
this queuing business than us, as I have learned from livitg here. 4
Finally the doors opened, rve paid our molley, and went in and 5
began t-rndingout out way around the Tower I was sulprised 6
to seeso very much armout - the metal wom by fightine men. 7 t
r\nd I rpas\.efv fdghtened w-henI saw that where so manv I
people had had their heads cut off br. the man rrith 9
the axe. Altogether I did found the Tower tather frightening. 1i)

VI. Read the text and use the words given in capitals to form words that fit in the numbered gaps. The words are
given in the otder in which you need to u$e them. There is an example at the beginning. (10 points)
0 -BEA UT Y ; 1- T O UR IST ;2 -S U C C E ED ;3 -T R A D ITION ;4* A TTR A C T;5-t,E cE N D ;6-V IS IT;?*
'I'he t) beaatiitl Comish peninsula, on Britain's south-s'estem tip, is one
of the count$:'s most popular areas as far as 1_.* is
concerned. llhousands of years ago, Comwall was a centre of Celtic cultute. ltre Romans tried without2-- to conquer the
re$on. and it managed to keep its 3-_- way of life and its own larrguage.One of the area's main toudst 4_ is thc norv
ruined castle of T'rntagel,where the 5- King Arthur and his Knights of the Round'I'able are said ro have livecl. (i_ cas srill
sce the remains of the hall, which is 7-- intact. Comwall is also 8___ for its beacheson the linglish Channel to the south-east.
and its spcctacular 9_ scenerv on lhe Adantic. 'Ihe 10_ of a rich histon and outstanding natural bcaur"vmakcs this areawell
worth visiting.



I. (5 puncte)l. F; 2 .8 ; 3 . C ; 4 . B ; 5 .A

Il. (f0 puncte)

1, is not/ isn't as easyas 6. won't/will not bite unlessYou
2.have to be wom 7. is/'s being taught ChinesebY
3. had already startedbY 8. am not usedl'm not usedto driving
4. weren't/were not able to 9. weren't/ were not afraid of water
10. have/'ve beenlearning computing
5. saidhe would/'d never forget
ilI. (10 puncte)
l. the 6 .uP
2. few 7. that

3.up 8. well
4. a 9. lot
5. have 10. or
IV. (15puncte)

V. (10puncte)
l-it 6 -o u t
2 -t o 7 - very
3 - witb 8 - where
4 -{ e -{
5-an d l0 - did

VI. (10puncte)
l. tourism 6. Visitors
2. success 7. largely
3. traditional 8. famous
4. attractions 9. coastal
5. legendary 10. combination

70 puncte'
Se acorda l0 puncte din oficiu' Punctaj maxim -

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