Report - RE4H1LE 1x1200mm2 220kV

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Create Date: 2016-06-15 10:17:27.

Modify Date: 2016-06-15T12:36:06.789Z
Create User: Sergio Chinosi

Report - RE4H1LE 1x1200mm2 220kV

Cable designation : RE4H1LE 1x1200mm2 220kV

SAP or CA Code : 0000
Short-circuit current duration :1 s
Cores :1
Conductor material : Copper
- Type : Conductor
- Beta : 234.5
- Constant : 226.0
- Limiting Temperature : Not Defined
- Resistivity : 1.7241E-8
- Specific Heat : 3450000.0

Cross-sectional area : 1200

Total cross-sectional area : 1200.000

Initial temperature : 90
Non-metallic material (above) : Semiconductive XLPE or PE
- Type : Insulating and semiconductive material
- Specific Heat : 2400000.0
- Resistivity : 2.5
- Limiting Temperature : 250.0

Final temperature : 250

Factor to account for imperfect thermal contact : 0.7
Adiabatic short circuit current : 171.70 kA

A : 0.700

B : 0.339

C1 : 2464

C2 : 1.22
Non-adiabatic factor : 1.00712
Permissible short circuit current : 172.92 kA

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Layer: Separated wire screen

Wires material : Copper

- Type : screen_sheath
- Beta : 234.5
- Constant : 226.0
- Limiting Temperature : Not Defined
- Resistivity : 1.7241E-8
- Specific Heat : 3450000.0

Single screen over multi-core (checked = yes) : false

Number of wires for each core : 85
Diameter of each wire : 1.53 mm

Cross-sectional area - Single wire : 1.8385

Total screen cross-sectional area : 156.273

Initial temperature : 80
Non-metallic material (under) : Semiconductive Tapes
- Type : Insulating and semiconductive material
- Specific Heat : 2400000.0
- Resistivity : 2.5
- Limiting Temperature : 250.0

Non-metallic material (above) : Semiconductive Tapes

- Type : Protective coverings
- Specific Heat : 2400000.0
- Resistivity : 2.5
- Limiting Temperature : 250.0

Final temperature : 250

Final temperature overwritten : 250

Fully embedded ? (checked = yes) : false
Factor to account for imperfect thermal contact : 0.5
Adiabatic short circuit current : 23.22 kA

A : 0.700

B : 0.339

C1 : 2464

C2 : 1.22

Volumetric specific heat of the surrounding or adjacent non-metallic material : 2400000

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Thermal resistivity of the surrounding or adjacent non-metallic material : 2.5
Non-adiabatic factor : 1.14203
Permissible short circuit current : 26.52 kA
Lay losses factor : 1.05

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Layer: Lead alloy sheath

Sheath material : Lead-alloy

- Type : screen_sheath
- Beta : 230.0
- Constant : 41.0
- Limiting Temperature : 210.0
- Resistivity : 2.14E-7
- Specific Heat : 1450000.0

Single screen over multi-core (checked = yes) : false

Sheath thickness : 3 mm
Diameter under the layer : 103.2 mm
Sheath perimeter : 333.637 mm

Total sheath cross-sectional area : 1000.911

Initial temperature : 80
Non-metallic material (under) : Semiconductive Tapes
- Type : Insulating and semiconductive material
- Specific Heat : 2400000.0
- Resistivity : 2.5
- Limiting Temperature : 210.0

Non-metallic material (above) : PE

- Type : Protective coverings
- Specific Heat : 2400000.0
- Resistivity : 3.5
- Limiting Temperature : 180.0

Final temperature : 180

Final temperature overwritten : 210

Factor to account for imperfect thermal contact :1
Factor to account for imperfect thermal contact overwritten : 0.9
Adiabatic short circuit current : 24.29 kA

M : 0.18702
Non-adiabatic factor : 1.11170
Permissible short circuit current : 27.00 kA
Lay losses factor : 1

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Short circuit current calculation results

Cable designation : RE4H1LE 1x1200mm2 220kV

SAP or CA Code : 0000
Cable Specification :

Short-circuit current duration : 1.0

Cores number :1

Separated wire screen - adiabatic S.C. current : 23.22

Separated wire screen - permissible S.C. current : 26.52

Lead alloy sheath - adiabatic S.C. current : 24.29

Lead alloy sheath - permissible S.C. current : 27.0

Separated wire screen - Final temperature : 250

Lead alloy sheath - Final temperature : 136

Separated wire screen - permissible S.C. current : 26.51

Lead alloy sheath - permissible S.C. current : 18.66

Overall Short Circuit Current : 45.17

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