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BhLAR— + 104 SER MPD SEC aE SB —ABSD + SEMEL » ASEH > MBI IHF » (BBR 2.5 4 > 36-9074) L TRS 1. With a large family to support, Ryan has to___ every cent he earns from work. (A) make up for (B) get rid of (©) come up with (D) make the most of 2. To pass the monthly exam poses a great challenge tome. __, I have difficulty learning math, __, [don’t have time to review lessons. (A) For one thing. ...For another (B) At first...In the end (©) On the one hand...On the other hand (D) For the first time. ..Gradually 3. These three boxes are__. They are of the same size, shape, color, and weight. (A) ideal (B) illuminating (C) identical (D) imitative 4, The young man was unfriendly, bitter and angry, even though everyone else seemed happy and pleasant. I couldn’t imagine why he had so much __ toward everyone. (A) hostility (B) humidity (©) hospitality (D) horizon 5. After Joan made her___at the bank, she received her cash and a receipt from the teller. (A) transaction (B) legacy (©) correspondence (D) appreciation 6. Itwould be ___to go rock-climbing in, such harsh weather. You can’t go, of I'll be worried sick! (A) endangered —_(B) insane (©) critical (D) exotic 7. The river is heavily ___ with toxic wastes released by nearby factories. (A) contaminated (B) contributed (C) consumed (D) carved 8. The new drug that has been shown to help patients with Alzheimer’s disease may also ___the communication skills and attention levels of adults with Down syndrome. (A) breed (B) characterize (©) clarity (D) boost 9, Although Lewis really did not want to open the mysterious drawer again, his curiosity ___ him to take one last look. (A) conceded (B) compelled (C) complimented (D) compensated 10. Because of drunken driving, Adam’s driver’s license has been __ for three months. (A) surrendered _(B)suspended (C) suppressed (D) surrendered 11. The industrial revolution that started with the invention of steam engine __ the economic growth in the West (A) widened the gap with (B) paved the way for (©) made no disguise of (D) was confronted with 12, As soon as the teacher opened the door, a bucket of water poured down, his shirts 1 and pants (A) soaking (B)assaulting (©) embracing (D) squeezing 13, The witness’s story ___ the evidence that the police have collected, It won't be long before this criminal case can be solved. (A) contradicts with (B) caters to (©) corresponds to. —-_(D) mingles with 14, Nana and Fred are good friends, __ love to watch baseball games. (A) both of them —(B) and both of whom (C) and all ofthem —_(D) both of whom 15 During the anti-government protests, the __broke into the mayor’s office and set a blaze. (A) strike (B) barrier (©) riot (D) mob Il. Cloze Test (1) Water is an essential resource for the maintenance and development of a society. The movement of the water cycle is very sensitive to climate change. Most of the world’s water is too salty to use, with only 0.3% _16__ in lakes and rivers, available for human use. Taiwan’s climate is affected by both the oceanic and _17__ climate patterns and the island’s high central mountain range. The average air temperature in Taiwan is 23 degrees Celsius and annual precipitation is 2500mm, but __18__ regional and seasonal variations. ‘There are over 150 major river systems in Taiwan. Many start high in the mountains and-go directly to the sea, so only 25% of the water is usable, _19__the surface water, Taiwan also makes great use of ground water. _20__, this water is being used faster the rate it is being replaced. A recent study states that climate change has caused an increase in temperature and a decrease in raining days over the last 30 years. This climate change is predicted to continue into the future. This will cause the summers to become hotter, therefore putting pressure on the available water recourses. 16, (A) held (B) to hold (©) holding (D) being holding 17. (A) alternative (B) agricultural (©) forensic (D) continental 18. (A) with (B) by (in (D) from 19. (A) Because of (B) Apart from (C) According to (D) In view of 20. (A) Similarly (B) Undoubtedly (©) Unfortunately (D) Surprisingly (2) Jonathan Ive, the head Apple designer, brought people the iMac and the iPad, and now the ‘Apple Watch. This design genius is of medium size, and looks kind of __21__, powerful and a little bit frightening. For someone whose influence on our lives is so tremendous, _22__ not just for shifting whole economies but for changing the way we interact, Ive is extraordinary low-profile. He is quite humble and private and he doesn’t wear his _23 _on his sleeve. As to his characteristics revealed in work, he is tough and persistent, like cutting-edge steel, but flexible and passionate. His attention to detail is famous; one of his friends once said he couldn’t imagine being Ive’s contractor, 2 __24 _ nothing would escape his notice. Ive holds the belief that design talents are supposed to be kept backstage _25__ they can do the most good. Just as Ive mentioned, “I think our goal is that you would have a sense that it wasn ? design.” Invariably, this Apple’s under-the-radar design genius, Jonathan Ive, will continue to find the way to our hearts. 21. (A) unanimous (B) formidable (C) fundamental (D) considerable 22. (A) responsible (B) conventional (©) hasty (D) similar 23. (A) principles (B) achievements (© supplements (D) references 24, (A) unless (B) since (© until (D) though 25. (A) which (B) what (©) where (D) why (3) Franklin D, Roosevelt, known by the initials of his full name ~ FDR, was one of the most influential presidents in American history. Thanks to his outstanding leadership, he helped Americans __26 _ the Great Depression and led them to the victory in WWII. What qualities did FDR possess that made him a great leader? Courage, first of all, played a vital role. He was bom into an aristocratic family healthy. It was not until he was 39 years old _27_ with polio. Nevertheless, 28 _ being defeated, he worked through his disability, resolving to continue his peace-making career. The strength of his character_29__ him do what most of us couldn't and wouldn't, Moreover, he was aman who __30__ optimism and confidence in the face of adversity. With this trait he inspired hope and steered the _31__ Americans through the erisis in the 1930s. FDR was also a man of _32_. His mastery of communication was shown in his famous “fireside chats” in which he spoke to ordinary people using clear, simple language. When the Pearl Harbor attack came as a shock to the world, he managed to _33__a humiliating scandal _33_a national rallying ery for revenge. The last matter is about timing, He happened to arrive at the right time in history. It was a troubled era_34__ people were in urgent need of a leader, someone who could show them the way. He understood the __35__ of his people, swam with the tide and helped them obtain their demands. All in all, he had exactly what _36_. 26. (A) make up (B) exalt to (C)stay out of (D) climb out of 27. (A) did he fall ill (B) that he fell ill (©) when he fell ill (D) hee fell itt 28. (A) but for (B) apart from (C) instead of (D) in case of 29. (A) enabled (B) made (C) caused (D) got 30. (A) convinced (B) toiled (C) simplified (D) revealed 31. (A) Depression-weary (B) Depressed-wearily (C) weary-Depression (D) wearily-Depressed 32. (A) dignity (B) eloquence (©) civilization (D) statistics 33. (A) (B) (C) convert...from (D) transform... into 34, (A) when (B) on which (©) that (D) at that 35. (A) outrage (B) innovations (©) yeamings (D) budget 36. (A) does it take to be a good leader (B) should a good leader be like (C) to do to be a good leader (D) it takes to be a good leader TIL SC RSRET In 1974, famine gripped Bangladesh. Many people died and still more collapsed in despair. This led to another socio-economic _37_. The villagers had to borrow from loan sharks or even fell slave to the money lenders. For Yunus Muhammad, who just earned his Ph. D. in economics in the ULS., his great scholastic achievements were meaningless unless they could be embodied in practical __38__ to cure these people’s suffering. _39 trial though Yunus had considered his experiment, little did he know that it would proceed into an economic miracle still blooming decades later. In the first stage of his trial, Yunus paid a total debt of $ 27 each for 42 impoverished villagers. He soon realized just a little money could make people free and become __40__ about their future. With this experience, Yunus founded Grameen Bank in 1983. Unlike the traditional banks’ looking for the rich, this_41__bank looked for the absolutely poor and has impacted their life __42__ since then, So far, his microcredit plan has helped millions of the poorest. Also, the _43__he pioneered is proved to be much more than kind-hearted charity: 99% of Grameen's borrowers repay their debts and the bank makes modest profits. Inspired by his success, many others, from the U.S. to Uganda, have embraced Yunus' scheme. On Oct, 13, 2006, Yunus became the first businessman _44__ the Nobel Prize for Peace. For Yunus’ humble family, the Nobel is a(n) _45__ accomplishment. But his ambitions are far bolder than this. Inan interview, he _46__ that it's possible to wipe out global poverty within two generations. "At the rate we're heading, we'll halve total poverty by 2015," he says. "Welll create a poverty museum in 2030." (A) methods (B) optimistic | (C) awarded (D) trauma’ (E) innovative (AB) concept | (AC) insists (AD) sheer (BC) extraordinary | (BD)tremendous!: IV. Baap (1) One of the most successful commercial products ever launched came about as the result of a mistake. In 1896, Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia, was selling a nerve tonic known as “French Wine Cola - Ideal Nerve Tonic.” By accidentally adding fizzy water instead of still water to the recipe, a pharmacist called John S. Pemberton invented what has today become the most popular soft drink in the world: Coca-Cola. Along with its closest rival, Pepsi, Coke has enjoyed phenomenal success worldwide, particularly in the past fifty years. Indeed, old Coke bottles and “limited edition” cans can often fetch considerable sums from collectors, and there are even stores which deal exclusively in Coke products and souvenirs. What could possibly account for the amazing success of Coca-Cola? One explanation may be found in the name. The original recipe included a flavoring from the coca plant and probably 4 included small amounts of cocaine (an addictive substance). However, with all traces of cocaine removed in the early part of the 20" century, Coke replaced cocaine with a flavoring from the cola tree: caffeine, which is a stimulant. There is considerable evidence that over a period of time the consumption of caffeine has to be increased in order for its stimulating effect to be maintained, and so sales of Coke perhaps benefit because of that. ‘A more likely reason for the enduring popularity of Coke may, however, be found in the company's marketing strategies. Over the years it has come up with some of the most memorable commercials, tunes, slogans and sponsorship in the world of advertising, variously emphasizing international harmony, youthfulness, and a careffee lifestyle. Few other companies (arguably including Pepsi) have been able to match such marketing ploys so consistently or effectively. The influences of American culture are evident just about everywhere, and Coca-Cola has somehow come to represent a vision of the United States that much of the rest of the world dreams about and aspires to. Pethaps drinking Coke brings people that little bit closer to the dream. 47. What is the main idea of the passage? (A) The keen competition between Coca-Cola and Pepsi. (B) The popularity of Coca-Cola over other soft drinks. (C) The reasons why Coca-Cola has enjoyed great success. (D) The image that Coca-Cola has come to represent. 48. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “account for” in paragraph two? (A) Explain. (B) Result from. (©) Consist of. (D) Increase. 49, In paragraph one, the writer points out that (A) some stores can successfully sell Coke at higher prices. (B) Coke is so popular that some shops only sell goods with the Coke label. (C) John S. Pemberton invented Coca-Cola as he had planned it, (D) only certain people are allowed to enter the most popular Coke stores 50. According to the passage, adding caffeine to Coke (A) lowers the cost of the product. (B) makes it taste better. (C) makes the product different from others. (D) makes people addicted to the drink. 51. In the last sentence of the passage, the writer implies that (A) many people wish for a lifestyle as they imagine most Americans have. (B) living in the United States is a bit like living in a dream. (©) most people would like to live in America. 5 (D) drinking Coke reminds a lot of people of visiting America. (2) Theman Grace thinks is THE ONE finally gives her a ring! She is so blinded by love that she barely registers that he is moving overseas for work. When Grace surprises him with a visit to Singapore, she suddenly finds herself on a furious chase to save her dream wedding, her sanity and her future child. The book Amazing Grace, by Tara FT Sering, has the hallmarks of a typical chick-lit novel: a young, fashionable heroine working in a big city; a desperate quest for love; a series of obstacles encountered and overcome. But this story is one of a kind: it was written by an Asian author for an Asian audience, and the protagonist is Chinese-Filipino Over the past decade, chick-lit has quickly become a pop-culture phenomenon at bookstores worldwide. Bridge Jones's Diary (1996) and Sex and the City (1997) were two of the best-selling early chick-lit books, appearing in dozens of translations, spawning film and TV adaptations and turing their heroines into cult figures. More recently, Shopaholic series and The Devil Wears Prada have also won fans worldwide. But while Wester chick-lit has inspired Latin American and Eastem European versions of the genre, Asian authors have been slower to embrace it. “There is a lot of experimental writing coming out of China, but commercial ones don’t really exist,” says Marysia Juszezakiewicz, head of Literary ‘Agency in Hong Kong. While many Asian female novelists have tackled romance, they haven't really done so in the lighthearted, funny style associated with chick-lit. Western chick-lit is usually about aspirations while Chinese women’s fiction is more about identity. ‘Now one regional publisher, Marshall Cavendish, is seeking to capitalize on witty literature written for Asian women and set within the Asian socioeconomic milieu. Last November it released the first three novels in a series titled Asian Chic in Singapore and Malaysia, and has recently reached a deal with a Philippine publisher for the series. But whether these novels can entice Western readers is less certain, Still, there are some brand names Asian writers could use that would help their works resonate with chick-lit fans everywhere: Manolo Blahnik and Jimmy Choo, for starters. 52. What is the reading mainly about? (A) Famous female writers in Asia. (B) Cultural features in novels for girls. (©) Bestselling novels worldwide. (D) A modem literary genre for girls. 53. Which of the following is a typical feature of chick-lit? (A) Series of problems which cannot be overcome. (B) An urban girl searching for love desperately. (©) Lighthearted, fanny socioeconomic relationships. (D) A fashionable girl looking for her true identity. 54, Based on the reading, the word “spawn” means to (A) cause something to start (B) show something to the public (C) create something different (D) copy something popular 55. According to the reading, which of the following statements is true? (A) Literary Agency has published some experimental pop-culture novels in China. (B) In Amazing Grace, the protagonist had her dream wedding in Singapore. (©) Like Sex and the City, the Asian Chic series has copies in different languages. (D) Compared to Latin American writers, Asian writers are slower to start chick-! 56. We can infer from the reading that Manolo Blahnik and Jimmy Choo ___ (A) provide good financial support for Asian chick-lit authors (B) may soon publish the Asian Chic series in more Asian countries (©) are names familiar to most chick-lit fans all over the world (D) will also be attracted to the witty novels meant for Asian women @G) Speaking of answering the call of nature, we've definitely made a lot of progess. Today's toilets come with some amazingly hi-tech qualities. The following are just a few of these modern-day marvels, Many people don''t like to flush toilets partly because they have to touch a seemingly germ-packed toilet seat—but problem solved! In many parts of Europe, self-cleaning toilets are catching on. These toilets are equipped with a mechanized seat rotator that tums the seat with every flush. As the seat rotates, it passed beneath a sanitizer, which guarantees that the next toilet user has access to a totally hygienic toilet seat to sit on. Growing concer over environmental protection also helps forward the drastic changes in the way we “do our business.” Old flush toilets can waste over 40 gallons of water a day. By contrast, newer models now save water thanks to their dual-flush system. Toilet users can choose between a short flush after taking a leak and a long-flush alternative to deal with something more substantial. However, these are no match for the newest Japanese invention. The cutting-edge Japanese toilet boasts a fantastic set of options: massaging jets of water, a blow-dryer, a gadget that monitors blood sugar levels in your waste, heated seat, an optional music setting, an automatic deodorizer, and a device that measures your body bat by giving you a mild electric shock! So, the next time you relieve yourself, think about how lucky you are to be able to pamper yourself with this useful little invention! 57. The passage is mainly about___. (A) the impact of toilets on our lives. (B) the latest innovation in Japan (©) the history of toilets (D) various types of modem toilets 58. According to the passage, what is the function of a san (A) It cleans the toilet seat by itself. (B) It flushes the toilet after each use. (©) It sprays water to clean the user. (D) It automatically tums the toilet seat. 59, The dual-flush toilet gas been created in order to__- (A) amaze users (B) kill bacteria (©) conserve water (D) provide comfort 60. According to the passage, the advanced Japanese toilet cannot_- (A) massage the user (B) remove the bad smell (©) take one’s blood pressure (D) warm the seat SBA) | JERE « FEIN A ARS L © (30%) 1 Sea (10%) RH HEAT EHP RRA E YF ERAGE ARASREP > EMAL GY > 34105 © The fire rainbow is the rarest of all naturally occurring phenomena, For a fire rainbow to appear, the sun must be very high in the sky, and the clouds must be high altitude cirrus clouds. ‘There must be the right amount of ice crystals _1__ as well. The sun has to hit the clouds at exactly 58 degrees. It makes the rainbow appear to be on fire, hence the name. It’s actually cold as ice, _2_- In the weather world, the phenomenon is known as a circum-horizontal arc. It isn’t a traditional rainbow, but an effect that happens when light passes through wispy cirrus clouds at high altitudes. Even more specifically, the hexagonal ice crystals that _3__ the cirrus clouds must be shaped like thick plates with their faces __4_ to the ground for the fire rainbow to form, The light enters through a vertical side face of the hexagon and leaves through the bottom, causing the light to refract, or bend, like in a prism. Ifthe crystals are aligned __5__, then the whole cloud lights up as a rainbow. presence precise though accordingly parallel make up Computers have come a long way since the latter half of the 20th century. Interestingly, sci-fi movies sometimes give us _ 6 about what future computers will be like. For example, in the movie Jon Man, Tony Stark could _7__ and visually interact with a mainframe, which seems to be more advanced than all the other computers that we can imagine. Pethaps in another decade, we can simply speak to or gesture at a computer and then receive immediate _8__ from it just like what we have seen in Iron Man. Besides, the movie Avatar presents us the hologram, a cutting-edge special effect that blows us away. In the movie, Jake Sully sat in his wheelchair, observing the “Home Tree of Pandora” shown by this technology. In the future, students in the history class may find their classroom __9_ into a muscum whenever the teacher needs examples of the Bronze Age. All in all, with the _10__ development in computer technology, our future generations are sure to have more devices which are much better than we have today. ‘verbal transform respond ‘clue steady indefinite TL fae (BR 2 D> H10 DD) Direct-trade chocolate is where the chocolate makers, often in Europe or the USA, form direct relationships with the cacao farmers in the tropics, from areas such as South American, Africa and Indonesia. Direct-trade often pays much more than fair trade prices. The chocolate maker now works closely with the farmer. _1__ The idea is to stop the cacao as just a farm product but to acknowledge and nurture the quality and richness of this wonderful plant. There is also the desire to make great tasting chocolate. The concept of direct-trade was pioneered by the American coffee shop owner, Jim Stewart, in the late 1970's, in the coffee bean trade.__2 __Direct-trade coffee really grew in the 1990’s and early 21° century, It was adapted by a number of top coffee roasters in the USA and Britain. This method was later followed by a number of chocolate makers in Europe and US. They could see the benefits of this technique to improve the quality of cacao.__3__ They also wish to strengthen the local communities as many of the chocolate growers are from very poor areas. Good cacao farmers are now seen as crafisman and are rewarded for their quality offering. 4 _ Through the direct trade relationship, modem farming techniques and other resources are also provided to help assist the farmer. The end result of this whole process is that direct-trade chocolate is more expensive. __5 they have a higher cost structure than the larger supermarket chocolate companies. Thankfully, today there is now a variety of ethically produced, beautifully direct-trade chocolate available. (A) Each stage of their involvement in the process of making fine chocolate is vitally important. . (B) They want to build long term, mutually supportive relationships. (C) Another factor that many chocolatiers are concerned with is developing more sustainable farming practices. . (D) The taste of the cacao is chocolate with no bittemess. . (E) He traveled to South America and made contact with the local coffee farmers. (E) This is caused by high payments going to the farmers and the chocolate is often made in smaller batches. . 9 I. FegsaE (10%) RY RAE PROF RRL EER EHSRAA OS BR be MARES + EAR AARSE © AES > 1G © 1, BSUS TSE + GSR AIBERUVIDITE +» CLR LAR 2, AER MECTTIRE » RIMMER HY SCULSUTS » DLRRPALELA © 10 a Baye 7 ERR» AERIS 2 | eS 2| @2Sa5 3 | 4ee28 2 | be SSE 4 | saSae 2 bao s[eaeae| [2 6 4eca5 26 7[waeee 2 3 2 | 2 | | 20 10 30 3| @25a5 2| eeSSS | SSE #/ e2See | SSaa5 3| See w7| Sb oee | &bSoE 2| seoed BOAO 104 SUERE EE SEC 1 SeRFSZE (4a 1 4 + 10%) 1, _present, 6 clues 2, __though, 1. verbally. 3, __make up, 8 _responses, 4, parallel. 9. transformed 5.__precisely. 10. steady. Tl — PRBRREIR (ERA 2 A» 10%) Le 2. E. Boe 4 F. 1, FREESE (10%) BEER 1. Smartphones combine the functions of communication, entertainment and reading, and they have become [a daily necessity for modem people. . something indispensable in moder people's daily life. 2 When traveling overseas/ abroad, /we should respect / the local culture and customs/ so as not to in order not to offend others. for fear of offending BREE 1-5 DBCBA 6-10 DABBC 11-1SAACDC 26-30DBCBD 31-35ABCAC 37-46 D, A, AD, B, E, BD, AB, C, BC, AC 47-51 CABDA 52-56 DBADC 57-60 DACC 2 16-20 ADABC 36D

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