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Read the text and choose the best words based on the pictures given.

Din is a hardworking boy. Every weekend,

he helps his mother to sweep the house and

mop the 1 . He also helps to 2 .

the clothes in the washing machine. After lunch, he 3

the windows. Then he 4 the furniture.

1. A. roof B. floor C. ceiling D. garden

2. A. dry B. iron C. fold D. wash

3. A. arranges B. cleans C. dusts D. opens

4. A. dusts B. sweeps C. washes D. mops


Read the text and choose the best word based on the pictures given.

Molly is Vincents dog. It lives in a ______1 . Molly

_____2___ her tail when it sees Vincent. Vincent feeds it with

rice and _____3______ . He takes her out for a ____4______

every evening.

1. A. kennel B. cage C. house D. hutch

2. A. shakes B. wags C. wriggles D. moves

3. A. fish B. curry C. meat D. chicken

4. A. play B. meal C. run D. walk


Read the text and choose the best word based on the pictures given.

Kathy was at a ___1___ shopShe was very excited because

her eldest sister was coming home from England. Her sister lived in England with

her _____2_____ . Kathy bought some gifts for her ____3____

. She ____4_____ the gift beautifully. She knew

they would love the gifts.

1 A pet B book C toy D gift

2 A family B friends C neighbours D students

3 A sisters B nieces C parents D nephews

4 A folded B wrapped C covered D arranged


Choose the best answers.

1. The basketball player is a giraffe

A. as tall as
B. as huge as
C. as agile as
D. as slippery as

2. rubbish is attracting flies.

A. A cage of
B. A collection of
C. A flock of
D. A heap of

3. The policeman after the thief.

A. played happily
B. ran quickly
C. jumped slowly
D. walked carefully

4 A. Miss Andy likes arranging flowers.

B. Plants do not need water to grow.
C. She sells flowers in the morning.
D. Puan Siti waters her plants in the morning.

5. A. The children are playing on the beach.

B. The children are cleaning the beach.
C. The boys are swimming in the sea.
D. The sea is very clean.


Choose the best answers.

1. The juice is honey.

A. as bitter as
B. as salty as
C. as sweet as
D. as sour as

2. birds flew in the sky.

A. A swarm of
B. A flock of
C. A pride of
D. A herd of

3. The horse as it sees its owner.

A. neighs softly
B. roars loudly
C. barks angrily
D. trumpets loudly

4 A. The dolphin likes to play.

B. Ling likes to go to the zoo.
C. The girl is feeding the dolphin.
D. The dolphin is performing for the audience.

5. A. The shirt is very dirty.

B. She is sewing a button on the shirt.
C. She is washing some clothes.
D. The woman is sewing a tear on the skirt.


Choose the best answers.

1. He for help during the fire.

A. cried sadly
B. talked softly
C. asked politely
D. shouted loudly

2. She is a peacock.
A. as fast as
B. as lazy as
C. as proud as
D. as playful as

3. I write a letter with a .

A. pen and paper
B. pin and needle
C. fork and spoon
D. brush and paint.

4. A. The shoes are spoilt.

B. The boy is polishing his shoes.
C. He is washing his school shoes.
D. He bought a pair of new shoes yesterday.

5. A. She is catching butterflies.

B. The butterfly is resting on the flower.

C. The girl is drawing a butterfly on the flower.

D. She writes about the butterfly that she has

Section C Set 1

Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation
shown in the pictures.

A. Thank you, Mum.

B. My hobby is drawing.

C. What are you drawing?

D. I am drawing in the study room.

2. A. Youre welcome.

B. Same to you too.

C. You are so beautiful.

D. Thank you. These flowers are so lovely.


A. My favourite food is fried rice.

B. I like to eat a lot of food.

C. Ill have a salad please.

D. The soup is so salty.

4. A. Yes, Id like to.

B. Im sorry to hear that.

C. Where are you going?

D. What time does the library close

A. Hello, who are you?

B. Hello, Jane. Do I know you?

C. Hello, Jane. Do you want to join me?

D. Hello, Jane. Nice to see you too.

Section C Set 2

Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation
shown in the pictures.

A. I can go.

B. Id love to.

C. I love to eat cake

D. Is tomorrow your birthday?

A. I celebrate it with my friends.

B. Christmas is a joyous festival.

C. Christmas is on the 25th of December.

D. I celebrate it on the 25th of December.

A. Thank you.

B. Here you are.

C. Where is the book?

D. Why dont you get it yourself?

A. Nice to meet you.

B. You are so happy.

C. Send my regards to him.

D. You are my favourite cousin.

5. A. Thats all right.

B. Thats so kind of you.

C. I dont feel like eating.

D. Much better, thank you.

Section C Set 3

Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation
shown in the pictures.

A. RM8 for one kilogram.

B. Its not expensive, madam.

C. The price is reasonable, madam.

D. Dont worry. Ill give you a discount.

A. Are you new here?

B. Only four at one time.

C. You must return them in two weeks time.

D. I am sorry. These books cannot be


A. Yes, shes my little sister.

B. Yes, Im her older sister.

C. No, shes not in.

D. No, she is not my only sister.

A. Whose umbrella is this?

B. I found this umbrella outside.

C. Is this your umbrella, Julia?

D. May I borrow your umbrella?

A. Yes, I do.

B. I dont think so.

C. I think you are right.

D. You can come along too.


Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences below.

1. Please give the hungry cat ______________ milk.

A any C a few
B some D much

2. Rohan could not buy the book because he did not have ______________

A any C many
B some D a few

3. The baby smiled at______________ just now.

A I C she
B me D their

4. Please tell ______________ that ______________ can go now.

A they, them C they, they
B them, them D them, they

5. ______________ is that girl in the pink dress?

A What C Who
B Whose D When

6. ______________ did you visit the museum?

A When C Whose
B Who D Which

7. Please put______________ eggs in ______________ cupboard.

A these, those C these, that
B those, these D those, -

8. Aminah is the ______________ girl in the class.

A pretty C prettiest
B prettier D more pretty

9. We walk ______________ school every day.

A on C to
B at D along

10. I found the dog sitting ______________ the tree.

A to C along
B under D over


Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences below.

1. An elephant is ______________ than a cow.

A strong C strongest
B stronger D more strong

2. ______________elephant is ______________ big animal.

A An, a C An, the
B A, an D An, -

3. Ali ______________ Raju are good friends.

A and C or
B because D but

4. It was raining heavily ______________he could not play football.

A because C and
B so D but

5. Is your cat black ______________white ?

A but C so
B and D or

6. Can you swim ______________ the river ?

A through C under
B across D on

7. We ______________ brush our teeth twice a day.

A have C must
B has D could

8. My sisters ______________dinner last night.

A cooked C cooks
B cook D cooking

9. I need a ______________to add all these numbers.

A kalkulator C calculator
B kalculator D calecultor

10. Kiran and his sister revise their ______________every day.

A lessons C lissions
B leisons D lestsons


Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences below.

1. Did you eat ______________ of the oranges?

A a C any
B an D a little

2. Have you seen ______________ owl before?

A an C the
B a D any

3. The teacher punished him because _____________ was naughty.

A us C they
B him D he

4. I go to school with______________ sister.

A my C their
B our D mine

5. ______________ is a present from my aunt in Australia.

A This C Those
B The D These

6. ______________ old is your mother?

A When C Where
B How D Which

7. My parents are ______________ of our new house.

A busy C proud
B tired D sad

8. Abu ______________the house last week.

A paints C painted
B painting D paint

9. Tina likes to ______________ pictures during her free time.

A drawn C draws
B draw D drawing

10. A Hello, Ali, how are you.

B Hello, Ali, how are you?
C Hello, Ali, how are you!
D Hello, Ali, How are you.


Look at the picture and then read the passage carefully. Based on the picture and the
passage, choose the best answers to fill in the blanks.

Kenny and his mother are at the bus station. 1 are going to

Penang for the school holidays. He 2 holding his mothers hand. They are

queuing up at the ticket 3 to buy their tickets. The bus station is crowded

because 4 people are going home for the school holidays. 5 the

bus station is crowded, it is clean.

1. A. He 4. A. few
B. We B. many
C. She C. some
D. They D. much

2. A. is 5. A. Since
B. are B. However
C. was C. Although
D. were D. Because

3. A. shop
B. table
C. house
D. counter

Look at the picture and then read the passage carefully. Based on the picture and the
passage, choose the best answers to fill in the blanks.

Last Sunday, Jimmy and his family went to the zoo. They 1 many animals

there. Jimmy 2 pictures of monkeys. Suddenly, he heard 3 voice

yelling Lion had escaped ! Lion had escaped !. 4 parents heard it too. Jimmy

wanted to take pictures of the escaped lion but he did not see any lion coming 5

of the cage.

1. A. see 4. A. He
B. saw B. Him
C. sees C. His
D. seeing D. Himself

2. A. take 5. A. in
B. took B. by
C. takes C. out
D. taking D. over

3. A. a
B. an
C. the
D. -


Look at the picture and then read the passage carefully. Based on the picture and the
passage, choose the best answers to fill in the blanks.

One day, Hashim was looking for firewood in the forest. He wanted to

1 the firewood at the market. Suddenly, he 2 an animal crying out in

pain. He followed the sound and saw 3 mousedeer. It had fallen into a 4 .

Hashim felt sorry for it 5 he rescued the mousedeer.

1. A. sell 4. A. pond
B. sells B. river
C. sold C. lake
D. selling D. hole

2. A. hear 5. A. or
B. hears B. so
C. heard C. but
D. hearing D. because

3. A. the
B. an
C. a
D. -

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

It was half past ten at night. John and Tony were going home after
their tuition class. They were walking along a row of shops. All the shops
were closed and there were only a few vehicles on the road.
As John and Tony were walking, they saw a dark figure entering a
shop through the broken door. John took out his phone and called the
police station while Tony kept watch on the shop. Soon a police patrol
came. Two police officers got down and hid themselves behind the wall.
They waited for the burglars to come out of the shop.
Just as the burglar stepped out of the shop, the policemen caught
him. They found several stolen bracelets, necklaces and rings in the
burglars bag. The burglar was taken to the police station. The policemen
praised John and Tony for their quick action.

1. How did John and Tony go 4. Which of the following best

home after their tuition class? describe John and Tony?
A By car B By bus A Alert and brave
C On foot D By bicycle B Timid and selfish
C Clever and hard-working
2. John made a call to ___________. D Courageous and mischievous
A his father
B the fire station 5. From the passage, we know that
C the police station the burglar __________________.
D the owner of the shop A managed to escape
B attacked the policemen
3. What kind of shop did the C were caught by the two boys
burglar break into? D were caught by the
A A grocers policemen
B A restaurant
C An electrical shop
D A goldsmiths shop

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

6.00 a.m. Assemble at SJK(C) Hua Min.

6.15 a.m. Leave for Kuala Lumpur.
9.45 a.m. Arrive in Kuala Lumpur. Visit National Monument, Hibiscus Park
and Butterfly Park.
11.30 a.m. Visit National Museum.
1.00 p.m. Lunch at KLCC.
2.00 p.m. Visit Petronas Science Centre.
Group 1-20 pupils with Miss Susan Teo
Group 2 -20 pupils with Mdm Tan Li Ling
4.00 p.m. Tea at Coffee Bean.
4.30 p.m. Drive around the city of Kuala Lumpur.
7.00 p.m. Dinner at a Malay restaurant in Sri Petaling.
8.00p.m. Back to Sitiawan.

6. How long is the journey from 9. What will the pupils see at the
Sitiawan to Kuala Lumpur? National Museum?
A 2 hours 15 minutes A A variety of animals
B 2 hours 45 minutes B All types of transport
C 3 hours 30 minutes C Scientific discoveries
D 3 hours 45 minutes D Old things of historical value

7. How many teachers and pupils 10. What will the pupils have for
are involved in this trip? dinner?
A Forty B Forty-two A pizzas
C Forty-four D Forty-six B fast food
C roti canai
8. From the itinerary, we know that D nasi lemak
A the pupils will have breakfast
in Kuala Lumpur
B the pupils will visit eight places
in Kuala Lumpur
C the pupils will be back in
D the first destintion of the trip is
the National Monument


Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

Uncle Selvan has a goat farm in Sepang, Selangor. He runs the goat
farm with his partners. There are about five hundred goats on the farm.
They have four workers to help take care of the goats.
Uncle Selvan has three children aged 7, 11, and 13 years. The children
love to play with the young goats especially the youngest girl, Joan.
Sometimes, they feed the kids milk and cuddle them.
One rainy evening, Joan heard the bleating of a kid outside the front
door. She opened the door and found a kid shivering at the door. She
carried the kid in, wrapped it in a blanket to keep it warm and fed it some
warm milk. She later took it to her bed and let it sleep with her.
Joan woke up to a loud scream the next morning. It was her sister
screaming. Her sister, who was sharing the bed, was woken up by the kid
licking her face. Her parents came running into the room to see what was
wrong and they all had a good laugh.

1. How old is Joan? 4. Arrange these sentences in the

A Seven years old correct order.
B Eleven years old P She woke up to a loud
C Thirteen years old scream.
D Fifteen years old Q Joan found a kid outside
the door.
2. Why was the kid shivering? It was R She fed the kid and put it
A cold to bed.
B frightened S Her parents came rushing
C angry into her room.
D hungry A Q, R, P, S C P, Q, S, R
B P, Q, R, S D Q, P, S, R
3. Why did Joans sister scream?
A She was afraid of goats. 5. Which of the following sentences
B She had a nightmare. is not true?
C She heard noises outside the A The young goat slept in the
door. girls room.
D The kid was licking her face. B Uncle Selvan runs the farm by
C Joan is kind to animals.
D Uncle Selvan has three

Read the message and answer the questions that follow.

Day: Saturday
Date: 5 July 2014
To: Phoebe
Your cousin, Ellie, called while you were still in bed this morning.
She said that she will be going to the computer fair held it Dewan Harmoni
with her sisters, Margaret and Shirley. She wants to buy a notebook for
herself. She asked if you would like to join them. Please let her know by
tonight as they will be going at 9 oclock tomorrow morning. By the way,
she also asked if you would like to have breakfast with them before going
to the fair. You have to call her at home. Her handphone was stolen
Please remember to make your bed and tidy up your bedroom. I shall be
home by noon to prepare lunch.

6. Who wrote the above message? 9. What must Phoebe do before

A Ellies mother noon?
B Shirleys mother A Call Ellie
C Phoebes mother B Prepare lunch
D Margarets mother C Have breakfast with her
7. Ellie called Phoebe because she D Make her bed and tidy up her
wanted to ___________. bedroom
A wake her up from bed
B remind her to make her bed 10. Which of the following
C ask if she wanted to buy a statements is true?
notebook A Ellies handphone had been
D ask if she wanted to go to the stolen.
computer fair with her B Phoebe was in school
when Ellie called.
8. Ellie and her sisters will be going C Phoebe, Ellie, Margaret and
to the computer fair on ________. Shirley are sisters.
A Saturday morning D Margaret and Shirley are
B Saturday evening going to the funfair with Ellie.
C Sunday morning
D Sunday evening


Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

Lets help build a library for our community!
Date: 16 November 2014
Time: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Venue: Taman Segar Park

How you can help:

- Buy or sell coupons
- Invite your family and friends
- Volunteer to cook or manage stalls
- Sponsor stalls or donate funds

Lucky draws:
- Hourly
- Prizes include food hampers, toys and household appliances.

1. When will the event take place? 4. Lydia wins a prize at the lucky
A. Second week of November draw. What do you think she will
B. Middle of November receive?
C. End of November A. A racquet
D. Early November B. A bicycle
C. A teddy bear
2. What is the purpose of the event? D. Some stationery
A. To win prizes
B. To get to know one another 5. How many times will the lucky
C. To collect funds to build a draw be held?
library A. Six
D. To launch the new B. Seven
community park C. Eight
D. Ten
3. How can the people help on
that day?
A. By donating food
B. By sponsoring prizes
C. By running in a marathon
D. By buying or selling coupons

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

Instant Oatmeal
Contains: Calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, zinc, vitamin B5, vitamin B9
o lowers cholesterol levels
o reduce the risk of heart disease
o free from additives

Ingredient: 100% whole grain oats Great for breakfast!

A product of Canada Net weight: 800g

Mfg date: 30/1/2012
Best before: 30/1/2014

6. The product contains the C. the product contains

following minerals except additives
A. iron D. sugar is added to the
B. iodine product
C. sodium
D. magnesium 9. When was the product made?
A. 30 January 2011
7. The product benefits people B. 30 January 2012
who wish to _________________. C. 30 January 2013
A. decrease their cholesterol D. 30 January 2014
B. increase their cholesterol 10. According to the label, we
levels know that __________________.
C. increase their cholesterol A. the gross weight of the
levels and reduce their product is 800 grammes
risk of heart disease B. the product is great for
D. decrease their cholesterol lunch
levels and reduce their risk C. the product is
of heart disease manufactured in Canada
D. it takes a long time to
8. The phrase free from additive cook the product
means that _________________.
A. the additives in the
product are free of
B. the product does not
contain any additives

Answers (Section A) 5. C D A
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 6. A B B
1. B A D 7. C C C
2. D B A 8. C A C
3. B C B 9. C C B
4. A D B 10. B A B
Answers (Section E)
Answers (Section B)
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 1. D B A
1. A C D 2. A B C
2. D B C 3. D A C
3. B A A 4. B C D
4. D C C 5. C C B
5. B B D

Answers (Section C) Answers (Section F)

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3

1. A B A 1. C A B
2. D D B 2. C A C
3. A B A 3. D D D
4. A A C 4. A A C
5. D D A 5. D B C
6. C C B
Answers (Section D) 7. B D D
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 8. D C B
1. B B C 9. D D B
2. A A A 10. D A C
3. B A D
4. D B A

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