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Asking for opinion Giving opinion

-What do you think about? -To my mind,/ In my opinion,/ view,
-Whats your opinion about? -I really feel that
-Whats your view about? -Personally speaking, I think
- How do you feel about? -I strongly believe that
-Do(nt) you think/ believe that? - From my point of you,..
-Do you really think/ believe that? -As far as Im concerned,
- Am I right in thinking that? -I think/ believe/ guess
-Would I be right in thinking that -It seems to me that

Agreeing Disagreeing
I agree. Im afraid I dont agree.
I completely /absolutely/totally agree. I disagree with you.
I certainly agree with that. Im sorry, but I disagree.
I couldnt agree more. Sorry to say it, but youre wrong.
Thats a good point. Yes, thats quite true, but
I share the same view. I dont share this view.
Thats exactly what I was thinking myself. Im afraid youre wrong.
I quite agree with you Im not sure I quite agree with you here.
Youre definitely / absolutely right. Perhaps, but
Thats just how I see it. I see what you mean, butis
I suppose / think so. I completely /absolutely/totally disagree with you
Sure/of course.

Exercise: Respond to the following opinions as indicated:

1- I believe that behind a successful man stands a woman.

You (express complete agreement)...

2- As I see it, exams are just a waste of time.

You (disagree and give reasons)..

3-living in the city is very pleasant.

You (disagree and give reason)

4- For me, women are more patient with children than men.

You (agree)

5-the huge sum of money we spend on weddings needs reconsidering.

You (express partial agreement).

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