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liverpool history

In the year 1847, it was founded by Jean Baptiste Ebrard (JBE), installing a drawer
dedicated to selling fine fabrics in downtown Mexico City. Later in 1872, JBE began
importing European goods shipped from the port of Liverpool, England, and so
decides to name his store.

In 1944, it was legally constituted as a corporation. By 1965, starts trading on the

Mexican Stock Exchange.

In 1997, acquires Stores department store Chedraui Comercial Las Galas which
becomes Factories stores in France.

Initially a corporation of variable capital (SA de CV), changed its corporate name to
that of public stock corporation with variable capital (SAB de CV), to comply with
what is stated by the Law on Securities Market June 28, 2006.

He launched in 2008, which is accepted in any business establishment-level credit

card called Liverpool Premium Card supported by VISA mundial.5

The duration of the company is 99 years, starting from 1983.

It employs more than 35,000 workers throughout Mexico

Business description

From 1980 it was incorporated as a holding company that operates in three main
divisions: commercial, real estate and credit are supported with services division.

It is a leader in the field of trade in department stores in Mexico. It operates 103

stores, 74 with the name of Liverpool, 23 under the name of Factories in France
and 6 Duty Free mode.
liverpool history

Real estate

The real estate sector is an important source of revenue through it. It maintains
owned stores in several locations in Mexico City and in different cities, with the
exception of the stores in Gran Plaza Mazatlan, Mazatlan Centro, Leon, Tepic,
Cancun, Guadalajara Gran Plaza, Orizaba, Guadalajara Center, Acapulco ,
Irapuato, FF Cd. Juarez, Morelia, Cd. Obregon, Chihuahua, Hermosillo, Chetumal
and Delta Park, which are rented.

Credit [edit]
Much of the sales of Liverpool are made on credit for this, giving customers a credit
card that can only be used to buy in their stores (DILISA) or a credit card that
allows customers the option to purchase goods and services both in its stores and
establishments affiliated to VISA (Liverpool Premium Card).

Given the importance of credit to boost consumption, Liverpool began with its first
store activity financing to its customers. Proof of this is the fact that 51.4% of
company sales in 2010, are made through credit card DILISA.

The operation of the loan portfolio of Liverpool has maintained historically low
levels of bad debt, standing at 2.7% in 2010.

Seasonality and working capital [edit]

The higher operating months for Liverpool are the months of May, July and the last
quarter, due to its institutional sales for these months (evening sales), and the
holiday season. It faces necessary cash flow by reinvesting profits of past years, as
well as credit lines short and long term. On the other hand increase inventories in
the months mentioned previously in order to cope with the demand for each of the
seasons. Part of inventories are funded by their own suppliers.

Sales composition
liverpool history

Because of the wide variety of products that the company offers its customers, it
has not identified any particular product representing 10% of total consolidated
sales Liverpool.

Liverpool Virtual University

In 2002, the project of the Virtual University Liverpool emerged as a response
seeking to complement training projects for employees empresa.7

The following educational offerings are offered:

High school.

Degree in administration and sales.

Masters in: leadership; marketing management; corporate finance; administration.

Diploma in management skills development.

Specializing in human capital management.

Specializing in purchasing and supplier development

Dalek I Love You




Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark

The Spitfire Boys

liverpool history
liverpool history

5 Tourist sites to see in Liverpool
Posted on January 27, 2015 by
1. Tate Liverpool

Tate Liverpool is an art gallery located in the Albert Dock cultural complex, and
houses the second largest collection of modern art in the UK (after London).

The gallery occupies an old converted warehouse and exhibits a vast collection of
works of art of the twentieth and twenty centuries, and temporary exhibitions of
contemporary artists. The gallery also offers cultural events throughout the year.
liverpool history

Tate Liverpool has DST between April and August, open daily from 10:00 to 17:50
hours. The winter time is between September and March, from Tuesday to Sunday
from 10:00 to 17:50 hours. Admission is free.

2. Beatles Story Experience

Whether you are or not a fan of The Beatles, you must visit the exhibition
documenting the history of the great Liverpool band from its inception until after the
separation. The museum is also situated in the Albert Dock and exhibits sacred
objects of musicians, like the first guitar George Harrison, John Lennon glasses,
among other objects of worship for the fans.

In addition to The Beatles Story Exhibition, the experience includes a visit to the
Cavern Club on Matthew Street, where you can touch the statue of John Lennon
that lie at the entrance.

Although magic is still active, the club is not the original, but an exact replica of that
would host the Beatles for 290 performances. The club every day from 09:00 to
19:00, except 25 and 26 December. The entrance has a differentiated cost for
children between 5 and 16 years and adults.

3. Museo Martimo de Merseyside

3. This museum dedicated to the history of the port of Liverpool, has several
collections including one dedicated to the slave ships that came to the city is
included. It also displays pieces of the Titanic and Lusitania tragic, in addition to
various maritime archives.

This museum has free admission and is open daily from 10:00 to 17:00 hours,
except on December 24 open from 10:00 to 14:00 hours. It is closed on 25 and 26
December and 1 January.

4. Catedral de Liverpool
liverpool history

This wonderful Renaissance building built in brick Gothic style is one of the
symbols of the city. Its tower offers a panoramic view of Liverpool and surrounding
areas, when visibility permits. The cathedral is located on Mount Saint James and
is visible from a distance, as a metaphor for the omnipresence of God.

Started to build in 1904 and consecrated in 1924, this church remained virtually
untouched during the bombings of World War II that destroyed part of the city.

5. St Georges Hall

Located in the city center, opposite the train station Lime Street, St George's Hall is
an excellent example of neoclassical architecture. The building opened in 1854, it
has a dual function as a cultural center and hosts the courts of Liverpool.

The cultural center has a concert theater that occupies the central part of the
building and several meeting rooms. This building is part of the architectural
heritage of the city for its size and beauty.

1. Tate Liverpool
liverpool history

2. Beatles Story Experience

liverpool history

3. Museo Martimo de Merseyside

4. Catedral de Liverpool
liverpool history

5. St Georges Hall
liverpool history

John Lennon

(Liverpool, 1940 - New York, 1980) British singer and musician, founder of the
legendary group The Beatles, the UN quartet that formed in the City of Liverpool
with Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr and has become a
reference undisputed history of modern music. John Winston Lennon was born in
Liverpool on October 9, 1940, of Nazi planes bombed While the city. His father,
Alfred Call, was a sailor who visited little home, until it disappeared completely.
Then there was his mother, Julia Stanley, The one that disappeared, leaving Child
care A sister named Mary.

John Lennon

It was she who taught one John the first chords on an old banjo grandfather East.
Liverpool was then a port city that was in decline. With a heterogeneous
population, life there no great joy in store. But sin, constant commotion caused by
the Maritime Traffic also had its advantages: in the luggage of seafarers from the
other side of the ocean came Plentiful nightclubs country and rhythm and blues,
liverpool history

which was immediately incorporated into the innate fondness of liverpoolianos for

John grew up listening to records by Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Ray Charles and
Buddy Holly, Distinguished Representatives of the musical currents of the time. For
years UNOS study at the School of Fine Arts and he quince Meet doubts resolved
between painting and music a favor of the latter. In 1956 I met a boy from the UN
who, like him, just felt fully realized with a guitar in my hands: James Paul
McCartney. Paul formed his group of fans primer, The Quarrymen, ushering in a
period of UN Learning m accelerated rock'n'roll rhythms.

John and Paul were dedicated to compose their own songs as If it were UN
Entertainment. Two years later they were joined by George Harrison and dared to
perform in some local Small. They were called on Johnny and the Moondogs And
the twins Nurk. Were difficult times: John's mother died in 1958 run over by a drunk
m franco police service and the low peculio the boy disappeared completely.
Throughout 1959, John unsuccessfully looking for work and lived as a stand more.
But his vitality, his youth and his love for music made not lose Hope.

In early 1960 the group was reborn with the name of Long John Silver and the
Beatles, wordy name was reduced to The Silver Beatles Stay before the Beatles.
The term came from a word game invented by Lennon himself: the backing band of
Buddy Holly was called The Crickets (grasshoppers) and John was inspired them
to mix the term musical rhythm, characteristic of a generation, and the Word
scarabs (beetles).

The Beatles

John, Paul and George, along with some adj professional musicians, began a tour
of Scotland as chaperones Johnny Gentle, the UN singer Second row. They also
put musical background to the movements of a dancer striptease and agreed to
travel to Germany to play in several local Chinese district of Hamburg. Anything
was better than ANY job search, boring and badly paid, in Liverpool. Later, back to
liverpool history

his hometown, they became the usual group The Cavern, Underground club where
they could exhibit the peculiar tables acquired from during their tours.

In 1961, the owner of a record store named Brian Epstein discovered them in that
den. It was a revelation; Although not had any experience in that field, Epstein
volunteered as manager of a 'change of the United Nations 25 100 Income. From
that moment, the Beatles career rocketed to success. With the incorporation of As
a drummer Ringo Starr in 1962, the group was already complete and ready to face
what is coming: The craziest maelstrom of Triumphs and Gloria.

His songs, edited by EMI, began to surround the bestseller lists. Beatles concert
scenes provoked hysteria among the groupies and the police are unable to contain
the youth saw vociferous mass. "Beatlemania" spread throughout Europe after the
United States and later came to the Rest of the World, including Socialist

The pieces of the Beatles, composed in his mayorship by John and Paul, were
characterized by melodic and harmonic findings, AFTER within what has been
called the "Liverpool Sound". : In addition, Members of the group were
distinguished by a new style in clothing and cut hair and the one cheerfully defiant
attitude, starring especially by Lennon in homilies Press and Interviews, Those
boys teased her interlocutors SUS and were manifested as witty, funny and
carefree types.

McCartney was the romantic-looking, Harrison and Ringo the funny serious band.
As for Lennon, he exercised rebel with concerns and was undoubtedly the more
incisive. After being appointed, in 1965, the Knights of the Order of the British
Empire, John trigger a scandalous controversy with one of his famous phrases:
"The Beatles are more popular than Jesus Christ." Successes, drugs, disputes and
reconciliations happen Throughout the Sixties. And also films, including A hard
day's night and Help!, Both directed by Richard Lester.
liverpool history

Brian Epstein died in 1967 from an overdose of barbiturates. Lennon married in

Gibraltar the next year with the Japanese Yoko Ono, enigmatic woman whose
name means "Daughter of the Ocean". Both Acts Were Milestones Announced a
separation. Financial problems, Artistic jealousy between John and Paul, Wishes
Create unburdened to accommodate the group ... All these elements decreed the
dissolution of the assembly in April 1970. Lennon deliver the epitaph of the group
and the "prodigious decade" with another terse and pithy phrase: "The dream is

Throughout the seventies, while healing the wounds of the break with the Public
Reconciliation of John and Paul, Circulara periodically the rumor of a forthcoming
meeting. Several businessmen will arrive to offer Sumas Fabulosas to gather on
stage, but all will be in vain: Each fly on your own, Free and the yoke of the
Beatles. For Lennon, the seventies were a Ser of enormous vitality. On the one
hand, I became an activist pacifism. The pictures on their honeymoon in the hotel
room in Amsterdam, where it appeared naked with his wife in a gesture of
elemental naturally, went around the world.

Yoko had formed the Plastic Ono Band and with it Public Dozen Long Term clubs.
His talent as a composer and lyricist continued to appear at: As issues "Give Peace
a Chance", "Power to the people" or "some time in New York City." But his success
was undeniable Imagine, elep UN intensely personal, Published in 1971, which
contained the song of the same name whose text a whole would come a Being
pacifist manifesto Decade That conflict.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono

In 1975, when happily finish their battle against the administration of President
Nixon determined to expel the US for "undesirable alien" and born Sean Ono
Lennon, only child, John disappears completely from the circulation and will be
dedicated to life familiar . During years of five public appearances ITS Were scarce
and extraordinary. Neither one seemed to notice another word would get his
restless spirit until then. But in 1980 the famous Beatle left his cloistered silence to
liverpool history

record with Yoko Titled album Double Fantasy. In proclaiming his undying love for
his wife and son with simple and catchy choruses ever.

In the autumn of that year, to explain the reasons for his return one claimed
Studies, Lennon: "There are people angry with me because I do not make music if
I had died in 1975, just talk about how great it was and stuff so Lo. . them angry is
that I kept living and decided that more time Important do exactly what I wanted. in
these five years of silence learned quite a rid of my intellect, the image of myself
that I have. the songs that I It arise naturally, spontaneously, without consciously
thinking about them. in a way, it's like back to the beginning. I have the feeling that
I'm at my club primer. "

AFTER Days, the December 8, 1980, the murderous bullets of the UN adoring
disturbed ended his life and made him, if he still was not a member At a god of
modernity. The writer Norman Mailer said, "We have lost a A genius of the spirit."
As an immediate reaction, a death, the Followers of Lennon posthumously They
took "Imagine" to number one on the charts. Never such number of human beings
had wept both hear a song.
liverpool history

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