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TBG&CC Mens Golf Association (MGA).

April 6, 2017
General Meeting and Luncheon

Call to order 1:04 in the TBGCC ball room by President Jim Fuller

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jim fuller.

Board Members present: Jim Fuller, Bill Safffren, Pat McGoorty
Absent James McTigue

Committee present: Tom Morris, Rollin Davis, Tom Green

Absent Tom Robertson, Tim Krug

Tom Green: Minutes from November 17, 2016. Minutes approved as written.
Minutes available at MGA website. TBGCC is getting a new website that will have a tab for MGA so you will be able to
sign up on line.

Tim Baker:
Paid closest to pin winners, and announced the winners for the day.
Tim explained rules updates:
1. New local rule regarding using a provisional ball for lateral hazards. Ref Appendix I, Part A Water Hazards
Playing Ball. and Rule 26-1.
2. He is working on adding yellow water hazard lines to a few locations on the course where a lateral hazard is not
appropriate, and explained the different options for both types.
3. Tim reviewed 26-2. What to do if you hit from a lateral hazard into another or the same hazard.

Pat McGoorty: Reviewed current financials. The financial report was approved. $7990.00 balance prior to todays
expenses and revenue. $725.00 is in the hole in one pool.

Bill Saffren: Tournament report. Club championship next week. Flighted.

Rollin Davis: Membership report. 151 members. 103 white, 48 yellow. New members last month, Mike Smith and
George Browder.
Handicap Report: No major issues. Dont post your MGA scores.

Tom Morris Golf Course Update. Fairways will be aeriated in June. Golf committee is working on 5 year plan and

Jim Fuller: The body voted on changes to the bylaws to add the Communications Chairman, to change the membership
dues to $35 and the delinquency. Both issues were approved.

There was a discussion regarding white and yellow tee players competing in scramble and shamble team events.

The 50/50 was split in two pots of $90 each, won by Jack Herrmann and Frank Trivento

The meeting adjourned at 2:37

Respectfully Submitted
Rollin Davis

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