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WJMS Staff Meeting March 8th, 2017

A. 3
B. Celebrations and Recognitions!
a. Performing Arts/Sports
b. Academic
c. Staff
C. Professional Learning/Development
a. Parent Meetings ~ Constructive Conversations
i. Cobb ( 3 sessions on Monday March 13th)
1. Session 1 9:30-10:30, Session 2 10:45-11:45, Session 3
b. C.A.T. Day Expectations
ii. Student achievement based on MAPs growth C.A.T. Day Olympics!
1. May 10th 12:30-3:00
c. MAP Going Forward
i. Why do we test and when do we test?
ii. Goals based on MAP scores
iii. Do the students help make those goals?
iv. Ownership
D. Testing Calendar: Rembe has sent out
i. Testing Calendar
ii. March 31st all team Computer Carts turned into Media Center for Testing
E. Curriculum Changes
a. Advanced Classes now called Honors
b. Accelerated Classes still referred to as Accelerated and feed into 9th grade
i. Model follow High School (Honors vs. AP)
ii. Connection sign ups coming up
c. Georgia Milestones this year and beyond
F. Rising 7th and 8th grade nights
a. March 21 rising 7th grade (current 6th grade) 7th grade teachers attend
b. March 23 rising 8th grade (current 7th grade) 8th grade teachers attend
i. Teacher provide feedback on recommendations
ii. Will invite all parents but focus on Honors vs Accel
c. May 3rd rising 6th grade (current 5th grade) 6th grade teachers attend
i. Connections
ii. Hot Dogs
G. Operations
a. Budget and Planning
i. Regrading and Parking (Summer 2017)
ii. Facilities improvement (Spring 2018-Summer 2018)
1. Roof/HVAC Painting class renovations
WJMS Staff Meeting March 8th, 2017

H. Staffing ~ Celebrating a Passion For Excellence

a. Custodial Shortage
b. Teachers
i. Be Different. Think Different.
ii. In order to learn from failure, you have to FAIL!
1. Better to be a pirate than join the navy ~ Steve Jobs
2. Being comfortable isnt productive.

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