Sample Paper 2 Maths Class 12 2017

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Class XII

Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 100

General Instructions:

a) All questions are compulsory.

b) The question paper consists of 26 questions divided into three sections A, B and
C. Section A comprises of 6 questions of one mark each, Section B comprises of
13 questions of four marks each and Section C comprises of 7 questions of six
marks each.
c) All questions in Section A are to be answered in one word, one sentence or as per
the exact requirement of the question.
d) Use of calculators is not permitted.

Section A
(1 marks)

1. Let A = |R| {1} and define f! A A by f ( x) = for all x A, Then find f is
x 1

2. what is | a |, if (a + b) ( a 5) = 3 and 2 | b |=| a |

3. If [1 0 4] and B = 5 find Ab

2 1 1 A
4. If P ( A) = , P( B) = , P ( AB ) = then find P
5 3 3 B

Section B
(2 marks)

5. Find ( x) if for a unit vector a

( x ) ( x a )( x + a ) = 12

6. Five male and 3 female candidates are available for selection as an manager in a
company find the probability that male is selected.

x + cos 6 x
7. Solve 3x 2
+ sin 6 x
8. write the value of tan 1 2sin 2 cos 1

9. If A is a square matrix such that A2 = A, then write the value of 7a (I + A)3,

where I is an identity matrix.

10. If x = 0(cos + sin) and y = (a sin cos) find

x2 y2
11. Find the condition for the curve = 1 and xy = c2 to intersect orthogonally.
a 2 b2

12. Show that the relation R in the set R of real Ne defined as {(a, b) : a b2 ) is
neither reflexive nor symmetric nor transitive.

Section C
(4 marks)

sin 3 t cos3 t
13. If x = ,y= solve it.
cos 2t cos 2t

x+a b c
14. Prove it a x+b 3 = x 2 (x + a + b+ c)
a b x+c

15. How many times must a man toss a fair coin, so that the probability of having at
least one head is more than 80%.

16. Verify y = ex cosx is a solx of this different equation

d2y dy
2 + 2y = 0
dx dx

17. Find the magnitude of two vector a and b having same magnitude and are st
the angle between then 60 and their scalar product is .

3x 2
18. Solve ( x + 1) ( x + 3)dx
1 x 7 y 14 z 3
19. Find the values of P so that the line = = and
3 2P 2
7 7x y 5 6 z
= = are right angled.
3P 1 5

20. Show that y = log(1 + x) , x > 1 and increasing function of x through out its
2+ x

cos sin x 0
21. If f ( x) = sin n cos n 0 show that f(x)f(y) = f(x + y)

0 0 1

22. Let the vectors a, b, c given as a1i + a2 j + a3 k, b1i + b2 j + b3 k, c1i + c2 j + c3 k, Then

show that a (b + c) = a b + a c

23. Determine whether the function f(x) = 3sin(2x) satisfies condition of Rolles

Section D
(6 marks)

24. An Aeroplan can carry a maximum of 200 passengers. A profit of Rs.1000 is

made on each executive class ticket and a profit of Rs.600 is made an each
economy class ticket. The airline reserves at least 20 seat for the executive class.
However, at least 4 times as many tickets of each type must be sold, in order to
maximize profit.

x x2 1 + px3
25. Prove that y y2 1 + py 3 = (1 + Pxyz )( x y ( y z )( z x)
z z2 1 + pz 3

26. Find the area of the region in the 1st quadrant enclosed by x axis, x = 3 y and
circle is x 2 + y 2 = 4

27. Prove that the volume of the largest cone that can be inscribed in a sphere of
radius R is of the volume of sphere.

x +1 y +1 z +1 x3 y 5 z 7
28. Find shortest distance b/w line = = and = =
7 6 1 1 2 1
29. A can hit a target 4 times in 5 shots, B can hit a target 3 times in 4 shots, e can
hit a target 2 times in 3 shot. Calculate probability

1) A, B, C all may hit

2) B, C hit and A may lose

3) None of them will hit the target.

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