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32 Electroencephalography and clinwal Neurophysiology, t984, 57:32--34

Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland, Ltd.

Short communication


F. L A F F O N T *, H.P. C A T H A L A *, A. ERNST **, M. B O R M E R ***, D. S C H N E I D E R - H E L M E R T ***

and G.A. S C H O E N E N B E R G E R **
* Explorations Fonctionnelles Neurologie, Groupe Hospitalier Piti~-Salp~tri~re, 75651 Paris Cedex 13 (France), ** Research Department,
Psychiatric Clinic, 5200 Koenigsfelden (Switzerland) and *** Research Division, Department of Surgery/Research Department, Kantons-
spital, University of Basel, 4031 Basel (Switzerland)

(Accepted for'publi~cation: October 13, 1983)

Disorganization of sleep patterns and reduction of total patient was given clomipramine (Anafranil): 10 mg x 3 / d a y by
sleep duration have been observed in patients with bilateral mistake; (2) levodopa 200 m g + benzerazide 50 nag (Modopar)
lesions of the brain-stem (Fetdman 1971; Wilkus et al. 1971; = 250 nag x 3 / d a y ; (3) clonazepam (Rivotril): 2 mg x 3/day.
Markand and Dyken 1976). Polygraphic records included: 7 EEG channels (FI-Cz, C 1-
It is also known that delta-sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP) T 3, T3-O 1, Fz-C 2, C2-T4, T4-O2, Fz-T4); E M G of chin muscles
given to people with chronic insomnia greatly improves sleep and subhyoid muscles, EOG of horizontal and vertical move-
(Schneider-Helmert and Schoenenberger 1981). Our aim was to ments, ECG and respiration (buccal air flow, nasal flow and
test DSIP in a patient with insomnia due to brain-stem lesions. thoracic movement). The plasma DSlP level, measured before
the test, was high (6.6 n g / m l ) to normal ( 2 - 4 n g / m l ) .

Material and Method

The patient, a 45-year-old man, had a brain-stem haemor-
rhage 8 months prior to the beginning of the study. Conscious- (1) Symptomatic aspect
ness was normal but he had severe insomnia. Clinical examina- Before the beginning of treatment the patient's EEG was
tion showed a left hemianaesthesia and hemiparesis, with im- normal whether he was asleep or awake. Whatever the level of
pairment of right cranial nerves (3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th) and a watchfulness, there was periodic breathing with apnoeas of
bilateral cerebellar syndrome. There was tremor of the upper central origin, and a fragmentation of the sleep EEG due to less
limbs, left hemiface, and both eyelids; the tremor was slow (2.5 profound sleep when the apnoea ended.
c / s e c ) and occurred whether the patient was standing, resting The tremor was present during 47% of waking time, 13% of
or active. stage 1 sleep, 3% of stage 2 sleep, 1% of stage 4 sleep and 16%
During our study psychoactive drugs were suppressed, ex- of paradoxical sleep (PS), but in the last case it was slight and
cept for Calciparine. Long polygraphic recordings (36 h) were limited to the chin.
performed to clarify the patient's problems. Two reference
records were carried out during a period of 1 m o n t h before the (2) Quantitative aspect (Table 1 and Fig. 1)
beginning of the test. DSlP was administered by slow in- Before treatment the patient slept a total of 4 h / d a y and
travenous injection over a period of 3 weeks as follows: the total PS for each night lasted only 60 min (mean). The
First week: every day, for 5 days: 30 nmol ( -- 25 ng)/kg, 1 R E M / N R E M ratio was high (0.6) and the PS latency short
h before bedtime. (mean: 38 rain). During the day there was no drowsiness (14
Second week: during the day: 5 injections of 30 n m o l / k g on rain and 1 rain of stage 1 for the 2 registered days).
the first day, then 3 injections of 30 n m o l / k g on the following Over the 3 week period of the pilot treatment with DSIP,
4 days. the total duration of sleep increased step by step. The effects of
Third week: every day, for 5 days, 70 n m o l / k g , 1 h before DSIP were: the duration of sleep increased, there were fewer
lights off. nocturnal awakenings and the R E M / N R E M ratio returned to
NO DSIP was administered at the weekends. normal. This improvement cannot be related to a decrease of
The 36 h polygraphic records were made each week from the apnoeas since they were not modified, nor to lessening of
the beginning of the 4th night until the end of the 5th night. In the tremor which was, in fact, enhanced with DSIP.
addition, 36 h records were made 1 and 2 weeks after the end The increased levels of endogenous DSIP and the relatively
of DSIP treatment. large dose of DSIP needed for noticeable effects suggest, in
Three other drugs, given for 8 days, were also tested; 15 accordance with animal studies, that the midbrain and brain-
drug-free days intervened between each test: (1) 5-HTP: 50 stem might be the predominant sites of action for this peptide.
mg x 1 5 / d a y +benzerazide: 50 m g x 8 / d a y . In this case the The total insomnia observed with 5-HTP is more difficult to

0013-4649/84/$03.00 Q 1984 Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland, Ltd.


,q. ,q.

x x / -,. /e~

,q. .__6 ..... ~i. ~ ~/, ~ o ........

t m ~
x--x ~.L~ .R:ao
~V"t ~ a i : ,NONm I~,,lel aNg2,,e~t n , m l m ~ : t GS, Lp ~'~Nm~
- - R[-u/s=, sj .s ~
C : cNm~

Fig. 1. Effects of DSIP on night sleep.

understand. The lack of PS could be ascribed to clomipramine

(Anafranil). Nevertheless the 5-HTP treatment significantly
decreased the tremor even though the percentage of apnoeas
,q. ,q.
was higher. This might explain the exclusive presence of stage 1
sleep during the night. A high percentage of stage 1 sleep was
also observed with clonazepam (Rivotril), associated with a
high percentage of apnoeas. L-DOPA + benzerazide (Modopar)
did not affect sleep, although the tremor was enhanced and the
apnoeas decreased.


The slow injection of DSIP reversibly improved the condi-

tion of a patient suffering from severe insomnia following a
brain-stem lesion, sequential and quantitative aspects of the
,q ,~. ,.,.k
sleep were reversibly improved: the patient slept more and
woke up fewer times during the night, and the R E M / N R E M
ll ratio was decreased. The effects confirm previous findings in
O insomniacs without organic brain lesions: step-by-step im-
provement of sleep with repeated administration of DSIP,
improvement of sleeping/waking rhythms and higher daytime
alertness These effects persisted after the end of treatment
.,.., Since both respiratory problems and tremor were enhanced by
DSIP, these favourable effects must be attributed to the drug's
+ activity on other parameters. These results appear to support
O the concept of this neuropeptide as a modulating or program-
.9,o ming substance.
~r Sleep improved only with DSIP, whereas clonazepam im-
proved only light slow sleep, i.e., stages 1 and 2.

A pharmacological study was carried out of a case of severe
insomnia following brain-stem lesions: several polygraphic con-
o : : trois were used.
34 F. L A F F O N T ET AL.

Initially total duration of sleep was brief ( < 4 h) with a Le DSIP en injection lente provoque une am61ioration
high R E M / N R E M ratio and a short paradoxical sleep (PS) r6versible des aspects quantitatifs et s+quentiels du sommeil,
latency. In addition, periodic breathing and tremor were ob- avec cependant une latence du sommeil paradoxal qui demeure
served. br+ve.
Slow injection of delta-sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP) im- Les effets du 5-HTP + benserazide, du L-DOPA +
proved sleep both quantitatively and qualitatively, although PS bens,brazide (Modopar) et du c l o n a z ~ a m (Rivotril) ont ,~t6
latency remained short. These effects were reversible. +tudi6s.
The effects of 5 - H T P + benzerazide, of L-DOPA + benzera-
zide (Modopar) and of clonazepam (Rivotril) were compared.

R~sum~ Feldman, M.H. Physiological observations in a chronic case of

'locked in' syndrome: Neurology (Minneap.), 1971, 21:
Troubles du s o m m e i l en cas des l~sions du front c~r~bral," btude 459-478.
pharmacologique Markand, O.N. and Dyken. M.L. Sleep abnormalities in pa-
tients with brain stem lesions. Neurology (Minneap.), 1976,
Une 6tude pharmacologique a 6t6 effectuee dans un cas 26: 769-776.
d'insomnie due h des h~sions du tronc c,~r,~bral. Un contr61e Schneider-Helmert, D. and Schoenenberger, G.A. The in-
polygraphique a permi d'6valuer l'insomnie et d'en suivre fluence of synthetic DSIP (delta sleep inducing peptide) on
l'6volution sous traitement. disturbed human sleep. Experientia (Basel), 1981, 37:
L'insomnie +tait r~elte (DTS < 4 h), avec un rapport 913-917.
R E M / N R E M important et une latence de sommeil paradoxal Wilkus, R.J., Harvey, F.. Moretti-Ojemann, L. and Lettich, E.
courte. De plus certaines particularit~s +talent observ~es: pre- Electroencephalogram and sensory evoked potentials. Arch.
sence d'une respiration p6riodique et existence de tremblement. Neurol. (Chic.), 1971.24: 538-544.

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