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The Beam family - Kevin, Christy and their three daughters Abbie, Annabel, and Adelynn
- live in Burleson, Texas. The three daughters are playing outside with their Sunday dresses.
Christy Beam is preparing for the monthly picnic that will be held in their house. And Kevin
Beam is taking care of their barn. They regularly go to church on Sundays. The pastor gives a
sermon on keeping your faith at all times. And he also tells that there is one thing that it can be
seen and it can be bought and that is faith. Every evening Christy Beam always check her
daughter if they already prayed. Her youngest daughter, one of her prayer is that she can be older
than Abbie and Anna. The last room she went is the room of Anna. Annas prayer is her dad can
bring home more dogs.

Kevin is on the verge of starting a new business, which he and Christy is hoping gets off
the ground. Anna has been suffering from an unknown condition over the last few weeks that
causes her to vomit constantly, constipation and makes her unable to hold down her food. Christy
is worried about her daughter but her husband assured her that everything will be alright.Christy
and Kevin take Anna to see a doctor. Anna kept throwing up every time she ate. And after
multiple medical diagnoses pointing to common ailmentslactose intolerance, acid reflux
doctors realized that Anna's problem wasn't common at all. To the contrary, she had a deadly
gastrointestinal ailment. And it was incurable, too. Anna's ongoing physical anguish and
occasional agony made her mom, Christy, hunt harder and harder for some kind of solution.

At church, Christy is approached by two women that offer their condolences to her, but
they suggest that Anna hasn't gotten better due to either her or her family's sins. This causes
Christy to not want to return to church. Anna's ongoing physical anguish and occasional agony
made her mom, Christy, hunt harder and harder for some kind of solution. And Christy also had
to hunt harder and harder to find what was left of her faith as she grew increasingly angry at the
thick-headed Christians around her and the church she used to love.

Christy spends time trying to get in touch with Dr. Samuel Nurko, a gastroenterologist
that she was referred to. However, Nurko is too busy and the Beams are put on a waiting list.
Eventually, Christy takes Anna to see him in Boston. Despite not having an appointment, Christy
tearfully pleads with the receptionist to help her, and while the receptionist wants to help, she
just got the job and is only doing what she's told.

Christy takes Anna to a restaurant where they meet a waitress named Angela. After taking
a time liking them, Angela invites Christy and Anna on a personal tour of Boston. To Anna's
delight, the first place they go to is an aquarium, and then later an art museum. She goes out of
her way to bring cheer to Christy and Anna when they travel to a specialized pediatrics clinic in
Boston. With repeated visits, Angela becomes a beloved friend and confidant.

Nurko finally gets a chance to see Anna. He agrees to help, but he tells Christy the
severity of Anna's condition. Christy begins to lose her faith in God, and everything else in
general. She has a brief visit with Reverend Scott over her concerns, which he understands, but
reminds her to not lose her faith.At the hospital, Anna befriends a girl named Haley, who suffers

Darrelle Lisa M. Baldivino

from leukemia. She asks Anna about her cross necklace, which Anna says is a reminder for her
that Jesus, is always with her. Haley later tells her dad Ben about Anna assuring her not to be
scared in the face of death. Ben speaks to Christy privately and says that he's not upset for Anna
trying to be nice to Haley; he doesn't want her to have false hope, which Christy understands.
She even didnt wat to take a bath. And her mother is convincing her to take a bath. Anna starts
to get depressed and wishes that God already take her so that she can stop suffering. She feels
less upset when Kevin shows up with Abbie and Adelynn for a visit.

After a while, the Beams must return to Texas. The girls are outside playing, when Abbie
and Anna climb a tall tree. The branch they're sitting on cracks. Abbie tells Anna to walk to the
end of the branch. It cracks again, and Anna falls 30 feet down a hole in the tree. Over the next
few hours, paramedics and the press show up on the scene. Christy breaks down and starts to
pray. The medics pull Anna out of the tree. Christy and Kevin are told that Anna is breathing. At
the hospital, the doctor says that other than a mild concussion from the fall, Anna is okay. Upon
returning home, Christy notices that Anna is more energetic and happier than she was before the
fall. She takes Anna back to Boston to see Nurko, who goes over tests and deduces that,
miraculously, Anna's disorder is gone. Christy is in disbelief, but extremely thankful nonetheless.
She joyfully thanks Nurko, the nurses, and the receptionist. Christy and Anna then see Angela
one last time. Anna gives her an old doll and asks if she can call her "Aunt Angela" because she
sees her as more than a friend. Angela accepts and hugs Anna.

Christy and Kevin sit outside with Anna. She tells her parents that when she hit her head
after the fall, everything went black and she felt an out-of-body experience. She saw a butterfly
and touched it, which appeared to bring her to Heaven. Anna is walking through colorful woods
before approaching the gates of Heaven. She says she spoke to God, and while she wanted to
stay, He told her she must return and that she would be healed. Anna says she knows people
probably wouldn't believe her story, but that its okay and people will get when they get there.
Her parents agree.

The Beams family all go back to church. Christy speaks about the miracles she
encountered over the whole ordeal, and all the people brought to her during this time. We see
several instances of goodwill from people they've met, like the boy at Anna's school, Angela,
Nurko, and the receptionist that got Nurko to take care of Anna. After she's done talking, a rotten
couple has the nerve to ask if Anna was really sick and if this wasn't all just for publicity. A man
stands up and says he believes Christy's story. It's Ben. He says that Haley just recently passed
away, which makes Anna cry. However, Ben found peace knowing that after her meeting with
Anna, Haley had God in her heart and went peacefully. The last scene has the Beams have a
pizza dinner outside now that Anna is all better. Christy's voiceover states that the family lives
each day like it's a miracle.

Darrelle Lisa M. Baldivino

Favorite Part/ Quote of the Movie:

The best part for me is Christys testimony on the end part of the movie. She quoted
Albert Einstein said there are only two ways to see life: one is as if nothing is a miracle, the
other is as if everything is a miracle. Miracles are goodness Strangers to dear friends
who are there for us no matter what. Miracles are love. Miracles are God and Gods
forgiveness. Because miracles are always with us. And He gives it if we believe in Him and
when the right time comes.


I picked up a line from Christi that says Hey God, are you there? Cause I couldnt even
hear you. This is reflecting the typical response of the world when things are not well. They told
us we were out of the will of God and that we had sinned that we were being tested by God
and how well we did determine whether we passed the test.
While watching Miracles from Heaven, I learned a lot of things. I have faith in God but
because of this movie it deepens and stronger my faith to the Lord. This movie show that if you
believe in God, He Himself will give what you wish not as fast and immediately but when the
right time comes. When it seems to be too hopeless and the exit sign cannot be found, we need to
be reminded that our confidence comes from God who is bigger than our fears. A perfect note to
self is this: Good seemed to be distant but He is definitely at work. The movie is telling us that
faith comes only when we ourselves believed in Jesus and established a relationship with God.
Because nobody will does it for us except us. This is a beautiful point to ponder. God exist both
in our good times and our bad times. It just takes faith for us to respond in a righteous way. Once
I experience already that I am losing faith to our God. When I am suffering with UTI and acute
gastritis. It was very painful that me myself asking why God suffering me this kind of illness. I
am blaming Him that its His fault why I have that sickness. Thinking that this is a punishment
and this is His way of taking back at me. But I realize maybe this is just a way to test my faith to
Him. So, thing that I could do asking His forgiveness and pray that the pain will ease and this
sickness will be healed already.
We may not know it but our family is always there for us no matter what and even for a
distance. Like our Father in heaven, we cannot see Him but we always enjoy His presence. I
honestly feel like we, as people, are the extension and the arms of Christ, loving on each other. It
is literally Christ reaching down and loving us through other people, wrapping his arms around
us through other people.

Darrelle Lisa M. Baldivino


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