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and Molecules Graphic Organizer Rubric

4 - Excellent 3 - Good 2 - Average 1 - Poor
Topics All three topics Most of the Some of the Many or all of
are correct topics are topics are the topics are
and pertain to present and correct and missing or do
this units pertain to this pertain to this not pertain to
lecture units lecture units lecture this unit.
material. (3 material. (2 material.
topics) topics) (1 topic)
Definition A clear A clear An unclear All definitions
definition that definition that definition for are missing or
demonstrates demonstrates each topic or do not show
strong reasonable only some clear
understanding understating clear understanding
is included for for all three definitions. of material.
all three topics.
Examples Four clear and Three clear Some clear All examples
correct and correct and correct are missing or
examples that examples that examples that do not show
pertain to each pertain to each pertain to each clear
topic and topic and topic and understanding
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates of material.
strong reasonable fair
understanding understanding understanding
(12 examples (9 examples (3 6
total). total). examples)
Use of Information Information Information Information
Lecture included included included is included does
Information shows a strong shows a fair unclear and not pertain to
understanding understanding does not show this unit.
of this units of this units understanding
material. material. of this units

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