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5 Years of Operating Experience

with the Biomass Plants of

MVV Umwelt GmbH

Dr Eng. Johannes Gnther

VGB Experts Convention on Biomass

30 and 31 March 2009 at the Altbach Power Plant

structure of shareholders and other important investments

Stadtwerke Kiel AG

Stadt Mannheim Energieversorgung

50.1% Offenbach AG
RheinEnergie AG 49.9% Solingen GmbH
Stadtwerke Ingolstadt
Free float Beteiligungen GmbH
MVV Energie AG
Mannheim MVV Umwelt
EnBW AG 100% GmbH

MVV Energie CZ
100% Prag MVV Polska
Products and Business Activities

f Power
f Environment

Growth Areas

f District
heating &
f Energy Services

f Gas

Core Business
f National Distribution
of Power
f Drinking


Over the past 10 years, MVV has more than quadrupled its
incineration capacity
Thermal treatment capacity: 1.6 m t/a
WTEP Offenbach BMP Knigs
Generation of energy:
800,000 MWhel/a
600,000 MWhth/a


H amburg

250,000 Mg/a

120,000 Mg/a
B erlin

BMP Wicker
Saxony- Sachsen-Anhalt


TREA Leuna


Hesse Thringen


110,000 Mg/a

WTEP and BMP Mannheim Saarland

390,000 Mg/a


Biomass Plant
Waste: 550,000 Mg/a Waste Incineration Plant
Biomass: 130,000 Mg/a
A decisive precondition for the profitable operation of BMPs is
their support by the REA (Renewable Energies Act)
Required electrical gross efficiency (e.g. 29 %, at 20 MWel)
Selection of the steam parameters according to the principle As high as necessary, as low
as possible; commonly used parameters: 65 bar, 450C

Determination of the amount of proceeds from power

Based on the waste-wood market price, this implies a certain minimum size of the plant.

REA power proceeds are not adjusted for
inflation, but fuel and operating costs keep

As a rule, biomass plants are calculated assuming

8,000 hours of full-load operation per year

MVV O&M GmbH Dr.Ing. Johannes Gnther Page 5

The first-generation BMPPs were designed for operation with
waste wood
With the increasing number of competing BMPPs and the coming into force of the Waste
Disposal Regulation, the quality of waste wood used in the power plants became poorer and

Is it waste wood?
Or is it rather waste
with traces of waste wood?

Suitable measures must be taken in the
power plant in the areas of conveying
equipment, furnaces, boilers and, if
applicable, flue gas cleaning.

Now let me come to our experience ..

MVV O&M GmbH Dr.Ing. Johannes Gnther Page 6

BMP Mannheim

BMP Mannheim


Key data of the Mannheim biomass plant

Startup: 2003
System: Travelling grate with spreader stoker, vertical flue boiler
Fuel: Wood 15.5 Mg/h, natural gas 4,000 Nm/h
Furnace thermal rate: 66 MW
Control range: 80 - 100 % with wood, 0 - 60 % with natural gas
Steam output: 80 Mg/h
Steam state: 65 bar, 450C
Ash removal: Wet ash extractor

Flue gas cleaning:

NOx removal: SNCR in the first boiler flue with urea

Pre-dedusting: 2 x cyclone dust separators
Separation of SO2 , HCL, HF,
Heavy metals, dioxins and furans: Dry sorption with mixing tank, mixing section and bag filter
Absorbtion/ Adsorption: Hydrated lime and activated carbon


Condensing turbine
Terminal power: 20 MW (effective power)
Bleeding: 4 bar, 148C (deaerator steam)
Extraction: 1.2 bar, 105C (feed-water heater)
Condenser: Air-cooled, pressure: 0.12 bar, 20C

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Mannheim biomass plant: Fuel pre-treatment

Silo (5,000 m3)

50 t/h
Fine crusher
10 h/d
18 m
Magnetic separator

Separator of ferrous and

non-ferrous metals
Magnetic separator

Coarse crusher 15.5 t/h

8,000 h/a

MVV O&M GmbH Dr.Ing. Johannes Gnther Page 9

Mannheim biomass plant: Plant structure

The power plant consists of the following components:

Travelling grate with spreader stroker

Steam generator

Flue-gas cleaning

SNCR (selective non-catalytic red.)

Cyclones Bild Martin-Anlage

Reactor with Ca(OH)2, activ. carbon

Bag filter

MVV O&M GmbH Dr.Ing. Johannes Gnther Page 10

Mannheim biomass plant: Structure of the steam generator

The steam generator is subdivided as follows:

Radial passes
1st and 2nd flue: Evaporator

Convection passes

3rd flue: Superheater

4th flue: Eco (feed water heating)

The steam generated is turned into power

in a condensing turbine

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BMP Wicker


Key data of the Wicker biomass plant


Startup: 2003
System: Travelling grate with spreader stoker, vertical flue boiler
Fuel: Wood 11.25 Mg/h, gasoil = 1,750 kg/h
Furnace thermal rate: 48 MW
Control range: 80 - 100 % with wood, 0 - 40 % with gasoil
Steam output: 54.27 Mg/h
Steam state: 65 bar, 450C
Ash removal: Wet ash extractor

Flue gas cleaning:

NOx removal: SNCR in the first boiler flue with urea

Pre-dedusting: 2 x cyclone dust separators
Separation of SO2 , HCL, HF,
heavy metals, dioxins and furans: Dry sorption with mixing tank, mixing section and bag filter
Absorption/ Adsorption: Hydrated lime and activated carbon


Condensing turbine
Terminal power: 14.012 MW (effective power)
Extraction: 2.8 bar, 131C (deaerator steam and heating of building)
Condenser: Air-cooled, pressure: 0.1 bar, 15C

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BMP Knigs Wusterhausen


Key data of the Knigs Wusterhausen biomass plant
Startup: 2003
System: Circulating fluidized bed combustion
Fuel: Wood 15.84 Mg/h, gasoil light 3 Mg/h
Furnace thermal rate: 54.6 MW
Control range: 60 - 100 % with wood, 0 60 % with gasoil
Steam output: 63.75 Mg/h
Steam state HP: 87 bar, 477C
Steam state LP: 16 bar, 477C
Ash removal: Dry ash removal

Flue gas cleaning:

Pre-dedusting: Cyclone dust separator
Separation of SO2 , HCL, HF,
heavy metals, dioxins and furans: Dry sorption, mixing section and bag filter
Absorption/ Adsorption: Hydrated lime and activated carbon

Condensing turbine (HP-, LP-part)
Terminal power: 20 MW (effective power)
Tapping: 8.44 bar, 389.6C (deaerator steam), 2.9 bar, 263C (LPD 2)
0.45 bar, 95C (LPD 1)
Condenser: Water-cooled, pressure: 0.059 bar

Hybrid cooling tower:

Water throughput: 2.950 Mg/h / cooling down from 31 to 22C, at 20C ambient tem
MVV O&M GmbH Dr.Ing. Johannes Gnther Page 15
BMP Knigs Wusterhausen:
Schematic Structure



Operating experience at the Mannheim biomass plant

Startup in September 2003

2nd year of operation: 7,990 hours of full-load operation

Since the 3rd year of operation > 8,000 hours of full-load operation

MVV O&M GmbH Dr.Ing. Johannes Gnther Page 17

Pre-treatment of fuels (PTF) and storage

Fuels must be treated according to their method of incineration

Fuel processing in grate firing (low expenditure)

Fuel processing in CFB (high expenditure)

Important when planning a PTF facility

Ensure it has sufficient capacity

Provide redundant facilities for treatment, conveyance and feed

MVV O&M GmbH Dr.Ing. Johannes Gnther Page 18

Problems in fuel pre-treatment

Dust develops in many places


Health hazards

Risk of explosion

high cleaning expenditure and/or primary measures

Difficult-to-handle material

High wear due to impurities (preventive


Tends to entangling and bridge formation

Self-ignition due to heat generated by decay

MVV O&M GmbH Dr.Ing. Johannes Gnther Page 19

Encapsulation of dust sources (e.g. conveying equipment),
doubling of exhaustion capacity

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Large-area installation of water sprinklers
for dust abatement

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Installation of new, state-of-the-art spraying equipment

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Erection of 6 m 8 m high dust collection walls



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Extension of the dust collection wall and extension of the
spraying system

Water curtain


Purchase and operation of a suction sweeper

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Risk of fire during storage:
Small fire great impact (in the public)

 Self-ignition of uncrushed wood is rather improbable.

 When crushed wood is stored, temperatures in the

heaps of broken material may rise up to 90 C.

 When screen overflow of MBT materials or bulky

refuse is stored, there is a high risk of fire.


 Minimise dwell times of critical materials in the storage area

 Installation of fire detection and extinction devices

 Infrared cameras

MVV O&M GmbH Dr.Ing. Johannes Gnther Page 26

Particularities and highlights at the Mannheim BMP

Slagging of the combustion chamber while commissioning.
The combustion chamber was too hot due to its masonry lining.

Removal of the masonry lining

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Removal of the
refractory system

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Particularities and highlights at the Mannheim biomass plant

Break of evaporator pipe due to corrosion after the removal of the masonry lining
(after 3,000 hours of operation).

Installation of cladding

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Corrosion protection concept

Inconel 625

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Particularities and highlights at the Mannheim biomass plant

 Slagging of the front and rear walls of the 1st pass; lumps of slag came off the walls
and damaged the grate.

 Installation of a water-jet blower
Clyde Bergemann

MVV O&M GmbH Dr.Ing. Johannes Gnther Page 31

Particularities and highlights at the Mannheim biomass plant

Pipe break in the stay pipes of the 3rd pass caused by the soot blowers

Complete replacement of the stay
pipes, installation and extension of
the cladding around the soot blowers

MVV O&M GmbH Dr.Ing. Johannes Gnther Page 32

Some facts from the
BMP Mannheim

Damage of the turbine gear, broken cog at the pinion

Replacement of complete gearbox


Operation experience at the Wicker biomass plant

Startup in October 2003

1st year of operation: Over 100 plant failures (about 4,660 hours of full-load

2nd year of operation: About 10 failures (about 6,900 hours of full-load


Since the 3rd year of operation: > 8,000 hours of full-load operation per year

MVV O&M GmbH Dr.Ing. Johannes Gnther Page 34

Particularities and highlights at the Wicker BMP: Boilers

In the combustion chamber and in the upper area of the first pass,
parts of the refractory lining were removed. At the same time, the
protective evaporator arranged upstream of the superheaters was
removed to ensure the desired live steam temperature would be

After the removal of the refractory system, the respective surfaces were

Gradually, the surfaces cladded in the first pass had to be enlarged to

meet increasing requirements. By cladding the diaphragm walls in the
first pass, corrosion can be controlled here.

MVV O&M GmbH Dr.Ing. Johannes Gnther Page 35

Particularities and highlights at the Wicker BMP: Boilers

The second and third pass are uncritical.

The corrosion in the superheater area does not give rise to

any concerns.

Due to the deterioration of the fuel quality, the dirt

accumulation in the boiler, particularly in the convection
area, has greatly increased. Remedial actions are adequate
cleaning concepts including blast cleaning.

Due to the operation of the soot blowers, the material of

the superheaters along the soot blower tracks, in
particular at the rear reversal point, was heavily worn.

Solution: thicker cladding.

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Particularities and highlights at the Wicker BMP: Grate

With the grate (travelling grate made by Detroit Stoker) there were
problems similar to those we experienced in Mannheim (same grate
manufacturer). However, problems were not as dramatic as we were
able to react more adequately during startup based on our past
experience with the Mannheim BMP.

Along with the deterioration of the waste wood quality, wear of the
grate has increased dramatically.

Wear and tear is caused by the friction between the grate rails made of
cast materials and the grate bars.

Additionally, slag components such as sand, glass and metal coming

from the use of MBT screen overflow and waste wood cause increasing
wear (abrasion). As the inert substances cannot be kept away from the
abrading components, the surfaces exposed to wear must be protected
and harder materials must be chosen for protection against these
abrading components.

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Particularities and Highlights at the Wicker BMP: Turbine
The control valve could not be operated
The control valve could not be closed
The cross-joint of the casing leaked

Despite the deficiencies, the first power was

supplied in 2003 (manual operation).

Various time-consuming repair activities


Repair work completed in summer 2004,

then the machine was taken over.

MVV O&M GmbH Dr.Ing. Johannes Gnther Page 38

Operation Experience at the Knigs Wusterhausen BMP

Hot startup in June 2003, turbine in October 2003

The initial availability of 6,100 full-load operation hours per year could be
increased towards the planned availability of 8,000 full-load operation hours
per year by various optimisation and reconstruction measures.

In the last business year, we will noticeably exceed the magic threshold of
8,000 full-load operating hours.

MVV O&M GmbH Dr.Ing. Johannes Gnther Page 39

Particularities and highlights at the Knigs Wusterhausen BMP:
Already during hot commissioning, some areas of
the fuel and residue conveyance system had to be
rehabilitated due to heavy wear and clogging.

Wear of the refractory lining in the boiler

cyclones was so heavy at the beginning that after
its failure in June 2003, the evaporator was
The inspection intervals for the refractory lining
considerably influenced the availability of the

Later on, SiC material was used for the refractory

lining, which has better thermal conductivity and
higher resistance to wear.

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Particularities and highlights at the Knigs Wusterhausen BMP:
In summer 2005 the unprotected area of the combustion chamber rear wall had to be
replaced. This area was then completely cladded.

During this standstill, Superheaters II and I and Reheater I had to be replaced after only 9,800
hours of operation.
Causes of the extreme corrosion:
Boiler design -> too high flue gas temperatures before entry into the superheaters
But also the high HCl concentrations in the flue gas

In summer 2006 the unprotected areas of the side and front walls of the combustion chamber
were provided with a sprayed coating (Sulzer metco).
The areas of the rear wall cladded in the previous year showed considerable wear due to

In this summer, too, superheaters II and I were replaced again. To increase their lifetime,
corrosion and temperature resistant austenitic stainless steel (TP 347 HFG) was used this time.

Additionally, parts of the refractory lining were removed in the combustion chamber and the
deflection chamber arranged downstream of the cyclones, which resulted in a considerable
reduction of the flue gas temperature upstream of the superheaters.

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Particularities and highlights at the Knigs Wusterhausen BMP:

Fortunately, the corrosion caused by molten

salt we had feared to happen in the fluidized
bed cooler fortunately did not occur.

The current findings show that thanks to the

sprayed coating, the combustion chamber
walls did not have to be replaced and that
the useful life of the superheaters could be
tripled due to temperature reduction and the
use of high-alloy steel.

MVV O&M GmbH Dr.Ing. Johannes Gnther Page 42

5 Years of BMP: Summary and conclusions for MVV Umwelt

 The startups of the biomass plants vary a lot.

Already in its second year of operation, the Mannheim plant reached its intended operation
The troublesome startup of the Wicker plant was mainly due to the deficiencies of the
In the Knigs Wusterhausen plant, availability during the first years of operation was
influenced by corrosion in the combustion chamber and the superheaters and erosion in the
boiler cyclones.

 The waste wood used in the BMPs is a difficult-to-handle fuel which may cause various problems
both in terms of pre-treatment and combustion.
The combustion problems greatly depend on the firing method; the grate makes much lower
demands on the fuel than the fluidized bed.

Mechanical wear in both the waste wood pre-treatment facility and the boiler can
generally be controlled by specific protection of the surfaces subject to wear.
Resurface welding, flame-spraying of cladding and plating

MVV O&M GmbH Dr.Ing. Johannes Gnther Page 43

5 Years of BMP: Summary and conclusions for MVV Umwelt

Corrosion of the steam generators during the combustion of waste wood (with reasonable steam
parameters) can be controlled by
Thermal spraying
Use of higher-grade materials for the superheaters

The waste wood market is extremely tight, which forces operators to add alternative biomass for
combustion to be able to gain additional contribution margins.
But even minor changes in the fuel composition may result in major disturbances.
These disturbances are often so serious and/or time-consuming that the resulting economic
damage is much higher than the benefit.

Finally we can say that:

MVV Umwelts biomass plants make the desired contribution to MVV Umwelts result.
The Groups decision to enter into the generation of power from biomass was right.
However, profits realized from biomass plants are lower than was expected in the initial euphoria.
The air is becoming increasingly thinner as costs keep rising while earnings from the sale of
power stay the same.

MVV O&M GmbH Dr.Ing. Johannes Gnther Page 44

Thank you very much
for your attention!

Dr Eng. Johannes Gnther

Managing Director of MVV O&M GmbH
Authorised representative of MVV Umwelt
Managing Director of MVV BMP Mannheim GmbH
Managing Director of Biomasse Rhein-Main GmbH
Phone: 0621-290-4633

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