Ken Yang Mulgrave Personal Project

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MYP Personal Project

Pursuit of Dreams

Yikang (Ken) Yang

Mulgrave School
2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Personal Project 2016-2017

Student name Yikang (Ken) Yang

Student number 2817

School name Mulgrave School

School number 2424

Supervisor name Samantha Johnson

Title of the project Pursuit of Dreams

Goal of the project Use software programs to create a professional 3D animation to

educate people the importance of pursuing a dream.

Word count 3499

Included when submitting the project (check the box to indicate that these items are

A completed Completed
academic honesty

Process journal Completed


Bibliography/works Completed
cited page

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

MYP Personal Project Academic Honesty Form

Student name Yikang (Ken) Yang

Student number 2817

School name Mulgrave School

School number 2424

Supervisor name Samantha Johnson

Supervisor confirmation of meetings:

I, _________________ (name of supervisor), confirm that I met with my supervisee a minimum

of three times to discuss the progress of their personal project.

__________________ (supervisor signature)

Student declaration
I confirm that this work is my own and this is the final version. I have acknowledged, in the
body of my work, each use of the words, work or ideas of another person, whether written,
oral or visual (hardcopy and/or electronic material)

Supervisor declaration
I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the material submitted is the authentic work of the

Students signature Date

February 27, 2017

Supervisors signature Date

February 27, 2017

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Table of Contents

1. Investigating 5
Goal 5
My Idea 5
Global Context
Prior Knowledge 6
Gathering Information 6

2. Planning 8
Success Criteria 8
Action Plan and Research Plan 8
Self-Management 9

3. Taking Actions 10
Modifications to the Plan 10
Final Product 11
Personal Insights on Research/Process Used in Product Completion 11

4. Reflecting 12
Product Evaluation Against Criteria 12
Deeper Understanding on the Topic 12
New Insights on the Global Context 13
Development as an IB Learner 13

5. Works Cited 14

6. Appendix 17
Appendix A: Evidence for Completion 17
Appendix B: Process Journal Entries 18
Appendix C: Action Plan 24
Appendix D: Research Plan 27
Appendix E: Success Criteria and Results 28
Appendix F: Software Research Report 31
Appendix G: Comments and Feedback From Professional Instructor 34
Appendix H: Annotations of Significant Sources 37
Appendix I : Storyboard 39

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film


The purpose of this project was to help people understand the importance of pursuing
their dreams. Throughout this project, I utilized various online resources, and referred to some
support from a 3D professional illustrator to create a complex CG (computer generated) 3D
animation footage through a professional software program. I hoped that this project would help
me understanding the complete process of creating a 3D animated film. In addition, I hoped to
be able to master the 3D modeling/animation software and other editing softwares through
self-learning. The final product would have a complete and smooth storyline, background music
compatible with the film and a professional quality of visual effects (such as the quality of the
models, animation, camera angles...etc.).

My Idea:

There were two reasons that I undertook this project: personal awareness of the
importance of dream pursuit, and interest in software exploration. First, I wanted to promote a
universal theme: to follow your dream. This is a theme that most people know, but some may
choose to deny their dreams because they believe that they are too difficult to attain. I saw
many people who gave up on their dreams because of the opinions of others. One of my friends
in China liked art, but his parents convinced him to go into Business Management, despite his
passion and dream of becoming an artist! He eventually gave up on his art dream. There are
thousands of people who have encountered or are encountering similar situations, where their
dreams are shaped or dictated by others. Through this project, I wanted more people to know
that it is their right to pursue their dreams although they may seem impossible.
Furthermore, I also wanted to develop my skills in film editing, and creating animated
films while exploring different programs. I have wanted to be a professional animator, editor,
and filmmaker since I was little when I first saw the amazing effects in movies and animation. I
thought it would be interesting to make my own film with unlimited imagination.

Global Context:

I chose to focus on the IB Global Context Scientific and Technical Innovation when
creating this project because I wanted to learn and master the technical execution of 3D
animation and its software. By creating this short 3D animated film, I needed to explore the
process of making an animated film, and learn to use different technologies and software
programs. During this project, I looked at a variety of 3D Animation Programs, Sound
Editing/Music Composition Programs, and Recording systems. Throughout this project, I
demonstrated how science and technologies could be used to deliver a central idea to our
community. I used computer technologies to explore softwares in the 3D CG animation field.

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Then, I connected these softwares to create an animated film to demonstrate to the audience of
how pursuing a dream makes a life worth living.

Prior Knowledge:

I took an elective relating to 3D game design in Middle School. I was taught basic
Blender techniques, such as creating simple models and animating simply in a robotic way.
Personally, I enjoy watching animations. I thought it would be more interesting to explore the 3D
digital world and create my own short films. I had done previous research of how films were put
together. Prior to the project, I knew that there were people liable for the video and audio
production. In addition, I am also in the film elective this year. I am passionate about film
production. However, there are differences between film and animation production because
animation requires more work, such as modeling objects. I hoped to learn more about animation
skills and techniques.

Gathering Information:

To complete this project, I needed to conduct basic research that could help me
understand crucial aspects of creating an animated film. Then, some more in-depth research
needed to be conducted to help me with the actual creation of the project.

1. I conducted research on the internet to relook at the process of creating both a film and
an animation film. I discovered tutorials on the website Envatotuts1, which taught me
some basics (Appendix H). Through this website, I understood the steps of the entire film
pipeline. I also watched three animation (Frozen2, Big Hero 63, and Zootopia4) and
videos of their film production5. From this, I gained better understandings of the pipeline
(such as how professionals recorded sounds). There was a possible roadblock:
soundtrack creation. Unlike Disney Studio, I could not find a band to record the
soundtrack. Therefore, I researched some alternative solutions of using composing
softwares and decided to create a digital soundtrack.

2. Another important aspect was to explore softwares. I discovered a list of 3D animation

softwares online and showed to a professional animation instructor from Byte Camp,

"3D Modelling & Cinema 4D Tutorials by Envato Tuts." 3D & Motion Graphics Envato Tuts. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct.

Frozen. Dir. Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck. Disney, 2013. Film.
Big Hero 6. Dir. Don Hall. Disney, 2014. Film.
Zootopia. Dir. Byron Howard. Disney, 2016. Film.
Frozen Complete B-Roll. Perf. Kristen Bell. Frozen. YouTube, 30 Oct. 2013. Web. 13 Oct. 2016.
The Making Of Big Hero 6. Big Hero 6. YouTube, 30 Jan. 2015. Web. 13 Oct. 2016.

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Mr.Arriola. I learnt three best animation softwares were Maya, 3Ds Max, and Blender6.
We also discussed some pros and cons of each software. In addition, I also did a
Software Research Report (Appendix F) that compared and contrasted software

3. After determining all programs (Blender, Logic Pro, Adobe Audition, and Final Cut Pro), I
needed to watch/read tutorials both online and from books. I discovered a Youtuber,
Darrin Lile7, who teaches beginners through his YouTube channel to master Blender. I
also bought tutorial books, such as Learning Blender by Oliver Villar8, to learn various
modeling skills especially using the Textures and the Node Editing System in Blender.

My research was gathered from two different sources: online research, and school film
and animation teachers. I first spent some time online to research because I could generate
ideas and questions as I gained more understanding. I took questions to film and animation
teachers. I gathered some information and indications from them. Secondly, I determined
softwares that I was going to use by researching online and consultation with teachers.

"Autodesk Maya." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2016.
"Blender." Blender. Blender Foundation, n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2016.
"3ds Max | 3D Modeling & Rendering Software | Autodesk." Autodesk. Autodesk, n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2016.
Blender Character Modeling 1 of 10. Dir. Darrin Lile. YouTube. YouTube, 9 July 2014. Web. 13 Oct. 2016.
Villar, Oliver. Learning Blender: A Hands-on Guide to Creating 3D Animated Characters. N.p.: Pearson Education,
2015. Print.

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film


Success Criteria:
To assess the success of my personal project, I developed multiple criteria. Nine criteria
were developed and subdivided into five areas in terms of aesthetics, clients, environmental
considerations, functions, and duration (Appendix E).
The first criteria, aesthetics, contained four sections. The animated film should:
1. have different shots;
2. be aesthetically pleasing;
3. have clear and comprehensible audio;
4. contain reasonable shots that could connect scenes.
I needed to interview audiences, and conduct a visual inspection as well as audience surveys to
test if the purpose of the video was being expressed clearly.
The second criterion, Audience indicated that the film was suitable for any age group;
the animation should neither contain any inappropriate content for young viewers (such as
violence) nor childish content that could bore adult audiences. To assess this criterion, 12
people from different age groups (3 under 12 year olds; 3 young adults; 6 adults) would be
The third section, Environmental Considerations, contained:
1. The final film should be 85% of original work;
2. The film should be uploaded to a place where it could be easily accessed.
Interviews were conducted to test if people could recognize any plagiarized content. An
experiment needed to be conducted to test if this video could be accessed easily: 5 people
would think of keywords relating to the film without knowing the title, and search on
YouTube/Google search boxes to see if they could locate the video.
The fourth section, Function, assesses how impactful the film was: The film needed to
persuade audiences to follow their dreams. This would be tested via interviews in a similar way
to other sections.
The final section, duration, contained the last criterion: The animation should be shorter
than 3 mins but longer than 1 min to make sure that the message was simple enough to be
assessed through visual inspections.

The first part of my research plan (Appendix D) included investigating the basic process
of creating an animated film, to have a general understanding to assist me in creating my own
pipeline, and to help me identify some needed softwares and supporters. I needed to look into
how professionals from Disney create animation. Then, I had to look into animation softwares
and select the best program for my use. Next, I needed to learn the chosen animation program
through tutorials and further research. The second part of my research plan included learning
other accompanying softwares, such as music composing, sound editing, sound recording, and

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

video editing. Similar to the previous research, I needed to learn all these softwares before
beginning to manipulate on these platforms.

I created an action plan (Appendix C) that was divided regarding standard animation
pipelines: Pre-production, Production and Post-production. For Pre-Production, I needed to
create a script and a storyboard. Each scene, transition, and action had to be shown clearly on
the storyboard. While creating my storyboard, I had to design my characters and other models
by drawing sketches. Then, I needed to sync my sound-effects recordings with the finalized
storyboard. These would set up a solid foundation for the Production. I first needed to model
characters and create the worlds using Blender. Next, rig and test characters to make sure they
could move fluently when they were animated. After that, I would begin animating. From August
15 -September 23, 2016, I worked on Post-Production: rendering, soundtrack composing, final
editing, and video uploading. This project was planned to take an approximately 388 hours.
Throughout this process, I gained an immense amount of new experiences and the project
should successfully deliver the information, Pursuit of Dreams, to the audience---allowing me
to achieve my goal.

I started my project right away when the Personal project was initially assigned to us and
I managed to complete my project by the end of the summer, so that I had plenty of time to write
my report. On a regular basis, I met with my supervisor during our weekly meetings to consult
and get feedback. When I realized there was a problem, I fixed it right away. For instance, I was
given feedback that I did not have my research plan posted on my portfolio. Therefore, I went
back and reformatted my research plan before posting onto my website portfolio, which allowed
my supervisor to know my progress. I managed my time well because I finished my project
before the school year started so that I could balance my academics progress with my project
report progress. This gave a buffer to prevent myself from missing deadlines (Appendix B).

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Taking Action

Plan Modifications:

Some modifications were made to my original plan due to some unexpected challenges.
One of the modifications was to the process of research. Before starting to make the animation,
I had done many research within each process of the animation pipeline. As I realized that I
could not professionally rig and texture my character, I did further research on Darin Liles
YouTube tutorial9 to investigate solutions. I also had difficulties with the bones weight --a
problem with rigging. The pieces that were suppose to maintain in their positions were moving
with the unparented bones, which could lead to the failure of my entire project. I visited
Mr.Arriola10. He explained to me a strategy for fixing the incorrect weight on the characters by
using weight paint tool.

I also added extra scenes to the final animation (Appendix I). After scence #18, I added
an additional flash of the ball. The story would be confusing without the ball because the original
storyboard does not draw connections between the ball and the new city. This extra scene
illustrates that its the ball that takes the character to the new world, which is crucial to the
storyline flow. The final scene that was added to the animation was an overview of the entire
city instead of just focusing on a dozen roofs. With the tutorials from CG Geek11, I learnt to
convert a 2D map to a 3D world. The overview of the city further emphasizes the infinitive
possibilities in life.

Another big change to my plan was time used to the rendering of the film. After weeks of
modeling and animating, everything was done except for rendering. However, I realized that my
laptop could not export. There are 24 frames per second and 2880 frames total in my animation.
I expected to take a maximum of 2 minutes to export one frame, which would take 4 days to
render the entire animation. After adding in realistic details to the background and the
characters, I discovered it was going to take me 120 days to render. I did further investigations
and realized there were issues with my computers CPU. With the solutions of rendering using
multi-computers with GPU12 at the same time, it still took me almost 7 days to finish the
rendering process. The time I had planned was insufficient to export the animation, thus the
remaining steps of my action plan were delayed.

Blender Character Modeling 5 of 10. Dir. Darrin Lile. YouTube. YouTube, 9 July 2014. Web. 13 Oct. 2016.
Arriola, Stephen. Personal interview. 2 Aug. 2016.
Geek, CG. Create a Realistic City- Blender Tutorial. YouTube, 09 June 2016. Web. 12 Oct. 2016.
"GPU Rendering." Blender. Blender Foundation, n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2016.

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Final Product:
The central idea of my film portrayed to my audience was vitally important and needed to
be expressed clearly. The final product presents my idea in a visual way. Although the final
product does not seem to achieve a professional quality, I explored various technologies, such
as professional recording microphones and computers that could activate GPU, and softwares.
During the production, the criteria greatly helped to achieve my goal. I endeavored to fulfill each
the criterion I set attain the success of my project.

Personal Insights on Process:

Establishing a plan and conducting my research greatly helped me complete my project.
My knowledge with computers, such as GPU, and software manipulations were greatly
enhanced by various research. My action plan helped me keep myself on track, prevent me
from missing various deadlines throughout the project, and helped me with management skill.
During the production, I realized that I did not set aside enough time for some steps, such as the
rendering process. That delayed the next steps. In the future, I learnt that I need to leave a
plethora of time for some steps that are likely to cause errors so that I could use that extra time
to fix these mistakes. This allows less delay for the latter steps and ensures that the project is
completed on time.

A beneficial research I did was meeting with professional mentors. Knowing Mr.Arriola
teaches Electives at Mulgrave School, I met with him on two occasions to ask him questions
about Weight Painting problems and the character rigging issues. He sent me a modified
character, and instructions of how weight painting works through emails. Mr.Arriola also spent
some time after his elective class teaching me hand by hand. The second aid I met was friend,
Andrew. When I was experiencing difficulties with GPU rendering, he as an experienced
technician with computer hardwares and illustrated to me why my own computer could not
activate GPU rendering. I went to his working studio and sent him my blender files. There,
Andrew lent me his computers to complete the rendering of my final animation. I was able to
export my animated film after a week with his help. I was glad for their consultation because
without their guidance my project would not of been as successful.

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film


Product Evaluation
Based on the questionnaire results (Appendix E), this animation was successful in many
areas but its not completely successful. The majority of the interviewees were satisfied in terms
of the aesthetic quality and the content of the video. The main plot of the film was considered
well communicated, however, it was difficult for younger audiences to understand the central
theme of the animation. The film teacher, Ms.Kohler, and interviewees, were confused on the
transitions between the different worlds. They did not understand how the main character was
traveling between worlds. Mr.Kohler thought that there were two characters. This was the part
with unsuccessful transitions between scenes and had greatly affected the comprehension of
the animated film.
Interviews from various age group were conducted to assess the suitability of the video
content. Children under twelve could barely comprehend the central theme, thus not
significantly impacting on their opinions; juveniles seemed to have deeper understandings, but
most of them were greatly confused; adults, most could comprehend theme with very little
The animation seemed abstract and difficult for the audience to follow13. The original
purpose was to demonstrate the importance of the pursuit of dreams. Through the survey, more
than half of the people will continue following their current paths instead of pursuing their
dreams because they still think that dreams are not realities and are difficult to achieve.
However, some people who learnt the universal theme thought that the animation is not
persuasive enough for them to change their minds; 3 people (out of 5) think that reality wins
over dreams. Only 2 people believe that dreams need to be pursued. Therefore, the solution
only brings the audience with some range of awareness.

Understanding of the Topic

Through the project, not only did I experience the pipeline of animation and film
production, but I also gained deeper understandings of the animation process. First, the
experience of creating the product allowed me to understand the significance of planning. In
both film and animation production, when the plannings are not done well, time could be
wasted, and mistakes were feasible to occur during the production. For example, when I was
planning my rendering steps, I did not look into the details of how long it takes to render
animation. With rendering difficulties, I pushed the rest of my steps back. I forgot to leave extra
time for each step so that if anything were to go wrong, I would have had time to fix the
problems. Second, I also learnt that animation production is an art because motion pictures are
considered one of the most effective ways of expressing ideas. For instance, the Disney
animated film, Brave14, delivers a theme of courage. The idea is well presented through an
engaging story with a great quality of animations. The quality of the production determines how
successful messages could be delivered. I believe this project helped me explore animation

Kohler, Katherine. Personal interview. 4 Nov. 2016.
Brave. Dir. Branda Chapman. Disney, 2012. Film.

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

productions and allowed me to gain deeper understandings of this topic while applying these
insights into other situations.

New Insights with Global Context

I also gained great insights on my Global Context, Scientific and Technological

Innovation. The use of scientific technologies through animation production plays an impact on
our communities and environments. By completing this project, I learnt various technologies,
such as using a studio condenser microphone CM25 to record sound, midi keyboard to key
notes into Logic Pro to compose the soundtrack, and other new programs. I tried to establish
connections between technologies and communities. Although it was not direct connections, the
hardware utilizations were connected to program utilizations which connected to the animation
to express an universal theme, pursuit of dreams, to the community. In terms of innovation, I
discovered my own solution to problems with rendering. I found other people who had had
previous experiences with this program. They helped me discover the reason for the slow
rendering. I then understood that I needed a new computer with advanced technical
requirements. I went to my friends house. Upon examination, I realized that my friends PC
would still take 24 days to export the project: I had to investigate another method. I realized that
I could separate the rendering process into various video clips and use several computers to
export scenes of the project simultaneously. Using 3 computers, I finished the project in a week.

IB Learner Development

As an IB Learner, I believed that I developed three major traits from the IB Learner
Profiles. The first trait was to be an inquirer. Research was conducted consistently as I was
completing my personal project. Not only did I conduct independent research on the internet,
but I also conducted research with professionals and tangible resources through various
formats, such as emails, interviews, and even surveys. I also conducted additional research and
came up with creative solutions to solve problems. My inquiry skills were advanced through my
animation production because of the requirement of a great deal of research. The second trait
was thinker. Whenever there was a problem with certain technology or softwares, I always used
my research to find a way to solve the issue. After an initial analysis to the problem, I had to
conduct further research to get more knowledge and information and to find a solution. During
the project, I solved the rendering problem by thinking outside of the box. Thirdly, I developed
as a communicator. I had to reach out to professionals to give me feedback and help me with
some difficulties. This IB Learner trait was heavily bonded to my primary researches. Although I
struggled to be a good communicator at the beginning, difficulties pushed me to talk to
professionals, which improved my communication skills. Some problems could not be solved
without directions from my aids. My research skills were greatly benefited from my development
as an inquirer, a thinker and communicator.

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Works Cited

Anderton, Craig. Adobe Audition CC: Classroom in a Book. N.p.: Adobe, 2013. Print.

"Autodesk Maya." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2016.

Big Hero 6. Dir. Don Hall. Disney, 2014. Film.

"Blender." Blender. Blender Foundation, n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2016.

Blender Character Modeling 1 of 10. Dir. Darrin Lile. YouTube. YouTube, 9 July 2014. Web. 13
Oct. 2016.

Blender Character Modeling 2 of 10. Dir. Darrin Lile. YouTube. YouTube, 14 July 2014. Web. 13
Oct. 2016.

Blender Character Modeling 3 of 10. Dir. Darrin Lile. YouTube. YouTube, 17 July 2014. Web. 13
Oct. 2016.

Blender Character Modeling 4 of 10. Dir. Darrin Lile. YouTube. YouTube, 21 July 2014. Web. 13
Oct. 2016.

Blender Character Modeling 5 of 10. Dir. Darrin Lile. YouTube. YouTube, 24 July 2014. Web. 13
Oct. 2016.

Blender Tutorial : Water Shader. Dir. 3DMacDaddy. YouTube. YouTube, 17 Apr. 2013. Web. 13
Oct. 2016.

Boykin, Brendan. Final Cut Pro X 10.2: Professional Post-production. N.p.: Peachpit, 2016.

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Brave. Dir. Branda Chapman. Disney, 2012. Film.

Create a Realistic City - Blender Tutorial. Dir. CG Geek. YouTube. YouTube, 9 June 2016. Web.
13 Oct. 2016.

English, Graham. "Connect MIDI Devices to Logic Pro." Dummies. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2016.

Frozen Complete B-Roll. Perf. Kristen Bell. Frozen Complete B-Roll. YouTube, 30 Oct. 2013.
Web. 13 Oct. 2016.

Frozen. Dir. Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck. Disney, 2013. Film.

Geek, CG. Create a Realistic City- Blender Tutorial. YouTube, 09 June 2016. Web. 12 Oct.

"GPU Rendering." Blender. Blender Foundation, n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2016.

How to Create Grass in Blender. Dir. Blender Smoothie. YouTube. YouTube, 1 Mar. 2014. Web.
13 Oct. 2016.

Kohler, Katherine. Personal interview. 4 Nov. 2016.

"Maya | Computer Animation & Modeling Software | Autodesk." Autodesk. Autodesk, n.d. Web.
14 Oct. 2016.

Nahmani, David. Logic Pro X 10.1: Professional Music Production. N.p.: Peachpit, 2015. Print.

Price, Andrew. "4 Easy Ways to Speed Up Blender Cycles." Blender Guru. N.p., 20 Nov. 2012.
Web. 14 Oct. 2016.

The Making Of Big Hero 6. The Making Of Big Hero 6. YouTube, 30 Jan. 2015. Web. 13 Oct.

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Villar, Oliver. Learning Blender: A Hands-on Guide to Creating 3D Animated Characters. N.p.:
Pearson Education, 2015. Print.

Zootopia. Dir. Byron Howard. Disney, 2016. Film.

"3D Modelling & Cinema 4D Tutorials by Envato Tuts." 3D & Motion Graphics Envato Tuts. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2017.

"3ds Max | 3D Modeling & Rendering Software | Autodesk." Autodesk. Autodesk, n.d. Web. 14
Oct. 2016.

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Appendix A
Evidence for Completion
Link to the final completed animation:
Link to the process of making the 3D Animation:
Link to the Composition of Soundtrack Demonstration:

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Appendix B
Process Journal Entries
Entry 1:
Wed, June 29, 2016
The personal project is officially launched by Ken Yang. This week, I have discussed
with Tommy Niu about the topic I want to focus on. As an experienced 3D computer animator,
he suggests that it is very challenging for me make since my idea is extremely complicated. I
communicated with him about my own idea about dream and he said that I should not make the
animation too long because: 1. It will take a massive amount of work and it will not look as
professional as I expect; 2. The idea may not be presented concisely. Therefore, I determined
my time length of my project, around 1-3 minute(s).
For next week, I need to start researching about the whole process of making a
animation film. In addition, the topic and idea of the project needs to be determined with further
details. I will go watch some 3D CG Animations from Disney Animation Studios, Pixar Animation
Studios, and Dreamworks Studios. Then, I need to try to find the behind scenes of the
production of the animations and identify the components of a film. Furthermore, I also have to
go onto YouTube and demonstration of the process of making an animation film.

Entry 2:
Fri, July 8, 2016
This week, I majorly focused on doing some research about the basics of the production
of animations. I am now able to distinguish between 2D animations and 3D animations. 2D
animations are usually drawn by using a tablet that connects to a software. Each frame needs to
be clearly drawn( usually 24 frames (or images) in one second). In a 3D Computer Generated
animation, animators need to model the character in a digital 3D world, and animate them by
adding bones/amateurs in order for these models to be able to move. I have examined a
number of different 2D and 3D animations from various animation studios. In the 3D animation
studio, I am most impressed with the amazing qualities and details of the characters and also
the engrossing story-lines of the products from the Walt Disney Animation Studios (Refer to
Appendix D).
After doing some simple research, I have a brief knowledge of understanding the process
and components of a 3D CG animation film. I organized the major components in the following
tree diagram.

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

In addition, the major processes of making the animations are:

1. Idea and script;
2. Character Design and Environmental Design;
3. Storyboard draft and final;
4. Audio Recording;
5. Animation producing while the soundtrack is being composed
6. Editing;
7. Publishing.

Over the next week, a research report about the softwares that are required during the
process of creating animation films needs to be done. The report maybe to be presented in any
digital visual form (Refer to Appendix F).

Entry 3:
Fri July 29, 2016
This week, I have completed my all the designs as well as my storyboards. Most tasks
were completed on time according to my action plan. On the first couple days of this week, I
spent part of time to look up a number of different buildings on Google Maps. I also walked
around in Vancouver downtown area to give me some ideas for designing the buildings and the
texture of the buildings. In addition, I tried to simplify each building on the paper so that I will be
able to add more freestyle details while modeling these objects. The street design (not posted)
is also based on the design in the film Big Hero 6. The street design combines elements in New
York City and also elements from Tokyo. An intriguing design of a city will be presented in the
animation film. Furthermore, I also designed my main character Eric. According to previous
research, making detailed and realistic hair will slow down the process of rendering. Therefore, I

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

decided to add a cap to prevent from long time rendering process for the main character. The
face design of the character is also related to the Japanese Manga. However, Eric wears a suit,
western element. The elements from both Western and Eastern culture will be presented
visually through this short film.
The storyboard was completed and finalized for the animation film over the past few days
and it is based on one of my classmates' work. We have done a visual art project (Flash
animation) relating to "dreams" in grade 8. Thus, I went to some of my classmates who were
also in my school to gather some of their works of that project. One of my classmates' work
grabbed my attention. The theme of her 2D animation was "dreams could not be realities".
However, her story was tragic at the end. In order to better suit my idea and context, I created a
new theme and made it a happy ending. My theme turned out to be: Follow your dreams. (Note:
Storyboard may be changed when animating. )

In addition to the design of the characters and storyboards, the sound effects were also
recorded: ball bouncing, walking sound effects...etc. I learnt the basic knowledge of how to use
Adobe Audition to record the sounds from a microphone. The recording microphone needs to be
connected to my laptop. After activating Adobe Audition, the input and output setup were
changed in order to be compatible to the recording systems.

Entry 4:
Thur, August 4, 2016
This week, I am mainly focusing on modeling the main characters for the later on
animation. In order to create this character, I need to complete 3 steps: Modeling, Texturing,
and Rigging. During the modeling section, I need to import my previous design into the 3D
Animation software called Blender. After this step was completed, I began with adding in "plane"
and then extrude the edges and modify the vertex of the plane in both front and side views. The
head of the character needed to be modeled first according to an YouTube tutorial, and then the
body. When the modeling of the character was completed, I began working on the textures
which makes the character look more realistic. The texture tool is basically cover an image over
the character. I needed to find some textures online (such as clothes texture, skin texture) and
then paste the photos onto the character by using "UV Mapping". The final step of creating the

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

character is rigging. Rigging is the process of adding bones to the characters so that the
characters could be animated easily. The movement of the character is controlled by the bones.
Each bone controls a specific area on the body. If the bone moves, that region should move
with the bone. However, during the process of rigging, some area on the character does not
move with the indicated bones because of the short distance between the nearby bones. I had
to use "weight paint" tool to paint the area that is supposed to move with the specific bone.

Entry 5:
Fri, August 12, 2016
This week, I have been focusing on the animation section of my final project. By learning
to manipulate the rigged bones, I have successfully animated all scenes with all characters.
It was very challenging for me to animate. The switching between different scenes had to
be done very carefully and delicately. For instance, I had to position the camera in the exact
same place for all three files of the scenes in order to switch from the white background to the
grassland and then to the bridge, In addition, the last frame of one scene had to be completely
matched to the first frame of the following scene, which means that the character in either scene
1 and 2 had to move exactly the same (same move, same timing, same angle). Therefore, I
came up with an easier way: Position the camera and animate the character in one scene and
then import the camera and the animated character into the second scene. This method will be
able to sync both scenes and thus will create a better transition between scenes.
The second challenge I faced was the awkward move of the character. It took me more
than 7 hours to work on the first part of the walking scene and it was done awkwardly. The
character moved like a robot for some reason. Therefore, I played a trick on the camera view. I
placed a camera very close to the face of the character, and made the camera parented to
(/move with)the character. Since only the head of the character could be viewed in the camera
view, the rest of the body such as legs and arms did not need to be animated. Eventually, I
applied one of the 12 animation principles, Squash and Stretch, into this scene and make the
character looked like he is walking but without movements of other part of his body except for
the character's head.

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Entry 6:
Sat, Aug 20, 2016
The major focus for this week was rendering and composing. Throughout this week, I
have face a large number of challenges that I never expected. First of all, when I was rendering
the animation. It took me much longer to render than I expected. It was estimated of a 28 hours
of testing render and 28 hours of final render. The test render was successfully completed within
the expected time limit. However, the final render took approximately the whole week to export. I
used my laptop at the beginning and realize that it would take me around 25 hours to render just
1 second (24 frames per sec and took me 1 hour to render 1 frame) and the whole animation is
around 1 minute and half. I did a quick math calculation: it would take me more than 2000 hours
to export the whole animation and I would not be able to complete the project within 3 months. I
was freaking out at that moment, but eventually I found a quicker way of rendering: GPU
Render. I then found out that I could not activate my GPU Render system on my Mac. In order
to solve that problem, I went to my friends' house and used his PC to complete the rendering
process. After 26 hours of final render on his PC, my friend reported to me that everything
except for the main character is pink and no texture was shown. I suddenly realized that I forgot
to duplicate my texture files into the files I sent to my friend. Because of that mistake I made, I
had to start the rendering process all over again. Finally, it lasted for the whole week to export
the final video.
In addition to that, because of the rendering issues. I had more time to compose the
soundtrack of the animation with the test render files. I watched numerous tutorials of how to
composite a soundtrack for films on Logic Pro. I bought a MIDI keyboard to help with the
composition: importing and creating notes for different instrument. Fortunately, everything went
very well until the export process. After the mp3 file is exported, there was a problem with the
base drum, it was too loud. I was not able to fix it in Logic Pro, thus I imported all audio files into

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

adobe audition and did some volume change. In order to improve the overall soundtrack quality,
I created two audio channels in Adobe Audition. Finally, I exported the sound track into the mp3
format with the best quality of 320kbps.

Entry 7:
Thur, Sept 15, 2016
Over this week, I have put all files together: Rendered animation files as well as the
soundtrack. I used Final Cut Pro to complete this process. I added in some filters such as the
rain drops filter and the dream effects filter to improve the film quality. In addition, I also adjusted
the speed of the video files in order to line up with the soundtrack. By the end of Tuesday, the
film was exported successfully into a m4v video file and uploaded to YouTube for gathering
Furthermore, I began to interview and ask for some feedback for the final animation.
Currently, I have interviewed 4 people from different age group: a youth, a teenager/student,
and 2 adults. I also sent the video out via email to a professional 3D animation instructor of Byte
Camp. The instructor, Mr.Arriola, gave me a number of valuable feedback for further
improvements (Refer to Appendix E & G).
All process journals could be found on my ePortFolio:

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Appendix C
Action Plan
List of Tools and Equipments:
- Laptop (OS X)
- Mouse
- HD Scanner
- Microphone
List of Materials:
- A4 Paper
- Lined Paper
- 2B Pencil
- Ruler
- Software: Blender
- Software: Adobe Audition
- Software: Logic Pro
- Software: Final Cut Pro/ Adobe Premiere
- Software: Video Player: Quicktime...etc.


JUL 11-17 3D CG Animation Software Laptop (OS 5 hours

Pre Research Report: Refer to X)
Pr Research Plan for detail. Mouse
uct JUL 18-20 Complete the research Laptop (OS 10 hours
ion (including watching some X)
modeling+animating tutorials) Mouse
and take note: Refer to Research
Plan for detail.

JUL 21 Develop a detailed action plan Lined Paper Laptop (OS 3 hours
2B Pencil X)

JUL 22 Taking Action: Idea and Script A4 Paper Laptop 2 hours

draft completed Lined Paper
2B Pencil

JUL 24 Character and environment A4 Paper Laptop 4 hours

design 2B Pencil HD Scanner

JUL 25 Idea and script final draft A4 Paper Laptop (OS 1 hour
2B Pencil X)

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film


JUL 26 Storyboard draft #1 A4 Paper 3 hours

2B Pencil

JUL 27 Storyboard draft #2 A4 Paper 2 hours

2B Pencil

JUL 28 Storyboard Finalization A4 Paper 3 hours

2B Pencil

JUL 29-30 Audio recordings: Sound Software: Laptop 10 hours

Effects, etc. Adobe Microphone

Pr AUG 1-4 Character Modeling and Rigging Software: Laptop 48 hours

od Blender Mouse (12 hours
uct per day
ion AT

AUG 5-7 Environment/Buildings Modeling Software: Laptop 36 hours

Blender Mouse (12 hours
per day

AUG 8-14 Start Animating according to Software: Laptop 85 hours

different scenes in the final Blender Mouse (12.2
storyboard hours per
day AT

Po AUG 15-16 Test Render Completed: Software: Laptop To be

st EXPORT AS Quicktime File. Blender; Mouse determine
Pr Quicktime d
od (according
uct to the
ion animation
and the
realism of
Apx: 28h

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Soundtrack Composition Software: Laptop To be

EXPORT AS Wav/Flac Lossless Logic Pro; Mouse determine
Quality File. Quicktime d
to the
length of
AUG 17-20 animation
Apx: 56 h
ng can be
at the

Final Render Completed: Software: Laptop To be

EXPORT AS Quicktime File. Blender Mouse determine
to the
and the
realism of
Apx: 28h

AUG 21 Final Editing Process: Software: Laptop 15 hours

Putting all the rendered pieces into Final Cut Mouse
one whole animation film Pro/ Adobe
Adding in the sound effects Premiere
Adding in the composed

AUG 22-28 Showing the video to people and Lined Paper 5 hours
gather feedbacks and jot down 2B Pencil (MAX.)
some notes.

SEP 23 Final Check and Personal Software: Laptop 20

Project 2016 is completed Quicktime Mouse minutes

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Appendix D
Research Plan


July 1. Research the making of the creation of a 3D animation film (including all the
11-14 components);
2. look into how professionals from Disney create soundtrack and storyboards, record
vocals, and design objects.
3. Research in detail of the three-3D animation creating softwares: a). Maya, b).
Blender, c).3D Max. Make sure to jot down any thoughts as experiencing these

July 1. Start writing a software report. Evaluate and analyze the advantages and
15-17 disadvantages of each software;
2. Write the final conclusion of the analysis.

July 18 1. Research the software Blender in detail;

2. Learn Blender while watching the tutorials on YouTube for practices and gaining
3. Research other animations related to the theme "pursue dreams" and jot down
some strengths and weaknesses;
4. Research how to design a character;
5. Research how to transform a hand-drawn 2D character into a 3D character in
6. Go to Library or Bookstore to search for Blender Training Materials;

July 19 1. Learn how to create realistic characters from at least two distinct sources;
2. Learn how to create realistic environment from at least two distinct sources;
3. Visit a Byte Camp 3D Animation instructor and ask for some strategies of
4. Review the manipulation of Adobe Audition.
5. Learn how to reduce background noise in Adobe Audition.
6. Review the process of editing a video (putting different clips together as a whole) in
Final Cut Pro or iMovie.

July 20 1. Research more about composition on software, Logic Pro.

- manually create drum beats;
- learn to use simple keyboard;
- incorporate the Loops in Logic Pro into music;
- Create notes in a blank project;
2. Learn to use Logic Pro by composing random simple music or notes.
3. Further Research the export formats for both video and audio at the best quality.
The formats should be compatible with all four softwares: Blender, Logic Pro, Final
Cut Pro, and Adobe Audition.

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Appendix E
Success Criteria and Results


Specification Success Criteria & Rating Scale


1. The animated film i) Visual Inspection: Watch and identify if the main
should have different idea is delivered from the variety of shots.
shots (various angles)
in order to express ii) Five people from different age group will be
the purpose clearly. asked to watch the video at least twice carefully
and will be interviewed:
2. The media piece (1) if they think the shots have 4 reasonable; 1
should contain great enough/reasonable variety and different angles. neutral
contrast to make the (2) if they think the purpose is expressed clearly No, No, Yes, No,
audience enjoy that they can understand easily. Yes
watching the
commercial to absorb iii) Five people from different age group will be Color Scheme:
the idea that the observing the video before it is released to the 8, 9, 9, 7, 8
designer wants to public and they will be interviewed face to face or Style:
spread. doing the survey about the their opinion toward the 6, 9, 7, 7, 6
visual part of this video (color scheme, style, and Presentation Style:
the ways it is presented). They will be rate in a 10, 5, 8, 8, 8
3. The video and audio scale of 1-10 of the final product.
should be clear and
should be iv) Interview: Ask 5 people about the following
comprehensible for all questions face to face when they finish watching
target audience. the video:
1. How clear do you think the storyline is 7, 5, 7, 5, 8
4. Every shot should be expressed throughout the animation?
reasonable and there (please rate on a scale of 1-10 for the
should be following questions: (1 being the worst and
connections between 10 being the best))
scenes (no 2. How effective do you think this film is? 3, 6, 7, 6, 9
confusions to the (please rate on a scale of 1-10 for the
audience). following questions: (1 being the worst and
10 being the best))
3. How clear do you think the central idea is 5, 5, 5, 4, 7
expressed? (please rate on a scale of 1-10
for the following questions: (1 being the
worst and 10 being the best).

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

v) Interview: Ask at least 2 professional instructors (Refer to email and

of film/animation about the following questions: conversation
1. What is your opinion to the theme of the details)
short animated film?
2. Any feedback (e.g.techniques..etc) for me
to improve the overall quality of the film? - Hard to
understand, maybe
vi) Survey: Investigate in a survey format to some a better flow?
native English speakers (both adult and young - No response
children (10 yrd and up) ) about their opinion - N/A
toward the theme of the short film. Record their - I like you theme,
responses in point form. but its quite hard to
- I really love your
idea of making a
dream as a ball.

Target Audience or Client

1. The video should be i)Interview: 12 people (3 under 12 year olds; 3 Under 12:
suitable for both adults young adults; 3 adults (18-50yrd); 3 adults above Hard to
and children. A strong 50 years old) will be interviewed if they feel that understand
impression about the there is anything not suitable for children or if the OK
purpose should be left video is too childish. Confusing
in their mind.
3 young adults:
Understand, a
little confusing
understand a little

Half Understand;
Half Understand

Half Understand;
Fully understand

Environmental Considerations

1. Most of the contents of i) Interview/Survey: Investigate at least 5 people

the video should be about the following aspects:

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

mostly original work 1. Does this short video remind them of or 1 Yes: Geek Fires
(15% rule*) in order to refers to other animations? tutorial;
prevent from being 4 NO
considered plagiarism. 2. Do they think that the video is suitable to
2. The place/site where put onto YouTube and released publicly? 5 Yes
the video will be
released on YouTube
which should be easy ii) The five people will need to use the keywords a. Dream Not
for the clients to that they can imagine after watching the video (the able to find on
access in order to name should not be told before they watch it) and YouTube
absorb the main search for the video on YouTube to see if the b. Pursuit of
purpose of the media media piece is easy to access. Dreams Not able
piece. to find on YouTube
c. Dream Not
able to find;
d. Dreams Not
able to find on
e. Follow your
Dreams Not able
to find;


1. The media piece need i) Interview: Ask at least 10 people about their 2 People: Yes;
to have a strong impact opinions toward the video and whether they have 3 People: No
on the users opinions changed their mind about pursuing a dream.
(Persuade them to
follow their dreams)


1. The media piece i) Visual Inspection: The video will finally be Yes
should be shorter than opened by the QuickTime Player and the
3 mins but longer than designer will check the time on the bottom
1 min. right corner to see if it between 1-3 mins.
Then, the play the video on a mac laptop to
see if the video fits the screen completely
(because the screen of a mac is 3:4. )

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Appendix F
Software Research Report

3D Computer Generated Animation Software Research Report

Purpose and goal:

To investigate three different and major animation softwares that the animators use to
create animations with the best qualities. At the end of this research, the investigator should be
able to identify the best software from the three and begin to learn to use the software if it is new
to the investigator.

Materials Required:
General Procedure:
1. Research the three major animation software by going to the official website of each;
2. Record down the advantages and disadvantages of each software (such as
3. Observe the price of each software;
4. View some comments and feedback from the users and clients of each software;
5. Instal all three softwares if possible (optional);
6. Try to manipulate each and write a brief description of each one (optional);
7. Determine which software will be used for making of the final product.

3Ds Max
Intro: It is a professional 3D computer graphics program developed by Autodesk Media and
Entertainment for making 3D animations, models, games and images. 3Ds Max with the most
flexible plugin architecture can be used on the Microsoft Windows and Mac platform. Currently it
is used mostly as video game developing software and also TV commercial studios design and
architectural visualization studios software.

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film


- plenty of tools for modeling characters

- very easy to learn and use
- powerful tools included for animation such as F-curves
- Render process is quite fast and smooth
- small tools that make the job done faster
- lots of outside support plugins


-no support for layered animations on non character objects

- no hair or fur texture as support
- majorly for making games and designing
- no effective tools but powerful tools which takes longer time to manipulate
- not good with dealing with the motion capture capabilities
- costs 1470 US dollars for only one year of subscription.


Blender is a 3D computer graphics software product used for professional purposes for creating
animation films, arts, 3D video games and 3D printed models. This animation software was
developed by a Dutch animation studio Neo Geo as an in-house application in the year of 1995.
It has extremely powerful functions like Autodesks Maya.


- Realistic/physically accurate results

- High level performance
- Runs very stable
- designers can conduct complicated projects on this.
- has a separate mode for modeling, animating, creating video games.
- with easy character rigs
- Everything is for free
- have plenty of tools for modeling, texturing, sculpting, animating, rigging, rendering and other
use of functions.
- Very easy to learn


- Takes long time to render

- always renders without soundtrack

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

- Not much of tutorials

- The manipulators are not organized in a very efficient way.
- some functions are not automatically activated.


Intro: Autodesk maya is a 3D computer graphics software compatible with both Windows, and
OS X computer system. It was originally developed by Alias Systems Corporation and bought
by Autodesk in 2015. Animation studios such as Walt Disney Animation studios, Dreamworks
Studios, and Pixar Studios all use this software to create the best visual quality for the audience.


- have important tools for modeling, texturing, rigging, animation, rendering and dynamics.
- high level of complexity
- high end character rigs
- great with tasks of character rigging and animation superimposing
- has greater capacity for simulating realistic animations and effects
- majorly for filmmaking and video production

- very difficult and complicated to learn

- takes large storage
- costs 3,495 US dollars.
- very slow
- runtime error occurs very often, which always mess up your projects
- takes lost of time for the render process

Conclusion: I will be using Blender for this project because of the following reasons. First of all,
it does not cost any money for me to create animations with high quality and abundance of
powerful tools. Secondly, I had little previous experience with this software when I was taking
3D gaming electives last year. Next, compare Blender to Autodesks 3Ds Max and Maya, the
function that blender has is not less powerful than Autodesks softwares. Finally, Blender
instructors/teachers in school are available. Therefore, it is easy for me to learn new techniques
from them.

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Appendix G
Comments and Feedback from Professional Instructors

Professional Instructor 1:
Mr.Arriola, Byte Camp 3D Animation, 3D Game Design, and 2D Graphing & Coding


Hi Ken,

First, very good job on the animation. I can see a lot of thought and work went into this. I
should commend you on your use of the subtle animation to convey emotion. How the
person reacts to sound is quite well done and drives the story forward. Your use of sound
effects and music is very effective as well. The silence in the beginning contrasted with the
happy music when the person is in the city to the sad music when it all disappears really
brings the audience to feel the moment. The shots were planned with a good variety that
contributes to the feel of the story feeling dynamic and not stale. Some of those shots
were especially creative like the transitions from when he was white to becoming a full
character; you built it up starting with his hand changing then him discovering he has a
face. Well done. I especially like in the end where he touches the ball and the city comes
back ending there, leaving the story open ended and having the audience imagine what
happens next.

Now for some feedback as to the improvements that could be made. I really feel like the
story is that of a person who as a child had hopes and dreams but when he grew up he
lost his passion only to be reminded by his inner child to never give up on his dreams.
I will tell you why. The scene starts with a person in a posture of surrender but then
something gets his attention - a ball, which is the most basic toy that kids play with. It
leads him then to a child who is very similar to him. This makes me think that perhaps that
is his child self who takes him by the hand almost to lead him to this wonderful city. The
child leads him to wonders and passions. When he changes to become a boy with a cap,
I feel that this is him becoming who he always hoped to be. The camera zooms out to
show how vast the possibilities are. It then transitions that when he turns the corner,
everything disappears. This feels like when he turns a corner in life, his wonder and
passions fade away. And he is no longer the person he was, leading him to be depressed
and dejected. And he ends where he started. Up until this point, the story serve both to
introduce the character and concept as well as almost tell a summary of the story that has
happened in the past. Then the ball appears, a reminder of his child self, which brings his
dreams back.

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

That is the story I see when watching it.

Now, I understand that you want this to be a story about dreams and hopes. I think it
could have been shown a little clearer. As is, it is easy to mistaken it to be that the person
is just full of curiosity, wonder and amazement as he discovers new things like the city.
But if you want to convey hopes and dreams you have to indicate somehow that is what
that person wants or is looking forward to. So perhaps in the beginning maybe he has a
postcard or picture that he stares at but sighs because he can't go there and has to do
The same could be done with him becoming the boy with the cap, there has to have some
indication of what that means. Is he growing up? Was that his dream job? Is he
becoming more of a person? Perhaps if there is a magazine in the corner in the beginning
showing that it would serve its purpose.

Another thing is the audience is left asking who the small child is. If this is going to be
about hopes and dreams, how does the child come into play? This the reason why I
settled in my mind that the child is a younger version of himself.

Other things that could help is perhaps slowing down the animation of the end where he
runs to a blank space. It starts out well but it seems he was just running to sit down. I
think you could intensify the emotion thereby making him slow down and then stand there
for a few seconds, look up to the left and right then have his head go slowly down. Hold
that pose for a few seconds and then slowly have him go down. Drawing that scene out
would get a lot more emotion out of that.

Another thing that might be a little confusing is when the boy tries to get the ball around
the corner, the camera pans up for some reason. I think it would be more effective if the
ball was bouncing towards the corner and the camera stays still there so that the audience
would be focused on the boy turning the corner. When the camera pans up, you make the
audience expect something to happen just above the camera view, you're shifting focus.
So it's a little jarring when it changes to the boy turning the corner.

The bouncing ball as well could be a little better. Since the animation up until now has
been excellent, it's a little anti-climatic when the animation of the ball doesn't match the
excellence of the animation of the previous scenes.

Well, this has been quite the paragraph. I hope it is helpful. Again, you have a terrific job
and should be proud of what you have done. I really look forward to other animations you
come up with. And just like that child's advice in the video, I will say, don't you give up on
your dreams neither, sir.

Mr. Arriola

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Professional Instructor 2:
Ms. Kohler, Mulgrave School MYP Film Teacher and DP Film Teacher.

Link to interview recording:

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Appendix H
Annotations of Significant Sources
Details may be viewed through the following link:

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film

Appendix I

2016-17 MYP Personal Project- Pursuit of Dreams, a 3D Animated Short Film


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