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OTIS Basic Data

No.: GCA 21240 D
WW Engineering

Engineering Center
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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005


Authorization Date D1:

Running on PCB:
Software Version: GAA 30082 CAA

Document Revision :

Date Author Comment

Nov 96 A. Gerwing first issue
OTIS Basic Data
No.: GCA 21240 D
WW Engineering

Engineering Center
MCS LCB II Page: 2 / 33

Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005

Tableof Contents

1 OperationalModes.................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 ShabatOperation............................................................................................................................................. 3

2 SecurityFunctions.................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Car SecurityAccess(SAC)................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1.1 Description........................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.2 Definition of Terms............................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.3 Handling............................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.4 Setup.................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.5 Limitations............................................................................................................................................ 8
2.2 Car Call CardReader........................................................................................................................................ 8
2.3 Hall Call CardReader........................................................................................................................................ 9
2.4 EMSSecurityOptions..................................................................................................................................... 10

3 DriveRelatedSetup................................................................................................................. 10
3.1 BrakeCurrentDetection.................................................................................................................................. 10
3.2 PRS-4............................................................................................................................................................ 13
3.3 CARGO2000(RLEV-2).................................................................................................................................... 14
3.3.1 Position Reference System............................................................................................................... 14
3.3.2 Top of Car Inspection........................................................................................................................ 15
3.3.3 Door Hold Button (DHB).................................................................................................................... 16

4 DoorRelatedSetup..................................................................................................................17
4.1 GenericDoorOperator.................................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 17
4.1.2 Description of Parameters................................................................................................................. 17
4.1.3 Graphical Description........................................................................................................................ 21
4.2 DO-5............................................................................................................................................................. 26
4.2.1 Parameters........................................................................................................................................ 26
4.2.2 I/Os.................................................................................................................................................... 27
4.2.3 Notes.................................................................................................................................................. 27
4.3 LeuzeLight BeamGate(CSP-5)........................................................................................................................ 28

5 SignalDevices........................................................................................................................ 31
5.1 ELD(CPI-11).................................................................................................................................................. 31
5.2 Out Of ServiceLights...................................................................................................................................... 31
5.3 REMSignals.................................................................................................................................................. 31
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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005

1 Operational Modes

1.1 Shabat Operation

1. On Shabat day the lifts will run automatically according to a fixed program.

There will be no possibilty to call or to send the car by means of a push button. The car
will stop at any landing as fixed in the program, will wait for a fixed time at the landing
and will then proceed to the next stop automatically.

2. Shabat program will be operated and cancelled by means of a two position key operated
switch (ON-OFF) located at the main floor panel and a contact of an electrical clock
mounted in the controller.

When the key switch is placed in the "ON" position:

The hall and car call buttons are rendered inoperative.
The lift will be disconnected from group operation.
The lift will respond to the existing car calls, afterwards it will return to the main floor,
the door will open and remain open.
When the electrical clock contact is than closed, the special shabat service will start
and the lift will run and stop at each floor in both directions automatically or when en-
abled according to the setup in the special operation allowed mask.

3. The car will be illuminated during the whole time the lift is switched to shabat program.

All signaling lights including the position indicator (optional the PI is not turned off) are
turned off. The only exception are the direction arrows, which will only change whenever
the car has to change the direction in one of the terminal landings.

4. An optional buzzer will inform the passengers two seconds before the door starts to
close and during the door closing.

no. name description type
666 SHAC Keyswitch to initiate Shabat operation in
667 SHAT Timer to start automatic runs in
668 SHLC Shabat operation Light Car out
751 SHBUZ Shabat door close Buzzer out
752 SHLH Shabat operation Light Hall out

Install-Parameters (OCSS):
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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005

Install-Parameters (Doors):
Group name value description
2-OCSS SHO-POS Start Position (Lobby) for Shabat Operation
SHO-PI If set to 1, the PI is disabled during Shabat Oper-
SHO-Mask If set to 0, the car will stop at each floor in both di-
rections and open all doors present at that floor
If set to 1, the SHO Allowed Mask will apply.
5-DOORS SHO-T Adjustable door time for each stop other than
main floor
SHO-LT Adjustable door time for stops at main floor

Install-Parameters (Doors):

SHO-T Adjustable door time for each stop other then main floor
SHO-LT Adjustable door time for stops at main floor

Special Operation Mask:

By pressing M 1 3 3 4 on the service tool , special operation mask can be set up:

The display will look like this:

0000 0000

The S stands for Shabat Operation, the W for Wild Car Operation.
The U stands for stop in Up direction
The D stands for stop in Down direction
The F stand for the Front door to be opened
The R stand for the Rear door to be opened

Install-Parameters (Doors):
Group name value description
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5-DOORS SHO-T Adjustable door time for each stop other then
main floor
SHO-LT Adjustable door time for stops at main floor

2 Security Functions

2.1 Car Security Access (SAC)

2.1.1 Description
Each car floor button should be able to be secured, unsecured or cleared. If a car floor but-
ton is secured, it will not register a call unless a 3 digit access code is correctly entered on
the car call buttons within a 5 second time period after the secure car button is pressed.

When a car call to a secured landing is attempted, the "landing secured" lamp in the COP
will be illuminated. This lamp will remain illuminated for a 5 second time period, or until a
valid access code is entered.

Selection and changing of the floor access codes and secured states shall be done on the
car operating panel using the Car Secure Access keyswitch.

Activation of unsecured but not cleared landings shall be done using the Group Secure Ac-
cess keyswitch, located in the hall or lobby. This activation is acknowledged by the illumina-
tion of the "group secured" lamp in the hallway.

Depending on the secured state selected, a landing can be always secured or only be se-
cured as long as the Group Secure Access keyswitch is active.

During the entry of a 3-Digit code any pressing of a car call button to be used for code entry
will be aknowledged by a Car Secure Access Buzzer.

2.1.2 Definition of Terms

Landing code assigned: If Group Secure is ON, the landing code must be entered to ac-
cess the landing.

Landing is secured: The landing code must be entered in any case to access the
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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005

2.1.3 Handling
Assigning an access code to a landing:
1. Place the Car Secure Access keyswitch in the SECURE position.
2. Press the car button of the landing to be secured.
3. Use up to six car buttons to enter the 3-digit master access code.
4. Use up to six car buttons to enter the 3-digit landing access code desired.
5. Release the Car Secure Access keyswitch.

The landing is now prepared to be secured. If the Group Secure Access is active, the
landing can only be accessed by entering the access code.

Clearing an access code from a landing:

1. Place the Car Secure Access keyswitch in the CLEAR position.
2. Press the car button of the landing to be cleared.
3. Use up to six car buttons to enter the 3-digit master access code.
4. Release the Car Secure Access keyswitch.

The landing is now unsecured and can be accessed normally.

Changing a landing to a secured state:

1. Place the Car Secure Access keyswitch in the SECURE position.
2. Press the car button of the landing to be secured.
3. Use up to six car buttons to enter the 3-digit landing access code.
4. Release the Car Secure Access keyswitch.

The landing is now secured regardless of the state of the Group Secure Access
Keyswitch and can only be accessed by entering the access code.

Changing a landing to an unsecured state:

1. Place the Car Secure Access keyswitch in the CLEAR position.
2. Press the car button of the landing to be unsecured.
3. Use up to six car buttons to enter the 3-digit landing access code.
4. Release the Car Secure Access keyswitch.

The landing is now prepared to be secured. If the Group Secure Access is active, the
landing can only be accessed by entering the access code.

To active Secure Access operation for unsecured landings:

1. Place the Group Secure Access keyswitch in the ON position.
2. All landings that have an access code assigned will now be only accessable with the
proper landing access code.

To deactive Secure Access operation for unsecured landings:

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1. Place the Group Secure Access keyswitch in the OFF position.

2. All landings that have an access code assigned and are in the unsecured state will now
be accessable by all passengers.
3. All landings that are in the seccured state will still be only accessable with the proper
landing access code.

2.1.4 Setup

no. name description type
761 CSA1 Car Secure Access Button 1 in
762 CSA2 Car Secure Access Button 2 in
763 CSA3 Car Secure Access Button 3 in
764 CSA4 Car Secure Access Button 4 in
765 CSA5 Car Secure Access Button 5 in
766 CSA6 Car Secure Access Button 6 in

767 CSAC Car Secure Access Clear Keyswitch in

768 CSAK Car Secure Access Secure Keyswitch in
769 CSAL Car Secure Access Lamp out

770 GSAK Group Secure Access Keyswitch in

771 GSAL Group Secure Access Lamp out

961 CSABUZ Car Secure Access Buzzer out

Install Parameters:
Group name value description
9-SECURITY SACTYP 0 SAC is disabled
1 SAC is enabled, ISC will not override SAC
3 SAC is enabled, ISC will override SAC
5 SAC is enabled, ISC will not override SAC, land-
ings can only be cleared if security is in operation
(GSAK on)
7 SAC is enabled, ISC will override SAC, landings
can only be cleared ifsecurity is in operation
(GSAK on)
SAC-D1 SAC Master Code Digit 1
SAC-D2 SAC Master Code Digit 2
SAC-D3 SAC Master Code Digit 3
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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005

The signals CSA1 - CSA 6 are normally programmed to the same address and pin as the
Car Buttons used for Floor 1 - 6 (CB1-CB6).

The CSAC and CSAK signals are connected to a 3-position keyswitch located in the COP
and the CSAL signal is an indicator lamp located in the COP.
The CSABUZ is an buzzer also located in the COP.

The GSAK and GSAL signals are normally located in the hall.

2.1.5 Limitations

This operation currently can only be used for single COP units, but Full Selective, Semi Se-
lective or Double Door Operation is possible.

The CSABUZ output is available since GAA30082BAF.

2.2 Car Call Card Reader

Most important is now the support of full selective operation. The CRS n inputs follow now
the OTIS 2000 opening counting scheme (like the hall calls) and are fully selective.

The Card Reader Mask has been expanded to allow more options:

The 1st line of the SV display looks like this now


The C bit, if set, determines that this car call is always enabled, regardless of the state of
any of the card reader inputs.

The L bit, if set, forces the car to the lobby, if the DOB is operated when the car is stationary
at a landing with the respective door closed.

The D bit, if set, enables the DOB even if the door is closed, any setting of the L bit is ig-

Install Parameters:
Group name value description
9-SECURITY EN-CRO 0 no card reader operation
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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005

1 card reader via CRC contact, applies to all land-

ings with the C bit not set to 1
2 card reader via CRS n contacts, applies to all
landings with the C bit not set to 1
3 combination of 1 and 2, so both CRC and CRS n
can be used at the same time
4 no card reader operation
5 like 1, but ISC will override any CRS security
6 like 2, but ISC will override any CRS security
7 like 3, but ISC will override any CRS security

no. name description type
639 CRC general card reader contact in
665 BOS Boss override inputs, overrides CRS n contacts, not in
CRC contact
1020 LDOS Lobby Door Open Switch, determines the door to open in
when returning to the lobby because of DOB at secured
landing input low = front door, high = rear door

2.3 Hall Call Card Reader

Several options can now be set for the SEC n inputs. It can be selected to have the inputs work as
card reader inputs, enabling the acceptance of hall calls, or as security inputs, disabling hall calls
and deleting them if the corresponding landing is secured.

Install Parameters:
Group name value description
9-SECURITY EN-HCRO 0 no card reader operation
1 normal hall calls only if SEC n input is operated,
EHC calls are always allowed
2 EHC calls if SEC n input is operated, normal calls
are always allowed
3 all hall call types only if SEC n input is operated
4 no security operation
5 if SEC n input is operated, normal hall calls are dis-
6 if SEC n input is operated, EHC calls are disabled
7 if SEC n input is operated, all hall call types are dis-

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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005

no. name description type

1022 HCRC allows access to all landings when operated in

2.4 EMS Security Options

Several choices can now be setup for landings secured via EMS

Install Parameters:
Group name value description
9-SECURITY EMS-SEC 0 no options enabled
1 ISC overrides EMS security of car calls
2 pending calls are not cleared when landing is se-
3 options 1 and 2 together
4 EMS security mask is not cleared if EMS goes offline
5 options 1 and 4 together
6 options 2 and 4 together
7 options 1, 2 and 4 together

For Australia a new input has been included to allow maintenance personal the access to the ter-
minal landings. When this input is operated, all call cut off and EMS security functions related to the
terminal landings are cancelled.

no. name description type
1021 MAS Maintenance Access Switch in

3 Drive Related Setup

3.1 Brake Current Detection

The brake current detection is used to detect if the brake is dropped while the car is sup-
posed to move. This situation would lead to a damaged and unreliable brake device.

It is a code requirement to avoid any run while the brake is dropped.

The following parameters are used to adapt the Brake Current Detection to the needs of the
drive type:
Group name description
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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005

4-DRIVE EN-BCD Enables or disables the Brake Current Detection.

It should be disabled for hydraulic. For Traction controllers it is en-
abled by default by the Factory Setup.
BON-D Defines the delay between the start of a run and the beginning of
Brake Current Detection
BFLT-T Defines the maximum time the brake is allowed to drop during a run.
This time is necessary because OVF packages first drop the brake
and afterwards give the information to LCBII that they have stopped
(RN signal)
BOFF-D Defines the delay between the end of a run and the beginning of
Brake Current Detection (verification that the brake has dropped)

Recommended values:

parameter MCS220 / MCS220M MCS120

EN-BCD 1 0
BON-D 15 0
BFLT-T 30 0
BOFF-D 15 0

The following picture shows the normal situation of a run with an OVF package:




Note that the brake is dropped before the LCBII receives the information that the run has
ended. BFLT-T must be longer than the time delay between dropping the brake and provid-
ing the /RUN signal. Therefore no fault is detected.
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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005

The following picture shows a fault case at the begin of a run.

state STOP RUN



Brake-Current is not
detected after expiration
of BON-D
elevator is blocked

The brake is not lifted at all and therefore this fault is detected after expiration of BON-D.

The following picture shows a fault case during a run:

state STOP RUN



OK! Brake-Fault!
interruption of brake-current interruption of brake-
is shorter than BFLT-T; current is longer than
it could be a normal stop. BFLT-T;
elevator is blocked
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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005

3.2 PRS-4
PRS-4 is a low cost 2-trace position reference system which uses two sensors UM ( Up
Magnet) and DM (Down Magnet). The function of these sensors are alternatingly switched
between IP and DZ:


Note that bottom floor has no IPD and top floor has no IPU. This is necessary to detect bot-
tom floor when UM & DM & 1LS are all activated.

Install Parameters:
Group name value description
4-Drive DRIVE XADO Advanced Door Opening not possible with PRS-4
6-PosRef DZ-TYP 0 is ignored for PRS-TYP=1
LV-MOD 2 stop on DZ = UM & DM
PRS-TYP 1 activates PRS-4
LV-U-D adjust level accuracy in steps of 4ms
LV-D-D adjust level accuracy in steps of 4ms
EN-RLV 0 Releveling not possible with PRS-4
7-Cargo CA-MOD 0
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speed min. distance deceleration
between floors distance
0.4 m/s 1000 mm 450 mm
0.63 m/s 1300 mm 650 mm
1.0 m/s 2000 mm 1350 mm

signal use pin
UM IPU/2LV P1:11

3.3 CARGO 2000 (RLEV-2)

Cargo2000 controllers use the feature RLEV-2.

3.3.1 Position Reference System

A three-trace position reference system is used for CARGO2000:
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on level




Note: All magnets and sensors have the same polarity.

Install Parameters:
Group name value description
6-PosRef CA-MOD 1 use P1:6 as LV (i.e. LV1 and LV2 connected in series)
use P1:11 as DZ (i.e. LVU and LVD connected in se-
LV-MOD 1 use LV for stopping
DZ-TYP x is ignored if CA-MOD=1

3.3.2 Top of Car Inspection

With the safety chain which is used by MCS120/MCS220(M) the UIB/DIB signals cannot be
detected if the cam has been dropped within a doorzone (because DFC is low).

Modernization controllers provide a second layer of the TCIB which is used to energize the
cam so that UIB/DIB can be detected again.
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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005

With CARGO2000 the TCI box has no second layer for the TCIB so it cannot be monitored
by RSL. Thats why the cam is energized as long as TCI is active and therefore a cam with
100%ED is required.

Install Parameters:
Group name value description
5-DOORS TCI-TYP 1 cam is always energized during TCI

3.3.3 Door Hold Button (DHB)

When the DHB keyswitch is operated the door opens for a specific duration. After that dura-
tion has expired the door closes automatically.

By pressing any Car Call Button or the Door Close Button the doortime can be canceled
manually and the door will close.
If DHB-TYP is set to 1 the door time can also be canceled by activating DHB again. If you
have opened the front door by using DHB, the activation of RDHB will open the rear door
and will not close the front door. To close a door you have to use the same keyswitch as
you have used to open a door.

I/O name description
620 DHB Door Hold Button for front door
628 RDHB Door Hold Button for rear door

Install Parameters:
Group name value description
2- OCSS DHB-TYP 1 The doortime can be canceled by pressing DHB
Parameter DHB-T specifies a 10-sec-timer so that
the maximum door time is now 42 minutes (which is
a useless value; the standard value is 15 minutes to
allow the automatic run to bottom floor for hydraulic
5-DOORS DHB-T Defines the door open time if DHB is operated. It speci-
fies a 1-sec-timer if DHB-T=0 and specifies a
10-sec-timer if DHB-T=1
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4 Door Related Setup

4.1 Generic Door Operator

4.1.1 Introduction
By use of the Generic Door Operator you are not restricted to fixed door operators as
FCO9550 or DO2000, but you can define exactly how a specific door operator is to be han-

A set of parameters is used to setup the door handling as required by the existing door sys-

You can define:

Is the DC relay energized while the door is completely closed?
Is the DO relay energized while the door is completely opened?
Is a DOL or DCL contact available?
Automatic or manual landing doors?
Has the cam to be pulled while the door is closing?
How is the cam to be handled during ERO?
Do we have telescopic landing doors with a cam?

All parameters of the Generic Door Operator can be pre-installed to the profile of already
known doortyps as FCO9550, DO2000 etc. This makes further finetuning more easy (Not
available for OVL!)

Use ServiceTool Menu M-2-4 Setup Door to program the Generic Door Parameters so that
the selected door can be used without further changing of the parameters.

4.1.2 Description of Parameters

Generic Door Operator
To install different doortypes at front and rear, the parameter MIXDOOR must be set to MIX-

Door Handling
If DOOR=0..10 is selected, all F:**** parameters are ignored and a fixed door handling is
done (no difference to previous versions).

If DOOR=11 is selected, the parameters F:*** become active and the door handling is fully
adjustable by these parameters.

The same applies for the parameter REAR and the R:**** parameters.
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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005

CAM Handling
If either DOOR=11 or REAR=11 is selected, the CAM parameters become active.

All xx-TYP parameters are designed so that the first digit defines the behaviour of the cor-
responding output during the door movement (i.e. opening or closing, respectively) and the
second digit defines the behaviour during the following stop (i.e. fully opened or fully closed,


DOOR, REAR 0..11 doortype at front/rear.

MIXDOR 0 The parameters DOOR and, if selected, F:**** define the

doortype of the front door as well as of the rear door.
REAR and R:**** are ignored.
1 The front door type is defined by DOOR and the rear
doortype is defined by REAR. It is possible to define
different doortypes for front and rear doors.

Parametersfor DoorHandling

F:DO-TYP, R:DO-TYP DO-behaviour

00 DO never active
01 DO active when door is fully opened
10 DO active while door is opening
11 DO active when door is opening and also when opened

F:DC-TYP, R:DC-TYP DC-behaviour

00 DC never active
01 DC active when door is fully closed
10 DC active while door is closing
11 DC active when door is closing and also when closed

F:EN-ACG, R:EN-ACG Type of Hoistway Doors

0 automatic hoistway doors (TLD/CLD)
1 manual hoistway doors (ACG)

F:EN-DCL, R:EN-DCL Limit Switch DCL

0 no DCL
1 DCL at IOs 694/695
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F:DOL-D, R:DOL-D Limit Switch DOL

0 DOL at IOs 000/544
1..255 DOL will be simulated by software xx,x seconds after
door has started to open (e.g. FLH, MLI)
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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005

Parametersfor CAMHandling

CM-TYP CM-behaviour
00 CM never active
01 CM active when door is closed
02 CM active when door is closed and demand exists
(parking with closed doors)
03 CM active when door is closed and delay CM-D has expired
(TLD/CLD with CAM)
10 CM active while door is closing
11 CM active while door is closing or door is closed
21 CM active while door is closing and delay CM-D has expired
(for doors without DCL, because safety chain cannot be
closed if CAM is deenergized).

CM-PROT CM-behaviour during ERO-STOP

0 CM deenergized
1..254 CM is deenergized after xxx0 seconds
255 No protection; CM is always energized
(only for 100%ED!)

SEL-CMR Where is CMR connected?

0 CMR at P6:10 (RDC)(1 car door)
1 CMR at IO 785 (2 car doors)

DO-D Time Delay of DO

0..255 DO is energized xx,x seconds after CAM has been
For CLD/TLD with CAM

CM-D Time Delay of CM

0..255 CM is energized xx,x seconds after door has been
For CLD/TLD with CAM

Parameterfor TROHandling

Some dooroperators require to be powered down during TCI. For this purpose the TRO out-
put is used. It is pulled in normal operation and dropped under the following conditions:

TRO-TYP Type of TRO handling

0 no TRO output
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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005

1 TRO at P6:5 (DC) for DO2000

(dropped if TCI active)
2 TRO at P6:7 (DO) for MLI / Kiekert-2
(dropped if TCI active without TCIB, TDCB or TDOB)
3 TRO at P6:5 (DC) for AT20
(dropped if TCI active without TCIB, TDCB or TDOB)


DOR-T, RDOR-T Time Delay between DO and DC during Reversal Operations.

20..255 During any Reversal (i.e. opening -> closing or
closing -> opening) both DO and DC outputs are
deenergized for xx,x seconds.
For heavy doors

DTC-T Door Time Protection

0..254 duration after which protection starts
255 disabled for parking with closed doors and dropped

4.1.3 Graphical Description Overview
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DOOR = 11
oder CM-TYP
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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005 Timing-Diagrams


][ <> [] >< ][

DO (DO-TYP=10) 9550, Meiller

DO (DO-TYP=11) Kiekert, MLI

DO (DO-TYP=01)


][ <> [] >< ][

DC (DC-TYP=10) 9550, Meiller

DC (DC-TYP=11)

DC (DC-TYP=01)

DCL-input (DC-TYP=10)

[] >< ][




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][ <> []



DOL-D Signal is
simulated by

CMR-output, CM-DELAY

][ <> [] >< ][

CMR (CM-TYP=01) ACG with DCL


1 x TLD,n x ACG
CMR (CM-TYP=02) call or
TLD with CMR

CMR (CM-TYP=03) TLD with CMR


CMR (CM-TYP=11) as used without

Generic DoorOp
CMR (CM-TYP=21) without DCL
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][ <>




<> >< <>




ERO-run ERO-stop NOR ERO-stop ERO-run



CMR (CM-PROT=0) current version


CMR (CM-PROT=255) only 100%ED!!

see CM-TYP
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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005 Factory Setup

The Generic Door Setup is preconfigured for the following door types:

SLYCMA 11 0 11 note 1 0 40 note 2 note 3 2
MLI 11 0 11 note 1 0 40 note 2 note 3 2
Kiekert 11 0 11 note 1 0 40 note 2 note 3 2
Kiekert-1 11 11 11 note 1 0 40 note 2 note 3 0
Kiekert-2 11 0 11 note 1 0 40 note 2 note 3 2
AT20 11 11 0 note 1 0 40 note 2 note 3 3
AT25 11 11 0 note 1 1 0 note 2 note 3 3
Fedo 11 0 11 note 1 0 40 note 2 note 3 2
DO2000, 11 11 0 note 1 0 0 note 2 note 3 note 4
DO-1, DO-4
FCO9550T, 1,2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
RC48, PI-
FLH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

note1: ACG-2: EN-ACG=1

note2: FLH or ACG-2 fr France: CM-TYP=11
ACG-2, with DCL: CM-TYP=2
ACG-2, without DCL: CM-TYP=11
note3: FLH or ACG-2: CM-PROT=10
note4: with ERO: TRO-TYP=1

4.2 DO-5

4.2.1 Parameters
The following parameters must be set to use a DO-5 with LCB2 or TCB:

group parameter value remark

13 if DOB is additionally connected to DO-5
13 if DOB is additionally connected to DO-5

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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005


1 for LCB2


4.2.2 I/Os
These are the I/Os and the corresponding default addresses:

Nr name description MCS120 MCS220 Gien-99 OG1_A OG1_B

0 DOL Door Open Limit 17,1 17,1 17,1 17,1 13,1
2 EDP Electronic Door Protection 00,0 00,0 00,0 00,0 00,0
27 NDG Nudging 00,0 00,0 00,0 00,0 00,0
544 RDOL Rear Door Open Limit 19,1 19,1 19,1 19,1 00,0
546 REDP Rear Electronic Door Protection 00,0 00,0 00,0 00,0 00,0
605 DOS / SGS Door Opening Signal 17,4 17,4 17,4 17,4 13,4
606 RDOS / RSGS Rear Door Open Signal 19,4 19,4 19,4 19,4 00,0
607 LRD Light Ray Device 17,3 17,3 17,3 17,3 13,3
608 RLRD Rear Light Ray Device 19,3 19,3 19,3 19,3 00,0
691 TCI Top of car Inspection Switch 16,3 16,3 16,3 16,3 12,3
694 DCL Door Close Limit Switch 01,0 01,0 01,0 01,0 01,0
695 RDCL Rear Door Close Limit Switch 01,0 01,0 01,0 01,0 01,0
783 TCIB Top Of Car Inspection Button 01,0 01,0 01,0 01,0 01,0
787 DCM Door Closing Management 00,0 00,0 00,0 00,0 00,0
991 DOOR_ST1 ST1 for front DO-5 17,3 17,3 17,3 17,2 13,2
992 DOOR_ST2 ST2 for front DO-5 17,4 17,4 17,4 17,3 13,3
993 DOOR_ST3 ST3 for front+rear DO-5 16,3 16,3 16,3 17,4 13,4
994 DOOR_ST1R ST1 for rear DO-5 19,3 19,3 19,3 19,2 00,0
995 DOOR_ST2R ST2 for rear DO-5 19,4 19,4 19,4 19,3 00,0
996 DOOR_ST3R ST3 for rear DO-5 00,0 00,0 00,0 19,4 00,0

4.2.3 Notes
LRD and RLRD are low-active signals. Some older LCB2/TCB software versions expect
high-active signals so that the I/O must be inverted manually. The invert bit must be reset
again when the software is updated to a corrected version.
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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005

Use M-1-1-2 to check both LRD and RLRD inputs. If one of the inputs is shown in upper-
case letters while the corresponding light ray device is not interrupted, you have to invert the

Press M 1 3 2 <io-number> ENTER <address> ON ENTER

Note that you have to enter the address again even if it is already shown in the display.

4.3 Leuze Light Beam Gate (CSP-5)

The Leuze Light Beam Gate is used for FLH elevators without car door.
When the light beam is interupted, the safety chain is opened and stays open until a selftest
is started.
The safety chain will not be opened when the three inputs TARGET, 1LV, 2LV are active.
This allows the passenger to interupt the light beam without causing misleveld stop.

Functional Description:
I/O signal description
989 TARGET Is activated when the car is approaching the target landing and
stays active until the car leaves the doorzone again. This signal
disables the lightbeam gate inside the doorzone.
990 LBGCHK Is used to start the selftest of the control unit. This selftest must
be performed before the control unit can close the safety chain.
The handling of this output depends on the state of the safety
opened: activated when a car call button is pressed
closed: before a run is started

987, 988 1LV, 2LV mirror outputs for the discrete 1LV, 2LV inputs of the LCB2

Required I/Os:
I/O name Leuze input

Optional I/Os:
I/O name Leuze input
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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005

Install Parameters:
Group name value description
8-EMERGENCY ES-TYP 0 LCB2 does not memorize that the ES had been
activated; the car continues to run as soon as
the safety chain is closed again.

All outputs are Normally-Open contacts.
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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005

5 Signal Devices

5.1 ELD (CPI-11)

The setup procedure for LCBII is exactly the same as for RCBII. Please refer to the
Field Component Manual for MCS-RCB_II: Feature Description and Setup Guide
GCA21270A VIIIe, since version GAE30075GAA from 30-Sep-96.

For LCBII there is one additional parameter which is not described in the a.m. document. It
enables/disables the customer messages of the ELD:

Install Parameters (Group):

Group name value description
1-SYSTEM EN-MSG 0 Customer messages can be setup in the E2PROM of
the LCBII and downloaded to the ELD, but the auto-
matic Customer Message Initialization after PowerOn
is disabled so that the ELD will loose the Customer
Messages after the power has been turned off.
1 A complete initialization is done at every PowerOn so
that the messages are available all the time.

5.2 Out Of Service Lights

To indicate that the elevator is not on service there are three types of outputs available:

557 OOS1B (active = high) Is active when the lift is not able to run.
558 OOS1M (active = low) (OCSS Modes DAR, DBF, INS, NAV, UFS)
737 OOL (active = low)
878-909 OOL0-31 (active = low)

559 OOS2B (active = high) Is active when the lift is not available for normal pas-
560 OOS2M (active = low) sengers.

713 OOS for REM See description below

(active = low)

5.3 REM Signals

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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005

The following signals are provided for REM and are transmitted simultaneously on the RSL
outputs and the Service Tool output (for REM-SL):

REM signal The signal is active when:

BUT There are outstanding calls (since BAH to a foreign landing only)
A correction run is done
The car is moving in INS
BUT is not activated during a Releveling run
When input DFO is active (stays active for at least 200 ms)
When the door is opening or fully opened
CPR Car is parking
Moving to bottom in DAR mode
NORM Is inactive in the following modes:
Is activated when car is approaching a landing; is deactivated when
the car is leaving the landing
when car is in lobby floor
LND Activated in every doorzone
LEV When LEV is active
DZ Activated in every doorzone
OOS Activated immediately when:
UFS (version BAH or higher)
SE-Fault (version BAH or higher)
OTS-Lock for AHVS (version BAH or higher)
DoorStall (version BAH or higher)
DPB-Fault (version BAH or higher)
30 sec after:
Doors closed but DOL active
DBSS not available
MCSS not available
OLD (version BAH or higher)
LNS but no further demand (version BAH or higher)
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No.: GCA 21240 D
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Berlin Feature Setup Description Date: 27-Jul-2005

UP Car moves up
DOWN Car moves down
CLS For House Keeper Module (HKM)
Is activated when CLR is active

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