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Postpartum Depression (PPD)

Mallory Owen, SN

Background Results Clinical Implications Conclusions

Postpartum Depression is a Specialists are now using whats It should become a necessity for all
common, unresolved complication After the administration of the
called the COPE (Creating women in all stages of pregnancy to
that roughly 600,000 women per COPE program, families and be educated of the risks they have
Opportunities for Parent
year in the United States possess. healthcare providers have found at obtaining PPD and having a
PPD is characterized by
Empowerment) program for
that the stress, anxiety, and preterm infant. Extensive support
depression, fatigue and lack of patients at high risk for preterm
insufficient knowledge about and therapies can be beneficial on
concentration or unwanted thoughts labor (Parker).
there premature infant have the protection of the family and the
following delivery. It is most Clinical problems related to infant for growth and maturation.
decreased significantly. Families
commonly caused from one or a
parental stress due to preterm become education on what to
combination of hormonal changes
and psychological adjustment to
birth and NICU admission extend expected within the NICU Bibliography
motherhood. beyond simple stress by parents (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)
to that of helplessness, and learn what to expect from Hawes, K., McGowan, E., O'Donnell, M.,
There is a higher risk and an insufficient knowledge, their new infant from each phase Tucker, R., Vohr, B., & O'Donnell, M.
increase in numbers of mothers (2016). Social Emotional Factors Increase
decreased bonding, depression, of after birth, within the NICU Risk of Postpartum Depression in
that suffer from PPD due to them
and the potential of post partum- and when they begin the Mothers of Preterm Infants. Journal Of
having a preterm Infant (born <36
weeks of gestation). post traumatic stress disorder discharge process and will be Pediatrics, 17961-67.
(Parker). taking their new baby home. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2016.07.008
Parker, D. (2015, January). Evaluation of a
Methods Practice Change Using COPE (Creating
Opportunities for Parent Empowerment)
Do women who have preterm to Address Maternal Anxiety, Depression
infants have a higher risk of and Expectations Related to Preterm Birth
suffering from Postpartum and Subsequent Neonatal Intensive Care
Depression? Unit (NICU) Admission. Evaluation of
a Practice Change Using Cope (
P- Women in their childbearing creating Opportunities for Parent
years. Empowerment) to Address Maternal
Anxiety, Depression & Expectations
I- Provide therapies and support to
Related to Preterm Birth & Subsequent
expecting women. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (nicu)
C-Therapies and support can Admission, 101 p.
decrease the amount of PPD Silverman, M. E., Reichenberg, A., Savitz, D.
A., Cnattingius, S., Lichtenstein, P.,
Hultman, C. M., & ... Sandin, S. (2017).
O-Decrease the amount of PPD The risk factors for postpartum
cases. depression: A population-based
study. Depression & Anxiety (1091-
T- From conception to years after 4269), 34(2), 178-187.
delivery. doi:10.1002/da.22597

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