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SETUP Players choose color cubes (use black &

white in 2 player game). Place board with all the SCORING DETAILS:
different scoring markers (only 8 & 12 Noble
Markers used for 3 player / only the 8 used for 2 Bonuses scored during player rounds:
players), shuffle & place Intrigue Cards, remove
Country Cards based on players before shuffling:
CITY BONUSES: 1st player with a cube on either
Noble in a city takes the City Scoring Marker.

COUNTRY BONUSES: 1st & 2nd players to have a

cube in each city (Cathedral spots apply) of a
Then place Country Cards and turn 3 face up. Country takes the highest remaining Country
Choose who will be 1st player (random or oldest?). Scoring Marker.

ROUND SUMMARY (repeat steps in clockwise turns): NOBLE HOUSE BONUSES: 1st, 2nd, & 3rd players
1) DRAW CARDS: draw 3 Country Cards (face up (availability depending on player count at setup)
or off deck) or 1 Country Card/1 Intrigue Card. to have a cube on all 7 Title Scoring Markers on
EXCEPTION: # of cards drawn 1st round only: side of board takes the highest remaining Noble
House Scoring Marker (purple circle tokens).


Bonuses scored at end of each period:

2) PLAY CARDS (optional step):

Claim vacant noble: play # of matching PERIOD BONUSES: Players total their Influence
Country Cards. Place cube (+ on Title Marker) (#s to right of city nobles) on each country.
Claim opponents noble: play # of matching Players with most influence take higher Period
Country Cards + 1 matching Intrigue Card Bonus Marker, and player with 2nd highest takes
(EXCEPTION: Kings require 2 Intrigue Cards). the lower Period Bonus.
Place cube (+ on Title Marker), and also move Ties go in favor of player w/ higher ranked noble.
opponents defeated cube to Cathedral space. (still tied? then tie goes to player with a noble in
a city that had the higher City Bonus Marker).
NOTE: ANY 3 Country Cards= 1 wild Country Card
& ANY 2 Intrigue Cards= 1 wild Intrigue Card
3) END OF TURN: Discard cards if over hand limit
(hand limit = 12 Country Card s/ 4 Intrigue Cards) &
refill row of 3 face up Country Cards. Bonuses scored at end of the game:

END OF 3 PERIODS: periods end when Country

Card drawpile is empty (only reshuffle discard pile TITLE BONUSES: Player with most cubes on a
beforehand to complete last players turn). Title Scoring Marker score the whole Marker.
EXCEPTION: 3rd period requires finishing the If there is 2 players tied they will flip the Title
round of players (until right of start player). Scoring Marker over and each player scores .
If there is 3 or more players tied then that
GAME END is after 3rd period and all the score markers removed and not scored by any players.
markers are distributed. HIGH SCORE WINS!
(ties go to player w/ the highest single marker)

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