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A Backwoods Home Anthology


Ingredients for an herbal first aid kit

and how you can use them effectively
An herbal medicine kit stomach ulcers, which were arrested
with one days therapy using this
By David W. Christopher M.H. A medicine kit first of all should same cayenne tea.
contain the basics which include, but Cayenne works equally as well
M any of you have discovered the
deep satisfaction and savings that
are not limited to, first aid tape, sterile
gauze, and assorted bandages includ-
externally. Many people have reported
excellent results of immediate seces-
comes from making your own cloth- ing butterfly and knuckle. Other items sion of bleeding, wound healing, and
ing, growing and processing your own would include good scissors, tweez- no scarring by immediately placing
food, repairing and maintaining auto- ers, a thermometer, and an instruction cayenne on the wound when the occa-
mobiles, and in some cases defending manual on CPR and other lifesaving sion arises.
yourselves in legal matters. The techniques. Cayenne should also be used in
expertise in these areas is commend- As you prepare your medicine kit cases of hypothermia. After getting
able, but nothing compares to the you will want to include something to the person dry, warm and calm,
exhilarating feeling of being free from counter infections. This is where herbs administer the dropperful of cayenne
the current health care system, of should be used, mainly because they extract or a heaping teaspoon of
becoming self-sufficient in your health are safer and more effective. The sim-
care needs. In this regard, you will ple herb, cayenne pepper stops bleed-
find natural health care to be extremely ing and helps to heal wounds. The
simple and greatly rewarding. herb golden seal root will counter any
If you have stored food and supplies infection and also aid in healing.
sufficient to tide you over during a Comfrey is another healing herb that I
natural or man-made crisis, keep in have seen work miracles. Oak bark,
mind that you will not be able to use bayberry bark, or any other astringent
these supplies if you are sick or herb will help pull tissue together,
injured, with no access to outside help. further assisting in the healing process.

Take a lesson from the riots Cayenne to the rescue

Let us take a cue from the past I remember the last time I cut myself
unrest experienced in Los Angeles and seriously enough that the blood was
other parts of the country. In particular spurting, I found that my biggest dan-
is the case of the young father who ger wasnt in bleeding to death, but
ventured out during the riots to buy losing it all through going into shock!
milk for his baby and ended up being So the first thing that I put in my
shot. We should all store at least 72 personal first aid kit was cayenne
hours worth of provisions so we do extract which prevents shock. All it
not repeat history. A medicine kit takes as a dosage is one dropperful.
should be in every home, car, and This same cayenne extract can be used
to stop a heart attack. cayenne, which has been mixed into a
place of business.
My father who was a practicing cup of warm water. Warm the torso
You could go to a well equipped
herbal doctor, never lost a client due first and then the extremitieswith
pharmacy and purchase a kit supply-
to heart attack when cayenne was your own body if necessary. Since the
ing the basics but they will also con-
administered. His method was to mix person is most likely exhausted, nour-
tain the same old unnatural, poiso-
a heaping teaspoon of cayenne in a ish him or her with warm liquids,
nous, and sometimes habit forming
glass of warm water and have the soups, warm vegetable juices, honey
materials that give temporary relief
patient drink the whole amount. in warm water, etc. (Honey should never
but do not go to the cause and correct
the underlying problem. So lets put This same procedure was used in be given to babies.-Editor)
cases of gunshot wounds, where the One more situation in which you can
together our own, and make it as nat-
blood stopped spurting within 10 sec- use cayenne is in cases of frostbite.
ural and effective as possible.
onds of drinking the cayenne tea. I Use one tablespoon in a gallon of
personally suffered from bleeding warm water, not hot, and soak the

The Third Year 269

A Backwoods Home Anthology

extremities. We could go on for days The body, in an attempt to correct induce regurgitation). After emptying
about the uses of cayenne. the problem, will allow a backwash of the stomach and upper intestines we
alkaline juices from the intestines into can then go to work on the lower
For bites and stings the stomach, which then triggers more intestines, with the herbal laxative.
The next item that I would want for hydrochloric acid production. It is this If nothing is done to eliminate stag-
my medicine kit would be used, for sensation that we wrongly identify as nation, the body is then more likely to
venomous bites or stings. The herb of excessive stomach acids, and by be subject to infestation of parasites,
choice is echinacea in extract form. reaching for the antacids, we upset be it pin worms, E. coli, giardia, or
I would take a dropperful every hour the delicate balances of the body. whatever.
and also use an echinacea compress So the worst treatment for bloating, This leads to a vermifuge as my
on the bite or sting. A compress is gas, heartburn, etc., is that of using next candidate for inclusion in this
made by soaking gauze with the antacids, which allows foods to pass medicine kit. Wormwood is my
extract and taping the gauze over the into the intestines without the benefit favorite, especially mixed with
bite, or the dry herb is mixed with of being acted on by stomach acids. molasses. A good substitute is my
water or saliva to make a paste that is This procedure interferes with the own VF Syrup. After three days
placed on the bite. It is important to enzymatic action in the intestines, thus usage, a strong herbal laxative is used.
keep the person still and calm, while allowing undigested food to pass into This procedure should be used every
restricting lymph flow with slight the bowels, where no enzymatic activ- week for three weeks.
even pressure between the injection ity takes place. In the bowel, remain- If gastro-intestinal problems are not
and the heart, around the circumfer- ing substances are broken down by quickly resolved they may become
ence of the affected limb. All toxins chronic and result in ulcers or colitis.
are eventually eliminated through the I mentioned before the use of
bowels, so it is imperative that this cayenne to eliminate stomach ulcers,
channel is kept operating. Enemas and which is a roughbut effective treat-
herbal laxatives would be in order to ment. Colitis (ulcers of the intestines
accomplish this goal. The best herbal and bowels) is not treated effectively
laxative, Naturalax #2, can be pur- with cayenne, but instead we use an
chased in any good health food store. herb named slippery elm bark. This
herb is very soothing and gentle and
Gastro-intestinal disorders over a longer period of time (several
weeks to several months) will eradi-
The most common health complaint cate any aforementioned conditions. I
is that of gastro-intestinal disorders. also find combining licorice root with
There is absolutely nothing in drug the slippery elm root will effectively
stores that can approximate the effec- stop diarrhea, and helps counter
tiveness of herbs for these disorders. inflamed hemorrhoids. Slippery elm
For example in double blind studies, gets my vote for being in a natural
conducted at Brigham Young Univer- medicine kit.
sity, ginger root was found effective Slippery elm is a very soothing herb
in alleviating nausea experienced by that can be used on any irritated sur-
volunteers who were spun in circles. face such as bed sores, diaper rash,
While in the same experiments, bruises, scrapes, etc. It is just sprin-
Dramamine, one of the most popular kled on dry. When combined with
drugs, barely beat out the placebo. I small amounts of water it makes an
would definitely have ginger root in excellent band aid. It sticks to the skin
my medicine kit. Cayenne can also be by itself! A small amount of golden
effective in digestive disorders by bacterial action, and the by-product of seal could be added to this natural
stimulating hydrochloric acid produc- bacterial action is gas. bandage to counter infection, and
tion which effectively breaks down When the gastro-intestinal tract is maybe some comfrey could be added
the food in preparation for, the abused and becomes stagnant, many to speed up the healing process. Of
intestines. disorders are manifest. Constipation is course, cayenne could be combined
Sometimes when it seems like we the first sign of stagnation and is easi- with the slippery elm to stop bleeding.
have too much stomach acid, we ly resolved by using the Naturlax #2
might reach for an antacid. Dont do it! combination. Greater stagnation is Burns
In reality we are actually deficient in evident with nausea. At a time like
stomach acids. By eating too many acid- These herbs minus cayenne would
this, a quick cleansing of the upper be excellent for burns. A very excel-
forming foods, we trick the body and digestive tract is in order and calls for
it doesnt provide the hydrochloric acid lent herbal combination to use for
a wonderful herb named lobelia. This burns and healing is my BF&C
necessary to break down the food. herb acts as an effective emetic (to Ointment. It is a combination of what

270 The Third Year

A Backwoods Home Anthology

cine kit but should be refrigerated for herb oils like cassia, eucalyptus, and
long-term storage. mint in olive oil and use it effectively
for any muscular pain including tem-
Poison oak ple headaches and toothaches.
(If you are interested in learning more
For those of us who encounter some about the medicinal use of herbs, contact
poison oak, poison ivy, or just some, David Christopher by writing to The School
harmless but irritating stinging nettle, of Natural Healing, P.O. Box 412,
good drawing herbs would be essen- Springville, Utah 84663. The herbs listed In
this article can be purchased at any good
tial. My favorite is plantain and it def- health food store or by calling The Herb
initely is in my personal kit. I have it Shop at 1-800-453-1406.)
combined with pine tar and it never
needs refrigeration.
Clay can also be
used and is pre-
pared and applied
in the same man-
ner as slippery elm stickers of the whole Earth from space,
bark. distributed around the planet by donation.
When I finally Printed with ink that is gentle
find time to slip on the environment.
away into the
mountains, I tend Send what feels appropriate plus sase to:
to overwork my Earth Seals
I consider the most effective herbs for muscles so I have PO Box 8000-BW
skin problems in a natural base of included in my Berkeley, CA 94704
olive and wheat germ oils. This would first aid kit an
be an excellent inclusion in any medi- analgesic. I have
combined essential

The Third Year 271

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