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THE ART OF LOVE AND REMEDIES FOR LOVE by Ovid Trandate b JACK SHAPIRO TAURIDA BOOKS PUBLISHING Co. bib by LAURIDA BOOKS FUBLISHING CO, oni © 1961 Leia Bost alii Co. No pete itbok ny berets oe ‘thon pina ig pi $ Lenox FouragnioX ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My gotfel schnowiedgements to the Univesy of Califia Rese Libeuy, Los Angers the University of Judai, Low Angles; the Cubic sive, Washington, i A Concordance of Ovid, apd the Lae As ov taie by Jobe Sind ne tg by St Set CONTENTS ‘THE ART OF LOVE: BOOK ONE... li ‘The Progen ee How To Finds Gi : Where To Find Gi FOR LAURA AND MAX Wher To Pid cui ‘A Spores Areas / ‘AC Public Bens / At Pati — / At Resa nnn / Vow To Seduce te Gi Ply Up To Her Mai Wale forthe Rig Tane : Send Hera Later Fe, (Give Her Poms. i “Ange Accidental Meigs On Grooming. How To Drink Ligue How To Fate Het DoNet Be Timid wit Your Poni. ‘Use Tes, Kiser and Plt. ‘Uses Vay of Technique. ‘Use Gel Fre = i Do Not Be Ovecoent.n ook kes Lovet 2 , DoNetTrst Yoo fin, ~ ‘THE ART OF LOVE: BOOK TWO. rcsnewnnn 40 i Do Not Use Lone Point oon i Calate Your Mind. a Be Kind and Undentinding 4 Be Patent When Se igi os Be Servet to Her Wishes voce a6 Show Rasp to Her Servant, a Give Her Inexpensive Gift, a i Seed Her Poste oo ise Her Goodour ad Bey : ° Prove Your Derotion Hetero 30. 1a Hex Deere Acute io You, ees Be Faith to Her in the Begining. Conceal Yor Inlties. 2 Do Not Take Aphrodite Make He Jess. = {Give Her the Piot Bein f Lave ‘Show OFF Your Talent — Siler All Tals and Tons. - Do Not Be Jealous of Het ‘Do Not Gop Abt You Love Ais. Do Not Cite Her Fas, _ ~ Hl To Sty Her Sealy ‘THE ART OF LOVE: BOOK THREE... ‘You Gits Mast Learn How To Loe ne DoNot Bes Pade. — Do Net Won over Being Deve nnn “Take Gate of Your Body. ‘Wen opr ltrs Hai Se Facial Gre Do Not Lat Yor Ever Se Yo Make Up. (Cone Your Defoe - ~ Condit Yourself ike ad - eam How To Carey Your Body = evn To Sing sod Pl ead Love Posty — arn To Danes sod Py Gare. ~ ‘Where To Mas Men. — ” Be Sern in ble. wae of Fale Men Cine Yous Favors aly When Men Kegp Tei Preis Receive His Love Letters and Examine Tern arf. ‘Aye Coat Your Tepe . How To Fi. ~ Haw To Use Mes - Gud Your Ne Loves ~ Bo Nat Give Yous To Hal a ‘ake Him Appresesve a Jeo How To Blade Parents, Guardians, Chaps and Loves. ‘Bo Not Trt Your Friends ~ Mike Your Ma Believe Tht You Love Hi. Do Net Be enous of Hin How To Acat Paris, = Seoul Its. REMEDIES FOR LOVE: BOOK FOUR. ‘Thee Reecies Apply Bath Sexes. Avoid Kener : ‘void Excesive Slop, Gabling nd Deakig (Oeepy Youn = ‘Takes Tip the Cay Take Up Honing o Fang. Leave Town and Say Away for Al De Not Bale in Siero: Cre. Raall All Her Abas to Your Mind “Tusn Her Good Pints inn Bad Ones What ToDo Aboat Ct nen Observe and Dell ca Her oly Beles. Have Two ot Mare Mistowe. Pretend Vea Ar Paling Out of Tove Sate Yourself Seal. ‘Arvid Lovely Pcs. ‘Avid Other Coole aking Love, ‘Avoid Her Neighborhood. ‘1 Goode to Her Friend snd Relates. Compate Het wih Oth Ginn nn Dest All Her Ltrs and Pes, ‘Avid Fores Mating Paes. ‘The Chief Case of Uaappisin Lore I eae. Final Pression, VIDS LIFE AND WORKS. 1 Ovi Lfeand Works, 1, The Fags of His Ese, IL, His fafonte on Ltt sd A IV, His Ines on Medicine INDEX OF NAMES, Beeeus “Happy isthe man thas finds wisdom, and the man that obtains anderstonding SoLoMON's PROVES BOOK ONE If you are gisl or man who does aot know the at of Joving, you will ears how to love by reading this book. Ie takes art to steer bouts easly with sail and oar; it takes art to drive chatiots smoothly; it takes art also to guide love ‘Tiphys was a masterpiloton Jason's ship, Arg, in quest ofthe Golden Fleece. Automedon was 1 skilled charioteer for Achilles in the Trojan Wat. Venus has chosen me, an ‘expert on loving, to supervise her young. s00, Cupid. I Shall be called the Tiphys and Automedon of Love. Cupid is indeed wild and often fights with me; but he fi young boy, and can be propery handled. Achilles, when a lad, was taught to play the lyre by Chiron, the Centaur, and by that peaceful at was his savage sist subdued. He who tesfed his enemies so many times, jad ven his friends, was afraid we are tld, of this old bglé- horse, hafman, Those hands which Hector was to feel {in the batle for Troy were held out for lashings whenever his teacher ordered him, Chiron instructed Achille. 1 shall be the teacher of Love; each boy ferocious, and each was boen of 2 goddess But even the bull submits his neck to the plough's yoke, and wild horse are tained to take the bride's bitin this teeth. Though Cupid hues his aming torches at me and ‘wounds me with bow and arrow, be, too, will yeld to me "The more Love burns me, the more he pierces me, the sseter wil be my sevenge forall those wounds he bas made. i 1 sll not lie to you snd claim that Apollo gave me np ats; neithee was I instructed by voits of Birds frm the ties, nor had the Nine Muses, Clio, or any of her sisters appeared before me as they had to the Greek poet Hesiod ie es tending hp i th ally f Aci Ty own pero cpeenes wiih ines back incr tps who Ene wat ove all ou poting butte th aay Ves, Maier of ave falp ny epi Tas ava, you yung iin gs wo wea xz bn eos of cay in oor ay and you med fromen who wea ong wing cst de you leg 1 Sl dvaige sows of sng somal torume Bat 5 alan pune! by nw: There wl Be sig io kt i sae oe The Program "To those of you new soldizes who ate coming for the fist time to the bute of love between the sexes: Tiss, you will eadeavour to find a gel whom you desire to love, Second, your tak will be to tedace the gitl whom you ike “Third, your tol willbe to make love lat for «longtime, 1 shal lay out the course around the racetrack for your chariot to follow which wil speed you on towards victory. How to Find Girl While you ace sll unbridled and can go about with free reins, pick out the giel to whom you can say: “You ace the one whom I desire!” Now, she will not come floating down to you out of thin ary your eyes must search fr the right gil "The hunter knows well the appropriate valley in which to spread his nets for dees, and he knows whese the wild ‘boars roam. The fowler is familie withthe forests where he can catch his birds, The fisherman is well aware of the waters that abound with fsb and knows whete to ast his hook. ‘You, 10, who sec subjects for lasting love affairs, must first lear of the places where girls gather. shall not ‘order you in your seach to sail the Seas, nor will be nceessizy for you to travel over long wearisome siads Although Perseus care! Andromeda away from fycot black Bubiopia, and Paris abducted Helen feom Grbece, Rome itself will give you so many beautiful women that you will ay: "Here are the loveliest gis in all the word ‘They are a8 numerous a8 the comm crops in Gaypats, as grape-dastes in Methymns, or fishes in the ee, and bids Jn the bushes. Your own city has as many gies foe you as there are stars in the sky. Venus, the mother of Aeneas sel dlls hereon iy : ‘Are you attacted by young giels who ate sill in their prime? Such girls wil waly appear before your eyes: Do you crave women who are more mature? Sach women will please you by the thousands, Deliberate as much a8 you ‘Wish, you will still not know which to choose, Or do om, peshaps, prefer older and wiser ladies? These ladies, t00, tre here, beliewe me, in an even greater ara Where to Finda Girl: Public Buildings and Temples Take @ leisurely walk under the shade of Pompeys Potico in July when the som i inthe zoe sign of Leo (te lon of Hereles), ot past the Portico of Agistis Caesar's sinter Octavia, « wore rich in foreign marble where he as added het own gif of a ibeary to the mem oy of her som Marcels. Hequent the Portico of Livia, ‘Augusta’ wife, which houses anit pining, and the ‘Temple of Apollo where the statue of the ctaped King Bel of Raypt, with sword drawn, stands over his fifty ayanddaughtes Beause they dated plot the wretched death of thee bezothed cousins ‘Do aot overlook the Temple of Venus where her be ‘ ‘Tm ART OF Love loved Adonis is bewaled bythe women, nor the synagogue where the Jews from Palestine observe Sabbath the sev: cath dey eligious holiday, Aad do oot omit the temple of the Egyptian goddess Isis, the white lie-lad cow; she thas been responsible for many women doing that which she hertelé did with Japicer, Ben the law courts in the Forum are suitable for love who would belive it?—and very often in the const rooms a flaming passion is discovered, Neusby, at the ‘Temple of Venus by the Appian Foustain (where Venus is portrayed in matble, rising from the foaming sea) a lawyer i often captured by love. He who has been 40 careful for others, has not been very cautious foe himself; he loses his eloquence, words fil him; a new case comes to tral; itis his own, and he must plead his own cause From bee temple Venus laughs at hin—he, who was $0 recently 2 defender, sow desires to become 2 client. A Theaters Special places in which to do your huating are the round theaters: these are fertile grounds for the flfillment of your deste, "Thete you will he able to fnd a giel to love, ‘ne to toy with and touch only once, ot one to ean longer, Jit ike large crowds of ants coming and going, carying the customary grain od i theic mouths, oF like swarms (of bees feeding on feageant necar blosoms and buzzing {in and out of the flowers, thus do the crows of elegantly dressed women eush along to the plays. So many in fact, Teannot often decide which ene to choose. They come to see, that they themtelves may be seen. In those places maay who are chaste lose theie virtue, King Romulus was the fist to stir up trouble in the theater when he ordered his unmarried soldies to rape the Sibine women. AE that time, there was ap ro06 over the ‘marble theater, sor was the stage coveeed with crocus spray. The platform was undecorated, they used simple foliage from the Palatine forest. People sat on steps made fof turf, and branch leaves haphasaedly covered their un emp ie, ‘As the men took this seus, they fartively looked over the gids. Theit heasts pounded with passion for dheie chosen mates. A Tsean futeplayer blared out his crue ‘hythm and an actor stuck the stage theee times with his foo, In the midst of the applause (it was then wild and unresttined) Romulus gave his men the awaited sigeal to seize thei prey. They leaped up instantly, revealing theie intentions with loud yells, and laid fustfol hands on the virgins. Just like a flock of frightened doves fleeing from ‘eagles that have been spied, so were these gids terrorized by the immoral men rushing down upon them, In not one id he former color remain, Theie fear was similar, bat the expression of their fear was not the same. Sone tore their bait, sme sat razed. One cred for her mother, an other grieved silently. Here one was hysterical, there one was dumbfounded, Some ran away and others remained. The gits, prey fo the mareiageed, were forcbly seized and carried off. The lool of abject hotsor on their faces seemed only t0 enhance their beauty. When a gil strug: sled too much and resited her captor, the rapacious man Hg her body and cacied hee away saying: "Why fo you spol your beautiful ejes with tars? What your father ‘was to your mothe, I shall be to you!” Romulus knew how to cewaed hie lonely warsoes, If sch a reward were offered me, I would gladly become a soldier. To tll the truth, the theater to this day resins those ancient customs of immorality aod cemains& danger fous place for beautiful women, At Sports Arenas Be sure also to atfend the thoroughbred horse races in the Circus Arena. The large croide there will provide you ‘with many opportunities. You will not need to use your fingers for secret speech making, not will you need to receive signals by meaos of fiting nods. Sit right nexe to the ladj-—n0 one will stop you—and press your sie to hers as clote as you can, That i easy to ‘perform, even should she be uawilling. The lines that marke ‘ff the rows of seats compel her to touch you; those aze ‘the rales of the stadium. Now seek an opening for friendly conversation. Your frst Femarks should be of 2 evil nature, Thea excitedly ingute which horse she favors to win and, whichever she pices, bet on it quickly, “When the young men competing for prizes pass by on prade, carrying tei ivory statuetes ofthe gods and god desses, applaud mest enthusiastically for Queen Venus. Uf by chance a speck of dost falls on the gis bosom— ie does happen—Aick it of with your finge’s. And should there be nothing to fick ff, then fick of nothing, Let any pretense serve to show your attentiveness, Should her cloak be hanging low and touching the ground, gather it up carefully and life i from the dic You will get an immediate reward for your coutesy: she will allow you to see and touch hee legs. ‘Then look around to sce that whoever is sitting behind Js not poshing his Kaees against her delicate back. These Tittle acts of kindness help to capture many ficle minds ‘Make her comfortable by astangiag her cushion with your hand. Fan the breeze gently witha program, or place ‘cushion under her dainty fet. Hire in the Circus Arena, amongst its sorcowful sand scattered by the gladiators’ violence, are your opportunites for 1 new love afac. Veou' boy often fights upon that sand, and he who is watching the wounded, himelf be ‘umes injured. While be is talking, touching her hand, asking for her program, o¢ even then when placing his bet, he may fee! Cupid's ying arrow wound his affections, and he himself becomes part of the show he is watching At Public Events Recently Augustus Caesar staged a mock naval battle exibition of his defeat of Antony's and Cleopatra's Atben- jan and Persian ships st Actium, Truly from both seus came the young men and women; the whole world was ia out city, Who was there in that vast multitude that did aot find someone to love? Ah me! How many in atecdance were burned by falling in love with « foreigoes ven now Augustus is preparing to add the rest of the ‘unconguered world to the Roman Empire; soon the distant ast will be ours and the Parthians will he punished. Caz sus and his son, slain in battle by Parthians, their flags lisgraced by barbarian hands, wil soon be avenged. Galas, sun of Augustus’ daughter Jolis by Agrippa will be thie avenger. Though he is young in years, he proves his leader ship by engaging in wars that no boy shoul bein. Beople should aot be fearful of his age and should aot count the bicthdays of gods, for valor touches the Caesars eal, Tit divine genius grows in them faster than theie years; heit heavenly spicit does aot tolerate the slow advance of ceeeping time. Hercules was 2 baby when he crushed the two snakes sent him by Juno, jealous because he was fathered by het Jnusband Jove on Alemena. While still in his cradle, he was already worthy of Jupiter, And Bacchus (who is even yet youthful), how old was he when India cowered before his ine-covered thyrsus and was conquered? Under the auspices of his sire, the courageous boy Gaius, ease he beats such ‘an boaored name, will achieve an eatly victory. He is now first among youths; later he wil be fist among men. As hae has brothers, he will avenge the wrongs done them: at he has a grandfather, he will pootet his rights. The father of his country and his owe bas sent him to wat, for the Parthian enemy is unjustly sexing terstory from the Rom. ” ‘na ART OF LovE an Empire, He will beat dutiful arms and wield accursed ‘weapons, His standards will be those of justice and dy. ‘The Parthian cause is already defeated. Their armies will be vanquished by Gaius and he will add the riches of the Base to Rome. May Fucher Mart and Fucher August CCaesa grant him divine favor ashe ste oat, On is already « god snd the other will become one. I prophesy victory fot him and promise to sing his praises in aloud voce. My words will tell how he took his stand and spucted his army on to victory. May my words not fall short of his bravery. I shall tell of Roman breasts and Parthian backs, nd how the Pathian solders on horseback cowardly shoot theit arrows while escaping fom ehe bute. Those Par thiaes, who hope to conquer by Mecing, what will be left for them to do when they are defeated? he Parthian method of fighting is an evil omen for them! ‘The day will come when Gaius willbe the most admited of men, He will ride on parade, resplendent in gold, be hind four snowwhive hories. Before him will march the Parthian leaders, their necks laden with chains and unable to excape, as they had previously. Happy throngs of young smen and women will watch with joyous hears, And if tome girl in the crowd should ale you forthe name of captured king, what his country i what are the names of the mountains and rivers there, answer everthing—even if you do n0¢ kaow-—as though you low it well 16 she does rot ask, tll her anyway: "Thece is a prisoner from the aphzates River sepion! That one, with the hs hanging aver his blue eyes, from near the Tigris River!” Let some bbe Armenians, ochers Persians. Point out generals here and there, and call them by thei right aames if you can; if ‘os, make vp titles and give them names tat ft At Parties Dinner pastes, too, will ford excellent opportunities, When the tables ae set, you can find something there besides wine. Blushing Love has often pressed mis tender arms agains the hors of Becchus, and when Cupia's wings become drenched with wine, Love remains standing on the spot, overpowered and capeured. Love, indeed, will quickly shake out his wings, bt it ssl painful for Cupid to haye his breast speiakled ‘Wine infames the mind and prepares the passions for Tove. Cares dissolve with too much drink, thea comes laughter and the poor become rch; sadness, worries, and ‘wrinkles disappear from the brow. Its then that honesty reveals one's mind—a thing most rare in ou times! The ged Bacchus expels all inhibitions, and together in the wine With Venus, felis added tothe fie of passionate dese, [At such memeats women will often eaptate the heats of ‘men, Then is not the time to put too much trust in the deceptive night lamps; night and wine impair the judging of beauty, 1k was in broad daylight, under a clear and bright sky, ‘when Pais judged the goddesses and suid to Venus: "You are more beautiful than either Juno ot Minerval” At night defects are concealed and maay faults sxe ovedlooked, In the evening any woman can make herself beautifal. It is ‘he daytine that is consulted for fine woolen clothes and jewelry; consult i, too, for # woman's fice and Figure! At Resorts TE were to enumeate all te gathering places whe you can met the right gins, the sand would give way to any umber. Why tll you about the sershoe reso of ise with thei ot sulphur buts? Many men come aay from therewith wounded hears, eying’ Those lames vests ate ot ss belty as they are supposed to be “There also the forest retest near the Temple of Dia, onthe outs of Rome, where inany have bee ijted by Dinas sworded hand. Boas sh i vgn, se de “Gani Taal, Beds woald sone beset 6 pe teat the dats of Cupid. She has given many people wounds there, and wil give them many more, How to Seduce the Gint ‘Thus far my Mase Thalia has introcted you where to spread your nets in order to Sind your love. Now, I sll {each you the arts that are needed to seduce the gtl of your choice. This is a much more dificult task and will equie special skills, Men, whoever you are and wherever 100 may be, let your minds pay close attention to ay ia structions, and I shall promise you all favorable cule, First ofall, Set your minds rest asered.ahat all women, sin be seduced merely ly your taps, and they will ngs fimey"cickets quiet in the summer; and hounds would ster turn theit backs to rabbits before a woman would resist the tempting caresses of a man, Even the git who ants you to believe she is unwilling, can be had. Just at stolen love is pleasurable to men, soit isto women. Men te ba at pretense; women are sch better at concealing their desice. If all males would apiee not to-be the fist ‘ones to ask, the females would soon play the putt of the ‘onquezor and do the asking. In the meadows the hefer {ows softy to the bul, and the mare whinnes tothe hora. hoofed stall. tn humans the libido is less feeaied; Father itis mote moderate. The lustful pasions of men sce beiter controlled and are regulated by sexual laws ‘Why should T tell you the sty of Byblis who burned ‘with 4 fochidden incestuous love for her beothee Caunas, snd who bravely stoned for er sin by the noose of rope? And of Myrta, who loved her father Cinyeas, but not 5a daughter should, and how she was punished and cen pelled by the gods to ie forever imprisoned within the hack of the tree which sill ansnts ws with feagrant tear drops, and which beas its mistress’ name, ‘There was once a white bull in the shady torest of Mt: a, in ancient Crete, marked by a black spot between the hhoms; that was his only blemish, forthe sest of hi was ‘white 48 milk. He was the glory of the herd and all the heifers from the towns of Gnostus and Cylon wished to bear him on their barks. Queen Pasiphae was overlayed to commit adultery with that bull; she wes most envious of the beautiful cows and despised them all. | This story that tells well known; even though Crete thas a reputation for lying, noe one of hee hundéed cities can deny this tale. Pasiphse, herself, it is tol, plucked fesh faves and soft geass for this white ball with hands unused to such chores, She cared nothing for her husband, King Mis, and travelled inthe company ofthe herd, And so it was that Minos was conquered by a bul OF what use was it for Pasiphae to wear her costly gat. ‘ments? Her aulterer had no feling for such riches! What good was a mirror to hee, travelling with the heed over rugged mountains? Why had she foolishly changed bait styles so many times? Did she not believe hee mittor when it told her she was not 2 cow? Had she wished that hoens would grow on her forchead? Tf Minos had stisied her sexually, would she sil have sought an aduterer? Nevertheless, if she was inclifed to he unfaithful to hee husband, sbe should have chosen » ‘man! She abandoned her marriage bed, ranoed ancl sade ver the pasturelands, just like a Bacchanalian fale ex Gited by the god Bacchus. Ab me! How many times she ‘ould look perversely atthe face of & cow and wonder ‘why it wat so pleasing ther lover and say; "Look how she sports before im on the soft gras, I have no lout the stupid thing chinks itis Becoming to her” She would then speak out and order hee withdraw immediately fom the herd to be undeservedly yoked to the curved plough, or else, she would force her to fll before dhe allay in « feigned sacrifice, after which she would hold the eatails of ae rival gleefully in her hands. How many times she appeased the gods with her butceced sivas! As she held their entrails, she would say: "Go now and charm my lover!” At certain times she wanted tobe like Burope, and other times like Isis. One was changed into a cow by Jupiter, te other was cased on his back when he changed Iimself inco a bull. Nonetheless, the lender of the herd made her pregnant when she deluded him by conceling Derself in 2 hollowed-out maplewood cow, made for her by Daedalus, the famous Greek inventor. And 56 it was that the boll sited her offspring; the Minotaur monster. ‘Had another Cretan woman, Aerope, wife of tres, abstained from loving his brother, Thyestes (how hard it és fora woman to he pleased by one man alone), Phoebus, the sun god, would not have been horrorsiricken and tamed his horse-diven chariot back into the dawn, upon discovering that Atreus had zevengefully slaughtered ‘Thyestes’ children and served them to Thyestes at 2 banquet, ‘The daughter of King Nisus, Sila, fll in love with het father’s enemy Minos, and betrayed her sce to him by cthing of the purple loc of haie on his head upon which his life and kingdom depended, She, too, was punished by the gods and made to hold raving dogs in her womb snd loins ‘Agamemnon escaped from Mars on lan and from Nep- tune by sea, but became the tragic victim of his wife Chtemnesea. ‘Who has not wept for Jason's wife Creuse, who was bbumed to death in the dames of ber pulace, set afte by his former wife, Medea? And for Medea herself, a mother stained with the blood of her ewa two children wham she slaughtered in a jealous cage because her husband. had left hee for Creuse! Phoenix (who was accused by his father Ampntor’s con- cubine of violating her, and was blinded by his site) wept BOOK on a rough sightlss eyes when Hippotytus was win to piaces alter his horses were panicked by Neptune, On the fale accusation of bis stepmother, Ghaedr, that he bad seduced be, his father Theses cise him and cased is dat Phineas plucked out the e7s of his innocent Sop who vere accused of wastonness by tic separ fazes aod be was pied by the Haspics the wing female sons, who polled the fond on is tbl, rang ising and iste ‘Allo ‘madpess. Come then, you men! Haye dubs. that all women.cin be had! There will haedly be ‘one out of many that will deny you her favors, Whether they yield to you or refuse, they sil like to be asked, Even when you find you are mistaken, thee is no hati done ‘when you are rejected. But why should you be spurned, since new thls captivate our minds and please us more than those things we already have. The crops are always ‘more fertile in another's fields, snd’ our neighbors cows alvays appear to have larger teats Play Up 10 Her Maid Now, the first thing for you to da is to become ac quainted with the maid of the giel whom you with to Seduce: she will make your acces to her much ease. ‘Neat, find out if she isin het mises’ confides, if she knows her most intimate secrets, and whether she ean be trusted? ‘Then, bribe her with promises and entreaties! TE ke is operative, you will gain what you seek with ease. She will chose the right time (physicians sao ae the seevants of time) when her mistres i in geod spirits. Wheh she is in happy frame of mind, then she will be ready for plucking, just like the cen that grows wantonly sipe on fesile sil. When beats ae gay and not consid by sadaes they ae ral xcessble and ll emit he persuasive as of love, Toy, when she wat su wr de « fended by het armies; was when she wat gay Sa seid the wenden boxe loaded ith Gree soldat = “When her fslings have been hate by a allover ind 4 she is ering, then is «god tine to usa he. Helper seth revenge Inthe mornings the ma cm te aly, Jee he maid aan oat to Yours, ging your mites on by syng to her, wl sighing deeply: "Bat Ido not hi yu can ge even with hi by yourel” Ske shuld ten tal aboot you with pensive won and sen hat you ae gong isn wth lve freak soul ad het You are eying. But you mast act quick, le he ness subside andthe sal fis he ange wll evenly dnp ese ja ke brite ie ‘You may ask wheter tele o sede he maid hers Sch attemps involve daogtons risk Copulation wll take one ofcous, anther on Isis. Ooe wil yd ot of ty to her mistress, nother oe for hell. The cele, tn prove diasus, She may become bald and paca Nevertheless, my advice to you to hep aay fr het T am aot one to rth headlong over precipitous, ray els. No young man ander my ttle WE eve Be i jd rca sul the maid plas you when she brings and rece the lve laters you exchange with yous seats (oot caly by he zealous bt als by er body), see that you sede the mites fiat and let the mail come hate Do not atmpt to make ove to the mid athe Begin sing! IE you have any faith in my anata oy words ae nt sid by the winds and cated ot oa will warn you to hed ths rule: eter make no aang on the servant wnt of you salen you nee 4p all the way! When she enelfpunicpats ome ie A ww sie, she wl then remove esl as pret nfrnes “heed with swings lined cannot evap en ped fh cn bald bythe ck as ed, od Boe oe steal escape when one it becomes eatanged in he TE you do make an atenpt on her, ress your stack hard and do aot ewe be tl you sees! on suring conmen gut with you she wil no bey pon Bat make sue you Lep the informer sce wel hao TE you do, she wll vas submit 0 you, and yo il she Koow her mites sare Wat for the Right Time ‘That man is mistaken who thinks that the seasons are to be obsecved only by sailors and by farmers who labor. ‘ously cultivate the land. The concave ship should! not always be entrusted to the blue see, aor grain to. the treacherous soil. Neither is it always safe to sedece the ils; the same thing can often be accomplished at 2 mach hetior time AE her bithday is coming, or the March ist festival (Matconalia Day in honor of Juno) or the Apeil tat feast day celebration wihen the planet Vedas i conjunction ‘wil Mas, presehis faust then be given to het. Thi is tree Also, when the Circus Arena i decorated, not a8 norm 4p is with small states, but displayed withthe wealthy ‘polls of captured kings. At thote times postpone our roc! Stormy weather and the forbidding seven wrginal Pleiades in the constellation prevail, and the twin stats of Gemini are submerged deep ia the ocean, Iti betae at this time fo desist! IF any one should tos the sas then, ‘he will hardly hold together the shaticred. pieced of his ship, ‘You may begin your assault 09 the day commemorating the historic battle of Allia when blood fled feem Ronen ‘wounds and they were defeated by the Gauls, and on tit ‘1 ART OF LovE recurring seventh day Sabbath when the Jews frm Jerust- lem observe theic religious holiday. (Those days ate 208 soltable for business transactions because all the shops are closed.) ‘You should hold in great dread your mites’ birthday. ‘That is an unlucky day for you, becuse then too somne Bifts must be given t hee! Eventhough you avoid wom ‘an, she will tl find a way to Bece an eager lover of his ‘mone. ‘A pedler will come to her house, knowing that she will buy something because you ate there. He will spread out his merchandise, and she wil ask you to Took a the things, just to make ie seem that you ae wise, She wil then give you a kiss and ask you to buy her something, She will ‘wear that it wil last her for yeas, that she needs it now, and that it can be bought at a bargain price! Should you snake up the excuse that you left your money at home, she ‘wll ask you, to.write outa check, and you wll rue the day ‘hat you leazed how to write! Or else, she wil claim that itis her bithday and ask you to buy her a gift~and she will have a fictitious birthday as often at she needs one! ‘Another time she will weep most dejected over a pee- tended loss and lie to you thtt a jewelled caring has slipped from bee ear, ‘Many are the things they beg to bocrow; once they ace sven something, i is never retucoed! You will foe and will not even receive a thanks for your loss, If Thad ten tongues and as many moaths I could stl at tell you all the unholy ruses they use! They ute all the ticks of the professional prostitutes Send Her a Letter Fist Let the smoothly-waxed writing tablet make the fist attempt at fording the river. Send her a letter to speak your mind for you. Pay ehe lover, whoever you ate, with words, and do not spare the attecies and entreaties! Peas “ eG Nase Pe how’ ‘moved Achilles to return slain Hector’ body ty ais father, King Priam of Troy. Bven a wrathful god can be inf. enced by a prayerful voice, Give Her Promises ‘Make her promises! Reslly, what hate is these in giv ing promises? Anyone can be rich in them, Hope, once cherished, will endure fora long time. She is a decetfal goddess, but yet a convenient one. Once you give her something, you may give her a good reason for abandoning you! She will take your gift, you ‘ill lose it, and she will not have to lose anything, But what you do not give her, alwaps appear on the veage of giving her! Thus, has a strle Geld often de- ceived the farmer. The gunbler, lest he lose, keeps on losing, as his greedy hands repeatedly pic up the dice, To achieve coits fist, without having to give her gifts: this is yoor task afd thie jour tll Let what she doe ve you shall not be for soting, the will keep on giving you. Therefore, let a letter be seat fret to exploce her feel: ings, writen in coaxing and persuasive words to test the pathway for you ‘Acontins sent Cydippe a letter in an apple while she ‘was worshipping inthe Temple of Dian She was betrayed by it into accepting his marrage proposal, When she read out loud the words he had written: "I swear by Diana to marry Acontins,” she had to keep the vows she unwittingly made in the sacred temple 1 T advise all young men of Rome to lear the lawyer's at of persuasion. Not only will a trembling client whom you defend in the courtroom applaud you, but so wll the fuser judge, the select people of the jury, and the pis ‘specially will be conquered by youe eloquence. However, you should conceal your prowess and not act like a high brow intellectual! Avoid dificalé words in your pleas, Who, ‘except an idiot, would practice oratory on a young lady? Many is the time a letter has proved to be a strong cause for hatred. Let your language be believable with simple words which you would use in ordinary coverstion, but Persuasive, so that you sem to be speaking to er in het presence. ‘Should she not accep your letters and send them back unread, persit in your purpose, and keep on hoping that she will read them. In time an obstoate ox will come to the plough; in time a tenacious hors is trained to submit to the bridle. It is through constant usage that a metal finger ring wears away; the curved plooghshare by con tingally taming over the soil will soon weae out. What isharder than tock? What i softer than water? Stil, hazd socks ate hollowed by soft water! Jost persevere! In time you will ovecome chaste Penel ope hhetselé. Notice how long it took to capture Troy; nonetheless, she was taken, If she seas your letter, and will not write bac, think nothing of i. Just keep om sending her your Gattis to ead. She, who willing to rea, will eventually respond to that which she peruse, That wil come step by step of is own accord, Pechaps, in the bepinning, she will send you a dscour aging letter, begging and wishing that you do not annoy Fae. What she begs you to do, she fears you will do; what scam to be by chance, Manage first to wall ahead ot hee, then follow slowly behind her; now hunry through the crowds, around the columns, and then ron quickly to her side ‘Do not let itembarras you to have your hips brush up gaint hers a8 you walk with hee! "Wher se is in the ouad theater, do not sit there with: ont staring at her, She wll have something on her shoaldere worth looking at’ You should turn around and admire be there ie much you can say to hee with your eyebrows snd gestures. Appa the actor ca stage who in his dance poe: trays a woman, and cheer loudly for him who plays the part of 2 loves, Rise when she rises, and sit while she Sits, Let your mistress decide for you how you shoul sped your Ting On Grooming “Take no pleasre fo waving your hit with hot cng iton or raping your legs with stinging pumice stone, Let Te aleiaate sanvch priess do those things, they who celebrite thet Mother Bart, Cybele, in those rotoog Piygian ceremonies. Neglected beauty can be becoming to a man ‘Thess cated off Minos! daughter Atiadoe, though she ies you not do, ewan you to dt for no sharp ain eld Ai ar aoond is temple you to be persistent! Press on then, and you will soon be cal Phaedra loved Hippolyts, and he was not well groomed, {he poster of yor desis. eS, Adonis was an inant of the foe, but yt he wa ibe detonate pce Vers, Take plea ins cen body. One Ati tend by In the mesntime, whea she is out riding, approach her Mathletics and exercise Ay Arrange Accidental Meetings ye curriage and make it look accidental. Canningly conceal your words t9 her in ambiguous mesnings, so that ao one else around her bends 2 mischievous eae to your words. If she is on foot taking 2 leisurely wall: along the spacious Portico grounds, here too, make your meeting Se that your clothes ace welling and spotless ‘Your tech sbuld be without yellow sans ad youe tongue feee of diy coating, ; Tee shold nt wallop sbout in shoes that ae oo lg Badly cut bai sould not stand on tp of your head » ‘Ant OF Love Jet the hair be trimmed by a shied barber. Fingemails should not be too long and should be free fom di. 1) Rol tnd po fm yr mes) Let no bad breath come from s sour mouth, or the take dar of a goat emanate from the armpits to offend some. How To Drink Liquor Bacchus inspites me to tell you hit story, becuse he is kindly disposed towacds lovers, snd favors the flames of pssion with which be himself baens. Ariadne was wandeving, out of her mind, on the sandy island of Naxos whece the seu lashes the shore. She wat just aroused from sleep; her garments were in disazray, hae feet hace and her golden but wes unbound. She was ying bitsy, complaining to the deaf sea waves of The, seus’ undeseeved crusty to er. A storm of teas showered her delicate checks as she sreamed and sobbed smnalte- neously; aller agony seemed only to enhance her beanty, She struck her soft bosom with fet hands over and ores ‘again, and cried: “What wil become of me? That faithless rman has abandoned! me! Soddenly the beating of drums and cymbals by frentied hhands reounded all over the beach. Her last words broke ‘off Breach and blood left her body a5 she fainted fom Sight: Behold! There weee Bacchanals with long dsher. led air steaming down theie backs, Look! There were wanton Satyss preceding their god. Behold There was lenus, the drunken lecherous old man and companion of Bacchus, scarcely siting, but hanging frm his a, leaning forward and clutching his dokey’s mane. As be paras ‘the Bacchanals, they esape him, and then they ten around at the others be guilty of such things; those women te ie whore te dpa en vi sea of HO, “make love to othe mea, ame WY o and attack him with a stick, He goads his fourtonted snimal forward unsucoesfully until he falls of the long: ‘eared ass and lands on his heed. The Sages cty out de sively: "Come Fathec, get up! Father, ats! [Now the god Bacchus approaches in his chatiot, covered with grapevines, and pulls 0a his golden reine to halt the bitched tigers, Voie, color and Theseus were all gone from the hapless gil, Thrice did she attempt fight and thrice vas she restrained by fear. She stood trembling like a dey sta of wheat, shaking inthe wind, or like © shuddering reed in a marshy swamp, "Come here; do not be afi the god sald to her. “I come to you as a more faithful lover, Lay aside your fess, Ariadne, daughter of Minos; you will be the wife of Bacchus, You shall have the sky 4 a git, and as sarin the constlation, you will be! forever conspicuous to suilors and will help guide thee wavering ships” As he spoke, lest she be aft of the tigers, he leaped from his chasiot upon the sand, clasped her to his bosomindeed, she had no moce strength left to stmggle—and caried hee away. OF cours, itis easy fora god to do anything he pleases, Some Satyrs sang out “Hall Hymenaeus!” the wedding song of Hymen the mat- fiage god. Some Bacchanals shovted: "Hirsah, hurrah!” ‘And that is how it was that Aciadne and Bacchus came to ‘be united on the holy mazcage bed Therefore when the gifts of Bacchus ate set before you, and a female companion shares your convivial tale o sacred Bacchus, father of nocturnal orgies and rt the wine shall not be permited to hurt your heed. ‘When you are close to her side, you can say many things to her which she will understand ate meant for her alone ‘Trace out onthe table, with 2 litle wine, compliments to her that will tll er She is your sweetheat, Gare into her eyes with looks that confest your paso) for her: a slleat expression on the face can often have a! voice and words ‘Male sare you are th fst to seize the cup from which she sips, and cine from the side hee lipe have touched ‘Whatever food she handles with her fingers, ask for, and while you seach for it, touch bee hand, ‘Make it your business to be very ourtenus tothe g's Jover. He willbe more useful to you if you make him your fiend, ‘When toasts are drunk by lot yield the fst one to ies if you are chosen, and lft yous chepet of roses to him in his honor. ‘Whether he be your equal or your inferior, Jet him help FimselE to everyting Sst. Do not hesitate t let hie be frst t2 speak, and then agree with everything he says, "To deceive in the name of siedhip isa safe and heav ily travelled road, but as safe and heavily travelled as hat toad may be, thas is pitfalls. The more one takes from 4 friend, the more one wants, and when his frend disovers him takiag more than he i entitled to have, that friendship is lost 1 shall give you a sure rule for drinking: let your mind and feet always perform thet dies! Be especially wary of quarzels that are stimulated by liquor, because your hands will become too eng to engage in savage fighting Eucytion, the Centaur, given too auch to drake at the ‘wedding feast of Pisthous and Hippodamia, was sense lesly killed in a drunken bout. The table and wine are Detter suited for merier sports, If you possess a good voice, you should sing. If your limbs are supple, then dance. Entertain by whichever talents you have Just as real drunkenness may be harmful, feigned inebi- fy can be helpful. Let your tongue make staterag and sMammering sounds, so that whatever you say ot do promis- ‘uously can be Blamed on too much liquor sed excused HOOK ON » Give your best withes to oth the gil and the man who | sleeps with her, but under your breath silently cuse bee lover aad wish him evil How To Flater Her When he dane bles ed a the gant deprg he owed om, ae wl ae yor se her Sue Wa ae © he, bash you eg wp gut nd wih yur fog fhe he beet (Ge i of al bal mie! Now tine fo cn vento The geese Goal Rate snd Ventas Tre cod eu eoyece ead st cone fm ay is of ine jut Ca ig nd wl oto os op ail "elma now ly he pula and ac tou tesa ad wore eas Be nde tt where ier ou we, wl st se ican ean tree oo ae Sat be lone, en ugh ae Ge ose il igs tar ces unend hs ier iae| = ny Hs mg shape uy no Steely sait teste oe at faget a tea Girls! That is all the more reason why you should be! indo he petende Tat lore whch wr secs _false will usally turn into true love, Now isthe time for you to steal into hee beast with subtle fatery and subdue her just the way seeping wv does when t undermines a river bank, Do not weary of praising her hair, her face, ber dainty fingers and her diminutive feet. The chastet and most prudish of women are delighted when they have thet beauty Inuded, and even virgins take pride and pleasure u ‘Tm ART OF LovE jin their appearance. In fact, to this day, the chaste Juno sand the viegia Minerva are still abashed because Paris, in the forest of Mt. Ida, jodged Venus to be more bea sifal than they were, When you praise Juno's bid, the peacock, it always displays its feathers; look at tin lence, tnd it conceals its teases. Even the horses atthe race track delight in applause and enjoy having theie mance combed and necks patted ‘Do Not Be Timid With Your Promises Do oot be tind with you pombe, women ze slong BF pieced! “De many go as you wih to witness your vows Jupier tom oo igh sms down A epee of lores und commands he South Wind ery he vad oun evay. Has estan for Jape ore fly 1 Jno bythe Span Rio Hl adn e faa rota ag he eae Tt expen i ee ad tis egeent, la vt belie then to ea Lat wine tnd crv be broght to i ant sla. Te ods emo we Crs nin ep though psc yap. Ae ty deep omipesen, So lre moor! Lal he ‘gow cman be desl tee Le yor bands be fs fom teed! Absa fom fea ou sal dite if You ae ite, ly momen wh bey. Thee fo ts fn, hep got at, De oy the dctving women fortes pr thy ttn ce te Lat em fal iy the tp ty antes ep The lind of Dy od ws ccs engken sod ubleed by infor iv ye Tse wet King Ds and afore hn tht Jor ld be pt tel by tedng the Bod of « anger Daa pid to in: “Sige you forego ou wl bee fat coe to big ue Eee Thali the Yat Of ily, abo made Pel, the inventor of the crvel beazea bell for sttificial sites, its fist vit, by roasting his owe limbs in i. ach ruler was jst in what he did For thece is no fairer law than that contrvers of death should perish by their ‘own contrivances. So then, the pejucers deserve to be deceived by those perjored; let the women sulfer from the ‘wounds they themselves would fic, Use Tears, Kisses and Pleas ‘Tears, to, are usefull With tears you can move adamfat beasts made of iron. Let her see your moistened cheeks, if you can ery If you ‘cannot weep (indeed, tars do not always come in tie), touch your eyes with a wet hand ‘Whoever is wise will mingle his kises with cossing words. Should she not give you Kise, tke what she wl not pve! Pechaps she will struggle at fet and say: "You ae immoral!” Yet in her struggling she will wish to be ‘overcome, Just be careful when snatching kisses thet you do not hurt her tender lips, so that she ca ater complain that you have been rough with her. He who bas taken kisses and does not take the cet, eserves to lose what he has already taken, Do you ase What else you have t0 do to suify your desires? Oh my! You are not only bashful but also very naive! Use Gentle Force You may use force! Gitls are grateful for your strength ‘What they enjoy giving, they often wish to give uawiling, 'y, She who is suddenly seized and ravished sexually, fy delighted and considers your “immorality” a. blessing in Aisgiset But she who might have been compelled to yield and escapes untouched, though she feigas joy and relief, will really be sad and misctable! Phoebe experienced force from Castor, and her sister Hilaira from his twin brother Pollux, Both gies were ravished, and both were grateful to thee seduces, How Achilles seduced Deidamia is well known and in deed is a story worth retelling. Because he had chosen Venus over the other two goddeses on Mt. Ida, she had lkeady rewarded Pasis his prize, Helen, Pars brought Helen from distant Greece to the walled city of Troy. She came a8 a new wife to him and as a new daughter law to King Prism, The Greeks had all sworn allegiance to Helen's injured husband, King Menelas; his grief had Decoine the peoples season for war. Achilles didnot wish to join the Greeks inthe Trojan War, because the oracle ‘at Delphi had prophesied his death to his mother Thetis, She hed him disgracefully disguise his manhood in wom an's clothes, and belped him escape tothe island of Seyzos whete he took a job in King Lyeomedes’ royal chambers ea scamstees, ‘What had Achilles done? Spinning wool was not his cecupation! Was he seeking fame from Miner's art of weaving and not from her at of warfare? What had he to do with sewing baskets? His hands were moce adept at cacying a sword Why did he hold a needle in that ight hand by which Hector was doomed t0 die? He shoul Ihave discarded the spindle upon which he was weapping ‘head and prepared hiaself for busing the Plisn speae! Tt happened that ia the women’s quarters, where he was ‘working, he ocupied the same bedchamber as the royal ‘maiden, Deidamia, It was only when he ravished her that she found out he was « man, By force indeed, it behooves 1 to believe, she was overpowered, But ye, sbe wat will: ing to be conquered by force! Many times afterwards, when he had Inid aside hi dita? and was preparing to take wp valiant ems to join the war at Troy, did she beg him: “Please, stay awhile, donot leave me yet!" Why had she with a tearfl voice wanted to delay the departure of the perpetrator of her dishonor? "o tell ou the trot, there ate some women who ate 2008 on ly ‘ashamed to be the ft one to begin sexual advan, and so, many of them will submit geitefully when the maa. takes the initiative! Do Not Be Overconfident ‘Ah me! A maa i to condent in bis own good looks it he expecta ll ob the oe todo healing! The man sooldshees make the fst scan! let him be the one speak pleading words shew linen an wee hi eens, To powsess er, ut com he, ake wishes oly «@ be beaged ay sig hee on wy se. Jupiter hime went ra oplant to ths ant h ines gl ever sliced the mighty Jove T But when you do get aa ber al you ses tha your reyes aks he angry and ecogat, move quickly ovay from bet and gutting! Many women dle 4 fe Purse a dee tat which eles them. The ley chase than, che more you wll keep thon fm tng of r= You sould not always expect to have ous by coming Sight ou openly and sings git for Let ove eee in under the mane of feenship! I have sen ay pe won by this method. He who inthe begining watt 2 lose fend, Inte on bce ft pasion oer! Look Like Lover A pal ples i «same slr soul be mt fm tes nde et ea ‘toto fume ws ay unde open ingot ml wih he ced gre ol ey tact Ad ples dpa sad fore a, sho matte su nen e Opps ate al vs ak pl ate Be ae for them! Those who think that thio i not their conrect color ate fools ‘Orjon was pale when he pusued Lysce ia Dtce's woods, sand so was Daphais when bie nymph would not yield t0 him. Do not think it shameful for you to prove your afetions by loss of weight, having 2 haggard face, ot having your bir uncombed! Sleepless nights will make a young man's body weak, tod so will the mectal anguish he feels for his love. Tn order to gain your desites, you mst look unbappy and ‘miserable, so that whoever sees you can say: "You must be in love Do Not Trust Your Friends Shall complain loudly or warm you quietly eat sight snd wrong ate all mixed up? Friendship is only « name, and trast i but 2 useless word. Ah mel It i not gafe to praise the gid you love, evento your best frend! As soon ashe believes your praises, be himself wil take your place. ven though Patrocus did not dlshoaor his friend Achilles bed, and Phaeds's virtue wat respected by her hhuband Theseus? frend, Pivithous, and Pylades loved Orestes’ Hermione the way Apollo loved the virgia Min erva, and the way the twins Castor and Pollux loved their sister Helen; anyone cle who will expect the same be havior from his friends let him hope the tamarse will op apples, or look for honey in the middle of a sve Nothiog is more delightful than when itis dgraceful! People ate concerned only with theic own pleasute, even sould thei happiness come feom snother person's ser: ing, Ah me! The villainy of it all! No enemy need a lover fear; but fee fom those frends whom you trust and you will be safe! Also bewate of your brothers, eelatves and your best fiend. These people will furnish you with rel fea, 00K on 7 Use a Variety of Techniques 1 was about to conclude, but you should know that fhe hearts of women are of an infinite vaity. §> you mat We 4 thousand means fo capture a thousand hens, The same cant does not produce everything. Some sili sui able for vines, anothee fr olives, and sill another for growing whet Heats have as many ways asthe world has shapes, He who is wise will alapt himself to women's varied dspo- stons, just like Proteus, the old man of the sea, when he soled capture by transforming hitnself at one Une ito « geatle sex wave into a ion at another tine, ad int + shaggy bear at sil another time Fh are caught in one place with hoks, in agother spot with spass, and again in other locations with enctlipg ete | It is not appropriate for you to use the same methd with women of diferent ages. The older doe will see your trap from a longer distance away. Ifyou appear educsted to an ignorant woman of lsc jis to one that i chaste, she will instantly date you Because she will feel unworthy and sony for henlf. And 50 it often tappens that a woman who is afraid to erst heself with a respectable man wil fall degeadingly into the ams of an infeioe one Part of my task Ihave begun, ptt is now faished. Let © diop anchor here and rest or boat for awhile BOOK TWO Oud Hava or ior, ul he ve cit out. The peor {sought bas allen ato my tap Joyous Te remade my aye ig Wh the een laiel palm and prefes me t0 those ance poets, Homer and Hesiod ~ pars Fl seh happnes whe he spread his white sls ad fled from the fotcgn shotes of the aed Greek, carrying away Neola avished wife, Helen. Th sich a moed wat Pelops when be cared off Hippo- ama after contesting for her and winning he inthe famous chaiot rc. ‘Why do you hurry away, young man? Your bout sls only inthe middle ofthe ten, and the safe harbor that Tack for you iil Fa away. isnt enough ju to fnd 4 gil. 1 was by my art she web cape; 8 by ay at. Bhat ah tbe retnned. Nor does i tke lest ail to ‘KE Tah to Had dig be, here i some chance, bt in keeping er, ati requced. Now, if ever, may Venus and her boy Copid favor me, and my Mose Erato who was tamed foc toe. 1am preparing f0 teach you the most important ats tht are nese’ fo hold onto Love, Sine Capi capricious and fekle and is two wings with which to 8y away over the wide world, the means by which to estan him are very dies, ing Minos had blocked by evry way the investor Dasa escape fom Crt, yet the Atheian contived 4 daring ight by means of feather. After Daedalus bad Ini the abit by which Minow could prion Pas Phac'shalbll, halfnan son, Minotaur (wom she Bad Conceived in adultery with the ball), be sppeed to ‘Minos! "Most jst King Minos, lt my cle be ended and permit Greer to recive my ates, Bosse the crcl Ets have unjustly pursed me, T could not live ia my own Ave ie | | | rp | | | wh 7 | country, but please grant me the opportunity to de there, Permit ay son Icarus to return alone f his worthless Ether lspleases you, If you are unwilling to spare the sn, hen spare the father.” Thus be spoke and would have said ‘more, but Minos firmly denied hima and his son the chance to return to ther native land, saying at the samme time “Daedalus, you have ar opportunity now to show your ‘ngenuity.” Since Minos postesed the land and the seu, neither eaeth nor water afforded them a way to exepe Only the open sky cemained. Daedalus then decided attempt fight through the ae. He prayed to Jupiter on high {0 favor his enterprise and promised him that he would ‘not reach up to his throne in the constellation, He impor tuned Jove and explained thatthe sky was the only wey left open to him for exape from the cevelteant aa that they would even cross the Stygisa waters of Hell if he were allowed passage through the inferaal underworld Helped Joe to ie hi he it 0 chang he ang Misfortune often inspires one's genius, Who would have believed thar a man could fly though the ar? He placed feathers side by sie, to serve az oss, in imitation of the bids, and bound them together to light linea fabcic, and with hot wax he sealed the parts together. When the strange new contraption was Saished, Karas, who handled ‘he wax and featheis, laughed, not realizing that they were being prepased for his own shoulders, His father said ty him: “With these ships we muse sal to our native Greec ‘They shall help us eszpe from Minos, since he bas closed every other way but the ai which he could not enclose My invention will permit us to By ecough the ait, but you ‘must not look up atthe Virgo star Callisto noe her soa beating comaade star, Orion, ia the constellation. Follow ‘me closely with the wings Ihave given you. I wil lead the ‘ay. If you follow my leadership carefully, you will be safe, Should we fly too high ia the sky, too near the sun, the wae will not be able 10 endure the heat: Or if we By too cose to the ocean, the water's sprays will wet and Foosen the feathers and we shall fall. Fly in between the two, my $00, and alo be feaeful of the winds, Whichever way the winds blow you, spread your stile and follow them.” After he wacaed the boy, he fitted his handiwork fn im and showed him how t0 mov, jst like a mother Bind teaches her fledgling to 8p. Thea he fastened the ‘wings he had made for himself on his own shoulders and timidly poised his body for its new journey. As they were about to fy, he kised is small soa, and hie eyes could ‘not bold back the teas. ‘There was a hill, smaller than « mountain, from which the two bodies took olf on thet tragic fight. As Daedalus ‘moved his own wings, he also watched hs ons to see if he was following his couse, This new way of traveling de- lighted ars, Laying aside his feats, he became bolder sand flew with dating sal. They were seen by a fsbesman down below who was angling fr fish, and his m0 promptly Aropped from his trembling hands. ‘They had. already passed by Samos; on their left was Naxos and Paros, and Delos, greatly beloved by Apolo; on their right was Lebyn thos and Calymne shaded by forests, and Astypalae, su- rounded by waters, abounding in fh The boy, with the rshness of youth, recklessly deserted bis father and winged his way higher, dying too close to the Sun god. The war melted and the binding gave way. His moving arms could not hold the thin air, From high in the sk, teefied, he looked down on the sex. The black panic of fear appeared in his eyes, The wax had completely dissolved, and what had been on his shoulders vanished. With nothing to hold hie wp, down he went, aed as be fell he cred: "Father, On, father, Cam being taken away!” “The blue waters shut hie mouth from farther speech. The unhappy pacent—no longer a fther—cried: “Teas, where tre you? Under which sepion of the sky are you fying?” 200% 10 6 Ass the feather onthe water he seas "ars "he eat over is hones the can ss bese hs ene Minos could not contol the wings of mortal bat Ovid, am tempting to hold the wings ofa gt Do Not Use Love Potions ei wcng.for anyone ta bave cous $9 the Grecian, of apc or 10. love potions sachs the plated from of the forehead of » newborn fo Neil wt ‘HE dig Mea hep love alive, wor wil the Mantes soveres, with tee ayierios sounds and inate Medes would have beld onto Jon with et dogs of Ge would hae kept Ulyses wi her sen tong ene could have been preserved by these eto Do oot give love pocon gt tht bring tn pale! age te mind and cn, Sax ny from al sich cna cea’ "To beloved: just be lovable! To achive love, eit face no igure aloe wll bing it to you, tug, Foe 4s handome as Nicis, whom Homer pused de he Beauly, Fa entifl he youth Hy, who as cut off by the wattonaympts. To keep your mites snd not be astnthed 10 6d Younel® abendoned, endow your miod wit aleve dion to having bodily advantages, Beauty ise fleeing evastage: it dinses wth advancing age ant rental is ravaged by time self, Violen do na boss forever, oe do lies always rein open, Whee Cao esses, the hac thos at et behind And very sot te your ova handsomecess, gray hats wll pene sect had and withering ries on your face, Neve to barden a good body with «geile soa hat lon ay due and remain unl des Cultivate Your Mind Do not fil oculvate you snd with the lteral ats 84 Team at Jest wo languages: Latin aad Gc [Ulyses was not handsome, but he was eloquent, and fred two nymphs, Calypto and Circ, with love. Ab me! How many times Calypso grieved over his leaving her, and ‘warned him tht the ocean's waters were not it for oars "Time and again, she asked to ear about the fall of Tsoy, snd be would cepeat the same story over and over, bat in ‘ifront ways. As they stood onthe sore, besuifal Calyp- 40 demanded to be told aboot the bloody death of King ‘Rhesus of Thrace, Ulyses with his ight stick—it happened he catied a stick—depiced i the deep sand the tale she swanted to hese, “Here,” he std, “is where Troy stood,” Inaking walls out of the san. "Imagine that this is Simos, ‘ny camp. Over there ace the plains" and be marked out 1 field, “where I sprinkled the spy Dolon's blood for at- tempting to seal Achilles’ horses. And thete were the tents of Rhesus, where I was the night I captured his horses and drove them back to our camp.” He was explaining more to her when 2 sudden wave washed away Troy, together with King Rhesss and his amp. Then the nymph std "Do you now believe you can trust those waves for your vorage? Look how many famous names they have destroyed!” Come, then, you men, trast but timidy in fallacious handsomeness alone, and cacty something more on your body! Be Kind and Understanding Ie is proper and sight to be kiad and understanding. In tolerance breeds hate and warfare ‘We dislike the hawk because i always lives by fighting, and the wolf whose trait iis to mush and panic a flack of sheep. But a dave, being a gestle bird, is free from the Snares of man, and docile swallows ae allowed to inhabit man's towers Keep away foom controversy and bitte-tongued quar rels! Love must be treated with soft, sweet words. Let Fhusbands fight with theie wives, and let wives sue their brusbands, who i tems, are always on the verge gettin 2 voce. Thi fe forte marie? women: aging arguments are the dowry ofa wife. Let your mstess eat ‘nly happy sounds. Not by say law's comand have you come tothe same bed, In your ese itis love which performs the dates oF the law. Bring bee words that delight hee eats, and tender caress, 0 that she wil be happy that you came tse er. 1 do not aitempe to teach the wealthy how to love. He. io can. give gifs has no need of my ars, Whoever can "Please take this!” wheiever it pleases him, has enough talents of his own, I yield to hin; he has more to offer than sy orm ney he eof po, ew poor when I loved; and since I could not give gifts, I gyve wont Ia he poor ian love cation, and far g sbasive language, He must put up with much that ich man would not end. T remember being i violent age one ie and musing ‘up my mistress hair~and the many diye my anger tf her! do thle tat ves de Idd sot see wher it was ripped, br she sid tht Iba, and it was replaced at my expense, Bat yo, if you are smact, you wil avoid your teacher's mistakes and dread the loses which ‘cll fm iy eos! Ete withthe bata Par an, if you mst, bat let there be apy peace with your cold ey, od mhteve ects ove opel Be tient W hon She Ls Fig afer your erste, she wil ot set your Loe, be pat ad pe he wilson lB comin 1 hand bet away from ate Ifyou ey your sent yon wll beak i of. By compliance ae mates swum, Foe fan oot congiet «snes when swinming guns ts rents, By compliance are African lions and tigers tamel, tnd oxen wl geal slit the fame’ splough, Ws ‘as more stun than Alla of Acadia Ye she wis ‘on over and sede by Mision! Many is the tne, hoy “ ‘nip Aer oF LOVE Shoelaces sranatetar te Secret ces Soe Sete wai oan aease 7d not onde yo to db the mount foe of A ee Snr sayeeeroe peepee ae Seen Fae eee een eee apache a neice eae ae Saosin ee “he playing hes at er sues capse our men, nd See Beier iratee Bie ia hc ntti yen if t may save do ot thi ‘forest your own ban —— Teale who weaned hi ep moter, Jano, by Kling the two serpents se bad seat © destroy bin, ened is disgraceful foe you to. act lke her ath your dignity 1o-bold.a. mirror place in the same sky thet be once helped Atis. . support ‘And believe itor not, he held sewing baskets and spun the rough wool fine with the Tonian gitls. That mighty hero ‘was a servant to his mistress’ commands. Go then,| and. shrink from putting up with the things he had to endure! ‘When iavited to meet ber at the Forum, arrive edeliee than your appointment and make sure you wait for her— ‘no matter bow late she is! Whenever she asks you to join ‘et, pat off everything else. Run, and do not let any ery delay you! i ‘When she is returning at aight from some public function ‘and she calls for you to take her home, then too, take her servant's place, TE you should be out of town, away in the county, ‘and she says: “Come,” go to her! If you have no wheels, travel ‘on foot. Love despises the lazy. Let-no bad weather retacd. 04, neither scorching heat, nor roads made white by fall ing saow. ‘Love is akind of warfare, o contest for cowards! Love's bainers“are“iot to be defended by timid men. Night, stormy weather, cruel pains, and all kinds of hard work are involved in Love's gentle wars. Many times dark clouds in the sky will pelt you with rain, and you will often lie freezing om the bare cold ground. i Apollo was oace in bondage to King Admetus. It is aid, hie pastured the king's cows while he lived ia 2 humble hut, If that was suitable for Apollo, whom else would it not become? Swallow your pride, whoever you are, if you want sa lasting love! If het door is bolted to bar you, and acces is denied you from the ground, tey the dangerous way through the sky- light on the roof or let high window afford you 2 secret ‘eatrance. She will rejoice to know that she was the cause ‘of your peri, and this will give her sute proof of yout lave. Leander could have been very often without his gil, Hero, yet he swam courageously across the Hellespont (Dardanelles) to show his mistress his feelings for her. ‘Show Respect to Her Servants Do not feel any shame in showing respect to hee maid aod other servants. Treat them all equally. Greet each of them by theic names (you lose nothing thereby) and shake theie hands warmly. Give a servant a small gift when he asks For something (the expense i wivial). Ofer them and the maid a lite money on the day the lower classes cele- brat the goddess of Good Fortune's festival, commemorat jing the time the Gauls were defeated, whea they demanded Roman matcons and virgins, and were set, instead, servants jn disguise who tricked them ioto defeat. ‘Male the common people your own, believe me, includ ing the gat keeper and the slave boy who sleeps before het ‘bedroom door. Give Her Inexpensive Gifts ‘ aot order you to give your mistess expensive pres “goth Give er sll, inexpensive gifts, every chosen, ‘When the orcas are ripe and che branches ae sogging ‘wilh tei avy dens, hae «boy bring he basket of ‘rue from the county. Although you bought them on the Sacred Vit Tithe Forum, you can tell her that they were seat fiom your county eat. Lt hi bring her grapes or esinols which the sheperdess Amaryl loved much, “The women nowadays, however, donot lve such inexpen sive things as nuts! Why not send her 2 pheasant, or & germ, bys er ia he Slaps ia your eg "Those gilts which remind coe of lonely old age and eat ar disricefsl. Ab me! May they perish whose gloomy gifts are guilty of doing such things. Send Her Poems 1 do not know wy [recommend that you sen her tender ‘erses als, Alas! Poems aze nt honored very much. Poems Uke praised, it tru, but costie gifts are sought. Just as Tong 28 2 man is rich, « barbarian himself will p hee “This is trly an age of gold! The more gold one has, the more honors he wil receive. Money isthe procures of love! Bren if Homer would show up accompanied by the Nibe ‘Muses and he broughe 90 money, out the door Home ‘would go. Sil there aze some cultured women, most ace in oumber, and there ate others who are uneducated, but ‘who wish to acquire leaning, Praise both kinds in your poetry. Whatever the qulity of the veess,ehey should be ead dramatically an ina sweet voce, so that either kind ‘an identify herself in the poems. Pechaps i will be like a lie gift to them. Praise Her Goodness and Beauty ‘Whatever things you yourself are about to-do, which you believe are to your own advantage, always make it appent ts though you are doing them for her, because she asked you i Tf you have promised one of your slaves his feedom, have him beg your mistress for his zelease. When you have pponsbed a servant and ace sbout to wntie his erel chins, Tet her thine you aze doing it because she asked, Let er play the powerful perton, You lose nothing and thereby sive her the credit while you take the benef "Those of you who are snxious to keep your mistress, no ‘naiter wat she tay look life, make her believe that you are spellbound by her beauty. Whether she be ated in ‘African linen or Grecian sill, praise the dress and ell her it is becoming on her, If she is bedecked in gold-embroid cece clothes, let her be more precious to you than the gold itself, Whea she wears woolens, approve her in wool Should she appear before you io sheer sill, compliment her Toadly and ell her: "You set me on fie!” But ina fearful, cautious voice beg her: "Bewate lest you catch cold | shee hue simpy arranged? Laud it! Has it been made wary by the hoe culing iron? Approve it! When she dances, admire her arms. When she sings, — ther voice. When she stops, object loudly! ‘When she allows you to have sexu intercourse with her, prsie the way she makes ove and dhank er for the pleas lure you have with er at night! ‘Though she may be more violet than savage Medusa, herself, she wil become gentle zn kind to her lover. Only be catefal that your lying words are not betrayed by the expression on your Face. ‘When arte i concealed, i i useful; but when once Aliscoveced, it causes shame and rightly semoves tat for & long tine, Prove ¥ our Devotion to Her Often when the atime approaches (x most beni tine of yee) and the pueple grapes become fl with wine juice, one moment we frene with the cod the next with the heat, Is ia that uncetin ai that the body becomes lechaepc. May your mises, indeed, stay bealthy; but should she be alfeted by the inclement weater, become land take to her bed, then et yout love and devotion tmaifs ital to et. Sow wih your sickle and Inter you wil reap a fall harvest, Do not become inpatient with her ‘morose malady. Lt your hands do these thigs she permite at et se you weeping and do not weary of Hex hes. Lat her parched lips dik your ees. Say ‘any payers fr ec (bat ll of them in her presince) and 4 many a8 abe wishes to eat. Please ec by ein het ut you see he in you deans. Send for an old woman come aad being slgur and eggs to ply, with er ter bling bands, ber bed al chamber I ll hee ats you wil Jeave tas of yor kines: and devotion. On this rad ‘ave any traveled to «legacy. However, Jo oot lt over attentiveness incat hated for you in the sik gil. Let there Ie limits to your zeousess and careses. Do aot fobid ter food, aor oer her the cup witha biter medicine, Le your sval be guy ofthese tings. Let Her Become Accustomed to You ‘Te sume wind which you wet spread your sis whem teaving the toe abou nt be weed when you reach ie open cu. Love, whl itis new, is weak—Iet i ger ‘gt rm exprcnce. you mre well i ine, st Gtl be avoag The bull which you ow feat was oct ‘oath you pated. The ree under which you aw seine ncoce ae A iver atts soute is sal, ba cous Jprer oi ows long it cots by taking up water fen eth teams Let her become seasomed 0 you. Ther is Tago on foe of abi! Ua os ey orb, let oting weary 7. She should be sing es and ing you heer at all nes, Show bee your face it ond dy. ght2 toca yo el you wil be sorely ie, then say away WY errs Your ode wl eae Het cara tid aba Give Beta rst. A id allowed to rest pays back in NE Poly cor sul op the hee as ‘Drnophoon'spreseace fed up in Phys just a modeate Aan of pasion, bi, when he set sl she burned with imc Bercer desires, : Penclope was tortured by the absence of shrewd Ups, anda Laodari, when Proteus lef forthe Tejan War Bat only short espt i safe, Actions will fae say inte and yansh by prolonged sbience, anda new lover wil ake your place “den, wile Menelas was svay—est she sleep alpne at night_teecved the warm breast of ber Bouse guest Pace How sop Menelaus as! He went of by hse fd let Hs wife and gus ogetber wader the sume 00 He acted like a sad, think be. could cus» tid. Ta a nck rg se of most see. 103-90 Ficlen b not to blame for cooumitting. adultery, gor. as Fea ply of in Bled what Mendays wosld ave SEs Eragon ele would da. Menelaus, by giving them the time and place, forced them into adultery, The gil had conly used the counsel he gave her that she be hospitable to hie guest! What elie could she do? Her husband was agent and a guest was present—cecainly not a repulsive fone. And she was afaid to sleepin an empty bed all alone. {et Menelas, hosel, be responsible; I absolve Helen from any blame. She merely used the accommodations offered het by courteous man, ‘Be Faithful to Her inthe Beginning ‘A wild boar isnot 20 ferocious in the midst of its fury, ‘when with lightning jaws it overthrows te raging hounds, nether is the Lioness when she is giving her teats to the tuaweaned cubs, nor is a tiny viper that is trampled un- wittngly under fot as hurt as a woman set on fre when she discovers that a eval i sharing her bed. She rushes for fire and sword. All her modesty is gone, and she caries on ina frenzied orgy as though struck by the horns ofthe god, Bacchus. ‘When Jason committed adultery with Crews, wolting his vows of marrage, his wife, Medea, barbarouly avenged the crime by killing thei two small sons. ‘Another teeible parent was Procne, who also slaughtered her children because her husband, Tereas, was untichful with her sister, Philomela. She was metamorphosed into a bind, and you cas sill se the eed blood etsin oo her best ‘Adultery beaks the bonds of love in legal mattiages; these aze cries thet shouldbe feared by cautious husbands Conceal Your Infielities 8 Young bride has TERM holdin hee band’ hee alos “Hla yue spot, tbe modest and conceal yoo infidel. ties No sory shold be sought from one's wn dlinquen- TT. Give no gift of which the other might lear, nr have any fixed time for your wantonnes 200% TO » You should aot met lof your mites ia ame glace lt se eatch you in soe hideaway which i well Erowa tober. "Whee you wit o her, examine he ete cael beleive; mun ad more ina ee thn we tbe std hem Yenun hen jr; wages ight wi, She wil a ‘weapon gh bak nde at she hol compas of Milas be ours As lng Agamennon was conto with oe wom, yen, or, woo chute. She was tae 10 love Bet Situs thoegh er bane vs Se had eat that Chrys ha gosto Agumernon berg ae is aa Sd ha ot preva ins dave Cai leas frm the love fa bea having wth es, and ow bis ai ‘Sik Bas was cuing the Tenjan Wat to drag on dit uefly Sil hoe things were oly esiy Bat she ‘er own ees soe for King Prins cared nh {or Cavandn Een thug Apa ws the Teva hisown cptve’sdagrcfl captive Te was beens of tat ve fat he ok Aes to Bar ie and fed ad ein revenge ul by ederng ber ha band, Agunenoon “Terence your infec with aoe gi an ik you ae dcovreds even ttoagh i is obviow you ae tly, sl conte fo dey Danot be wo mbmisine to you fended mies whe she sous you, or be mere fatsing to her than ual Soca te esr «gly cononc. ‘Do nt apre yout baton thet shove all wll nae pace with hes! tis by axial ntercoce that Yok Other lve ai tbe deed. Do Not Take Aphrodisiacs | ‘There are some who advise taking_aphrodisacs, made from noxious hetbs, to stimalate your sexual powers. In sy judgment, such things are poisons! Some mix peppers with the seeds ofthe prickly nettle plat, or grind up yellow camomile ia aged wine. Bet the goddess Venus, from her temple under the shadows of lofty Mt, yx in Sicily, will ot allow be joys tobe forced by such methods, "You may ea the white onions which come from Megara in Greece, or spicy herbs and peppers which are grown ‘herein Italy, Eat eggs and honey which come from Hiymnet- tus near Athens, and outs that grow on the sharpleaved pine tes. "Why is my chariot being diverted by the leraed Muse, rato, fom my course to the practice of medical ats? T ‘must achieve victory for you by taking the inside tak! Mate Her Jesoui™, “Those of you whom I jase advised to conceal your ifdel- ities, change yous course! I have changed my mind, and T row advise ou to disclose your other intrigues” Now, please, do not accuse me of fckleness. Sailors do not always ride with the same wind. Sometimes they sail with the [Nowth Wind, now with the East, and very often the ships sails swell with the West Wind as wells the South. You will notice how a chariot driver will now loosen his reins tnd then tighten them. He will send his horses galloping at one tine, and skillfully tesusin them another. There fare some women wo donot appreciate gentlenest and kind fess in a main, and, i they have no sval, their love anges “Theis spcts run lotouly wanton when things eome to them too realy. I snot ex for the mind to bea success with equanimity. ‘When you are away from a Sie Ht wil gradually lose is strength and grow weal Under glowing white ashes, the fire itacf lies hidden, bat when you apply sulphur, i will find its extinguished flames and the light chat was there before will ae up agaia, So do hearts that aze left alone ‘and uncased for become lethargic. You must use sharp stimulants to str up love. Make her jealous » mt bd fekindle her cole fangs; let her turn pase at four dul Ah met Four tines four and foo many numbers to fut isthe good forme of dat man over whom en of fended gis guenes when his unfaicfulaess reaches her nwilig-osea ear In ber wietehedbess, voce and cor Tenve hee and she faints dead sway. May 1 be that span thos hair she tears ot ia her anger! May Te the one Ivhose sft checks er Bagerais scratch! T, Ovid, be|the Tover he looks at wis earfal ey and sllen stares, Tthe cone she cannot live without but wishes that sbe could Should you ask me how long 2 ne your mistress shuld spent ying over her wounded lection, ee be bt bie, Tes her anger gather strength by too moch delay. Before that ccc, whl se stl crying, put your arms around her whe neck and hold he close to yout bres. Give bet {ines and cares her fovigly ase weeps. This is he only sway in which to resolve Ber anger and pacify her, When the hes fully vented her rage ad she seems absolutely de termined to he your ene, sek your treaty of peace by Seva intercourse, Therein where the goddes of Concord tives and where all weapons ate lid sie. It wes there, Believe me, wher the poddes of Peace was borl "The who were only recently battling, are now mbar ing like two doves, joitng bil ob, caressing and cosing, Give Her the Potent Meine of Love Inthe beginning of the wodd there was confused mass of shapes things without any order. The stars, eat and teu all bad the sme appearance. Preset, the sky ras Placed above the eth the land was surrounded by oceans, nd th Boundless space divided itself ino separate pat "The forty received the wild beats, the ae tok the bid tal the es found rege in the lowing waters At that time each hua being wandered alone ove the lands His bevy was uncouth and he di aot mingle with oher men His home was the wood, bit food the gases, and his bed the leaves. For Jong time, one sex did not know sbout the other. The pleasure derived frm sensual caresses, itis ‘id, softened his savage spirit. A man and a woman hap- ppened to mect at the same place, What they did, they Teasned by themselves, without a teacher, Without any arts ‘was the sweet labor of love performe:. "The ied has her lore with whom sbe joyously unites. “The fish in mid-ocean finds the fora, The doe is pursued by the buck; the snake is entwined by another snake. The dog debasedliy clings to the bitch. The cow delight ia being ‘mounted bythe bull, and the ewe bythe ram. The fat-nosed she goat bears the foul smelling male ont her back, ‘The ‘mare i heated pasion is driven to frenzy and will follow the stallion to remote regions across lands that are separated by iver. Come then, and being the powerful medicine of love to awoman! Only that remedy soothes her pains and uahapp- ness. That medicine surpases the prescriptions of the great Greck pysician, Machion, the son of Acsclapis. It is by that method, when you have ezed, that you will become reconciled! Show Off Your Talents [As wrote those lines, Apollo saddenly appeared before re, and with his thomb struck the strings of his golden Iyee. His sacred head and hands were covered with laurel Hie was a poet worthy to behold! “Teacher of lascivious love!” he sa to me, “Come, lead ‘yous pupils to my temple st Delphi where there is «famous faying honored throughout the world. Iti the command- ment: ‘Know Thyself’ Only he who knows himself will ove wisely and perform all things according to his own strength, “Lat him to whom nature has given 4 handsome face show off his good looks, He who has a beauifal body should expose much of that body. Let him who pleases by Conversation tlle and break the ail silence. Who has talent, gat ook Two ” {for singing should sing, and he who can bold hs oF let ‘ak Bat acter should those who axe eloquent de- aio in casa! conversation, nor should a foolish poet recee his own compositions. "That is the counsel Apollo gives you. Obey Apollo's advice! You can place full confidence in words that come tt of that god's sacred mouth ‘But T must get bick to more earthly matters. Whoever ‘wishes 0 love wisely will receive from my art those skills he needs for sucess Sufjer AI Trials and Tribulations “The plough cannot always be relied upon to produce a cop, na can the winds always come to the aid of a founder Sng ship, What elps lovers i but vee litle; there are more things that burt them, Let them make up their minds to suffer! "Aa many as there ate hares 0a Mt, Athos, bees in the meadows of Hybla, olives on the tees of Minera, and hells on the seashore, just at many are the pains of Love ‘Those azzows that-we mast endere are steeped in much “When you call on her and you are told that shes gone cut, but yet you happen to see that she is at home, make yourself believe that she has left and that your eyes have deluded yo. "When you ative on the night she has promised you and she has locked her door, ea it and lay yout body down on the dirty ground, Pechaps her maid (with a lying faze) ‘will srzogaatly say to you: "Why do you bloc our dpor- sway?” Get on your knees and plead with the cruel gil ‘hough the acd door! Remove the roses from the chaplet fon your head and place them onthe doorpost ‘Wiha she avoids you, leave er alone. Come only when she wants you Ie does not became a gentleman to make © bore of himself, Why should your mistress be able to, sty to somecae: "I cannot get rd of him!” Sensual feelings are sot present in them all de ine, and do not ei it ds fracefl to pet up with a woman's abusive tongue ad ee bows, oo kish her dainty fet “Why do I waste time on these noe mates? Ihave more important things on my mind to tell you! Listen with all your het tothe most dia reuist of my art, This wil Tot be eaty co do, Te-wil take great efor and courage to achieve Do Not Be Jealous of Her Enduc cvs patently and victory will be youst Your ‘eiumph will raise you to the heights ofthe mighty Jove himself, Do aot hin that & mere mortal tls you this Beliere that great Greek oracle at Delp who sid it! These is nothing in all any ace that as gester significance ot that is of more impoctance! “When he fits with oters, bea it ‘Wien teats to others. donot Goucher letes Tether go wherever she pleases and come whenever she wil THEE right even a shand will give his wife, but “eWay fst asleep wien he allows att apes. (In iis precept confess to you 1am aot perfect; Tam unable to accep it What wm to do? Tam uncle to take tay own advice!) "When someone in my preseace fits with my mites, would Ibe able to endare it? Would I not be diven into jelous rage? remember one time when my mises lover ised her, I complained angrily about that ist My own love is ful of savagery. That was not the ony tine my jeloony hurt re, He wie than Tam who it wnpertirbed ‘when other men come to see his mites, Sil is beter tot to know about it Lt her secret lve afaie be concealed, {0 that she does 208 have tle to avoid making her shane. fal confession—lestshe sop lying about the afi at ‘gether and confess the trth urashamedly from hee ova Ihouth. For this reuse, young mea, do oot attempt to Catch your mises cheating! Let the two e guy and let hem think bey have desired you. When you. the, thi Loe glows toga ad te wo sae the se fate ech wl os in the cast of hs condemaation,| ‘her i the famous sory, cl all ve the braves, of Marsan Ven and ow ty wer capt in Vales tap Fatt Mas became madly cransed of Veen fsa 1 fal lene of ar he Boame Tver, Vena ‘shane roped 0 is prayers (los ned so te folds sine than he) lleed te terble Mae asses, Ae! The may fines te sad to are StumonyTnoghed st her hb Vle ciple lope Of a allel hands which were hardened By fe and fee Inthe presen of Mas he youl inate snd ork Vala nd rs Becoming fo er here wes ach can eed wih er bea At st they ware i the fait of ocean thi sexi iirc she ws bss fall of she oes es Teves te San pos Phin no betrayed ee, (Who can dive he Sun?) He infomed Vuean of his wife's be- vin What bed example the Sunset Had he aed for her favors e, foo, woul have been obliged by her fe teepng let ‘Valen seta caning tap for them, He covered hi bell ound with es etwas ive thee fhe be precaded fo go on journey to Lenton The Teves ets previ erangd ot if ed ad ance became cane in we As thy bth ay kd, Va can eed the god together to witnest the eptves who trae qt spec ofthenles! They ny hat Vos Could hardly Hol back he tents, Soce their bands wee ouvied, ey cold not cover thie fre inf, ey Could not een eve helene pate pa! Seo the gos sw Oi td laughed nd Mesety ss “Mee ‘lat May if thos cords are tole oyu, and than Oreo met After many pale ete frm fhe ca thes Neptne (fling compason for ten) ntl thi bodies, Mars shamefully busied away to Thrace and = blushing Venus left for Paphos. What bad Valean accom plished by entrapping then? What they bad secretly co fealed before, they now did more freely and openly, and All their shame and pretense were gone! ‘Vulcan later admitted he bad acted lke 2 madman; and they say he often reptetted his own sill craftsmanship. T warn you agsintt such actions and Verus, herself, for bids the seting of traps by which she 50 ignominiouly sured? Lay no snaes for jour rival, and intercept none of the secret lttess she sends him. Let those men trap their women ‘whom fie aad water ceremoaies have by law made hus brands aad wiver—if, indeed, they still think they are ‘worth the trouble, and deserve to be caught ‘Keep away fom married women! I remind you once tore of what T std ealier: thre is nothing in my book, xcept what the law permis, for the amusement or sport ‘of the marred woman! Do Not Gorsip About Your Love Afiirs Do not gossip sbout your Jove alftis, Who would crete dng te probe Telly Ted OF Ceres and the reat ceremonial orgies hit wet originated in Sumotrace? ‘Reeping silent sboct those things i but a sal vite, com pared to the serious vice of telling others about your own sexual ais! Tt served Tantalus sight to be pushed by Jupiter for disclosing setts ofthe gods, He was tntlzed: made to thiet while surrounded by water, to hunger and reach in vain for apples on the tee ‘Venus, especialy, demands silence concerning her secret sites. I give you waring tat no person shoal talk about that Bren ifthe mysteries of Vens are not enclosed in bor, and thece i 0 Frenzied beating of drums and cpm bus piercing the ar, yet they aze sill avilable forall of ts to use, However, we prefer our sex tobe x. When ‘Vers takes of ber garments, as you ca sein Penites seatucof ber (Venus de Medi) she bends forward slightly aad coves ber bres wither cight band and ber pubes ‘vith er let. ‘Animals copalate lewd in full public view; when this is acen by « woman she sully tors her head away, We ‘humans nite sealy behind locked doors, and ou shame fal private pats i hidden under covers. We sek, not total dates, at least dim fight, something fa les tha pen daplight. In ancient ime, when the sn and rain were tye kept cut by tof, it wat the oak tre which gave bth ser fd food to buans, Sena plstires were shared nthe Caves snd woods, ot out inthe open ait, 0 gest was the shame of immardesy een for dhote savage and uncvlled popes. But aowadays we shout the paises of cur noc tural explis,and pay igh pie for Shem, jut ob gle tobe Indeed, wil you talk about ll the gil, jut 50 you kan ay: "She, oo, as mle!” and never runout of gil at ‘whom you can point your Singer and tl «shameful fale (of leping wit thers? T complia of tiles Theve are cetin men who wil lie and lam they have had every woman they see; yt if were ‘sue, they would deny it TE they are unable to posses their Bodies, they wil take their names and give gels a bad reputation, even though they have not been touched. Go then, you despised guard ios of your gil, and lock their doors and add a hundred bolts tothe study locks! What safety is there when yo do that? Who will with to believe that she has not been prep fscuous when the defiler of her name ison the outside? As for myself, I never tll the real names of mny lovers! They are confidential secrets which have been entrusted t (ne and which I respectfully guard A ‘8 axa OF LovE Do Not Criticze Her Faults Fe sure you never crtize a woman for her faults Tes ‘much better to pretend you do not see them. “Aovcorned’s black skin was not objected to by Perseus, ‘who on hie winged sandals resoued her from the rock t0 which she was chained, “Aoviromache seemed too tall to everyone elie, but Hector ‘was the only one who called hex moderately-sized. ‘Grow accustomed to those things you find annoying; be pleat, you will get used to them. 1a the begining, love is sensitive to everything. After a while, it mellows. While the new tender branch is green and grafted tothe batk of the tee, it wil fall offi shaken by a stong wind. But ‘soon, strengthened by time, that same branch will withstand ‘any wind, andthe stro0g tee will adopt it and bold its rch rut, Time itself removes all blemishes feom the body, and ‘what had once been a defect ceases to be an obstacle for you, Nostils refute to smell the hide of bulls whea they ate accustomed to them, but being around them constantly the nose will grow used to th odoe and fail to notice it. By the use of names many faults can be made bearable! If she has blood blacker than Mlysian pitch, let her be called beonet, Tf her eyes squint, ay they ate similar to those of Venus. 1 she is pale, say she loks like Minerva 1f se ss thin that her life is impaired, caller slender. Should she be shor, say she is easy to hold. ‘Should she be fat, let her be called plump. Let her vices be hidden becnuse of their nearness to het ‘Ask not how old she is, nor under whose goverment she ‘was born These ace strictly the duties ofthe census aker— patticlasy, when she bas lost hee loom and her best eats have vanished and she is plucking out her grey hairs. "This age, young mea, and even older ages, have thee ade vantages. These fields are worth sowing, becuse they will Yi you bout haress, Tolan yous abo, wife Jon al young Son, ent foo wil bea lt “nto you Clee en vt ou ou the nth the plugs cary wespeas In your bends to wage Su wat or rng your ated nd eng oboe we Tin Love ost Kt of warren ou wl oe fret proven! As fre alder wean ent ony BS Aer eldg oti woo bat bs ic expe ‘vb wil mak her ove fl Her cence ae pet or ot to appen aged makeup ore anager Shel pe Yor sna tours ina housed diet Se whahcter wy You lc! No bak cud dsc {or tds han she toons She ned 0 sition Suse ler fo vowel are How Sass Her Sealy | Tate ema ieroane whee ech oe i 2 mali sete ts love fr boy hs apps fo st Te gt wh eres eet ely becuse fest seston fr her dv iy and rosa i Tning abou ber seving when I tm making love. Se Singive cara saree fy, gv meno Seal la erat gt ning her Sn for mean et Sec rke ene wads of ; ree tnnbe ld it bad os while | al EEE teal Vik ly nies vanuabed nd “Then, T wank ber to Te” “aaa Sas al Sante ny oe EE pits wre aint hun dink now vintage wine or me let the wine be poured fem aig ellowed wih te. Ae, eden ty vere fallow, cannot sae Soa. anl he nevprowa mento grass pal tobe fece lot pouble tat you would prefer Helen's daphrar Heoione to Helen henelf? Was Gorge sweeten bp other, Alhe? iawling to be “Those of you who wish to taste the joys of mature lowe, it you but persevere, will be july sewarded! ‘You and you lover will know whit do when you are ready for be, Lock the doot of the bedroom and leave the Iearned Mases on te ossde, Both of you, without any telp from them, will spontaneously speak eloquent words “Hands wil ot ie stupl inacive o the bed. Your finges wil find and wow what todo to those secret private parte Iehere Love has shot his arrows “Thermos valiat Hector dd thar with Andromache, long hefore the Trojan War. His hands were not only usefl fo warmakiag, And so did the gest hero, Acils, with tis capive Buses. When he was wesry of Sgting the ney, he relaxed on he soft bed, and she alowed herelé to be fondled by tose hands which were constantly tained ‘withthe blood of slaughtered Trojans. Was that the resco, Uo you suppose, why she lai enjoyed having the conquerors hands catssng ber limbs? “The pleasures of sexal itecouse should never be tried believe me, bat should be proloaged by many pauses and delays! When yo have found the clitoris where woman loves to be ocd, let no sain hinder yo frm. iaralag hat tng pot! You will see her eyes sparkle and Shimme jst ike the ceecton ofthe sun a a cleat poo! fof wate, "Then will come hee ce, loving murmurs, and weer groaning words to St the spor. But donot apply too much sil and leave your mites behind, or let her race thesd of you; huey to your goa togetber! When 2 nan and a woman reach the cima at he same time and tod ie vcorioas and vanguished together, then is Sensual pleasuce keenest This isthe curse for you to take when or ate given plenty of ine and no fea of being disturbed Uges on your set work. But when delay i dangerous, it ines to ean back on your oat with all your might and pat the spar tothe galloping bose! (My tadk is fished! You geatefl young men, give me a ee ov is yout ps and bring meagan of fragrant, fr tny head. As great twas Aesop other son, Prd ‘ong the Grek i the at of eding a Achille ps rth ight band, was Neo for i wiedomy a grt 2 Cachan was for probe, as Ajex in wat, and Au tea inte caro so reat lover a 1 j TA of you men allover he word colbate me your po and sing ty pris wed my ane, have wow bp ed you with ame at a Van sed Achilles Cop [erway Able ‘roeer lps low an Amaion vith iy wenpons, sctbe upon your spls: "Onidwas my teacher?” Vint ist? en young womens begging me to gio os leon, oo? You, then wl ete cj of my ett book | BOOK THREE have armed the Grecks agaist the Amsion Quest ensiea and her tops. ust now give arms (0 the fea a bot sexes can go into bate eqaly prepared! {ethos gis be victorious whom Venus favors and those tmen whom Cupid chooses all ove the world. Te would Sot be fair for defenses wornea to wage wars besides theh a vicory would be a digraceful thing for men! Some of you men may say: "Why do you ad venom t0 saves?” OF "Why stendet a Bock of seep to fercous ewolves?” You men sbouid refzin from blaming. all tromen forthe crimes of «Fe. Let ach woman be jged traning to her own dees! St because Menclaos had crime with which to charge Helen and his brother Agamenson co bec sister Cytem fest; because Amphiarans wicked wife, Expy, be Tayel him and caused hi ad his hoses tobe swallowed Alive by the ext tat opened up ito the Sygian Rives of Hal; sll Penelope remained chaste while hee ushand Utyses was away at war for ten yess, and while he was dered on his Odpscy for anothes te. ‘also consider Laodama, who, i 3 sid, went {0 an caciygeave pyieving for her busband, Proteins, the Rest Geek tobe killed inthe Trojan Wat. ‘cats, wife of Admetis redemed im fom deth by teking is plce at hit fame and was busied cated Tadne ied oo to her dead husband, Capaneut "Take tne, ton; we will mingle ous ashes! as se leaped onto his fans pe “Pe goes Viste i by vestue and name & woman. isnot eo surprising that she shoal favor her own se. Sich song minds 2 tose women I bave et tioned above do not fequie my ats. Much weakeewlled Spirits aze ester suited for sailiag on my boat, Nothing except lacvious love is taught by me. I teach sen only Dow they can be lovable ‘A woman shoots neithes cruel arrows nor wields flaming torches. Its very seldom that Tsee her hurting men with those weapons I i mare often the men who are the de ceivers end less often the yung gils. Very few of them, ‘if you really would like to know, have been charged with Aecepton, Jason proved false to Medea, when she was alredy « mother, and took another bride, Creus, to his bosom. "How moch concern did Theseus show for Ariadne when be deserted her on the deserted island of Naxos? She was tenified by the wild seagulls and almost died of fight! Tf you ask why the pathway to the sea that Phyllis took, seatching for Demophoon is called the Nine Ways, you vill hear how the tces shed their leaves and bendaned berate ‘Aeneas, who ie famed for bis piety, was the guest of Dido; when he left her he left his sword behind, and both causes contibuted to het death ‘You Girls Must Learn How to Love ‘Why were those gil all abandoned? Iwill tell you! They id not know the art of Love! They lacked the sill needed to make love enduse, To this very day, you women stil do ‘ot kaow bo, but Venus, herself, begged me to teach you! She stood before my very eyes and pleaded with me: “Why Go te girs deserve this unhappiness? My defeasles sex bas sutrendered itself to armed men, who have your! two books to make them skied in love. Women, too, must be equally instructed by your advice, The pootStesichors, ‘who at fst said reproachful things about Helen's chastity, soon changed his mind and praised her victes in a more favorable voice. IE truly now yo, you will aot haem or mistreat the refined girls, for as long as you live you wil seek their favore” Thus she spoke t0 me and then took same myrtle (for she stood with mytle binding her baie) sand gave me leaf and few besries. As Theld them I, t00, felt divine power. The skies above shone brighter and my ‘east becime ight and relieved of all its burdens. ‘As my genius has been ehut insted by Venus, except for the immature virgios and the marred women, all of you gitls whote morals are regulated by the law, you may ‘eguie your lessons from me! ven now be mindfol of approaching old age, so that sone of your alloted time shall slip sway idly. While you ‘ay, ia your springtime, have your good times, for the yeats pass by ike Bowing water, Water that has once gone by cannot be called back agua, nor can the hoars that have passed ever be made to return. You mus utilize your youth, for time glides away on swift fet. That which comes to you at a later age is not as good ast was eatin. Here is branch of violets which I had once seen blooming but is ‘ow withered. There is a bramble bush which had once siven me a beautiful garland of ross, The time will come ‘when you, who ate now shutting out your lovers, will Lie tone, cold and old, ia the datk, Your door will not be battered down over love's quazrel in the night, nor will yo find your doorway strewa with roses ia the morning. ‘Ah me! How quickly the face becomes wrinkled and that beautiful complexion you had is lst. Those gray hare that you swear you had ever since your maidenbood will sud-

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