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EDAD 693 Practicum/Internship Artifact

Standard 4.0

Element 4.1 Candidates understand and can collaborate with faculty and
community members by collecting and analyzing information pertinent to
the improvement of the schools educational environment.

Activity: No Bullying Allowed (N.B.A.) Committee Member, 2016-2017 school year

Time: 4 hours

NBA Flow Chart

NBA 6th grade Overview

Description: The Olweus Bullying Prevention program was designed to target and assist with overcoming bullying
behaviors in school-age children. The main focus of the lessons is building peer relationships, and having open
conversations between students and teachers. It also provides a framework for reporting bullying behavior and
resolutions for students and staff. The NBA Committee uses the Olweus program as a guideline and plans lessons
for each Friday of the year from the Class Meetings Matter resource, as well as other Olweus resources. Seventh
and eighth grade students have also read literature about bullying in the past and discussed it, and are currently
talking about digital citizenship and bullying.

Bullying is such a central issue in our schools. The introduction of social media has taken bullying to a new level for
many of our students. Using the Olweus program and having a designated meeting time for students to share
bullying concerns has helped to open the lines of communication with students and alleviate their fears of

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