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July Extra 2010: Celebrating the 4th of July!

Official Newsletter of Capital District CKI

Volume 49 Issue 2 July 2010

The Capital Courier

In this issue!
Gubernatorial Greetings! Greetings! ............. 1,15

Editor’s Word.............. 2

Greetings Capital Crabs! Secretary’s Spot......... 2

Divisional Pages .... 3-10

I hope you are all enjoying your summers
and are finding time to relax, perhaps do some A CKI Summer!.... 11-12
service and enjoy ice cream on these crazy hot
summer days! ☺ Service Initiatives ..... 13

Member of
I am excited to share that just a few weeks
The Month................ 14
ago, at the Kiwanis International Convention in
Las Vegas, it was announced that Kiwanis will be Summer Social ... 15, 16
tackling Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus as its second
Worldwide Service Project (WSP)! The first WSP
ran for more than 10 years and involved wiping
Iodine Defiiency Disorders from the face of the
planet, and now Kiwanis clubs across the world will join together to ELIMINATE

In early June, I had the incredible opportunity to represent CKI on the

official site visit for the WSP. I spent a week in the Philippines with a representative
from Key Club and two Kiwanians learning about Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus,
realizing first-hand the severity of this infectious disease, understanding how easy it
is to cure MNT, and witnessing what a
Difference Kiwanis International will
be making in the world. If you are…

Continued on Page 15

The Capital Courier: The Official Newsletter of Capital District CKI 1

Editor’s Word District
Hi all!

What do you think CKI does during the

summer? If you say nothing, you are so
wrong! CKI continues service
throughout the summer and also gets
together for some really fun activities!
This EXTRA issue is devoted to what
CKI does when school is out for the
summer. Enjoy and I hope you get some
great ideas for the future!

Jeffrey Wolff
Secretary Spotlight!
Hola Capital District!

I hope everyone is having a fun and relaxing

summer! Here’s the latest from the District
Secretary-Treasurer’s desk:

Online MRF System

Club Secretaries began using an online
version of the club Monthly Report Form
(MRF) in April. Online MRFs make MRFs easier
to record and change, and assists clubs and
the district in being able to easily access and
record clubs’ progress, service projects and
hours throughout the year. The system has
been working well so far! I’d also like to give a
big thank-you to the 18 CKI clubs that have
submitted both their April and May MRFs on

Don’t Forget: There’s a New Dues System!

This year clubs will be paying a flat club fee for International dues
instead of charging International dues for each member. Still
confused about the new club fee or how your club will pay it? Click
HERE for the educational piece! I will be contacting clubs later this
summer to check on how you will be paying the club fee, but I'm
always available for any questions, ideas, and educational resources
regarding dues before then!

2 The Capital Courier: The Official Newsletter of Capital District CKI

Battlefield Division

I want to officially recognize the 2010-2011

Battlefield Division Club Officers. For Bowie
State, we have: Eugene Craig (President),
Jasmine Nixon (Vice President), Janel West
(Secretary), Jasmine McNair (Treasurer) and
Derrick Williams (Editor). For the University of
Minh Pham Maryland, we have: Vanessa Pacheco
(President), Yang Sun (Executive VP), Ka Yang
(Service VP) and Kevin Lee (Treasurer). I hope
that these strong boards will create a
progressive year.

The Kangaroo is now the official Battlefield Division mascot!

Foothills Division

Dear Foothills,
So far it has been quite an interesting summer. In
the month of June, our primary aims were
promoting LSSP and ICON awareness. I am happy
to announce that four Foothills CKI-ers will be
attending ICON this year, a dramatic increase of
100% from last year. I am also very pleased at the
quantity of club correspondence thus far this
summer; this would not have been possible without
Mikail Clark such capable leadership in each of our clubs. Now
that the ICON push is over, let’s focus on service in
the summer months and solidifying the means by
which we will actualize our goals for the upcoming
school year! Be sure to look out for the next Virtual
PCM invite. Have a blessed and happy Fourth of
July in the indomitable spirit of CKI!
Metro Division

Metro Division has a lot of energy and

ready for the year of service ahead. We:
Howard University, Saint Mary’s College
of Maryland and The George Washington
University, are ready to hit the ground
running in helping to improve and giving
to the community. We have great things in
store from exciting service projects, a great
kickoff celebratio, and enthusiastic
fellowship events to bring us closer. Look
out for Metro because we are on a roll!

Billie Castle

Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other
virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.
-Maya Angelou
Presidential Division

Presidential has a lot of great things in

store for the coming year! But don’t
forget that you don’t need for the school
year to start up again to provide great
service! Get out there, have fun and
Ryan White help out!
Ridgeline Division

My name is Catie Dugan, and I am the

Ridgeline Lieutenant Governor. I am from
George Mason University, where in the
fall I will be starting my senior year! My
major is Integrated Studies with a
concentration in International Politics! I
have two minors in Leadership Studies
and Global Affairs. I am so excited about
the progress Ridgeline has made in the
Catie Dugan past year! I am looking forward to continuing that success into the current
CKI year! This year we have a divisional
service initiative STUFH, where we are
putting extra emphasis on this awesome
International Initiative! A fun fact about
me is that I love canoeing and I am small
Susquehanna Division

Hey Susquehanna! I hope everyone is

having a relaxing and fantastic summer
vacation. Even though this is a great
time to go to the beach and get a tan,
don’t forget about Circle-K! If your club
doesn’t hold meetings, you can still
volunteer! Service is what we do best =)
Sarah Smith If you have any questions or would like suggestions for things to get involved
in, don’t hesitate to contact me! Enjoy
the rest of your summer!
Places to Volunteer Over the Summer:
1) Habitat for Humanity LTG Love, Sarah

2) The Boys and Girls Club of America

3) Animal Shelters

Everyone was born with unique gifts and

talents. Do you like working with children, or
animals? Put your skills to good use and find
something fun to do this summer! Happy

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” –Gandhi

Tidewater-64 Division

Hey Tidewater-64! Look for an email

really soon about an all-division
service project I hope to have in the
fall! If you have any ideas please let me

I’m also still looking for a divisional

secretary, so if interested please call
Cheri Allison (757-705-7743), text or email me soon!
Valley Division

Hello Valley! This is turning into a

great year and it can only get better! It
may be summer, but don’t let that stop
you from getting out there and
performing some fantastic service!
Ryan White Have fun and have a great summer!
A CKI Summer!

Saint Mary’s College of Maryland

Even with the summer in full swing and most college students back at home on
break, the St. Mary’s College of Maryland CKI club has still been putting in many hours of
service. Not only have some of our members been attending their local Kiwanis meetings, but
we have also had the pleasure of sending four of our own club members to a project in
Orlando, Florida with the organization: Give Kids the World.
These students helped volunteer for roughly a week with Give Kids the World, a
group created to help give children with serious illnesses and disabilities the opportunity to
share a magical and accommodating week with their families in Orlando, Florida.
All families are given passes to visit Universal Studios, SeaWorld and Disneyworld
during their visit while also staying in the Disney-esque Give Kids the World Village. The four
members of our club that were able to make the trip were former club president and recent
SMCM graduate Kelli Hill ’10, current Vice President of Membership Steven Morris ’12,
devoted member Jackie Reymann ’12 and current Secretary Emily Wavering ’13.
All four members were able to volunteer in numerous positions during their week
at Give Kids the World, alongside our club’s faculty advisor Professor Donald Stabile. They
participated in activities such as creating and delivering pizzas to the families, taking pictures
of the children with different Disney characters, designing pillows with the children, and
operating the various rides, among other activities.
Each of the four members from our club that participated had only good things to
say of the trip and was all ecstatic to have been able to take part in helping the children have a
fun and stress free time. Emily Wavering even stated that her “absolute favorite part of
volunteering at the Give Kids the World Village was interacting with the children and their
families; their strength was inspiring, their gratitude overwhelming and it was the best feeling
in the world to know that we had offered them a little bit of hope and joy.”
Kelli Hill summed up how inspiring the overall experience was for her by relaying a
story of one generally unresponsive child that was in a wheelchair who was about to take a
photo with his family and Minnie and Mickey Mouse. “It was one of those moments that I
can’t really describe because the love and affection in that room and between all the people
involved was so beautiful and touched me in a really special way.”
“When the family went to get their picture taken, the dad casually told everyone
that if we clapped that his son might turn his head and look at the camera. And everyone in the
entire theatre started clapping and cheering for this one little boy. All of the volunteers,
moms, dads, and kids were all there showing their support for this one child. It was just one of
those human-nature-is-so-beautiful things.”

Submitted by Jessy Schroeder, Club Editor of CKI at Saint Mary’s College of Maryland.

For more information on Give Kids the World, please visit

The Capital Courier: The Official Newsletter of Capital District CKI 11

A CKI Summer!

NOVA Alexandria
The CKI members of NOVA Alexandria met on June 11 at the
Alexandria campus. The purpose of the event was fun and
service. The event began with members socializing at a casual
barbeque accompanied by lots of music outside the NOVA
cafeteria. This was followed by members moving into the
classroom to make “happy hats” for children with cancer. The
“happy hats” were just that. Making the hats for sick children
sent happy feelings throughout the classroom. The “happy
hats” will be delivered to children currently in the hospital. The
coordinators of the event were pleased to see NOVA
Alexandria CKI successfully hold their first service project and
combine fun and service.

Submitted by Ryan Pierpoint, Vice President of CKI at NOVA


12 The Capital Courier: The Official Newsletter of Capital District CKI

CKI Service Initiatives

Circle K International sponsors four, very specific, very important service initiatives. To increase awareness about these causes, beginning this issue, the Capital Courier
will highlight one each of the four service initiatives by showing examples of them within the Capital District. Enjoy!

March for Babies

The H-SC Circle K International is formerly one of the most active service groups on campus. That trend started in the 1960s and ended in
the early 1990s when a particular group of men graduated. The club went into dormancy until last semester when Assistant Dean of Students for
Activities and Organizations John Ramsay and Osric Forrest, a vibrant Key Clubber from a high school in Jamaica, sat down and had multiple
discussions about reinstating the club. The process was supported by an alumnus who was a stalwart of the H-SC Circle K when he used to attend this
institution. After weeks of talks and a semester break in December, Assistant Dean Ramsay finally decided to give the go ahead to Circle K
International. Circle K International was thus reintroduced to the campus in February of this semester.
In its brief existence as a re-chartered service club, Circle K International at H-SC has already established itself as one of the leading service
organizations on campus. The club has strived so far under President Osric Forrest, ‘12 and his leadership team—namely: Vice-Presidents James Ward,
’11, and Kevin Anderson, ‘12, Treasurer Walter Anderson, ’12, Secretary Arne Ulbrich, ’11, and a group of chairpersons for various duties such as
service planning and membership recruiting. Within only three months, the club was involved in the Farmville Library Opening, was instrumental in
the end of semester Throw Out, Blow Out, coordinated the Book Drive and oversaw a Clothes Drive on campus, participated in the March of Dimes for
Babies, and partook in a number of other service initiatives in Farmville. Also, the club culminated the semester with a Cook Out for its members and
others who were interested in being a part of the H-SC at Circle K International family.
Perhaps the greatest achievement of the H-SC at Circle K International for the semester was that the club raised the most money of all CKI
organizations in the world for the March of Dimes. The club altogether raised over two thousand and five hundred dollars. This effort was made possible
through a number of sources for giving. With the recommendation of Dr. Rachel Goodman, adviser for CKI at H-SC, the members raised money
online by asking families, friends and acquaintances to make donations to a particular account. The members also solicited contributions from their
colleagues, professors and workers on campus. By the middle of April, the club surpassed its expectations of fundraisings thanks to the Service Initiative
Chairperson, Cameron Adams, who orchestrated the whole fundraising activity. The donations will go to the March of Dimes foundation, an
organization that uses the money to support community programs that aids moms to have healthy, full-term pregnancies. The foundation’s goal is to
help fund researches that will find answers to certain birth defects in babies.
In celebration of its donation, on April 25, 2010, the Circle K International club at H-SC club joined other members of the Farmville
community for the annual March for Babies, which began in 1970. The walk was more than five miles around Farmville. The walk only served as hope
to the more than, “half a million babies born prematurely each year.”
After the march, members of the H-SC were excited that they had marched for such a worthy cause. The Circle K International members and
others who participated in the walk would like to thank the college community for the support it has given the organization this year. Without your
generosity the project would not have been successful. For the upcoming academic year, with the same leadership team, the club looks forward to
another successful year; the club also hopes to partner with other service groups on campus to affect meaningful changes in and around Farmville.

Submitted by Basil Panton, Co-social Chair of CKI at Hampden Sydney College.

To submit an article related to one of the four service initiatives, please submit to the Capital Courier at For more information regarding the March of
Dimes and March for Babies, please visit

The Capital Courier: The Official Newsletter of Capital District CKI 13

Members of the Month

Many of your home clubs have Members of the Month (MOMs). The District also wishes to recognize great service, so please
help us in congratulating the April and May Capital District Members of the Month!

April Capital District Member of the Month:

Kevin Mule, Randolph College

Kevin’s peers at Randolph College wrote,

Kevin is the member who completed the most service

hours in April (21.75) and brought service
opportunities to the club. He also made suggestions as
to projects for next year and ways he thinks we could
we could increase membership....and on a personal
note, he was very active in setting up and cleaning up
after Total K Day.

May Capital District Member of the Month:

Hannah Barker, McDaniel College

Hannah’s peers at McDaniel College wrote,

Hannah served as a wonderful President this past

semester and she is coming back next semester to serve
as Vice President. Hanna decided to step down since
she is planning on going abroad in the spring. She
wanted to make sure we had a trained President before
she left, so she is serving as Vice President while she
can train the new President before she leaves. Hanna
has dedicated so much of her time to bringing our club
into good standards. She is the motivation that keeps
the club going.

14 Capital Courier: The Official Newsletter
The Capital of Capital
Courier: DistrictNewsletter
The Official CKI 14
of Capital District CKI
Gubernatorial Greetings, Cont’d

Continued from Page 1

not familiar with MNT (as I certainly wasn’t until our site visit), it is an
infection caused by bacteria (tetanus spores) often when a child is born in
unsafe birthing conditions. In the developed world, we receive tetanus
vaccines for this, and likely remember being told as children that tetanus
protected against skin punctures by nails or rusted metal. There are still 40
countries across the world, however, with significant MNT problems, and
it is estimated that a baby dies every 9 minutes from this disease
But there is a cure! Just three doses of a $0.60 tetanus
immunization will protect a mother and her child, and with this campaign
Kiwanis International plans to raise $110 million to save the lives of 129
million mothers and their babies. In partnership with UNICEF, Kiwanis is
working to develop ways for Key Club International and CKI to also be
involved, so look for updates in the near future about our participation in
the ELIMINATE Project.

For more information, you can visit the ELIMINATE Project Summer Social: Bush Gardens!
website or check out the official promotional video. With the
ELIMINATE Project, Kiwanis International Family will change the course
Thanks to Catie Dugan, Ridgeline LTG, for
of medical history…again. I hope you are as excited as I am to be involved
with this worldwide initaitive and I look forward to sharing more organizing the 2010 CDCKI Summer Social.
information with you this year! Catie wrote about the Social, saying:

Enjoy the rest of your summer as well as this first edition of the The summer social on July 10, 2010 at
2010-2011 Capital Courier! I look forward to seeing many of you in a few
Bush Gardens was a blast! There was rain,
weeks at CKI International Convention in St. Louis!
but it didn’t ruin our parade; there was
Yours in the Spirit of CKI, plenty to do! We rode every roller coaster
twice! We even popped in and rode the
Brian newest 4-D adventure ride: Europe in the
Air. It wasn’t quite worth the wait, but you
definitely got a good view of places in
Europe that can’t be seen from a regular
view. One lesson learned: it doesn’t matter
where you ride on the log flume, you will
get wet! George Mason University,
Hampden-Sydney College, the University of
Virginia and Virginia Commonwealth
University were all represented.

See page 16 for photos of the Summer Social.

The CapitalCourier:
CKI 15
Summer Social 2010!

16 The Capital Courier: The Official Newsletter of Capital District CKI

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