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Inter professional Education and Inter professional Care in the Healthcare Setting

IPE and IPC are an important aspect of healthcare. Healthcare is a team effort and involves
different healthcare professionals coming together to provide the best care possible to help
patients recover and heal. There have been several instances of IPE and IPC in our RT program,
for instance, on our professional practice course, we did presentations on other health care
professions that we might interact with while working at eh hospital such as, Anesthesia
Assistants, Respirologists, RNs, and others. These professionals come together and combine all
their expert knowledge to provide the best possible care to patients.

I witnessed a few instances on inter-professional team work while I went to Cambridge

Memorial hospital for my job shadowing shift on Thursday, March 23, 2017. They are as
1. While I was in the ICU with the RT that was showing me around, we went to chart ventilator
settings and for a patient, an elderly woman, who had been on the ventilator for a few
months. As we were charting, I saw a PSW and a physiotherapist help her exercise by
moving her legs and helping her sit up. In this case the RT, the PSW and the Physiotherapist
all came together to provide better treatment and quality of life for the patient given her
2. Next we were called to the wards to help a patient who was sating at 78% on an NRB mask.
When the RT and I got there, the RN and physician were standing by the patients bed
checking on his vitals and discussing medication options as he had been in severe pain for
some time due to bleeding in his bladder.

The above situations show that healthcare is a team effort and we as RT student need to not only
be knowledgeable in our area of expertise but also be team players.

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