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Officer Buckle

Socratic Seminar
Socratic Seminar Page 380-413
Second Grade and Language Arts
Lesson plan@ 50 and Reflection @ 50
- Houghton Mifflin Reading California: Theme 4 Amazing Animals Textbook
- Sentence frame model poster
- Teacher questions
- Stuffed animal

- Attention
- Safety
- Obey
- Officer
- Accident
Students will discuss and listen to other students respond to teacher lead questions to build their understanding on how to
keep a classroom and school safe.
DOK Level 3; formulate and critique
DOK Level 4; Connect, analyze, and synthesize
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.1-Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate
understanding of key details in a text.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.3-Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges.
3. ASSESSMENT Perfect Assessment Tool Rationale:
The pre-assessment in the lesson is having the students The pre-assessment is helpful because it allows the
read the story and understand if they know what the students to ask questions about their understanding of a
sentence frames of the socratic seminar are before socratic seminar before actually getting into a group with
answering teacher lead question. This is a formal other students and discussing the story. So the
assessment because I am seeing what the students sentence frames are helping the students along the way
understand before going into the socratic seminar to prepare for the actual assignment. .

The final assessment is having the students create a The final assessment is having the students create their
different safety tip about our classroom. This is own safety tip. This is a tool to help the students
important because the main idea is about safety tips in understand if they know what a safety tip is and how it
the story that the school had. This is going to help the can relate to the classroom. This is important because it
students build their understanding on how to keep their is also assessing the students to see what they know
own classroom safe. about the main idea of the story.
4. CENTRAL FOCUS/ PURPOSE (2 parts to include)
1. The focus of the lesson is to have the students analyze the questions about Officer Buckle and the safety tips about the

2. In the lesson the student will respond to the teacher lead questions and respond to students answers using socratic
seminar sentence frames. With the student responses, the students are able to get feedback about their answers to see if
they are right or wrong.
This lesson is an intrinsic lesson because the students are getting the opportunity to enjoy discussing the questions with their
classmates. The teacher is only the guide that provides the question for the students to discuss and later on the teacher will
only intervene if the students cannot answer the questions in the correct manner.

In the lesson I will first lead the discussion with the students with questions about the story. I will motivate the students to
actively participate in the discussion and allow them to pick who they want to respond to questions after them about the

The lesson promotes the growth mindset by allowing the students to create answers and respond to other student answers.
This is directly giving the students feedback because the students are agreeing or disagreeing with the answers that they are
providing to the teacher lead discussion.
6. PRE-LESSON - Just before teaching the new lesson do the following:
Before this lesson the student will have already read the story Officer Buckle and learned about the different sentence
frames that are needed to answer questions in this lesson.
The objective for the lesson is to have students answer questions about the story and safety tips so that they can create their
own classroom safety tip for their classroom.
6. LESSON BODY: Provide text page #389-392 for your lesson. Follow the exact steps provided in the text for the
lesson you are teaching. Clarity is the key.

Step 1
Before starting the lesson go over the socratic seminar sentence frames with the students before getting them into
a group circle.
This will help the students understand the activity that they are about to do with the sample example that is shown

Step 2
The teacher is going ask the teacher lead question to get the students to participate in the socratic seminar.
Students will be encouraged to participate in the answers portion because they are responding to other
classmates rather than just responding to the teacher.
Each time the teacher feels that the students have fully answered the question, the teacher will ask the next
questions to the students for a new student response discussion.

Step 3
At the end of the discussion the students reflect on their discussion of safety tips.
The students write down their safety tip that they created about the classroom.
Step 4
The last part of the reflection is having the students discuss what they thought about interacting in the socratic
seminar type style question and answer.

The perfect assignment is the teacher questions that are used to lead the socratic seminar. Without the teacher questions,
the students are not going to be to lead a discussion because they are not at the level of thinking yet where they can create
questions of higher level thinking.
The teacher lead socratic seminar questions is getting the students brain thinking to create an answers. Students have to
use higher order thinking skills to answer the questions because they not only have to answer the question, but they also
have to respond to other students responses. So this is a great perfect assignment to get all the students engaged in
answering the questions about the story.
Attach a copy.
8. Student Work Examples/Technology Support
Attach samples of student work.
Include a variety of levels of performance
Reflective Thinking/Curriculum Evaluation @50 Points
9. Reflective Thinking/Curriculum Evaluation

Reflection is a very important part of each lesson. Please take the time to thoughtfully prepare your reflections. Follow
the format provided below and provide a professional quality reflective analysis of your work.

Relevance: Explain how this lesson demonstrates your competence with one of the Graduate SLOs below? Delete unused

SLO 3: Employ leadership practices to optimize educational and institutional outcomes.

A socratic seminar is new for the students in this class. One struggle that the students will face at the beginning has to
become the leader in the discussion while the teacher is sitting back and watching the students respond to the questions
about the story. As the students are becoming the leaders, they are using higher levels of thinking about the story to answer
questions. This is creating better answers to the question and the students get to agree or disagree with others in the
discussion. So this is a good lesson to employ the leadership role of the students.

Significance/competence: Using careful analysis and evaluative thought, address the points listed below. Add other
pertinent information that supports our competence by using this lesson model.

Explain how this lesson supports helping students reach levels of deeper learning.
This lesson is very important for students to deepen their levels of thinking. Students have to be listening to the other
students because they have to answer with sentence frames which may have them state the students name that responded.
Another important part of the lesson is that the students are all participating in the activity and will not have distractions that
will cause them to not want to follow along in the discussion. Also the students will need to pay attention because they may
get called on at any moment even if they do not want to answer. Therefore, the students are deepening their learning
because they have to be engaged in the learning process at all times.

How does this model make learning stick in long term memory?
This method of answering questions is helping the students dissect the story at a deeper level. One of the questions that the
students have to discuss is about safety tips. The student will have to relate the question to themselves because they are
creating a safety that is about their own classroom. This will help the learning stick to them because they are relating the
question to themselves. So the long term memory is working because they are taking the information learned and
constructing a response that can help the classroom. Therefore, this lesson is related to a constructivist learning theory.

Provide examples and rationale for appropriate use of this teaching model and where it is suitable throughout your
curriculum. Indicate/discuss strengths/weaknesses based on theology/theory.
In this lesson, the socratic seminar will fit in after the students have read the story a few times because they will need to
know what the story is about. Then this lesson will need to be introduced on the fourth day. The reason it needs to be on this
day is because the students have to full absorb the vocabulary and what the story is about so they can actually engage in a
class discussion about safety tips. This is an example of a constructivist theory because the students are having to take the
information from the store that they read a construct responses that is going to help them stay safe in the classroom.

How will you support advanced/ELD/Special needs learners through using this model?
In this lesson students are all having the same opportunity to respond to answers to the questions. I am going to have all the
students engage by answering a question to help students build on their reading and comprehension. Another thing that is
helping them is that they get to hear different levels of answers from other students and they have to connect their answers
to their responses. So as the students who normally do not want to answer a question in class, they will now be engaging
more because they may be called on to answer the questions even if they do not want to participate.

Provide links to the Common Core State Standards and explain how this lesson could support the CCSS.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.1-Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate
understanding of key details in a text. This common core standard is used to create the teacher lead questions for the
socratic seminar.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.3-Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges. This standard is
used for the students responses for the socratic seminar.

Link to Theory:

Explain the links between this lesson model and the supporting theory (i.e., behaviorism, info processing, social learning or
This lesson of socratic seminars links directly to the constructivist theory. The constructivist theory has the teacher teach a
lesson and then have the students take what they learned and apply it. This is similar to this lesson because the teacher is
providing the questions and the students answer the questions in a student lead discussion. While they are discussing, the
students are taking what they learned and actually applying what they know to their lesson.

Link this lesson to one or more of the Big Ideas and provide a rationale.
The Big Ideas that link to this lesson are learning is more likely to occur when learners pay attention to the information to be
learned and learners benefit from hearing or reading the ideas of others. With the first big idea the learners are paying
attention to the information that the students are giving to the questions. If the students are not paying attention, they will not
be prepared to answer the question when they are called on. The next big idea on learners benefit from hearing is good
because when the students hear other students answers it will help them come up with an answer of their own to respond
with. It will also help them think up their own ideas to their classmates answers to further their understanding of the story.
Finally the student will have to create safety tips that will be used in the classroom. During this time, the students have to
listen to each other so they do not come up with the same safety tips.

Link this lesson to the New Learning Sciences and provide rationale for your selection and descriptive examples.
Students are collaborating with others when they are responding to teacher directed answers. They are working to build on
each others answer with the given sentence frames and then another student is responding to that answer the student gave.
Another learning style in this lesson is having the students become directed learners. The teacher is providing the students
with the questions and the students are directing the answers to themselves through the lesson. Then the students are going
to end with a reflection on what they think on this process of learning.

Describe technological resources you have found useful.

In this lesson I saw that the sentence frames are helpful for the students because they have not had the opportunity to
answer questions in this format before. So by having a sentence frame, the students were able to know how to answer their
questions and stay on topic with their responses. Without the sentence frame, students are not paying attention and they do
not connect their answers to other student responses. Therefore the sentence frames are very import for students at such a
young age.

Growth Mindset

How does this lesson help a student develop a stronger positive growth mindset? Provide specific examples. Include ideas on how
you might reward learning according to the Growth Mindset research.

In the discussion portion of the lesson students have to respond to questions that are teacher lead. Then students will use sentence
frames to respond to the question. This is helping the students challenge their thinking by having to come up with response that relate
to other students or say why they disagree with the students in the class. Students will see if they have the correct answer or not
because they are getting feedback about their answers. Then the students will build and grow through the discussion portion to
improve on their answers.

Professional Actions/Areas for growth: What are your next professional steps in this area to keep moving forward as a

Discuss what went well and what changes you have made for improving learning.
The kids are learning this for the first time so they need to work on using the sentence frames more to answer questions.
Some of the students were not sure which sentence frame to use. I would need to go over in more details how to use the
sentence frames with the students so they can answer the question correctly. This will help the students answer the question
and all be engaged in the learning.

What have you learned about how learning happens?

I have learned that younger students need more modeling than older kids to do a socratic seminar lesson. The students
need to be scaffolded at the beginning with a teacher lead questions and sentences frames for answers. This is important
because it will help the students be more engaged in the learning process. While the students are fully engaged in the
lesson, they are thinking about the question and listening to their classmates answers so they can respond back to what
they are saying.

What more do you need to read or learn?

In the lesson I will need to make sure that the students stay on topic for the questions. For example, one of the questions
was about safety tips in the classroom and some of the students were picking safety tips about the school as a whole. I
wanted them to just come up with safety tips for the class. In order for the students to stay on topic, I will need to have the
students focus on things that happen in the classroom by giving them an example of what their answer should like like before
having them respond on their own.

How does this add to your credibility to supervise student teachers?

This will help me supervise a student teacher because I can see the type of questions the student teacher wants to use for
the socratic seminar. I can also use my questions as a guide for the student teacher because I can see if the questions I use
in my lesson will be good questions to have the students respond to. If the questions are too hard for the students to respond
to, then I will know that I will need to change the questions for next time. This will help me prepare for a student teacher
because I will know what kind of questions will be good to talk about the next time the store is read.


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