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CLASS: Starter 1.

2 TEACHER: JOE DATE: 1/4/2016

Phonics and letters R, S, T, U
I. Aims of the lesson
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Identify the letters: R, S, T, U
Identify words: rabbit, sing, toes, and umbrella.
II. Teaching aids
Flash cards, speaker, stickers.
III. Procedures
1. Warm up: Phonics and letters R, S, T, U
Activity 1: Simon say.
Activity 2: Sing and dance
- If youre happy
- Hockey pokey
- Numbers song
- Phonics song (from A to Q)
2. New lesson Joe 1. New words
- T writes the letter R on the board and asks what R is for rabbit
letter it is. SS respond I dont know. T reads the S is for sing
letter R aloud. SS repeat. Do this many times T is for toes
until they can memory it. T acts like a rabbit and U is for umbrella.
tell SS to guess what it is. SS respond I dont
know (T says with students and acts like teacher
also doesnt know what it is). Then T says the
words aloud. All together repeat and repeat. Do
this several times. Stick the flashcard under the
letter R and say R is for rabbit /r/ /r/ rabbit SS
repeat along with clapping their hands. Do this
several times all together.
- Repeat the procedure with others letters and
- Randomly point to a flashcards or a letter, SS
respond aloud until SS can memory all the letters
and words.
Activity 1: Class game Activity 1: Class game
Aim: all together say aloud.
- Teacher take turns to show a flashcard slowly
(it will be hid by other flashcards). All students
say it aloud.
- The student with the biggest voice gets one
Activity 2: Memory the order of the Activity 2: Memory the order of the
flashcards. flashcards.
- T writes the letters and sticks the flashcards
correspond to the letters.
- Rub each letter or take away each flashcard in
turns. Point and tell SS to say all the letters and
words. T rubs until all the letters are disappeared
so that SS can memory the letters and words.
Activity 3: Find a flashcard (Do the games
outside the classroom) Activity 3: Find a flashcard
- Stick the flashcards on the wall.
- Invite a student to a teacher. Teacher says a
words, others move to that flashcard and say it
aloud. For example: SS move to the flashcard of
the nose. SS should say: N is for nose /n/ /n/
nose. If they cant remember, teacher can elicit:
N is forSS respond nose. All together chant
again: N is for nose /n/ /n/ nose.
-Do this many times until they can chant fluently.
Activity 4: Mine actions
- Tell ss that they one student acts, others guess Activity 4: Mine actions
what it is.
- Demonstrate with class for examples.
- SS take turns to come up and act. Other guess.
Activity 5: Singing
- Make lines. SS sing together Activity 5: Singing
+ phonics song (without TV)
+ Goodbye teacher song. (with TV)
3. Consolidation (3minutes)
- T summarizes the main points of the lesson.
- Saying Goodbye.

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