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Which of the following can best describe the event Trail of Tear?

(A) Every president would appoint his supporters to important positions.

(B) The increased tariff enraged the state South Carolina which depend on
export for income.
(C) Thousands of Native American were killed when they were forcing to
move west.
(D) The Second Bank of the United States was forced to close by president
(E) Government land can only be sold for hard currency but not paper
From Shuyang Gao

Which of the following is not a consequence of the market revolution?

A.the number of slaves growed
B.the first railroad tracks were laid
C.the telegraph is advanced
D.the system of factory is developed
E.young women is recruited to the factory as labor
answer A
From Siyue Wang

What is the exact reason that overshadow commonalities and lead to the Civi
l War?
A.Slavery abecome domunant in South just as it was becoming unpopular in
the following year.
B.Great Britain outlawed the international slave trade
C.the political and ideological differences between South and North
D.Both North and South were growing econkmically by cotton in the first de
cades of the nineteenth century.
E.All of the northern states had voted to abolish slavery.
From Ziming Yang

Which of the following is not the achievements (or negative influences) of

Andrew Jackson?
A. Indian Remove Act
B The Destruction of the Second Bank of the United States
C Spoils System
D the Corrupt Bargain
Answer: D
From Han Zhou

Which of the followings are not included in the heavy-handed measurements

of Andrew Jackson?
A.the Force Bill
B.the Indian Removal Act
C.the Embargo Act
D.the destruction of the Second Bank of the United States
correct answer:C
From Xinyue Shao

What does "Lowell Offering" represent?

A. Slaves in Lowell's plantations could enjoy decent treatments
B. Farmers in Lovell paid lower income tax
C. Young women worked in Lovell factories experienced some automony
D. Daughters of Lovell farmers gained a degree of freedom to get married
E. Workers in Lovell factories were offered by higher wages
Answer: C
From Kehan Lu

In response to the panic of 1837, Van Buren proposed:

(A) creating an independent treasury and removing government assets from
state banks
(B) creating an independent treasury and keeping assets in state banks
(C) removing government assets from state banks
(D) keeping assets in state banks
answer (A)
From Yulin Wang

What is the most direct factor that leads to the Expansion of Banking?
A. The 1819 Panic
B. The growth of southern slavery
C. The development of the factory system
D. The interfere of the foreign finance
E. The Specie Circular
The right: A
From Tianyi Bao

Who brought the issue of rechartering the bank to Congress in 1832?

A. Jackson's opponents
B. Jefferson's opponents
C. John Quincy Adams
D. The Whigs
Answer: A
From Zizhuo Pan

What kind of system is the Henry Clay's system?

A. a diplomatic countermeasure to France and Britain, for protecting
B. a kind of system to tariffs and manufacture
C. to fight against the federalism
D. a series of strategy to recover the economics of the United States after the
E. a kind of system to make sure the Supereme Court works effeciently
the right :D
From Tianyi Bao

Which of the following is not issues during the presidency of Andrew

Jackson? (D)
A Indian Removal Act
B Force Bill
C The Specie Circular
D The Panic of 1837
E The Tariff of Abominations
From Diming Chu

An important effect of the tariff of abominations of 1828 was__________.

(A) increased prices for cotton overseas
(B)South Carolinas adoption of the theory of nullification
(C)the election of a Democratic president, Andrew Jackson
(D)an alliance of northeastern workers and western farmers
(E)the growth of manufacturing in the South
The correct answer is B
From Jie Shi
Which one of the following is not true about the second two-party system?
A. Either Northerner or Southerners could be found in both parties.
B. The Whig Party argued that high tariffs would fatten urban commercial
interests. C .Both parties focused on letting their candidates win the
elections of president.
D. This system followed the rivalry between the Democratic-Republicans
and federalists.
The answer is B
From Xinran Cai

Which of the following is not the key of the development of Factory in the
beginning of 19th Century.
Female workers.

The Whigs Party was supported by which group of people.

Rich people.
Poor People.
People who live in the country side.
African American.

Which of the following is FALSE about the Treaty of Ghent signed by the
United States and Britain in 1814?
(A) Both the two sides could not reach total victory before the treaty was
(B) In the treaty, the two sides recognize the boundary between the United
states and Canada.
(C) In the treaty, Britain agreed to stop aiding to Native Americans and
interfering with American ships.
(D) In the treaty, Britain agreed to return the territory seized during the war
(E) American troops attacked Britain army after the treaty was signed.
answer: (C)
From Shuyang Gao
Which of the following Andrew Jackson's policies did biggest harm to South
A. The Specie Circular
B. The tariff of abomination and the Force Bill
C. Destruction of the second bank of the U.S.
D. Indian removal act
E. The corrupted bargain
From Hongjin Wang

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