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Melissa Maccini


Art 135

April 6, 2017

Lifes Deal: Deck of Cards

In the Lifes Deal Studio Investigation we explored the risks and realities of the cards that

we are dealt in life. When we think about the definition of risk, we think about exposure to

dangerous or hazardous situations. From the time we are very young we took risks. We stood up,

held on, let loose and took steps. We fell and got back up. We learn that we are rewarded by

taking risks. The definition of reality is the world as it is, but we all know that individuals can

have their own reality.

The collages I have chosen represent the risks and challenges that I face. Relationships

are important to me and many are challenged by my brain. Many people I meet believe that the

risk of marijuana and alcohol are minimal. I choose to stay away from both because I believe the

science says these are not good risks to take. There is a risk of how I will be perceived when I

not only do not participate, but I follow my personality and speak my concern. The reality is I

lose friends and acquaintances. I also battle eating healthy and balancing my schedule. The other

two collages are focused on goals and acceptance.

This is a studio investigation that I would be concerned about introducing to secondary

school population. Most middle and high school students still need to learn to balance their risk

taking with the reality of the risk they are taking. Many students this age tend to believe they are

invincible. They can hang out with the wrong crowd, drive fast, take sex lightly, and/or

experiment with drugs and they will be okay they think. I would want to focus their creativity
on being responsible when choosing risks they are willing to take after high school graduation.

This would allow those students that are wondering why I have to get through high school to see

how important calculated risks can be on their future. For example, they could create a collage

that represented risks like leaving home to go away to college, start a career, or join the military.

Another option would be to use this as an opportunity to create a collage that supports them

through a reality that is challenging them or their family. Many students face socio-economic

challenges, family relationship challenges, or even challenges of their own mind. They could use

symbols, layering, and juxtaposition to choose what they would like to conceal and what they are

willing to reveal about the realities of their life. They could use the collage to gain the power to

stand up to their challenges; much like Hollis Sigler did during her battle with breast cancer.

A. National Core Arts Standards, Anchor Standards:

Visual Arts Responding
HS Proficient VA:Cr7.2.1a
Hypothesize ways in which art influences perception and understanding of
human experiences.
Visual Arts Responding
HS Proficient VA:Re7.2.1a
Analyze how ones understanding of the world is affected by experiencing
visual imagery.

B. California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Teaching Performance Expectations

TPE 1: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
3. Connect subject matter to real-life contexts and provide active learning
experiences to engage student interest, support student motivation, and
allow students to extend their learning.

TPE 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

4. Know how to access resources to support students including those who have experienced trauma,
homelessness, foster care, incarceration, and/or medically fragile.

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