F Jxb. For 2D: The Transformer Winding

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2, MARCH 1990 1039


Tang Yun-Qiu, Qiao Jing-Qiu Xu Zi-Hong
Department of Electrical Engineering, Sherryang Research Institute of Transformer
Harbin Institute of Electrical Tecknology
P.R ot Ciuna
Abstract: Based on the expressions of transient SHORT CIRCUIT ELECROMAGNETIC FORCES
three phase short circuit current, the formulas of ra-
dial and axial electromagnetic forces acting on the Force Density
transformer windings are derived. lhe short circuit
forces include three components: d-c component, funda- At any point within the current-carrying re-
mental frequency component and double frequency compo- gions, electromagnetic force density is f=JxB. For 2D
nent. Using a 17000 KVA transformer as a model, the 2D
leakage magnetic fields and s-c forces with different
phase angle are calculated by FE method. lhe results
are compared with design formulas and some conclusions
are obtained.
INIRO~ION he transient s-c current density of windings
consist of a d-c component and a 5OHz a-c component,
Ihe large transient current during the three
phase short circuit will introduce abnormal elec- J= + Jcro., (5)
tromagnetic forces acting on the transformer windings
and may destroy the whole windings. So it is very im- the leakage magnetic field can also be expressed as
porcant to check the s-c strength in the design stage.
In this paper, based on the approximate expressions of
transient short circuit current, the formulas of radial
and axial electromagnetic forces are derived, the for-
ces acting on the three-phase windings of a 17000 KVA
Br= Bzca + Bxm,
+ Bm)

83- By01 +
] (6)

d e l transformer with different phase angle are calcu- where

lated by FE method.

Fundamental Assumptions
Ihe fundamentalassumptions of the analysis are:
B p = - B p ~ 9 .
Bzn ws c a t + e&)= Re (B- e&)
= 8, cbs (at+4) Re (B p e&)
) (7)

1) Ihe magnetic field is treated as 2D. and

2 ) he ampere-turns of primary and secondary
windings are equal and opposite during short circuit. BmL= BzR + j BSI = BzM eies
3 ) Saturation is neglected, eddy currents wi-
thin the conductors and tank are neglected. (8)
4 ) Simplified transformer equivalent ci,rcuitis
used to calculate the s-c currents.
8 6 , &r , S, and SF are real and imaginary parts of x
ShortCircuit Currents and y components of complex flux densities.
Insert (5) and (6) into (41, three components
Using the simplified equivalent circuit, the of force density are obtained:
transient short circuit current of a transformer can 1) Force densities fi, and fi, by mutual in-
be approximately expressed as: teraction of Jlo,withB~o)

fA= - Jo) BSc9 - - Ja B p m d as } (9)

where U, is the voltage of primag winding;L the effe- fk= Jm Bzio) = Jnr 8- M S d COs0.z
ctive value of a-c short circuit current, I,=U~ /Z,;Z,,
LK and RK are the equivalent leakage impedance, induc- 2 ) Force densities 4 and by mutual inter-
tance and resistance of the transformer;O( the initial action of Ja)with h a n d &with Bg

phase angle. If attenuation is neglected, formula (1)
can be rewritten as f.eE-Jm~~cq-Jm13~w
ie [ c o s < w t + d ) - COSO<) (2) =J , s , ~ a r c ~ ) t +wet+J.iB~,,awmatt+e$
for a 3-phase transformer, we have fp= J & S z w ~ + Z o ~ & ~
= -J,B,ccJc.lt+) cat&- J,B~.,aasdcaScd+d

3 ) Force densities and f> by mutual inter-

action of Jm with Bm)
f:=-J,adtd) 4- cbs(&+ ea)
0018-9464/90/0300-1039$01.00O 1990 IEEE


D-CyFundamental and Double Frequency Components of

Force Density

(b) d=120
Fig.2 m e leakage field distributions

Fig.3 The field distribution (side view)
Axial and Radial Forces
At the instant of dt=180" with d =O", the tran-
'Ihe Leakage Field Distribution sient current of phase A has its maximum value, i.e
&=-nJZ& , the axial and radial forces also reach the
'Ihe calculation model is a 3-phase 17000 KVA maxim values. Fig.4 and Fig.5 show the distributions
5oHz power transformer specially designed for research of radial and axial force density in high-voltage win-
purpose.Fig.1 shows themesh division of the front view ding at this instant.
. ?he number of elements is 4500; the number of nodes
is 2356. x$%,

Fig.4 Distribution of radial force density in

the different layers along H-V winding
sx to7%! r.
Fig.1 Mesh division I
Fig.2 shms the calculated leakage magnetic
field distributions atat=18Oowith initial phase an-
glesd=O" andd=120". Fig.3 shms a side view of the
field distribution.
- -0.51 \
p 9
I H.V 7 4 a
]--I /
L.V / ,,/ / / / f /

Fig.5 Distribution of axial force density

at the center line of H-V winding
On the segment 3 of H-V winding (Fig.41, the
radial force calculated from FE method at this instant
where v, is the volume of corresponding element; Ne the
total number of elements in this winding segment. Accor-
ding to the conventional design formula, this force is

at (lrt=180",the ratios are

the discrepancy of F
, and F; is 5.8%.
The axial force by FE method is

compared with conventional formulated value, the dis-

crepancy of Fz is very large, since FIis caused by ra-
dial magnetic field, it is difficult to find its accu-
rate value by analytical methods.
Fig.6 shows the distribution of radial and axial
force densities in L-V winding at the same instant.
The axial and radial forces on phase winding A will be
zero at d = O 0 and reach their maxim values at &=180".
Analysis shaws that,for the windings placed
outside of the core windows, the ratios of 3 force com-
ponents from FE method are close tothe formulas (15)
and (161, the deviations are smaller than 59. for radial
and axial forces. But for the windings inside the win-
dows, because of the influence of the iron core, the
differences are quite large (abaut 31% for axial force
1) The electromagnetic forces acting on the
transformer windings during 3 phase short circuit con-
sist of 3 components:d-c, fundamental arid double fre-
Fig.6 "he distribution of axial and radial force quency component. Their values depend on the initial
densities along the center line of L-V phase angler and the moment t. At d=O" and &=180",
winding the s-c electromagnetic force will reach its maxim
The Force on the Windings of Side Vim
2) Numerical calculations show, the conven-
Using the field calculation of side view, the tional design formulas used to calculate radial force
radial and axial forces acting on the windings can be can meet the engineering needs. For the windings aut
obtained. For the same segment of H-V winding (the seg- of windows, at d =O", the relations of 3 force compo-
ment 31, the radial force Fu at maxim current is nents can be calculated by the equations (15) and (16),
F+ 2.065 *lo' N
the relative error is smaller than 1.5%; for the win-
dings inside the window, the phase angle difference
between 6 and j must be considered. As for axial force,
the axial force Fc is it is advised to calculate by numerical methods.
3) 'Ihe radial force of front windings is close
to the side windings, the relative deviation is
smaller than 0.53%, but the axial force of side win-
Ratio of D-C, 50Hz and 1OOHz Components Force dings is far smaller than the front winding one.
Investigations show,&CO( ,g m d or d+180"' REFERENCFS
(depend on the distribution of winding). If 0r8,az,,tpO' ,
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} (15)
Berechnung von Kurzchlusskraften in trans-
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MayIJune, 1960, pp. 321-328.

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P. Silvester and A. Konrad, "Analysis of
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der Finite Elements," IEEE Trans. Pawer
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at &t=O", the ratios of these three components are: 0. W. Andersen, "Transformer Leakage Flux
Program Based on the Finite Element Method"
fzw,: fXfm>= -3 :4 :- i
fzm, + ,f + fitlb0) =0 1 IEEE Trans. Power Apparatas and system, vol
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fro,: f,w: f#trvs=33:-4:f Science Press, 1981.

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